Phoenix Hearts

Phoenix Hearts

(Part one)

By Alria

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the FF 7 characters or setting in this story.

Author's Note: MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And you thought I was only confined to FF 9! Well, I'm here now, casue I've always loved FF 7. It's my favorite game, (though it is tied with FF 9.) Anyway, I realize FF 7 is likebut I hope all you loyal fans will read and review this story. I need to know if this is worth continuingthough I'll probably continue it anyway unless I get a bunch of nasty reviews. I would be ever so honored if my fellow writes/readers would review. Please? With sugar on top??? Ohin this story, Midgar wasn't destroyed in the end (What! I needed to use the church!), and that's where the story starts. Sorry to be confusing. Well, I'll be quiet nowso on with the story!!!!


Cloud Strife, winded from the long walk from his home in newly rebuilt sector 7, slowly pushed open the old wooden door to the small, abandoned church. The moment he stepped into the small building, he felt a cold draft whip against his sweaty face. Looking up at the ceiling, he couldn't help but smile. The large hole he had made was still there; shining light on Aeris's tiny, yellow flowers. Cloud felt his throat lump at the sudden memory. Aeris

How long had it been since he had last seen her beautiful, smiling face? Almost a year nowalmost a year since her cruel murder. Cloud bowed his head in sorrow. He could almost see her shining blue eyes gazing back at himalmost feel her soft, warm skin against his open palm. But, every time he came almost close enough to feel hersee hershe would disappear once more, leaving him utterly alone. Hot tears flowed freely down his cheek; Cloud not bothering to wipe them away. Some had wanted Aeris for her Ancient powershe wanted her because of his heart.

The horrific scene of her death played over and over in his mind; refusing to be ignored. Ever since that day, it was as if a piece of his soul was goneresting at the bottom of the crystal clear lake with his beloved Aeris. Cloud clenched his fist in anger. Aeris had died before he had ever mustered up the courage to tell her how he felt. Why hadn't he told her when he had the chance? Now, she was gone foreverlost beneath the crystal lake. Cloud sighed. He knew why he hadn't told her. At the time, it seemed as if they would be together forever. There would always be time later no hurry to get things done. If he had only known how quickly she would be snatched away

As Cloud looked sadly at the floor, he noticed a single yellow flower, which had grown away from the rest of the patch. It lay sideways on the ground; stem crushed by an anonymous footprint. His mind still somewhat numb from the pain of losing Aeris, Cloud bent down on his knee. Taking the dying flower gingerly in his hands, he pushed it upright so its small face was once again touched by the warm sunlight. Then, he carefully packed a mound of dirt around the base to keep it from falling over again. A tear slowly rolled off the end of his nose, landing on the small mound of soil.

"Aerisare you watching over me, even now? I wish I could hold you just one more timesee your lovely face. Aeris," The lump in Cloud's throat grew, choking off his voice. He knew it was impossible to bring her backbut he couldn't help but wish. He would have given anything to see her alive again. Anything.

With one last look at the old church, Cloud turned and headed for the door. His heart was heavy with the memories of Aeris; his soul weighted down by sorrow. Now, it was time to go back home again, and wallow in misery there. Cloud snorted. Why did he do this to himself? Aeris was dead, and grieving about wouldn't to any good. It had been nearly a yearit was time to move on. Stillhe couldn't get her shining face off his mind. Maybe he needed some psychiatric help

Cloud walked slowly through the streets of Midgar, trying his best not to think of Aeris. It was extremely difficult, considering he had thought of nothing else in the past months, but he tried anyway. He had never realized how much he loved her until she was gone

As he was walking through sector 6, it started to drizzle. Cloud sighed.

"Oh course," he muttered. "Here I am without even a coat to keep dry, and it's raining."

Cloud quickened his pace, but it was of little use. By the time he had reached the warmth of his small, quaint house, he was soaked from head to toe. Scowling at his stupidity for not bringing a coat, Cloud walked into his bedroom. He casually grabbed an old shirt and wrinkled pair of pants off of the floor. He peeled is drenched clothes off his body and tossed them across an old chair. He quickly slipped on the new pair, and walked back into the kitchen. He might as well make something hottea maybeto warm himself up.

Looking up, Cloud realized that his cabinet was about a head higher then him. Grumbling, hr reached his arm up and rummaged through the numberus pots and pans until he could feel the handle of the teapot. But, as he gripped it, a stray pan tipped off of the shelf and landed with a thump on the top of Cloud's head.

Cursing, Cloud rubbed gingerly at the bump that was forming on his head. This was not turning out to be a good dayto say in the least. With a groan, Cloud cursed again and sat down in a small, rickety chair; resting his hand on the kitchen table.

And it was then that Cloud first noticed the odd note resting there.

Curious, he picked it up off the table and examined it. The letter was tucked into a small envelope, which was sealed with a red wax. Very carefully, so as not to rip the paper, Cloud pulled the flap apart. Inside was a small piece of Manila paper. He unfolded it to reveal a very short letter which was written in beautiful handwriting. Cloud paused. He didn't know anyone with handwriting that goodwho could have sent it? Pushing this to the back of his mind, Cloud read the note.


I have something important to tell you. Meet me at the front of Don Conero's old mansion at 10:00 P.M. I wouldn't back out if I were youit's about Aeris.

Cloud's heart leapt into his throat. There was no signature on the note, and normally he wouldn't have accepted such a blunt, anonymous note. But, if it was about AerisCloud's mind was made up. It didn't matter what the danger was; if this person knew something about Aeris, it didn't matter. He would meet with this person, not matter what.


Okay, that's the first part. I know it wasn't that goodbut it wasn't that bad, I think. Anyway, if you're interested, please review so I know someone is reading this. Well, T.T.F.N.: ta-ta-for-now!!!!