Sasuke cursed at himself. What the hell was he doing? He hated Sakura. She was always following him, trying to give him food, hugging him…trying to be his friend…or even more. She was the only one who wanted to be with him, and it bugged him. It bugged him so much that he began to hate the way she looked when he said 'no' to her. Or the way she frowned when he ignored her. Or the way she cried when she got hurt in training. In fact, he began to hate that he was the one who made her do he things he hated.

Sakura sprinted down the stairs and flung open the front door. Sasuke jerked his head up and froze like a deer in headlights. There was an awkward silence as they stared at each other. They heard the soft chirping of the crickets in the background and the clinking of dishes being put in Sakura's sink by her mother.

"How's your head?" he asked breaking the silence.

She unconsciously touched her forehead and felt a small bump.

"Oh. Um, it's fine…" she said, the silence returning.

They refused to look at each other and became very interested in their surroundings. Sasuke was looking at his shoes, hands in his pocket, and Sakura was looking down, playing with her hair.

"What the hell am I doing?" he asked himself.

"Oh my God, I can't believe he's here," Inner Sakura said.

"Do you-" she started.

"I was wond-" he began.

Sakura blushed and gave a small giggle, "You go first."

He took a deep breath and looked at her. A billion thoughts ran through his head. What should he say? Stop following me? Leave me alone? Thank you for trying to be my friend?

"I just wanna say thank you…You know, for staying with me all this time," he went back to looking down at the ground again. He heard her give a sigh.

"Sorry…it's my first time saying something like this to someone."

She looked at him with soft eyes. He really could be an idiot.

"Sasuke…I…I…," she didn't know what to say.

He looked up and saw the beginning of tears start to form in her eyes.

"Hey…it's okay. Come…come here…," he said softly.

He opened his arms and she fell into them crying on his shoulder. He gave her an awkward hug and rubbed her back while whispering "Shh, it's ok," into her ear.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm, I'm just so happy you're here Sasuke-Kun….," she said trying to hold back her tears.

Sasuke looked into her eyes, and for the first time he felt happy. He felt complete.

After leaving the restaurant, Naruto checked his wallet only to find it a little bit lighter than before. He frowned to himself as he waited outside for Hinata to come out of the bathroom.

"Having a girlfriend sure does take a lot of money," he thought to himself.

He put his hands behind his head and looked up at the full moon. It was getting a little bit colder out and he over heard a couple of people talking about it snowing later on. Winter was a pretty sight in Konoha. He heard the door open behind him and saw Hinata shiver a bit from the cold.

"Hey," he said to her. "Cold?"

She nodded a bit and blushed.

"Come here," he said putting his arm around her. "Better?"

She nodded again and snuggled closer to him, enjoying his body warmth and company.

"W-what do you want to do n-now Naruto-Kun?"


He thought about it long and hard. They could go to his house, but there wasn't anything to do there. They couldn't go to Hinata's and hang out there because, one, she wasn't allowed out in the first place, and two, they hated him there anyways. He looked up and saw the Hokage monument looking over the village. It was one of his favorite places to just sit and think or observe the scenery.

"You want to go to the monument?" he asked.

"Mmmm, ok," she said playing wither her fingers. "Do…do you think we can go back to m-my place to get a th-thicker jacket first?"

"Sure!…Do you think it's ok for me to go with you? What if they see me?"

Hinata looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"It's ok N-Naruto-Kun. I'll j-just meet you there ok?"

He gave her a small hug and nodded.

"Ok Hinata-Chan, I'll see you in a bit ok?"

She nodded and pulled him back as he started to go.


She gave him a small kiss on the lips and started to run off in the opposite direction.

"S…see you soon Naruto-Kun!" she shouted as she was heading home.

Naruto blushed a furious shade of red and gently touched his lips where she kissed him.

"I'll gladly pay all the money in my little froggy for that to happen again," he thought.


Yup another chapter done. Late. As usual. Thanks for all those who reviewed!