Just an Ordinary Day
Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto, and if I did, I'd make Hinata mine.
It was another ordinary day in an ordinary life. The trees were swaying and the birds were chirping. The morning dew was just drying up as the sun made its way overhead Konoha village. Hinata stuck her head out her window and looked out across the grounds of the Hyuga estate. She smiled to herself as she noticed a crisp chill in the air, signaling winter was coming.
"Okay, today's the day!" she thought to herself. "I'm going to confess my love to Naruto-kun today! Oh…why can't I sound like this when I'm talking to others?" She gave a small sigh to herself and put on her slippers. She tied her headband around her neck and put on her trusty coat.
"Hinata-sama. Breakfast is ready," she heard one of her servants through the door.
"O…okay…I'll be right down." she said meekly.
She opened her door and made her way to the dining hall.
Upon entering the Hyuga dining hall, there was a hushed silence as she made her way to her seat. She kept her head down as usual, keeping to herself. She ate quickly, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. She hated the way everyone stared at her, seeing her as a failure.
"Ne, onee-chan? Are you okay?"
Hinata looked up and saw Hanabi sitting next to her. She gave her a warm smile and nodded.
"Yhea. I'm just a l…little nervous, that's all."
"About what ne-chan?"
"J…j...just some big kid stuff."
"Oh…Will I have to worry about that kind of stuff?" she asked with a look of concern on her face.
Hinata chuckled a bit. "Mmm, one day."
Naruto groaned as his alarm clock went off. He tried sleeping it off, but the piercing noise wouldn't leave him alone. He tried putting the pillow over his head, but with no avail, he could still hear the blaring alarm.
Mumbling, he got up and made his way across his apartment to turn off his alarm. When he kept it next to his bed, he had a habit of turning it off and rolling over to go back to sleep. He fiddled with the switch on the back, and the annoying buzzing died out. Yawning, he gathered up some clean clothes and entered his bathroom. He put his clothes on a hook on the back of the bathroom door, and turned on the shower. Fussing with the hot and cold knobs, he finally got the shower at a desirable temperature. After relieving himself (cough cough), Naruto disrobed and slipped in, letting the warm water cascade over his body.
"I think today's gonna be a good one," he thought as he lathered his hair with shampoo.
Getting out of his shower stall, he grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off. He smiled at himself in the mirror as he ruffled his hair and wrapped his towel around his waist. He grabbed his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it to brush his teeth. After rinsing out his mouth, he started putting on his clean clothes. Today, a black t-shirt and his trademark orange pants, along with blue boxers. His tummy gave a loud rumble.
"Haha…" he laughed patting his stomach. "Hold on a bit longer."
He put a pot of water on his stove and started to heat it up, looking for a cup of instant ramen. Opening cupboards and drawers it was becoming more and more obvious he was out of it.
"Crap…" He sighed and turned off the burner. He walked towards his bed and took his froggy wallet off his dresser. He made a quick check to see if he had enough money and he was out the door.
kinda slow for now, I'm kinda lazy, so I dunno when I'll update. R&R if you please, it be much appreciated.