Death Eaters Come in All Shapes and Sizes

By: Em Zep

Chapter one: The New Sixth Year

Madison dashed through the train station, shoving the other patrons out of her way as she rushed through the crowd. She was so late, and frightened that she would miss her train.

Platform seven…eight…nine…there it was, between platforms nine and ten. Madison did not slow down as she neared the brick barrier separating the two. She ran right into it, and then through it, to Platform 9 ¾ . Her train, the Hogwarts Express was already puffing smoke and pulling away. Madison negotiated her way through the waving arms of parents. She weaved in and out of the crowds of younger brothers and sisters saying good bye to their older siblings. She was just able to jump onto the train before it sped away.

Madison breathed a sigh of relief. That had been close. After catching her breath, Madison looked for a place to sit. There were still a few empty compartments. Madison staked her claim in one of those, since she did not know anybody.

The train was very crowded, so in no time, three other students poked their heads into Madison's compartment and asked if they could join her. Madison smiled, and nodded.

"I'm Hermione Granger. This is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley." one of them introduced.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Madison Angleman."

"Did I see you chasing after the train?" Harry asked.

Madison laughed. "Yes. I was running a bit late this morning."

Hermione was stowing her bags in the luggage racks, which were empty. "Where are your bags, Madison?"

Madison's eyes widened. "Shit!" she said, slapping herself on the forehead. "I must have left them in the car!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other. "You left all of your luggage in you car?"

Madison nodded.

"Are you by any chance related to somebody named Neville Longbottom?" Hermione asked.

"Not that I know of, why?"

"No reason."

Hermione sat down across from Madison. Harry sat next to Hermione and Ron sat beside Madison. They were all silent for a good fifteen minutes.

"So…what year are you three going into?"

"Sixth." Harry answered.

"Really? Me too."

Hermione scrunched her brow. "How come we've never seen you before?"

"I'm new."

"What do you mean?"

"Up until now I've attended an American school, but I was expelled, so my parents sent me here this year. Dumbledore has allowed me to transfer into Hogwarts late."

"What were you expelled for?"

"A little incident involving a cherry bomb and a toilet."

"Um…we're all on the N.E.W.T. level in our studies. Do you even know what courses you want to take?" Hermione asked.

"I'm signed up for Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, Herbology, Astronomy, Arithmancy, Divination, and Potions."

"That's quite a workload for a beginner."

"I may be new to Hogwarts, but I'm by no means a beginner. I was head of my class in America."

"I heard that American schools are a joke." Hermione said

"Funny. I heard the same thing about schools over here."

Hermione pursed her lips.

"So, are you excited about the switch?" Ron asked, sensing tension.

"Sort of, but I'm also scared. I've never been to any other school before."

"Aw, you'll like Hogwarts. It's a lot of fun."

"I hope so."

Hermione stood up. "I'm going on patrol. Ron, would you like to join me?"

"Nah, I think I'll stay here and keep Madison company."

"Why are you patrolling?" Madison asked.

"Ron and I are Hogwarts prefects. We are supposed to patrol the corridors of the train to make sure nobody is acting up."

"Sounds really boring."

Ron nodded his head vigorously. "It is."

"No." Hermione corrected. "It's a great honor. It means that Dumbledore trusts us. Which is something someone like you would never understand." Hermione stormed out of the compartment, slamming the sliding door behind herself.

"I don't think she likes me very much." Madison said.

"Don't worry about her. She's a bitch sometimes."

"Try all the time." said a voice from the doorway.

Harry, Ron, and Madison looked to see who was there.

Harry groaned. "What do you want, Malfoy"

"I just saw Granger, and she seemed upset. I wanted to know if there was anything I could do."

"That's so sweet." Madison said.

"Anything he can do to hinder, not help." Ron said.

"Hey now, who's this?" Malfoy asked, spotting Madison.

"I'm Madison Angelman. I just moved here from America."

Malfoy shoved past Harry and Ron. "America, how interesting." he said, insincerely, to Madison's breasts.


"I'm Draco Malfoy, slytherin prefect."

"Wow, a prefect. I heard that's a great honor. Dumbledore must really trust you." Madison said, quoting Hermione."

"Yes, I guess it is an honor."

Ron made a strange face. He was turning red. "Get out of our compartment Slytherin scum!"

Malfoy frowned at him. "Fine. Madison, would you like to join me?"

"She doesn't want to go with you."

"Actually," Madison said. "I do. It was nice talking to both of you, but Malfoy seems more like the kind of guy that I should hang out with. See ya later."

Madison left the compartment with Malfoy, who flipped off Harry and Ron as he left. They went to a different section on the train. Malfoy opened a compartment door for Madison. Three other people-two guys and a girl-were inside. They were still getting luggage settled.

"Hey guys, this is Madison. I rescued her form the loser brigade. Madison, this is Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy."

"Hi." Madison greeted.

"You were hanging out with Potty and his friends?" Pansy asked, frowning. "Eww."

"Shut it Pansy!" Malfoy snapped. "She's new and didn't know any better!"

"I just transferred here from the states." Madison explained.

Everyone sat down-Crabbe and Goyle on one side, Pansy and Malfoy on the other. Madison was left standing.

Malfoy patted his lap. "There is a seat right here for you."

"No thanks."

"Oh, well…then"

Crabbe grunted. He stood up, and stepped in front of the luggage rack. He pulled his trunk off and sat on it, giving up his seat to Madison.

"Aw, thank you." Madison said, sitting down. "You know, I was worried about meeting new people here, but so far everybody has been really nice."

"You don't seem like the type that has trouble meeting new people." Pansy said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look at you. You're gorgeous. You're the type of girl that gets along with everyone, and always has guys drooling over her."

Madison looked at her reflection in the window. Her sparkling blue eyes were examining her wavy black hair, which was usually tied up with a scarf or bandana. She had a nice body as well. Madison had been involved in many sports at her old school, so her muscles were well toned. She was exceptionally physically fit, and appropriately plump in all the right places. She shrugged.

"Aw, come on , you can't honestly tell me that you didn't know you were pretty."

"I don't know. I mean…I guess I knew."

"No guys have ever tried to get in your pants?"

"No. Look, most of the guys I hung out with have known me since preschool. They didn't think of me like that."

"So, Madison," Malfoy said. "Are you a pure blood?"

"All of my family has been of the magical persuasion."

"Good. Pure bloods are the only ones worth while."

"Um, how long will the train ride be?" Madison asked, wanting to change the subject. She didn't think that her blood was a very interesting topic.

"We'll arrive at the school 'round supper time. Why, getting bored?"

"No, just wondering." Madison tried to cross her legs and accidentally kicked Crabbe in the knee cap. "I'm so sorry!"

Crabbe winced an rubbed the spot. He nodded to show that he forgave her.

"You're a bit of a klutz, aren't you?" Pansy asked.

"I tend to be a bit clumsy form time to time. It usually happens when I'm nervous."

"Are you nervous now?"

"A little—about starting at a new school."

"Don't be." Malfoy said. "You'll have the Slytherins watching your back—that is, if you get sorted into the Slytherin house."

"Well, he's hoping."

The rest of the train ride was pretty uneventful. Madison answered more questions about herself and her old school, and she met a lot of other students form Slytherin house. They kept coming into the compartment to talk to Malfoy. Apparently he was really popular among the house mates.

A short little witch came by with a cart of food. All of Madison's money had been in her bag, so she could not buy anything. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle all shared their loot with her. Pansy, however, kept hers to herself.

When the train finally began to slow, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy all put on their Hogwarts robes. Madison, of course, did not have hers.

"You'll have to be sorted." Malfoy said. "So you need to go across the lake with the first years. We'll see you inside."


"Oh, and Madison, if you aren't sorted into Slytherin, I'll never speak to you again, unless it is in a derogatory way."

They stepped off the train. Malfoy and the others went in one direction , towards carriages pulled by ugly black horse things. Madison saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione climb into the carriage behind Malfoys. Madison followed the short students that looked like they were first years. They were gathering around a female professor.

"Alright, are all the first years here? Good, let's go. Everybody get into a boat. No more than four to each one."

Madison climbed into a boat, soaking her pants leg as she did so. Two other girls joined her.

The ride was slow, and one of the girls kept rocking the boat, which made Madison feel a little queasy. She asked the girl to stop, but she just giggled and continued. Madison repeated herself, but she kept it up.

"Damnit, I said stop rocking the boat before I drop your ass into the lake!"

She stopped quickly, and stared at Madison with wide eyes and open mouth. She was motionless for the remainder of the trip.

When they reached to opposite side of the lake the first years piled out of their boats. Madison did the same, soaking her other pants leg as she did so.

Madison followed the first years into the school, where they were instructed to wait. They did so until a stern looking witch led them all into a dining hall. In the middle of the floor, in front of everyone, was an old, nasty looking hat. it began to sing.

"It's time again

for a new year

and so you need my help.

For without me

it would not be

possible to tell

in which proud house you each belong.

You can trust me,

I've never been wrong.

So one by one,

come have some fun,

and put me on your head.

The quicker we go and get this done,

the quicker you'll all be fed.

Should you belong in Gryffindor

it's because you're strong and brave.

When in a fight you'll never stop

until all souls are saved.

If Ravenclaw's the place for you,

then here is what that means,

cleverness and intelligence

are in your pool of genes.

If Hufflepuff is where you fit,

you're easygoing and fair.

Win or lose, if you follow the rules,

then you don't really care.

If cunning and sly is the way you play,

then Slytherin's your house.

You sneak around to get your way,

just like a crawling louse.

Come put me on,

don't be afraid,

and don't get in a tizzy.

Don't be afraid, don't get upset,

and don't make yourself dizzy.

Pick me up, and I'll place you

in the house where you belong.

Hurry up, because now,

I'm done with my song."

When it had finished with it's song, the hat spun on it's brim, and took a bow. Everybody applauded.

"When I call your name, come and try on the hat. Then go and join your house at their table. Camile Brown."

The girl that had rocked the boat stepped forward. She picked up the hat, sat on a stool, and placed the hat atop her head.


Madison tried to pay attention to the sorting, but she had a huge knot in her stomach. It was getting bigger by the second. She felt really sick.

When Madison looked around again, she realized that everyone else had been sorted. a bearded old wizard was standing next to the hat. Madison recognized him as Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster. He was staring at Madison expectantly. Apparently he had already introduced her to the school, and was now waiting for her to try on the sorting hat.

Madison gulped and stepped forward, the knot ever growing. Every person in the Great Hall was watching her. Dumbledore picked up the hat, and set it lightly on Madison's head. The hat had barely touched when it shouted out a house.

"She's a…Slytherin!"

Madison took off the hat and joined the Slytherin table. Malfoy had saved her a seat next to himself.

"Sahll we eat?" Dumbledore said as the empty plates on the tables filled themselves with food.

Everyone started piling up their plates. The queasy feeling Madison had was subsiding. She filled her plate as well.

"Are you alright?" Malfoy asked Madison.

"I'm fine, why?"

"I thought for a minute that you were going to puke in the sorting hat."
Madison laughed. "It wouldn't be the first time I've puked in a hat."


"Never mind."

"No, tell me."

"Fine. I was at a party one time last year, and I did just a bit too much underage drinking. I got rally sick, but there was no place for me to vomit. My boyfriend, sensing trouble, offered me his hat to puke in. I thought it was really sweet of him."

"That's so gross." Pansy, who was sitting across form Madison said, putting down her fork.

"Did you say your boyfriend?"


"So, you have a boyfriend?"

"Had. He broke up with me when I told him I was moving. He didn't like the idea of having a long distance relationship."

"That's too bad." Malfoy patted her on the knee. He tried to keep his hand on her leg, but Madison moved it.

When all the students had eaten all that they could, the plates were magically cleared and Dumbledore stood to speak.

"Now that we are all fed and in good humor, I do have a few small announcements. First of all, to whomever set off the Filibuster fireworks in the Main Hall, upon entering, I am pleased that you are so excited about starting a new year. However, Mr. Filch was less than amused, as he had to clean up the mess afterwards. From now on, let's try to keep the celebrations to a minimum…at least until you reach your common rooms.

"Mr. Filch's list of forbiddon items has now grown to include anything bought at a shop owned by Fred and George Weasley, and Filibusters No Heat Wet Start Fireworks. To view the entire list of banned items, you may visit Mr. Filch's office, where it is displayed on the wall.

"I would now like to introduce two new teachers to our staff, Professor Kerry Lees, who will be instructing Muggle Studies, and Professor Em Zep, who will be taking over the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. I trust that you will all treat them with the same respect that you give me.

"Now, on to a much more pressing and serious matter. We all know that Lord Voldemort—" a vast majority of the students and teachers flinched. "has returned. I want you to know that you are completely safe in the castle. However, the grounds surrounding the castle is very dangerous. I cannot stress the importance of avoiding the forest enough—especially now. Do not go onto the grounds alone. Walk to outdoor classes in groups of two or more. Also, I am sad to report that all trips to Hogsmeade have been cancelled for this year." There was a groan issued around the hall. Dumbledore raised a hand to hush the students. "I am also canceling quidditch this season." There was an even louder outcry at this news. "I know you are disappointed, but that is the best way for me to ensure your safety. " A soft murmer was still floating around the hall. "I sincerely apologize for these inconveniences, but I know of no other way to ensure your safety.

"As I said before, I believe you are all safe inside the castle, but I will need you all to help my keep it safe. if you notice anything or anybody suspicious in the school, alert me or one of the other professors immediately. Look out for one another. Older students, watch over the first years. First years, watch over each other. And prefects, watch out for your house. Start now by leading them to the common rooms."

All the students were looking around at one another. That was quite a heavy speech for him to drop on them first thing.

"Alright, come on. First years, follow me." Malfoy said, standing up. He didn't seem the slightest bit phased by what Dumbledore had said. "Come on, I haven't got all night." He put an arm around Madison's waist and pulled her to him. "Keep close. I wouldn't want you to get lost."

Madison did not pull away from Malfoy. She allowed him to steer her through the other students, and out of the Great Hall, down a few corridors and flights of stairs, and into the dungeons. Madison wished that she had a sweater, or at least her Hogwarts robes—the dungeons were freezing. When she shivered, Malfoy held her closer.

Malfoy stopped in front of a stone wall. "The password to the Slytherin Common Room is 'mudbloods suck'" The wall moved aside, revealing a passageway into a dreary, yet well decorated and strangely cozy dungeon room. "Boys dormitories are over there," Malfoy said, pointing. "Girls are over there. There is a curfew, but I don't remember what time…just don't be caught out too late. Prefects and teachers roam the halls at night to make sure nobody is out of bounds.

"There are a few rules to Slytherin house. A major one is that no befriending students from other houses is allowed, under any circumstances whatsoever. That is all I have to say, so first years, go to bed!"

The first years scampered into their dormitories. When the last one was out of sight, the older students started pulling things out from under their robes, and out of bags. It was beer and other types of alcohol. Apparently, Malfoy's speech had been a cover up so that the first years wouldn't notice the others sneaking up to their dormitories to retrieve the alcohol from their bags. It had definitely worked on Madison. She hadn't noticed a thing.

"Time for our annual back to school party." Malfoy explained to Madison. "Students in their second year and higher sneak in as much alcohol as they can, then we all stay up all night partying and welcoming in the new year."

"Fun." Madison said. She wasn't much of a drinker anymore. She had made too many bad decisions while intoxicated in the past.

Somebody handed Malfoy two beers. He opened one and gave it to Madison before opening the other for himself.

"Thanks." Madison took the beer, but did not drink it. "I'm going to go mingle." Madison left Malfoy and went off to talk to some other students.

Everybody was drinking, and Madison didn't find anyone very interesting…sober. As the night went on, and people got more and more drunk, they also got much more interesting. Madison sat down on the common room couch and watched everyone do stupid drunk stuff.

Malfoy was definitely the most entertaining. He came up to Madison, smoothed his hair, and cleared his throat.

"So, what's a girl like you doing in a dungeon like this?" He was completely wasted. "Would you maybe like to go up to my dormitory and…you know…play hide the snake?" He was trying to be smooth.

"Hide the snake?" Madison knew that meant sex. She couldn't help but take advantage of the situation. "Sure Malfoy, I'd love to play with you. But instead of 'hide the snake,' let's play hide and seek."

Malfoy's face fell. "But I wanted to have sex."

"If you find me before morning comes, then we will."

"Now that makes it more interesting. You're on."

Malfoy closed his eyes and started counting. Madison laughed and exited the common room. She went up to the main hall and out the front door. She sat on the front steps and breathed in the sweet night air. It was chili out, but not unbearably so.

Madison looked across the grounds. The surface of the lake was shimmering in the moonlight. There was no wind, but beyond the greenhouses, a tree was swaying gently.

"That's the Whomping Willow."

Madison jumped and turned around to see who had spoken. "Ron? What are you doing out here?"

"Following you."


"I was sneaking down to the kitchen's to see if the house elves would give me any leftovers—I woke up and felt a bit peekish. I saw you leaving the castle and thought I'd better follow you after what Dumbledore said earlier. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night, anyway?"



"From Malfoy."


"Because he's looking for me."


Madison shrugged. "He thinks I'm hot."

Ron looked confused. "Is that really a reason to hide from him?

"It is when he's drunk and horney, and I don't want to have sex with him."

"That is a good reason."

Madison shivered. Ron took off his house coat and draped it over her shoulders.

"Thanks…Would you like to go for a walk? Maybe you could show me around the grounds."

"Um…yeah, okay." Ron stood up. "Do you have your wand?"

"…yes, why?"

"Just in case."

"Oh. So what's a whomping willow?" Madison asked when they started walking.

"A nasty tree with a bad attitude. Never get too close to it, or it might be the last thing you do."

They had reached to corner of the castle. Both of them froze when they heard a noise.

"What was that?"

"The door opening." Ron pulled Madison around the corner of the building where they were able to peek around and see the front steps.

Madison and Ron watched light flood out onto the steps and Malfoy step into the night. He looked left and right.

"Madison? Where the fuck are you?" He was swaying slightly on the steps. "Madi—" Without warning, he leaned over the railing, and vomited. Since his back was to them, Ron and Madison took this as an opportunity to run away.

"This way." Ron said, pulling Madison towards a little log cabin. "We can hide in her until he goes back inside."

Ron opened the door and Madison went inside. The cabin was very quaint and friendly. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom seemed to be combined into one large room.

"What is this?"

"It used to be the groundskeeper an Care of Magical Creatures teachers home, but he and his dog went…away last semester. He was a really nice guy."


"You probably wouldn't have like him. Most of the Slytherins didn't."

Madison sat down on the bed. "That's not fair, Ron. Lumping us all together like that. It's very stereotypical of you."

"I know. It's just—"

"If I judged you on what I had heard about Gryffindors in general, I would think you were a whiny ass cowardly wimp."


"But I don't, and I expect the same from you. I'm not a Slytherin. I mean, I am a Slytherin, obviously. You saw me get sorted into that house, but I'm not like the rest of them."

"I know. You're not mean…so, why were you put there?"

Madison shrugged. "That's where the sorting hat thought I needed to be."

"Oh…you said on the train that you thought you'd get along with Malfoy."

"Did not. I said he was the kind of guy I should hang out with…He's a jerk, though. He hasn't said a single work to me since we met, but he's had quite a few conversations with my boobs.

Ron blushed. "How long do you have to hide from him?"

"Until morning, or until he passes out. Whichever comes first. Why? Getting bored with me?"

"No, not at all."

"Because you can always go back up to the castle. I can wait by myself."

"Yeah, like I'm going to leave a girl alone in a cabin this close to the forbidden forest in the middle of the night."

"Why not?"

"It's too dangerous."

"Aww, you're going to stay and protect me?"

Ron puffed out his chest. "Sure am." He sat down on the bed next to her.


"Nothing. It's just that…for some reason, I believe you."

Madison and Ron stayed awake talking on Hagrid's bed for hours. Ron told her about life at Hogwarts from the point of view of a Gryffindor. He seemed to have a lot of fun. Madison hoped she would enjoy herself as much as he seemed to.