A/N: I'm SOOO sorry for not updating in a long time, but I'm doing a SIX WEEK summer college course so I am crammed. As always…lol. Was not Episode three the AWESOMEST, MOST DEPRESSING, SADDEST, YET BEST movie ever! I loved it…it was soooo sad.
KD Skywalker:
As always, thanks for the awesome review! You're so sweet! lol
Coallai: Thanks! I thought the same thing – that no one has done this before. I just didn't know how people would respond.
REV042175: Thank you! As I'm sure you know, I'm not good at updating fast. I try though!
Tim K'nispel: Wow, your name is so cool! You lived in New Zealand, The Netherlands, Australia? Wow, that's awesome! Well, thanks for the kind review.
Jedi Keliam Kenobi: Thanks, you're SO sweet and you sound incredibly energetic too. lol
Sophia Solo: Wow, what a compliment! I highly doubt this would be the best ever though. Ataris is ten times better than me and so are a lot of other people. Thanks for the review:D
Alice the Raven: Thanks! I'm glad you agree with me!
Lyny Angell: Haha! That would be too funny…perfect name though. lol! Well, thanks for the review!
zgirl21: AHHH! You're like one of my FAVORITE authors on fanfiction (right next to Ataris and KDSkywalker) and I'm so flattered that you left feedback on my story! blushes lol Darth Vader is what I'm planning for Obi-Wan too! And Anakin/Padme interactions are to come…I just wanted to focus more on Obi-Wan at the beginning of this story.
Neostrand: I'm trying…for some reason, I just never feel like writing very much!
Andromeda Highwind: Thanks you for the kind review!
Twitch in my eye: Thanks for the name! Sound very logical, but I think I have decided on a name…a very practical one. Bwahaha…
Leigh the Wonderlord: lol Uh….sorry, I guess.
Alice the Revan: Thank you! I admire your stories a lot and I appreciate you leaving feedback on my story!
Paxton V. French: I'm trying! Thanks for the review!
BrokenAngel1753: I'm taking that as a compliment. Thanks!
Briar Elwood: Lol! Thanks for the review…yes, I saw ROTS….as you can see haha. And yes, I've read both Jedi Quest and Jedi Apprentice…I think I've read every one of them. Oh, and yes, I'm a MAJOR Star Wars freak too. Thanks for your kind review!
Hathor Valerious: lol thanks! What can I say? I love cliffhangers!
TriGemini: Thank you! I'm trying!
Caralynne: lol! I liked your review cause you were being honest. Thanks! Sorry, this one's gonna be a bit long.

HEY, I have a question for everyone – I hadn't updated in a LONG time and all of a sudden I got tons of reviews! Like 10! Would anyone care to explain?

Obi-Wan tossed in his bed for about the quadrillionth time. 'Why didn't Qui-Gon tell me he had a daughter? Why did he hide this from me? What else did he hide from me?' The questions raced through his head faster than he could answer them.

He hadn't told Sabe of Qui-Gon's being his master; he hadn't even told her that he had known Qui-Gon. After Obi-Wan had recovered from the shock of what he had been told, he had just muttered something about being tired and had left the room faster than one could say "Bantha fodder!"

Obi-Wan sat up in bed and ran a hand over his haggard face. He was never going to get any sleep. He picked his robe up and shrugging it over his shoulders, stepped out onto the balcony. The cool night air blew softly, sending wisps of hair to caress his face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The image of Sabe's face filled his mind; the gentle curve of her chin, the soft complexion of her skin, the warmth of her chocolate brown eyes…

"Why can't I stop thinking about this woman!" He said aloud, opening his eyes.

He closed his eyes again and forced himself to focus. Maybe meditating would help. He felt a calmness sweep over him as he tapped into the power of the Force. The calmness did not last long.

His eyes snapped open in sudden urgency, his Jedi senses tingling. Something was wrong.

He rushed back into his room, grabbed his lightsaber off of the stand by his bed, and headed for the main hall. He rounded a corner and nearly ran into a handmaiden. The handmaiden looked up at him, her eyes wide with terror, not sure at first if he was friend or foe. It didn't take long for her to recognize Obi-Wan as one of the Jedi.

"The queen!" She shrieked hysterically. "It's the queen! She's been kidnapped!"

Obi-Wan felt panic rise as the statement settled in; the queen – that would be Sabe in this case, not Padme. He grabbed the handmaiden by her trembling shoulders. "Who took her!" The young girl did not answer; she could only sob. "WHO TOOK HER!" He shouted into her face, shaking her shoulders violently. The handmaiden sobbed all the more, the fear reflected in her eyes not only caused by the abduction but also by Obi-Wan's outburst.

Obi-Wan could have screamed profanities in her face, he was so angry, but a voice from down the hall stopped him. "Obi-Wan! This way!" It was Anakin.

He ran after Anakin, leaving the handmaiden in a state of near shock.

"Is Padme okay?" He asked Anakin as they ran side by side.

"Yes," Anakin answered. "She's in my room and she has a weapon. I left her with the strict order not to leave unless her position is compromised."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth but decided not to ask why Padme was in Anakin's room. Anakin was a Jedi Knight now and was responsible for his own decisions. As was Obi-Wan.

"Padme said that Sabe…." Anakin's voice trailed off as they rounded the corner. There, blocking the large hall was Quini and a dozen of his troops.

Padme sat huddled in the closet of Anakin's room, tightly holding her blaster across her chest. Danger had always been a part of her job, but she had never really been bothered by it, even with the recent assassination attempts. But now that her decoy – no, not only her decoy, but also her best friend, had been captured, she was suddenly afraid. She, the brave Senator of Naboo, one who laughed in the face of death, was afraid.

Padme, being a light sleeper, had awakened to the sound of a muffled scream in the room beside hers – Sabe's room. She grabbed her blaster off of her side-table, tiptoed to the door that separated the two rooms, and opened it just a bit. Someone, no two someones – it was too dark to see their faces –were leaning over Sabe. She could see Sabe's struggling form and could hear her muffled cries for help.

Padme started to enter the room, ready to shoot the attackers, but she quickly stepped back. There were more than two beings in that room – a few feet from the bed stood four more figures. She was greatly outnumbered. She held her breath, praying that she hadn't been seen. It's funny how things never seen to go the way one wants. One of the figures began moving towards the door where Padme hid; he had obviously seen a bit of movement. Padme froze for a moment, not sure of what to do; it didn't take long to decide.

She ran. She ran out of her room and into the hall. None of the intruders were waiting in the hall, thank the Force. Padme didn't look behind her as she raced to the only place she knew to be safe. The only person who she fully trusted to keep her safe: Anakin.

And he had too. He had taken out the intruder that had followed her and then had given her strict orders not to leave his room.

Padme sighed. She would much rather be in the center of action then be sitting in a room wondering what was happening out there. It was her fault that Sabe was in danger anyway. Corde had died for her sake…oh that seemed like centuries ago…and Padme would not be able to bear it if the same happened to Sabe.

Sabe knelt on the hard floor at the feet of Quini, a blaster pressed to her temple. Her eyes were closed and she appeared calm, but Obi-Wan could sense her fear. The troopers that stood beside Quini leveled their blasters at the two Jedi.

Quini's face twisted in a smirk. "I thought Jedi were smarter than this! I guess I was wrong." He laughed loudly. "Leading the Senator right into the arms of the enemy…what protectors!"

Anakin took a step closer, his hand hovering dangerously close to his lightsaber. All twelve of the trooper's blasters immediately locked on Anakin. "What do you what from us, Quini?" He asked.

"What I want doesn't matter – it's what my master wants that matters. If you want this lovely lady to live," Quini continued, the smirk lingering on his face as he yanked Sabe's head up by her hair. A look of pain passed across her face for a brief second; Obi-Wan would have loved to make that same look of pain appear on Quini's face…permanently. "If you want her to live, then you Jedi must surrender yourselves to him."

Anakin's eyes narrowed. He could sense…well, that this seemed to be a trick. He could feel Quini's intent to kill Sabe; he was not planning to release her under any circumstance. "Just who is this master of yours that wants us to surrender to him so badly that he would threaten an innocent queen?" Anakin asked, trying to distract Quini.

"Innocent? Innocent! This queen of yours is not so innocent." Quini waved his blaster around, obviously flustered. "She, with her 'diplomatic skills' and foolish proposals, has ruined a lot of my good plans. She ruined the Trade Federation, one of my closest allies and I assure you, for that she will pay." He went on and on, rambling about his precious plans.

Now was the time to strike – Anakin knew it. The troopers had somewhat lowered their blasters and Quini was still waving his blaster in the air. 'Now!' Obi-Wan whispered to Anakin.

Simultaneously, the two Jedi drew their weapons and leapt at Quini. Obi-Wan sliced the blaster from Quini's hand while Anakin began cutting down the nearest troopers.

"Kill them! Kill them now!" Quini shrieked as Obi-Wan advanced on him. His back hit the wall behind him and he trembled as he looked into Obi-Wan's fury-filled eyes. "Please…I didn't mean…" His voice trailed off in a whisper.

"You didn't mean to betray us, capture the queen, and then threaten to kill her?" Obi-Wan nearly hissed the words.

"No! Please!" Quini screamed as Obi-Wan sliced off one arm and then the other. Obi-Wan felt a complete rage overtake him; all he could see was red - red blood, red fury. It filled his mind, his body, his very soul. And then he took both Quini's legs out from under him.

Quini lay on the ground, sobbing, nearly screaming from the immense pain. "Did you like that?" Obi-Wan spat. "Because that…that is what happens to traitors." And with that, Obi-Wan sank his lightsaber into Quini's chest. He stood over the pile of body parts, breathing heavily. That had felt…strangely good. He knew it was wrong – so wrong, but he had enjoyed it. He had enjoyed giving Quini a painful death. He had enjoyed hearing his cries of pain.

Obi-Wan squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. He wasn't going to let this bother him right now. He turned to see Anakin taking down the last of the troopers.

"I don't think that's all we are going to run into." Anakin said, turning to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan ignored him and reached for Sabe. He pulled her against him and smashed his lips against hers.

"You should have done that back in the ship when we first arrived." She breathed, a gentle smile crossing her face. Obi-Wan grinned, "Yes, I should have."

Obi-Wan suddenly realized that they had a bystander and he looked at Anakin. He was staring at the two wide-eyed, not quite sure what to say or do. Finally, Anakin coughed. "Well…I suppose we – we should secure the premises."

Obi-Wan agreed and turned to Sabe. "Padme is in Anakin's room. Go there and stay with her. Do not, under any circumstances, leave that room until we come and get you. Okay?"

She nodded and ran back in the direction that they had come. Obi-Wan watched her until she disappeared from his sight and then turned back to Anakin. "Well, what do you say we go give some troopers a little shooting practice?"

Anakin began to follow Obi-Wan out of the room, but first turned and looked at the pile of body parts that was once Quini. What had happened while Anakin was taking care of the troopers? He had been too focused on his job to see what had happened to Quini. Was Obi-Wan merely doing his duty or was there a bit of personal hatred behind the killing of Quini. 'A question for a different time.' Anakin thought to himself as he took off in the direction Obi-Wan had gone.

The two Jedi hurried towards Anakin's room. Every single trooper had been taken care of and it was time to get the queen and her handmaiden out of this place.

But something stopped them before they could even reach the room. There, on the ground, a few feet from the door to Anakin's room, laid a female body. It was Sabe.