Disclaimer: I don't own this series or any other series. I am just floating an idea. I am making no money, nor plan to, off this venture. If you think of suing me over this, then grow up. I'm a jobless man.

Ranma: Visions

Chapter 2

To the Tree-Borne Kettle-Girl

By: Kagewaki Hitomi

All warfare is based on deception.--Sun Tzu Art of War

He walked to the door with Nabiki and they were met by Kasumi. She handed them each a bento box. She then grabbed Ranma's face with her right hand and kissed him on the right cheek, pushing him out the door after he got his shoes on. She encouraged, " Have a good day at school Ranma."

"All right then bye, Kasumi." replied Ranma as he made his way out to the street with Nabiki.

Ranma had allowed himself to be enrolled in Furinkan High, the same school Nibiki and Akane attended. Not that school was a bad thing, far from it, but Ranma didn't seem like the type that cared that much about, or even really needed, an education. So here he was, with Nabiki, escorting him to his first day at the most f#&ed up school in Japan.

"Ranma, why did you let your dad make you come to school?" Nabiki voiced her thoughts to Ranma, who strangely enough, was walking on the chain linked fence along the sidewalk.

Ranma casually walked off the fence, never breaking stride, and continued walking next to Nabiki and said, "It's been a while since I was around people my own age, so I just gave him a small victory."

Seeing the anxious look on Ranma's face was strange. He usually wore such a confident expression, with a smirk that made him look like he always found his surroundings amusing, that Nabiki was thrown further off-balance. This was an odd boy indeed.

He was looking intently ahead. "What 'are' they doing?" he asked, pointing up the road.

Nabiki had been covertly examining Ranma, he was nice to look after all, so she didn't see what he was talking about at first. When she looked down the road, she couldn't help but groan. They were back again. She couldn't understand how Nerima General got them back on their feet so fast."Ah, those are just Akane's admirers." Approaching the school, it was obvious that many of the gathered boys were walking wounded. Many stood on crutches, had bandages wrapped around their head, and a couple were in wheelchairs. She was about to elaborate further when Akane interrupted her.

"I hate boys! I hate boys!" the now glowing girl repeated to herself slowly through clenched teeth. Then she charged at them like an angry bull as she ran pass Ranma and Nabiki.

Ranma looked to Nabiki, confusion evident on his face."A classmate of mine made a proclamation at the beginning of the year that anyone who wanted to date my sister had to defeat her in combat. That was last semester. They just won't give up."

Ranma's eyes bulged a bit, and for a moment Nabiki thought he was going to be sick, but then he broke out in a fit of laughter that left him leaning against someone's wall, clutching his ribs.

When Ranma had gotten himself under control, Nabiki asked, "What's so funny?" Her voice held a note of irritation in it. Akane was her sister, after all, and her plight wasn't that funny. She sold pictures of Akane to these same boys to her it was funny, but to her Ranma wasn't family and shouldn't not laugh at her sister's plight.

Ranma must have heard the tone of her voice because he said, "Sorry, I'm not making fun of Akane, it's that the whole situation is so ridiculously similar to something that happened in China that I couldn't help but laugh."

Akane stood among all the laid out boys, "For goodness sakes. Every Morning! What a drag!" complained Akane, sweating a little

"Truly such a boorish lot. Evidently each one of them intended to ask out, the fierce tigress Akane Tendo." disclaimed Kuno.

Ranma and Nabiki walked to Akane and Kuno saw this impertinent cur next to his tigress.

"You there, you foul cur, what is your relationship to Akane Tendo?" demanded Kuno.

Ranma pointed to himself and replied, " Me? I'm staying at the Tendo Dojo, why?"

"Staying at the Tendo Dojo! You villainous sorcerer you plan to corrupt the pure innocence Akane Tendo! I will not have it!" screamed Kuno at the top of his lungs.

Ranma looked at Nabiki and asked, "Is he serious?"

"I'm afraid so, Ranma." replied Nabiki.

"Who is it that dares stay in the same domicile as the beauteous Akane Tendo?" challenged the kendoist.

"I am ..."

"Ah! But it is customary to give one's name first!" interrupted Kuno.

"If you want to..."

"My name is Tatewaki Kuno Junior. Group E. Also Captain of the Kendo Club. Undefeated star of the High School Fencing world. But my peers refer to me as Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" proclaimed Kuno as he held up his bokken to the sky thunder cackled in the background.

'Nice effect. I should learn that.' thought Ranma.

"Now, who are you to claim to stay at Tendo Dojo?" challenged a maddened Kuno

"I'm Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts and who are you to have any say in where I stay?"replied Ranma.

"You foul cur, you dare mock the Great Tatewaki Kuno!" Screamed Kuno as he slashed at Ranma.

Ranma Flipped out of the way and threw his backpack on the ground. "Fine, then, I accept your challenge!"

"Hey! Someone's taking on Kuno!"

"Talk about living dangerously!"

Kuno walked to Ranma with his bokken in front of him. Ranma stood in a defensive stance. Kuno said, "So, you scoundrel. Hounding Akane, eh?"

Kuno Raised his bokken up above him and replied, "I, The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, I shall deliver the vengeance of heaven on thee!"

"I ain't hounding anybody." said Ranma.

Kuno ran at his bokken raised up and said, "Silence, cur."

Kuno sliced through the wall, but Ranma was nowhere to be seen. The wall crumbled down and Kuno turned to see Ranma standing sideways on a tree.

Kuno screamed, "Blast!" and sliced through the tree as Ranma jumped of it.

The tree hit the ground and Ranma landed a few seconds later after the tree. Ranma was in front of Kuno immediately and said, "Now hold on! Let me make this perfectly clear..."

Kuno was shocked, "Eh?"

So was Akane who exclaimed, "Astounding! He was there before Kuno could blink!"

Ranma was in Kuno's face and exclaimed, "The Tendo's are a family friend, you got that?"

Kuno's head was backing up from the closeness as he thought 'Hm. This guy ...is good. He must be using the foulest of black arts to elude my might''

"I'm just staying at the Tendo Dojo for a while. You idiot." stated Ranma.

"What! I'm not an idiot you vile cur who dares to stay in the same house as the fair Akane Tendo!" screamed Kuno outraged.

He ran at Ranma with a horizontal slash of his bokken. He missed Ranma, who jumped up in the air bending his knees, his hands above his body, his head down and his pigtail flapping in the air. As Ranma came down he extended his left hand in a punch still bending his knees.

Kuno thrust his bokken upward past Ranma's neck. Kuno's left foot was in front while his right was extended back on the tips of his toes.

Ranma's punch connected with Kuno in the face and he went down like a stack of potatoes to the ground. Ranma landed and checked his neck and found a small bruise on his neck.

Ranma walked, away picked his backpack off the ground, and walked into the school where everybody was shocked that the new student beat Kuno so easily.

Ranma made his way to class 1-F where the teacher read out loud "We have a new student to the class, a Mr. Ranma Saotome. Tell the class about yourself..."

"Well, like the teacher said I'm Ranma Saotome and I have been on a 10 year training journey and I'm also the Heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. That's pretty much it for now." stated Ranma.

"Okay Mr. Saotome your seat is next to Akane Tendo." announced the Teacher.

Ranma walked down the aisle and a lot of the girls were eying him, measuring him up and down. He took his seat next to Akane.

"Okay, class, turn to page 193 in your books. Today we will be learning about Greek and Roman Mythology." said the Teacher.

Ranma soon fell asleep in class and slept till lunch arrived. Everybody had left the class room, when Kuno ran in the empty class room raised his bokken up in the air and yelled, "Never, Ranma Saotome! I shall never accept defeat from the likes of you. For the Fierce Tigress Akane Tendo!"

"Wait! That isn't true!" said Ranma.

Kuno ran at him and struck downward, missing Ranma who side stepped left of the strike and jumped away.

"Stand your ground you vile, despicable, loathsome creature."

This is no place to fight! Follow me!" yelled Ranma who ran out the door.

"Then I shall." replied Kuno as he ran after Ranma.

They ran out the class room and down the hall past the P.E. Teacher, who screamed, "No running in the hall you two!" When Ranma and Kuno ran past him Ranma saw an open window and vaulted himself out the window.

Ranma yelled, "Let's get outside! Follow me!"

Kuno came up the rear exclaimed, "Fear not!"

As Kuno followed Ranma out the window he heard the P.E. Teacher yell, "Hey, this is the third floor!" Kuno went bugged eye as he looked down. Ranma who was a little further down laughed and replied, " No sweat I'm...yow!"

When Ranma looked down he was greeted by the sight of a pool underneath where they were falling.

The P.E. Teacher sighed "They're damn lucky there's a pool underneath them."

"Lucky he says!" said Ranma.

Ranma and Kuno hit the water with a splash. Kuno started floating head first in the water. Some of the students who were near the area of the pool saw this one was Akane. One of the student who saw Ranma and Kuno jumped out the window remarked, "Man I didn't think Kuno was crazy enough to take a header in to a pool on the third floor."

"But what about Saotome?"

"I don't know? Maybe still under water?"

Ranma swam away under water in his female form. 'Gotta get away! Gotta get away!' keep going through his mine. Ranma looked up and saw Kuno unconscious staring at him. Ranma get up and used Kuno as away from any onlookers. 'What else can I do?' he asked himself.

Kuno soon regain concuss and grabs Ranma in a bear hug. While he said, "Ranma Saotome! I fight on!"

Ranma screamed, "Let--me--go!"

Kuno squeezed female Ranma's breast that's when it hit Kuno he was holding a woman not a man.

"Pervert!" screamed Ranma. She grabbed his head and throes him on the pool deck. After that she flipped out of the area.

What? Did you see that?" said one student who was watching out the 2nd window.

"It looked like Ranma's body was smaller?" asked one of the boys.

"Must have been ...an illusion?" replied the first boy.

Akane saws with what happen to Kuno and ran off to get Ranma some hot water.

Kuno laid spread out his hands spread out. He tilted his head and crossed he's hand in front of his chest.

"A woman. Yes a woman. OH! Which means..." wondered Kuno, then just sat up. "Ranma Saotome you wretch! Do you think you've can escape!"

'What a pervert. I mean he didn't have to squeeze that hard!'thought Ranma as she rung out her pants in the tree. 'Feh. Well, I guess now he knows about me.'

"You Fool!" called Akane from the bottom of the tree.

"Akane?" Ranma asked in confusion.

"Just how dumb can you be?" Akane said. "I mean, jumping into a pool of your own free will."

"I wouldn't say I jumped in on my free will." Ranma said.

"Humph." Akane said. "Then maybe I'll just throw away this hot water."

"No! Meanie, meanie!" Ranma said, loudly hugging the tree branch when she saw the kettle of hot water that Akane showed to her.

It was then that they all heard some sloshing sound from nearby. Both of them looked in the direction and saw Kuno walking nearby. He was yelling out, in his poetic way of talking, where Ranma was. It was then that Akane decided on a decision.

"Catch!" yelled Akane as she threw the kettle over her shoulder towards Ranma.

Unfortunately, her throw was a little short and Ranma had to stretch out to grab it. Akane didn't realize that her throw was short, because she had immediately ran over to confront Kuno. Kuno turned when he heard someone approaching and was expecting Ranma, but was surprised when it was Akane facing him in a ready stance.

"Upperclassman Kuno," Akane said challenging. "I challenge you."

"Akane, oh Akane," Kuno said dramatically. "Never did I dream that YOU would challenge me." Kuno sighed. "So be it."

Kuno then got into a ready stance and got ready to fight Akane.

"If you win, I shall let you go out with me." Kuno said, posing in affect. "Thus I shall lose with all my might."

"Who's asking to go out with you?" Akane shouted, then thought to herself. 'Ranma...Turn back to a boy while I buy you some time!'

Ranma was still stretched out with the tea kettle in hand. She thought, 'Now what am I suppose to do?'

Kuno ran at Akane with his bokken in the air. He swung down and Akane caught the bokken between her hands and started to leaning back. As she fell to the ground, she brought her left foot up to Kuno's chest and pushed him up. The act caught Kuno off guard as he lost the grip on his bokken and went flying in the air, towards the nearby woods. Akane stood up, and smiled at her handy work and looked in the direction that Kuno was flying and realized that she had tossed him towards Ranma, so she started running towards him, with the bokken in her hand.

At that precise time, Ranma had managed to pull himself back onto the branch. "Finally." she said and was happy that she was about to change back into her male form, when all of the sudden, Kuno's head was implanted into the side of the kettle. With Kuno hitting the kettle, the contents were forced out. It was then that Kuno turned somewhat and saw who was near him.

"Eh? You're that girl!" Kuno announced. Ranma was getting a little nervous about Kuno knowing about her curse. As she was about to say something, Akane arrived and shouted up at Ranma.

"You're are still female." Akane shouted up to her.

"What'd you expect?" Ranma shouted down to her, thinking that Akane should've known what was going on.

"So," Kuno started talking again, totally ignoring the fact that Ranma and Akane were talking. When Kuno started talking again, Ranma faced him.

"So. Did you see where that boy in the pigtail, went?" Ranma quickly shook her head negatively. "That coward! Running away from a fight. No doubt he feared my prowess! Bah! He is no man! He is no man!"

During Kuno's rant, Ranma's nervousness faded and slowly turned into anger. At the finish of Kuno's ranting, Ranma released the kettle she was still holding and let Kuno fall. Kuno landed on the ground, head first, and rolled over into a sitting position. He crossed his arms and looked up at Ranma as she landed nearby.

"That hurt you know." Kuno pointed out.

"I'm not gonna hang there and take this!" Ranma said, totally ignoring what Kuno had said. She then proceeded to get into a ready stance facing Kuno. "I can take you any time, come on!"

"Heh. Amusing." Kuno stated as he stood back up and took his bokken from Akane. "Well, should you win, I will allow you to go out with me!"

Kuno had then proceeded at swing at Ranma, to take her down.

"And who asking to go out with you!" Ranma shouted and jumped up and delivered a kick to Kuno's jaw her other foot on the bokken.

He proceeded to fall to the ground onto his back as Ranma landed on her feet. He thought, 'She...she is skilled! As skilled as Akane! No more skilled!'

Ranma then kicked Kuno's bokken into the air and caught it, setting it on her shoulder. "And guess what Kuno? Ranma Saotome's even better'n me!"

Ranma then proceeded to walk over to where Akane was standing. Once Ranma got there, with Akane who handed Ranma her pants and both of them headed out of the woods. They were out of ear shot range, so Kuno didn't hear them talking.

"Okay let's head home."

"School isn't over yet, you know."

As Kuno was lying on the ground, he thought about had just happened. 'What on earth..?' As he laid there on the ground on his stomach.

Later that night, back at the Tendo Dojo, in the dojo, Ranma and his father were sitting crossed legged on their heads. After a few minutes, Genma and Ranma were talking about the first day at school. Ranma replied to the questions as much as he wanted. Then Genma got into the part on how Akane had helped him.

"Ranma, Akane really looked out for you of you in school today, didn't she?" Genma had asked.

"It's not like I had asked her to." Ranma replied.

"You should thank her for her help." Genma said.

"All right." Ranma said and then stood up.

Ranma left Genma in the dojo and headed towards Akane's room. He was standing outside her bedroom door, and were about to knock, when they heard Akane talking loudly to Nabiki. He heard Akane, rather loudly, complain about how much a pain kuno was to her. Ranma, upon hearing that sighed, and knocked on the door. He entered the room when he was told to come in.

After he tanked Akane he went find Kasumi who was washing the dishes. Ranma decided to help her.

Kasumi looked at him, then asked, "How was your first day at school?"

It was weird. Like a sorta loony ben." replied Ranma drying a plate.

Kasumi giggled at that. "That what Nabiki said, too."

It was in the middle of the second class that Kuno had came up to Nabiki and asked her if she knew about the girl he had met yesterday.

"Sure I know her." Nabiki replied. "The girl with the pigtail and Chinese clothes."

"Nabiki Tendo, can this be true?" Kuno exclaimed.

After Nabiki nodded her head, Kuno quickly went to his desk and quickly started writing a note. While he was writing the note, he was smiling insanely.

'If she thinks she can defeat Upperclassman Kuno and simply walk away, she thinks wrongly.' Kuno though while he was writing the note. After he was done, he handed the note to Nabiki. "Here."

After everyone returned home after school, while they waited for Kasumi to finish up dinner, Nabiki handed Ranma the note that Kuno had written. When Ranma took the note, he saw it was addressed 'To the Tree-Borne Kettle-Girl'.

"This is to me?" Ranma asked confused.

"'To the girl side,'" he said." Nabiki replied. "I don't think he believes you're the same person."

"'On Sunday in the tenth hour, meet me in the second field of Furinkan High School.'" Ranma read.

"Sounds like a duel, huh?" Akane said as she heard what Ranma had read.

"Little Kuno just hates to lose." Nabiki said.

"Vengeful, hm?" Akane said.

"Oh, I don't think it will be much trouble." Ranma said, then Kasumi came out and called everyone to dinner.

Ranma was standing on the appointed field at the appointed time. She was getting bored waiting for Kuno to show up. As the School bell chimed the appointed hour, Ranma was about to complain that Kuno was late when she noticed a figure approaching in the distance. When the person came in better view, Ranma saw that it was Kuno in his usual garb. Kuno walked up to stand a short distance away from Ranma.

"So you have come, my Tree-borne-kettle-girl." Kuno said after a while of looking at each other.

"You don't learn quick, do you, pal?" Ranma asked. They stood staring at each other for another several minutes. "Well, where's your sword?"

"Heh, I have no need for a sword." Kuno said confidently.

"Yeah? Pretty confident, I guess." Ranma said.

"Confident enough you give you THIS!" Kuno shouted as he reached behind himself and threw an item at Ranma.

Ranma reacted and caught the item with her right hand, as it was about to fly over her head. Ranma wondered what Kuno was doing when she noticed red flower petals start falling in front of her face. She looked up at the item in her hand and found out that she had caught a bouget of roses. She then looked at Kuno in surprise and saw him walking away. He then stopped and faced her.

"I love you." Kuno said and continued walking away. Ranma was shocked at what happened and just fell to her knees in shock as she watched Kuno walk away.

Ranma pulled out a thermos from his pocket an dumped some of the hot water on his head. She quickly changed to a he. Ranma walked away and headed back to the tendo Dojo with the flowers still in his hand.

'Hm. Kasumi would like these flowers?' he thought as he headed home.

Ranma walked into the Tendo Dojo and headed for the kitchen. That was were he found Kasumi cooking dinner.

Kasumi turned to him and smiled. Ranma smiled back and handed her the flower that Kuno gave his girl form.

"Oh! These are so beautiful Ranma. Thank you." she said as she took the flower.

"Your welcome."

The two fathers watched from the doorway. They tipped toed back to the living room and started dancing and saying that the school will be joined in no time. They planed to go get drunk later at the local bar.

Authors Note: Sorry it took so long to write this chapter I hope to have chapter 3 out by the end of March. I would also like to take David Low again for help proofreading it. Also Read and Review. And I got two stories I'm currently writing, too. Kagewaki Hitomi sighing out.