The Stone Chest
Chapter 13
"One end and one beginning"
Our heroes looked astonished at the scene; before them was that girl they had met by chance, the girl they had trusted and the girl that betrayed them being manipulated by Slade who turned her into his apprentice using her fears and insecurities against her. The girl that after realizing her mistakes didn't hesitate before sacrificing herself for the greater good; the girl that after knowing her true destiny didn't run away from it although she always feared not being good enough to fulfill it. But now something was different, her look didn't show any sign of fear, in fact it was severe, but calmed. Her aura now was strong, very strong, so strong it could match Zarth's easily. It was obvious that the power of the elements has finally emerged inside her and for the first time since his awakening, Zarth had a true opponent. Tara observed her daughter with both joy and fear because she could see her beloved Andrew in her, not only because of the energy she expelled but also for the determination reflected in her face. It seemed her father had taught them somehow the way to unleash her power and that made Tara happy; however, Zarth hadn't been defeated yet and thinking that Terra could die in the next strike made her mother feel distressed.
Both fighters were face to face floating in the air waiting the tiniest distraction of the other to begin the attack. Each one firmly looked at the other trying to read their expressions, movements and even their thoughts... in those moments anything was worthy if gave a clear advantage in the fight. Suddenly, Zarth flew at full speed towards the blond girl who quickly rose to be above her opponent and then she threw a powerful fire attack. However, the legendary warrior moved smoothly to evade it and seconds later a huge energy sphere flew towards the younger of the Markov who used her new speed to dodge it and appear in front of her enemy. Both rivals made a pause to resume the analysis they were doing before, but this time Terra broke the truce creating a huge tornado between them, which grabbed Zarth making impossible for him to move. Then, the blond girl rose to the top of the tornado and threw a giant fireball directly to the legendary warrior that hit him fully. Afterwards, the tornado vanished and Zarth fell heavily to the ground; the warlock tried to stand up, but the hit had been to strong and he couldn't help to cough blood before falling again... The younger of the Markov landed smoothly in front of him and without moving herself made the ground around the other move so the legendary warrior was literally swallowed by the road surface. However, a great explosion shook the place and Zarth emerged from the ground surrounded by a white energy aura from which some electrical discharges escaped.
"Very well, I see you've learned some new tricks" – said Zarth stopping in the middle air – "I hope you haven't run out of them yet because you will have to fight much more better than this if you really want to beat me" – concluded.
"There are plenty more tricks from where those ones came out, question is; are you going to last long enough to see them all?" – replied Terra impassive.
"It doesn't matter if you are stronger now, the world does not revolve around you yet so despite those 'clever' comments, from where I see you still are a little insect, and by saying that I'm insulting the insect. You are a last class hero, but it's obvious you need a reminder urgently; do you think you are good? Let's prove that then" – said Zarth with an ironic smile while flying towards Terra's partners.
Zarth threw a powerful energy attack against them who were too weak to stop it. Terra immediately tried to fly towards them, but Zarth quickly cut her way there.
"Where do you think you're going? Your fight is here, against me"
Terra felt the desperation grow inside her while seeing the energy ball getting closer to her friends; she was running out of time extremely fast if she wanted to help them. However, something inside showed her the solution, it was like her own energy was speaking to her. The eyes of the blond girl started to glow and soon the road surface beneath her friends broke itself creating some kind of floating platform that took the entire group to a safe place. Seconds later, the attack hit the ground generating a huge explosion that shook the place and destroyed some buildings nearby.
"Well, well so you can think fast" – said Zarth half-smiling.
"You're going to pay for this" – answered Terra.
"Well, chat time is over; I'm going to wipe you our once and for all. The 'how to be a hero' curse is over" – sentenced Zarth before disappearing.
Terra looked in every direction but there was no sign of her opponent. The titan kept floating, but she decided to move for both looking for Zarth and avoiding a surprise attack.
"Are you going to do this all day? Is this your best strategy? Hiding yourself?" – asked the blond girl with sarcasm.
"Did you miss me?" – inquired Zarth and then he appeared behind Terra and kicked her bad in the back sending the girl to the ground.
Terra used her powers to stop herself in the middle air before hitting the road surface and immediately turned around but Zarth was not at sight anymore. Then the girl closed her eyes and started to focus her energy; seconds later the legendary warrior appeared again behind her to repeat his previous move.
"If you stay motionless this is even ea…" – tried to say Zarth.
The warlock couldn't finish the sentence because a huge fireball had emerged from Terra's hand. The girl had guessed his move and had turned around extremely fast to face him. The attack fully hit the legendary warrior and Zarth could feel and see how the flames burned his body. The blond girl didn't waste time and prepared her final attack; seconds later, a giant sphere combining water, fire, wind and earth elements emerged from her hands towards the legendary warrior who couldn't do anything to stop it and was helpless wiped out by it… After realizing Zarth had been destroyed Terra breathed deeply and for the first time, since this story began, she could feel in peace knowing her mission had been accomplished and that she hadn't dishonored her father memory.
"I hope you are proud of me wherever you are" – said Terra looking at the sky.
Afterwards, the blond girl flew at full speed to reach her friends and fortunately she could see they were ok, wounded, but ok. Then, the younger of the Markov looked for her mother and soon both women bear hugged each other while crying happily.
"You have become a great warrior my child. I'm sure your father would be proud of you" – said Tara.
"You're amazing Terra, you really kicked that guy's butt" – commented Beast Boy.
"Boo-ya!!! Finally someone taught a lesson to him and man he really needed it" – sentenced Cyborg.
"It's been a honor to fight at your side" – said Connor shaking hands with her.
"It's good you are on our team" – said Robin smiling.
"You were superb friend Terra" – said Starfire.
"That was extraordinary; fortunately I could witness it live. Being told after wouldn't be the same" – added Jessy.
Terra was very happy after hearing her friends' words of approval, but soon her glance cross with Raven's who hadn't say anything so far… Everybody then went silence while the crow girl walked quietly towards the blond girl and the tension grew even more when both girls stood face to face. Then the titan wearing the white robes surprised her friends by big hugging Terra.
"You indeed are a true hero and an even better Titan" – said Raven sincerely.
Our heroes were joyful, finally the battle had ended, but soon they realized something was wrong… they had assumed that after destroying Zarth, all the assassins created by him would disappear and only the warlocks loyal to hum would remain to fight. And it was logical to think that after realizing their Masters had been defeated they wouldn't fight anymore but run away and hide instead. However, the legendary warrior had gone but his creations were still around the city destroying everything at sight. It was in that moment when a huge earthquake shook the entire place. Many of the buildings standing started to fall and the street below the group crumbled pointing something even worse was about to happen. Afterwards some kind of vortex appeared and it was clear that the earthquake had been caused by it and the worse thing was that the anomaly didn't stop growing.
The earthquake kept shaking the field where our heroes had been fighting Zarth; strong electrical discharges could be seen generated by the strange portal that had appeared in the place where Zarth was before being wiped out. None of them knew what to do. Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Jessy and Cyborg didn't understand what was happening; only Raven had a reasonable explanation for it, but that only made her feel desperate thinking about the consequences of that apparition, consequences for the city for her friends, but above all for herself. And that feeling got even worse when she noticed Terra and Connor faces both of them looked very resolved after taking a decision about something.
"This must be ended right here and right now, the sacrifice must be done" – said Terra gravely.
"I see the memories came to you too" – replied Connor sighing downhearted.
"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" – asked Tara fearing the worst.
"Mom, Gar… I… I don't know how to say this, but…" – started saying Terra while Beast Boy started to worry too – "The destruction of Zarth has opened a portal to another dimension and if we don't close it right away a powerful demon will enter in our world. We can't allow that… only a blood sacrifice can seal the portal… the blood of the executioner must be offered…" – ended Terra with tears in her eyes.
"My child!! It must be a mistake, you cannot leave me now, not again; it's been a lifetime I've spent without you; you have carried enough load over your shoulders" – said Tara shaking her head incredulous.
"I'm sorry mom, I'd wish there was other way…" – tried to say Terra although she couldn't finish the sentence.
"Terra, don't!!! You can't sacrifice yourself… Not again… It's just not fair!!!… Remember what I told you back in the cave. While we are alive we can find a way. Don't do this to me again, please. It has to be another way!!!" – yelled the green leaving the other warriors astonished.
"There is another way"
In that moment, Connor started walking towards the time-space anomaly and seeing him doing that shocked Terra. The wizard moved so quickly that the others couldn't react on time to stop him. Then, just before going through the portal, Blackwood whirled around and said his last words…
"You have sacrificed yourself a lot already; life hasn't been nice with you and you deserve to have a future. Be wise and I hope everything turns fine from now on" – started the wizard looking at the girl, then he closed his eyes and opened them again to look at Raven – "The blood of the executioner must be offered and that blood flows through Terra's vein but also through mine. I'm sorry for leaving you like this; I really wanted to live a future… a future at your side. Please don't forget me and live… please live, I'm doing this for you… feel me when you breathe because I'll always be close to you. I love you Raven and I'm happy because I could feel love before going away" – concluded the wizard; then he cut his arms with a spell and started to run to enter through the portal while his blood covered his hands.
None of our heroes could believe what was happening. First happiness filled the place because the final battle had ended. Then they started feeling desperate listening Terra and Connor speaking about another sacrifice to save them all and now they were horrified watching Connor running towards the portal to give his own life to it… Everything had happened too quickly and none of them could react on time, they only watched Connor's race towards her doom… Robin and the others soon witnessed how Connor was swallowed by the vortex and immediately a blinding light emerged from it; a light that covered the entire city wiping out all Zarth's creatures. When the light extinguished, the leader of the titans and the rest ran towards the place where the portal was before, but nothing was there… there were no traces of the portal or the wizard who had given his life to close it. It was like the anomaly had never appeared in the first place… Jessy was the first one reacting and several tears covered her face, the witch knew she would never see her friend, that person who always supported her and protected her like an older brother. It was simple amazing how easy you could lose someone you care about, but almost immediately a strong noise out the others on alert and then two figures appeared next to them.
"This can't be possible!" – said Jessy running to hug her friend – "I thought I'd never see you again"
"Actually I have no idea of what happened. I should be dead now" – said Connor hugging her back.
"I thought the same, once the sacrifice is done, the portal closes trapping the executioner" – added Terra.
"That is not 100% accurate" – said Raven who was standing next to Connor – "Some time ago I had a nightmare regarding this moment and that made me do a huge research about the portal and how to close it. Eventually I discovered that once Zarth was destroyed, the energy unleashed would open a vortex, a door to another dimension that could be use by every demon existing to come here. Apparently, that portal could only be close sacrificing Zarth's executioner; however I was not satisfied with that since it implied losing people we care about so I decided going deeply in my investigation and I found another way. A love sacrifice could close the portal saving the executioner's life; but it must be done secretly and just before the executioner entered into the vortex" – concluded the crow girl astonishing everybody.
Connor looked at the girl he loved and he felt how his heart beat faster and faster while hearing her words. Raven had been able to spent hours maybe days looking for a way to save him even before confirming her nightmare was indeed a premonition and she didn't hesitate giving her life to save his in a love sacrifice, a love sacrifice, that meant she really loved him. The wizard couldn't help it and he showed her sensitive side crying before big hugging and kissing her. He kissed her like they wouldn't have seen each other in years knowing that the bond between them had become stronger. Raven was caught by surprise but she didn't hesitate to kiss him back, she didn't care about the others watching the scene with an army of water drops on their heads. Not to mention Beast Boy and Cyborg had fallen to the ground because of the kiss and Starfire was bombarding the boy wonder with several questions regarding the scene causing Batman's former apprentice to get really nervous… After all, their love story, which started some time ago in a French café, was going to have a happy ending… C'est la vie...
One year has passed since the battle against Zarth and Jump City started to look like it was before that incident. All the rubble had been removed; the buildings standing that had some danger to fall were demolished to avoid risks. Nevertheless, rebuilding process was going fast and smoothly and downtown looked almost like before, although more time was going to be required before the city reaches its past magnificence. And even more time would be necessary for the citizens of Jump City to forget what Zarth had done; in fact, some people said that battle would never be forgotten… Close to the city in the island of the titans, the T tower stood imposing again. Robin and the others didn't hesitate to built it again once the danger had passed because that represented a clear sign of good overcoming evil and the tower would show to the citizens that the titans would never abandon them, not even in the hardest times... Regarding the other groups involved, The Order of Chaos almost disappeared after Zarth's destruction because many of its followers ran away to avoid being captured by the titans or the Order of Darkness; however, Connor's parents took advantage of that situation to take over the organization. Both of them were very careful not to be seen in the first line along with Zarth so now they claimed they were neutrals during the whole conflict. With John dead and Zarth destroyed nothing was in their way to take control of the order... or what was left of it. But the Blackwoods had the mission of giving back the magnificence lost to the organization.
On the other hand, the Order of Darkness also suffered a lot of changes; after Joseph's death and the destruction of Jack and Garlack the organization had no leader and many of its members feared that a conflict could start because of it. However, those fears stopped when Dominic appeared. Connor's friend had survived a vicious battle against Zarth's followers and assassins and everybody agreed he was the most qualified member to be the new leader. Some days later Jessy, Connor, Tara and the rest of the members attended the ceremony where Dominic was sworn in; and the leader's first decision was swearing in Connor as Master, which surprised many of the members since he would become the youngest Master in decades inside the organization. But yet, they accepted it; after all, the kid had also risked his life fighting against Zarth not to mention Connor's powers were great and having a Blackwood in a high position was never a bad thing. Other detail to be mentioned was that for the first time, people outside the Order witnessed one of the internal meetings. The Teen Titans were the special guests of the ceremony; Robin's group was very pleased since they thought Dominic and Connor deserved their new positions... definitely, everything was changing everywhere.
During the time the T tower was being rebuilt, the titans had been honor guests in Connor's manor; in fact, the place was used as the new titan's headquarters. Although Terra also spent a lot of time in her mother's house, after all they had to make up for lost time. Beast Boy didn't hesitate to go with her and Tara always received them joyful.
Robin and Starfire were getting used to their relationship and every day passed made them feel more comfortable with it; although the Tameranian didn't lose her touch and many times she made him sweat with her comments and questions, most of them regarding marriage... Terra and Beast Boy were very closed and it was clear their relationship got stronger with time; spending time with Tara helped them to be apart from the group and to live other experiences. The blond girl was learning to have a real family and she couldn't thank enough for having her mother back. After many years running from one place to another feeling lonely, insignificant and abandoned now she could share glorious moments with her friends, her boyfriend and her mother; finally she belonged to a place, to a group, to a family. The only sad thing in her life was her father's absence, she would have wish to be with him and her mother, but nothing was perfect; nevertheless, she actually ha more than she ever wanted and that was fair enough for her. Garfield was also very happy with his new life, finally his social life grew and visiting Tara was always special since she treated him as a son. Finally, after a long time, Beast Boy felt he was more than only a titan was. Now he felt he also had worth as a person and that made him happy.
Cyborg enjoyed having long conversations with Jessy and gradually a great friendship started there; the titan got interested in reading novels and technical books about magic and history while the witch became addict to videogames; after all, somebody had to replace Beast Boy when he went visiting Tara. Besides Jessy proved she could save the game every five minutes to avoid awkward situations. The witch felt more confident with her powers but she refused to quit as librarian; she said being in that position had been a key factor for obtaining the original prophecies, which had been extremely useful to defeat Zarth. After hearing her statement Dominic decided to give her the special member rank so now she could freely have access to the restricted areas and documents... you never knew how much could a librarian knows.
Connor and Raven had a very strong relationship and they were even thinking of getting married in time, which made Robin live awkward situations with Starfire; because the recent interest the Tameranian had in marriage was caused by her conversations with Raven. When the tower was finished, the titan hesitated in staying with Connor or moving with the team. But Blackwood was designated honorary titan and he decided to move with her to the tower. The wizard always thought his manor was too big for him not to mention the assassins had destroyed his apartment in the city. Besides, Jessy often visited the tower for playing videogames with Cyborg so he also could keep in touch with her outside the Order's headquarters. The titans never imagined that Raven could show her emotions openly and seeing her deeply in love with Connor didn't stop surprising them. Although that didn't mean she changed her manners, especially against Beast Boy, but it was obvious that the wizard had moved many things inside her and, good or not, she'd never be the same as before...
Definitely, those terrible events that happened a year ago had changed the future of all the people involved to a degree they didn't knew for sure. It was a matter of time before realizing if those changes had been good or bad; however, the most important thing was they were together and stronger than ever. The future before them now had a lot of possibilities to be explored and they deserved it; they put everything at risk, even their own lives to protect the city and the world. Even for the citizens the future now gave them hope, they had acted like true heroes, instead of hiding they fought against Zarth's followers to help the titans to make them see their sacrifice was worthy... Summarizing, despite the damages or maybe thanks to them, Zarth's arrival set the end of one era and the beginning of a new one for every people in the city. Only time could tell if new enemies would come to prove again the strength of them or if finally they had reached the true peace.
Terra and Beast Boy were leaving Tara's apartment in the outskirts of Jump City after enjoying a great lunch meal; now they were about to start their way back to the tower. The younger of the Markov rose and Beast Boy transformed into an eagle to follow her.
"Darling, remember you must go to the high school tomorrow for your registration, don't forget it" – said Tara seeing the couple rising in the air.
"I know mom, I'm going there tomorrow I promise" – said Terra bothered.
"Don't do the bother thing on me, you know you forget everything; in fact I'll call you tomorrow to remind it to you" – replied Tara – "And you Garfield, you better make sure my daughter can register tomorrow, otherwise you won't be welcome here anymore" – concluded the witched faking a threat.
"Don't worry ma'am, I'll be watching her" – answered Beast Boy with several water drops on his head.
"Mom, please, leave him alone" – said Terra.
"He must earn being my son-in-law" – sentenced Tara half-smiling.
The couple got away and Tara kept looking at them with nostalgia; the witch was very proud of her daughter because she could overcome her weaknesses and fears to move forward and avoid wasting the second chance she had received. Besides after Andrew's death her family was finally together and despite he was not with them, his spirit ever left them alone. That made Tara feel very happy and although Terra refused to move with her, her mother understood her reasons for staying in the tower. She was a titan after all and she would never quit from that job. In addition to that, the older of the Markov soon realized how much Beast Boy loved Terra, which made her rest better since she was sure he would always take care of her... and for a mother, that meant a lot.
In the road to the tower, Beast Boy decided to take a detour towards the place where he always went at the end of each day before Zarth's awakening; only this time the situation was quite different. Terra noticed his move and decided to follow him no questions asked to see what he wanted to show her. Seconds later both arrived to a place well known by them, before the couple a cave was standing. The same cave where she had fought Slade and the same cave where she had sacrificed her life to save the city. The green boy kept quiet and entered the cave without hesitating and the blond girl followed him a little bit scared by the memories of that place including the scene she lived during her battle against Zarth. Finally, the guy arrived where he wanted to go and turned around to show it to Terra.
"Here is where I came everyday to speak with you and to give you some company" said Beast Boy looking the room – "You... or the statue of you where in that corner" – concluded the titan.
"This place is very lugubrious I don't understand how you kept coming here day after day" – pointed Terra.
"There's no place that can be gloomy if you are in it and I kept coming to see you, I know maybe I was not helpful, but that way I thought you wouldn't be alone" – replied Garfield.
"Thanks, thanks for everything you have done for me; I don't know if I'm going to deserve it some day, but I assure that means a lot for me" – said Terra.
"You already deserve it, you have done a lot for us and others too and you always proved your feelings were noble... and nothing else matters" – sentenced Beast Boy – "Many times I thought you were conscious inside that prison and that made me go nuts because I imagined you suffering hell without being able to help you" – concluded starting to cry.
"You don't have to cry anymore for it, everything lies in the past now and I swear I was never conscious inside it" – clarified Terra remembering her dream during the final battle – "what is important now is that we are together and this time I won't ruin it" – concluded the blond girl hugging her boyfriend.
"I love you Terra, I'll always love you" – said Beast Boy kissing her softly.
"I love you too" – replied the girl when the kissed ended.
They both dedicated a sweat smile to each other and decided to resume her journey towards the tower, but this time when they left the cave the couple realized they were also leaving a past full of pain to go towards a better future...
In the shore of the lake that was close to Connor's manor the wizard was along with Raven meditating as they did everyday. Both wizard and witch always took a few hours during the day for going to that place that had captivated the crow girl and that had become some kind of ritual for them... Far from there in another realm, the titan was having a conversation with a woman who looked exactly like her but with robes that reflected every color.
"See? I told you everything was going to be ok after my arrival" – said Love.
"Great, now you come with the 'I told you' thing" – replied Raven faking annoyance.
"Well look at you, you're happy, you have the guy you love with you and gradually those old wounds are healing" – continued Love.
"I only want this to be... permanent... I... really feel great now and I don't think I would stand losing everything" – said Raven worried – "You know better than anyone else this hasn't been easy for me, but I can't deny I like what I'm living now" – concluded the titan.
"I know you have made a great effort and it has been worthy so far so don't be silly and stop feeling fear; I've come to stay and I won't let you lose what you deserve" – said Love resolved – "Trust me, ok?"
"I already do it, well I got to go now, see you later" – said Raven who wanted to tease Connor before he finished his meditation.
The crow girl came back to reality and could see the wizard throwing stones to the lake trying to make them bounce as much as possible. The titan felt disappointed seeing he already had finished his meditation but then she thought she could still caught him by surprise so he walked towards him very carefully but she forgot one of the wizard's skills.
"Don't even think I'll be fool enough to let you throw me to the water" – said Connor without turning around.
"It's not funny if you read my mind, you know?" – said Raven to tease him.
"Fun or joy can't be suppressed if you are around" – replied Connor whirling to gaze the girl in front of him closely.
"Did you forget by any chance how I look?" – inquired Raven blushing.
"No, but I just love to see your beauty"
"Oh, you're going to make me cry" – mocked the titan.
"Sometimes it's amazing how easy you can cut my inspiration" – said Connor faking defeat.
"Oh please cut it off, I forgot my handkerchief at the tower"
"Do you think you're funny, right? Let's see what you can do about this"
Connor disappeared and suddenly Raven felt a strong grip around her and next she was floating in the middle air; afterwards the wizard appeared hugging her before giving the titan a soft kiss in her lips, kiss that was followed by another one this time more passionate. The crow girl didn't have time to think and when she realized what was happening she was already kissing him back. First, Raven wanted to keep teasing him by pushing the wizard away, but them she realized that was very difficult for her, cutting a Connor's kiss was simply not nice, so she decided to enjoy the moment and the magic of love filling her veins. The feelings they shared got stronger and stronger and she was very happy because the bond between them was becoming almost unbreakable, which made her feel secure… after all, she wanted to spend the rest of her life at his side…
"What were you saying about a handkerchief?" – asked Connor when the kiss ended.
"I don't remember and to be honest, I don't care" – replied Raven.
"I love you and I want you to be sure of it, You're the most important thing in my life and I want to be with you forever" – added Connor.
"I trust you more than ever and more than anyone. I know this is going to be fine… I know I can be very fatalistic sometimes but if I'm positive of something is of this" – sentenced the crow girl.
The two lovers kissed again and then flew towards the tower to meet the others; many things had passed in their lives but finally they could have hopes about a future full of happiness, but above all, a future together…
Inside the tower, the titans along with Connor and Jessy spend an entertaining afternoon with great dishes, good music, excellent movies and of course the new Silent Hill videogame, which like its prequels had the classic hospital scenario. Blackwood was cooking along with Jessy like they used to do since they did it in Connor's manor during the battle against Zarth. Although this time Raven and Terra were helping them to finish quickly. Cyborg, Beast Boy and Jessy, who escaped from the kitchen to the living room any time she could, were fighting hard the killing nurses but this time thanks to the witch skills they were about to complete the level. Robin was along with Starfire watching the news waiting for something to happen. During the year next to the battle against the legendary warrior no crimes had been committed in the city. It was like all the villains had left the place due to the conflict… and it was comprehensible, giving how destroyed the city ended after the battle, perhaps the bad guys stop finding the place attractive for crime.
"Dinner is ready" – called Connor making the group to run for their lives to reach the table first. They were really hungry.
But when they started to eat the Tower's alarm began buzzing revealing the presence of a dangerous villain in the city… apparently the bad guys have realized Jump City had been rebuilt.
"It is a fact, the bad guys always appear in the worst moment, what a timing, man" – said Cyborg bothered.
"Don't go anywhere my dear tofu I'll be back in no time" – said Beast Boy.
"Finally a bad guy! This is exciting!" – yelled Starfire astonishing the others – "What? I thought we were all expecting this to happen" – ended the Tameranian ashamed.
"Well guys, it's time to kick some butts… finally" – said Robin hiding a smile… he was starting to miss that buzzing – "Titans Go!!"
The End
Author's Notes: Well finally I could finish this story. The truth is it took me more time than I planned from the beginning but I think it was worthy since I'm very proud of the final product. As you could see by reading this fic, this is the way I wanted the show to continue after season four (season five was… sad to say something polite)
I really hope you have enjoyed this ride as much as I enjoyed writing it and thanks again to spend part of your time reading these lines.
I tried to keep the original humor and feeling we loved from the show, but I also wanted to add new stuff like more romance (and more developed) and a darker plot. I feel happy because I could keep Connor alive until the end and man I was really tempted to kill him in a dramatic way. He and Jessy are special characters for me and I enjoyed creating, imagining and writing them both.
As you may noticed Terra was always the main character of the fic and the whole plot was developed around her. Why? Because she is the character I like most from the show and I really love she being Beast Boy's girlfriend. That's way I hated what happened to her in Aftershock 2 (not to mention Things Change… hate became rage seeing that chapter) so I decided to take my revenge by creating a story with Terra as a main character.
I don't want to say goodbye before thanking all the people that has been with me during this journey; I won't give names because I'm sure I'd forget some of them and that would be unfair, but you know who you are. I'll always be thankful for your help and support I haven't quit writing because of you.
Special thanks to my mother and my wife, I adore you both and I want to spend more years with you two. This fic is also for you.
Finally I want to thank again all the readers of this story and the other fics I have written; an author have no real value if nobody reads him and only you can't prevent our work to be forgotten. Thanks for keeping my stories alive and thanks for bothering to read them. I write first for me and then for you, I know sometimes I just have long delays, but it's not on purpose I swear. I hope this ending makes your wait worthy.
Is there going to be a sequel? My first intention was closing this story here but then I receive some reviews asking for a sequel of the Spanish version and I think I've found a good idea for making a second part so it's probably you read another season very soon. But you must keep in mind I don't have much time for the writing process so be patient. Besides I want to know if you really want a sequel.
If I don't receive reviews I'll assume you didn't like the fic or you don't want a second part so I'll focus only in the Spanish version for the sequel. If I receive reviews asking for the second season I'll make an effort to write it also in English. You can count on that.
Well, see you later, it is very hard for me to close this story since it took me more or less a couple of years to write it and I can't help feeling a little sad now. Thanks again to everybody and see you in next issue.