Well as some people know.. the game was deleted because of my mother... And I thought after a email I got from Sapphire-glass, hey why not start it over anyway? Yes, it may take a long while, and yes, the chapters will be very different or completely different, but if anyone likes it, please feel free to review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. Rumiko Takahashi does.

A raven haired girl stood in her high school parking lot with her three best friends. For many weeks Kagome Higurashi had been preparing for her departure to Hawaii because of her mother's unknown illness. The doctors here in Tokyo could not do anything more to help her mother Atsuki, now Hawaii was supposed to be the perfect place for medicine for her.

Kagome said she would do anything to help her mother, and that included moving. But now, the time was finally here, and Kagome just wanted to go back to her empty shrine home and hide. The speech she had prepared for when she had to finally tell her friends she was leaving, was completely out of her head. No speech, or right words would ease the pain she at the moment was feeling, or her crying friends.

"So... this is it?" One of the friends, Yuka choked out.

Kagome nodded, her eyes downcast. "Yeah.. we either go now or we'll have to wait a week to get to Hawaii."

"I for one wish you would wait... just for that extra week." Eri sobbed out, holding a crying Ayumi.

Kagome was holding back he own tears. She needed to be strong now and later on. Not just for herself, but for Souta her younger brother also. What would be that point of being strong for herself, if she couldn't for others?

Kagome shallowed a lump her in her throat. "But... you know my step father. Naraku doesn't wish to be late for anything."

A horn beeped behind Kagome, telling her to hurry up. Kagome's eyes hardened knowing Naraku was getting impatiant with her. But what did he expect? A time limit for her to say good bye to her friends? Sorry if Kagome wasn't that type of girl.

"I... I should go.. but. We can email eachother! Right when I get to Hawaii I'll email you guys." Kagome walked up to the three and gave them a long hug. Kagome wasn't sure if she was ever coming back to her home town. This could be the very last time she saw her friends ever again.

"Send us pictures of Hawaii and you and everything else!" Ayumi finally spoke up.

Kagome nodded, and quickly turned around. She could feel the tears of pain threatening to fall as she ran to her step fathers car. Kagome ran over to her side of the car and took one more glance at her best friends and saw they were waving and still crying.

Kagome pulled the door open and climbed into her seat. Her brother Souta was playing one of his video games on his gameboy, and put it on pause when he saw Kagome putting her seat belt on. "You ok sis?" He asked with concern in his voice.

Kagome only nodded, not knowing if her voice would fail her if she tried to talk. Souta nodded and turned his game back on, knowing his sister wasn't really alright but he couldn't do anything about that. It was easy for him to leave his school because he didn't know his friends all his life like Kagome knew hers. He was looking forward to Hawaii, unlike his elder sister.

Naraku didn't even pay his step daughter a glance as he sped out of the parking lot and down the street. Kagome turned her head to look out her window and began to go off into her head, but was brought back quickly once Naraku started talking. "When we arrive at Hawaii, you Kagome will be staying with your aunt Tyoshi. As will Souta."

Kagome's eyes widened. "What! Your kidding!"

Naraku hid his smirk of amusement and continued talking. "No Kagome I'm not. You will live at Tyoshi's with her daughter Kikyo and recently adopted younger brother Shippo."

Souta looked up from his game surprised. "They adopted a brother? That's so cool! Can we adopt someone?"

Kagome ignored her brothers question and asked her own. "But why Kikyo's house! You know very well me and Kikyo don't get along!"

Naraku nodded. "Then when you're there, you and Kikyo can get to know eachother better."

Kagome turned her heated glare towards her step father. "I don't want to! I agreed to move to Hawaii for mama, but I'm not staying with Kikyo! I'll stay in a hotel or with someone else. Or even..."

"Your staying at your aunt and with Kikyo if you like it or not!" Naraku yelled not taking his eyes off the road. "It's already been decided. You and Souta are staying there got it? Good."

Kagome and Souta were silent for awhile after Naraku yelled at Kagome. What right did he have to make a decision like this without Kagome knowing? He wasn't her birth father or anything. Just an ass hole her mother fell in love with. But how could she fall for a monster like him?

"Where are you staying?" Kagome asked after a long pause.

"I have a home of my own in Hawaii. I'll be staying there on my own with a friend of mine." Naraku replied casually.

"Then how come I can't.." Kagome was cut off when Naraku parked in the airport parking lot.

"Come Kagome, I can't carry all your junk, I mean possesions by myself." Kagome glared harder at Naraku's small smirk as he hopped out of car, with Souta right behind him.

Kagome let out an angry sigh. I don't want to leave.. I don't want to live with Kikyo... I can't imagine Kikyo's face when she finds out I'm living in her house for whenever time period..

"Kagome!" Naraku shouted from behind the car. Kagome opened the door and walked behind the car and pulled out some of her 'junk' and followed Naraku inside the airport silently.

"She's what!" Once called cold hearted, Kikyo Renay stood in her fine fernished mansion across from her mother who had just explained the last thing Kikyo wanted to hear.

"She's staying here honey. Your aunt Atsuki has been transferred here from the Tokyo hospital. You know how ill she is. Hawaii is the best place for her to be right now. So it's natural that Kagome and Souta will be staying here!" Kikyo's mother, Tyoshi, tried to explain.

"But I don't want that poor girl in our beautiful home." Kikyo argued back. It was known since the two were children, they never did get along very well. While everyone believed that Kagome was the one who caused the problems, and Kikyo was the saint, Kagome on the other hand could tell you a completely different story on how things went on back then. But no one believed poor girl Kagome against rich girl Kikyo.

"Kikyo, please don't look at it that way! Just because were more fortunate, doesn't give you the right to call them poor!" Tyoshi reasoned.

Kikyo stayed silent, turning her black eyes away from from her mother's bright green ones. It was true, Tyoshi and Kikyo were known as the rich. They had a beautiful home, glamorous clothes, and a great life, compared to Atsuki and Kagome, yes it would appear Kagome was poor. But kind hearted Tyoshi, never saw it that way. She was blessed with everything she had and was sure not to take it for granted. While Kikyo always took everything she had for granted.

"But mother.." Kikyo began to whine again.

"No buts Kikyo. Kagome and Souta are staying here and I expect you to be on your best behaviour." Tyoshi closed the discussion at that.

Kikyo let out a irratated sigh, before turning around and making her way out of the room. "I'm going out with Inu-baby. If I'm not here when little Kagome gets here... give her my best."

Tyoshi let out a soft sigh and allowed herself to fall on one of her black leather couches. Tyoshi knew her daughter was a spoiled child, but she hoped that wouldn't ruin her judgements in life.

One of the best judgements she ever made was Inuyasha Masaharu. Inuyasha was a rich man himself, but kind hearted towards her daughter. He was the son of Inutaisho, the president of Tama Industries. His mother Izayoi had her own clothing indrustry and was making millions off it. And his half brother Sesshoumaru had his own company called Y4 Inc. Inuyasha was expected to take over Tama Industries when he turned twenty, but Inuyasha didn't seem the type to take over a company.

Inuyasha was a party-skip-school-don't-care-about-grades-kind of guy. Maybe even a fighter type of guy, but he's definatly the kind of guy who could take care of himself and his women. Inuyasha would and does do everything for Kikyo. He loves her with every fiber in his body. He is sweet and kind, and Tyoshi was glad Kikyo chose him for a boyfriend.

Tyoshi knew her niece and nephew would be here in a hour or so. The flight wouldn't take to long, and soon they both would be here. Tyoshi hadn't seen them since they were babies and couldn't wait!

"Mama? Are they here yet?" Tyoshi turned her head to see alittle red haired boy with a green bow in his hair approching her. He was rubbing his eyes and just finished having his nap.

"Not yet Shippo honey, but soon." Tyoshi watched as her knew adopted son came up and sat next to her on the couch.

"Is Kagome and Souta nice?" Shippo asked, turning his green eyes up to Tyoshi's own green ones.

"Yes. Your going to love both of them. And I just know Souta's excited about you just like you are about him. You two will make the best fo friends." Tyoshi patted the young boys head.

"Good, because I need some." Shippo laid his head on Tyoshi's arm. Shippo had just been adopted by Tyoshi a week ago, and was just getting used to the riches and huge home he now lived in. Shippo hadn't started school yet and had no friends at all. Shippo was hoping Souta and Kagome would be friends with him.

"Come on sweetie, you and I should set up Kagome and Souta's bedrooms so they somewhere to sleep tonight." Tyoshi hopped off the couch and held onto Shippo's hand as he led her up stairs towards the two new rooms.

An hour later, Kagome and Souta were off towards there aunts house in a limo. Naraku told the two he had to get to his house right away and left them alone in the airport! Thankfully, Tyoshi had sent a limo just in case, and so the two were excited to jump in and go.

"I can't wait to meet Shippo!" Souta explained excitedly. He had long since gotten bored of his video games and was now sitting across from Kagome on the nice leather seats.

"Me either." Kagome replied smiling. "But I'm still not looking forward to seeing Kikyo around."

Souta nodded. "Me neither. But I really wanna see aunt Tyoshi. I can't believe how rich she is!"

Kagome smiled. Souta had never road in a limo before, and he was beyond excited. It's was finally how excited he got over the littlest things. Soon they would be in a huge mansion and living like the rich and famous. Kagome supposed there was one upside when living with Kikyo.

"Mr and Miss Higurashi? We've arrived." The limo driver spoke from over his shoulder.

Souta jumped from his seat over to Kagome's and peered out the window along side with her. Out side of the limo window were large black iron gates that they had to go through to get to the huge mansion that belonged to there aunt. It was made from a brick that almost looked like blue green crystal. There were three different sets of black oak doors that were placed on each side of the walls of the house. In the middle of the round driveway, there was a large statue of a women in armor, eyes closed, with a hole in her chest. She was placed infront of as beautiful fountain that sprayed water all around. Infront of the mansion were different kinds of beautiful flowers. Kagome knew that theres was a huge garden in the back yard.

Suddenly the door was opened by the limo driver who was smiling down at them. Kagome grabbed Souta's arm and pulled herself and Souta into the warm rays of the sun. Kagome stretched and smiled at everything around her. Souta was just about to go crazy with everything he saw. He was really loving Hawaii.

The front door of the mansion opened and some men in black suits came out and began to unload all of Kagome and Souta's belonging. After they came out, Kagome and Souta were delighted to see there aunt Tyoshi running outside to greet them.

"Kagome! Souta! I'm so glad your here!" Kagome smiled as her aunt hugged her then her brother, smiling back at them. "It's been so long!"

Kagome nodded. "It has."

"I'm only sad that you couldn't have come for a better reason then your ill mother." Tyoshi's smile slipped abit seeing the sad look on Kagome's face.

"Yeah.. but I'm still glad we could come." It was a lie, well a small one, but Kagome was indeed happy to see her aunt after so long.

"So wheres Shippo? I really wanna see him!" Souta interruppted.

Kagome scowled at her younger brother with his rude outburst, but Tyoshi only laughed. "He's right inside. He's alittle shy to meet you two. Shippo honey? Can you come outside?"

Kagome and Souta looked behind there aunt and saw alittle bit of red coming out from behind the oak doors. Soon a boy who looked around ten or so slowly came out, looking down towards the ground. Tyoshi smiled sweetly at her new son as he made it over next to her.

"Shippo? This is my niece Kagome and my nephew Souta. Your new cousins." Tyoshi interduced.

Shippo slowly looked up into Kagome's blue grey eyes and waved abit."Hi." He whispered out.

Souta walked up to Shippo and smiled brightly. "Hi Shippo, I'm Souta! I really hope we can be friends!"

Kagome couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips. Leave it to her normally shy brother to go out of his way to be nice to someone he's never seen before.

Shippo looked into Souta's chocolate eyes and smiled up at him to. "Me too!" He shouted happily.

Kagome walked next to her brother and got down on one knee. "I hope to be your friend to, if that's alright with you two?"

The two little boys nodded grinning. "Of course!"

Tyoshi smiled and walked next to her niece and put a hand on her shoulder. "I should show you two your rooms." Kagome nodded and began to be led off with her aunt, new friends Souta and Shippo chatting behind them.

Tyoshi led the three in her house and up a flight of black twirling stairs. "Souta's room is on the third floor, and yours Kagome, is on the forth."

Kagome nodded. "So um.. where's Kikyo?"

"Oh," Tyoshi paused. "She couldn't be here, but she told me to give you her bests."

Best what? Kagome asked herself. Nightmares, bad memories, or just best bad hair days? Tyoshi smile at her niece and suddenly stopped at a door before the three new it.

"Souta? This is your room." Tyoshi opened the door and showed Souta his new room. The room was very big. In the middle of the room was a medium sized bed with race cars blankets and pillows. In the right corner of the room is a big screen t.v with a play station 2 already hitched up with games all around. There was a door to the right of the bed which was a closet and another door on left that was a bathroom. There was a big window behind the bed that was covered by air plane curtains. The walls were dark green and navy blue. The room was alittle bare, but once Souta got his things out, it would be home sweet home.

"Whoa! It's awesome!" Souta ran past his aunt and jumped on his big comfy bed.

"Thank Shippo for that. He helped design the room." Tyoshi replied, watching Shippo run in Souta's new room and jumped on the bed next to him. "I'll leave you to place your things where you want while I show Kagome her room." Souta nodded and began bouncing around the room.

Tyoshi made a motion for Kagome to follow her. Just as the two left the room, the men in black suits came into the room and began dropping Souta's things off.

Tyoshi and Kagome walked up another flight of stairs until Tyoshi came to another room and stopped. "Here's your room Kaggy." Tyoshi opened the door and allowed her niece to see her new room.

The room was also big, just like Souta's. The walls were purple and blue, Kagome's favourite colours. The bed was in the corner of the room with blue bed sheets and purple big fluffy pillows. Next to the bed was a oak desk, a swiling chair, with a computer already hitched up. In the left corner of the room was a big screen t.v with a play station 2 and a d.v.d hooked up to it. A vanity was placed on the wall opposite to the t.v. Beside the vanity was a door that was the closet, and on the other wall was a door that was the bathroom. There was a large shelf that was for books and pictures next to the bathroom door. There was even a small couch infront of Kagome's bed. Just like Souta's room, it was alittle bare, but Kagome's things could fix that.

"How do you like it?" Tyoshi asked, while following Kagome into the room.

"It's beautiful! I love it!" Kagome replied happily. "Thank you so much Auntie!" Kagome quickly turned around and hugged Tyoshi.

"It's no bug deal." Tyoshi replied smiling. "Now, Souta's room is right infront of Shippo's, and yours is just infront of Kikyo's."

Kagome let out a soft sigh and nodded. There was nothing she could do about that, now could she? "I'll leave you to put your things away. Dinner will be ready in a hour and a half."

Kagome nodded and watched as her aunt left, and the men in black suits dropped off her things. "Thanks." The men in black nodded before closing the door and leaving Kagome by herself. She had alot of things to put away. But before that, Kagome had to go and email her friends.

Kagome walked over to the computer and turned it on. After a few seconds, the screen came into view and Kagome went to her email address and clicked on the 'send message' button. Kagome cracked her fingers then began to type.

"Hey guys, It's me Kagome sending you my first email!

I'm at Hawaii now, at my aunts house, and in my new room. It's great! It's so beautiful! I'll send you a picture of it soon. I really like it here. My aunt has a beautiful house, I wish I lived here all the time, with you guys I mean. My aunt Tyoshi adopted alittle boy named Shippo. He's the cutest little thing! I send you a picture of him also. Kikyo's not here thanfully. Too bad my rooms right infront of hers. But, oh well! Naraku's not here, he has his own house here in Hawaii, but he made me and Souta stay here! He's such a jerk! He know's I hate Kikyo, and he makes me stay here anyway! I could kill him! But It's nice to see my aunt and Shippo. I have to go, I'm dead tired. Send me an email back ok? I miss you all! You, Tokyo, even school! I wish I could go back, but my mom's still sick and... Anyway I gotta go. Love you guys to whip cream!

Your best friend,


Kagome sighed and clicked the send button. It hurt to not see her friends. Sending that email almost made her want to cry, but she had to stay strong. Kagome let out a shaky sigh then stood from the chair and allowed herself to just fall onto her new bed. It didn't feel the same like her old bed. Not better or worse. Just different. Kagome let out a sigh and closed her eyes. I can't believe I'm living in Hawaii... I wish I could be back home with mama...

Without another thought, Kagome was placed in a deep slumber, not wanting to wake up until she was back in Tokyo with her friends. But who knows? Maybe this place could do Kagome some good. Maybe make her worse. But who knows?

And that my friends was the premier of The Game redone. Alot of things have changed.

1) Naraku is Kagome's step dad, not Horo.

2) Souta is living with Kagome now in Tyoshi's house.

3) Tyoshi is completely rich

4) Shippo is the adopted son of Tyoshi.

5)The story started and ended differently.

And I'm telling you, the chapters are going to be completely different. But I hope you'll like it, like I liked this chapter, alot! If alot of people review, I'll continue, but I think I need a day or so for a break ok? Thanks for reading!