Disclaimer: If Fruits Basket and Inuyasha belong to us, they would have met in the anime instead of a fanfic

Author's Notes: ((Dodges flying knives and tomatoes)) Red Kitsune is here to apologize, once again, for the lateness of this chapter. ((Gets hit by an old boot)) Ahem, but there is a good explanation. Originally, Kagome Hime was assigned for this chapter. She was not able to complete and it and has left it unfinished. After several months, Red Kitsune stepped in and wrapped up this chapter.

I apologize for the shabbiness of this chapter. We were short on inspiration and had to rush this chapter. Please excuse us again. ((Runs off and hides while being pelted with dangerous objects))

Chapter Four: The Eye of the Hurricane

The sky was painted in brilliant hues of pink and red as evening grew near. The setting sun cast the city in a warm, glowing light. A lone figure lay on the roof of the Sohma main house.

Inuyasha stared blankly at the clouds rolling lazily by. The events of the past few hours happened so quickly, it felt like a nightmare.

'Naraku's gone, Kikyou's gone, and the Shikon Jewel's gone with them…it just gets better and better' his mind repeated over and over again.

'And whose fault is that?' An annoying little voice asked in the back of his head.

'Mine…' Inuyasha admitted to himself in resignation.

'Who lost?'

'Who didn't try hard enough? You, Inuyasha. It's all your fault.'

"ARGHH! Shut up!" Inuyasha screamed, successfully shutting up the annoying little voice.

He refocused on his surroundings.

That's right; he was in the future, in Kagome's time. According to the Sohmas, they were in a place called Kyoto. Wherever that may be.

A sound interrupted Inuyasha's thoughts. He quickly turned to look. A head appeared… someone was coming up to the roof top. Someone with bright orange hair.

'Ah, it's that guy from the ceremony that called us circus freaks,' Inuyasha grunted in annoyance at the memory.

The orange haired guy glanced up and noticed Inuyasha. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.

An awkward silence passed between them. They stared at each other for a while. Kyou cautiously sat down at a distance from Inuyasha. Both parties stubbornly refused to speak to one another, exchanging furtive glances at each other.

Finally, Kyou's curiousity got the better of him, "So, who are you exactly?"

Inuyasha looked up, surprised.

"I asked you a question you know."

"Feh, weren't you listening at the ceremony we explained everything?" Inuyasha answered irritably.

"No," Kyou replied flatly.

Inuyasha sighed. He usually didn't like to talk, but right now he would do anything to keep that annoying little voice from coming back.

"My name is Inuyasha-"

"Inuyasha? What kinda name is that?" Kyou interrupted with a snort.

"None of your business. Now do you wanna listen or what?" Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at Kyou.

"Yeah, keep going"

"I'm a… half demon."

He didn't know why he's telling a complete stranger these things. But it was the only way to block out his conscience.

"Huh, a half-demon," Kyou echoed nonchalantly, as Inuyasha was merely telling him his favourite food.

Inuyasha glanced at Kyou. He wasn't moving away from him, he wasn't running away, like he expected him to do. And he wasn't afraid… at least he didn't look like he was.

"Yeah. A half demon," Inuyasha blinked, a bit puzzled at Kyou's lack of reaction.

So just like that they started to talk to each other, arguing at times.

Kyou told Inuyasha about the curse and about being the cat. About Akito and he even hinted about Tohru.

Inuyasha explained the feudal era and the demons and Naraku. He told him about the Shikon no Tama and about their journey to recover the pieces.

And even though their conversation ended up with a duel to the death the next day, they found that they had a lot in common. They both knew what it was like to be treated badly to be pointed at, to be laughed at.


While Inuyasha and Kyou were supposedly "sulking" on the roof top, Kagome took a little tour of the Sohma's main house.

"So, here are the bedrooms. And that concludes our tour of the Sohmas main house!" Shigure announced, turning around to face the others.

"Wow, this place is beautiful. You don't see many of these in Tokyo anymore," Kagome clapped her hands together.

"Ah, so you live in Tokyo?"

"Yeah, I live on a shrine with my family. And that's where I found the well into the feudal era."

"You fell into a well?" A new voice asked. Kagome turned around to come face to face with Yuki and Tohru.

"Oh, no. A centipede dragged me in," She laughed airily.

"A CENTIPEDE!" Tohru let out a little yelp, her face blanched at the thought.

"Sorry, it was more like a centipede demon..." After seeing the look on Tohru's face, she added in, "It's not that bad, you get used to those things if you stayed in feudal Japan for a while. Though I'm still not so comfortable with the man eating slugs…"

"I always thought the giant weasels are worse," Shippou said from Kagome's shoulder, drawing the attention to the little fox demon.

"Ah, Miss Higurashi… What is that?" Tohru stared at the little orange ball of fluff.

"Oh, yes. This is Shippou. He's a little fox demon."

"Aw, he's so cute!"

"I know!"

While Kagome explained to Tohru how they met up with Shippou, Yuki pulled Shigure to the side.

"What did Akito say?" He whispered, making sure the two squealing females didn't hear.

"Say about what?" Shigure asked, smiling.

"About them."

"What about them?" Shigure tilted his head, pretending to not understand what Yuki was talking about.

"You're avoiding my question."

"He said they'll stay, until Naraku comes back again."


"Isn't it obvious? He wants them to protect him…"

"So in other words he's using them," Yuki narrowed his eyes, "That's so like Akito."


"Oh, it almost dinner time! Shall we get going?" Tohru asked cheerfully.

"Oh, that's right. We are not allowed to leave the main house until all of this is settled. So it looks like we'll be here of a couple of days." Shigure replied with a smile.

Yuki groaned and rubbed his temples, "So we have to stay here?"

"Yup, until Naraku comes back. But we get to take a little break from everything," Shigure waved the subject away, "Anyway, let's not think about that for now. We have a lovely meal prepared by the Sohma House maids to look forward to!"

Yuki shook his head in amazement at Shigure's retreating figure. How the novelist was able to be so calm at a time of crisis was beyond him.


It was late in the evening, and everybody had gone to bed. Tohru had just finished accompanying their new guests to their rooms, and was walking quietly back to into her own room.

"Tohru?" a voice called out behind her, causing her to jump.

Tohru whirled around to come face to face with Shigure, "Ah, yes, Shigure-san?"

"I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized, smiling slightly, "I just came to deliver a message from Akito. He wants you to come to his room alone tomorrow night at midnight. You know where it is, right?"

"Oh, yes. It's in the first room towards the end of the east main hallway, right?" Tohru could sense by the tone of Shigure's voice that it was a command, "I will go exactly at midnight."

"Thank you, Tohru," Shigure patted her on the shoulder lightly, "It's rather late. I'd better get some shut-eye. G'night, Tohru." Shigure yawned loudly and headed back to his room.

"Good night," Tohru replied and continued walking back to her room.

Little did she know, her every move was being watched by a pair of glowing red eyes…

The eyes of a saimyoushou.


"So, she is the girl?" A woman's voice asked in the darkness. It was calm and cool, with a hint of malice.

"Yes, the shining beacon of the Sohma family… She is a very important part of my plan. We need her," A second voice, belonging to a male, replied. His voice oozed with darkness.

"Tomorrow at midnight, is that correct?" The female voice spoke again.

"Yes, Kagura, you know what to do. Don't fail me."

"I won't, Naraku…"

Kit's Corner:

Unfortunately, Kagome Hime is unable to answer your reviews this chapter, so it will only be I, Red Kitsune, answering your reviews today.

Sakura-chan79- Thankies! We will try hard not to let you down

X- Thanks for reviewing, but we would like to know what you think could be improved. A bit of constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Calera- Thanks for reviewing and I'm sorry for the long wait!

Pink pokkadotted panda- Yay! I'm so flattered that you liked our story.

Crazyanimefreak15- Kag and I tried hard to find an original crossover. We decided to do one on FB and IY because they are two of our favourite animes!

Sinmay- Thanks for reviewing our fanfic, Sinmay! We're glad that you enjoyed it.

MPPgrl- We're glad you liked our fanfic. As you can see, Kagome Hime dedicated a part of this chapter to you!

Kira-kun lover- Here it is! Chapter 4, just like you asked!

Kimster44- Thanks for reviewing!

Diekagomedie- Sorry for having to make you wait for so long!

Firey Pheonix- Thanks for your encouragement!

Kagomente- I'm glad you enjoyed our chapter!

Kagome The Sexy Miko- Thanks!

Missalissa- I'm very, very, VERY sorry for making you wait for so long. But here it is! Chapter 4!

Black Mirage- Nope, Akito ain't gonna die. And thanks for reviewing!

KamiKaze no Kage- Don't worry, I'm not gonna give up! See? An update!

In Case You Didn't Know…

Saimyoushou- Hell bees that Naraku tend to use for spying