A/N:- Its another chapter...THANK YOU for reviewing.

Disclaimer:- I DO NOT OWN CCS.

Chapter 1

Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo dadouji had graduated from Tomoeda high six years ago.

They are now twenty-three and live in a medium-sized apartment . After Reedington, Tomoyo took on Fashion studies and met the love of her life Eriol Hiragizawa.

Sakura on the other hand is a famous writer under the pen name cherry.

Sakura sat on her lovely leather couch and scowled at the letter she was holding in her hands. Leave it to her best friend to complain about her lack of boyfriends. Fuming, she reread the letter.

Dear Saku,
Eriol and I are having the time of our lives in the Alps, we never thought it would be this fun ! But, really Saku i can't believe i'm here celebrating my one year anniversary with my boyfriend while you are sitting there dateless !

So guess what we both did? We just entered you in ' The bachelor'. Isn't that cool ? I hope you get into to it Sakura ! I really think that you'll find that special someone in there.

Lots of love,

ps:- Eriol says hello !

Sakura knew perfectly well that Tomoyo wouldn't leave her alone until she had found the man she was in love with. Like that was ever going to happen.

Sakura had so far dated 9 guys in the past year. All of them had been Mr. Wrong escalated to a level that she would have never imagined.

The first one had spit every time he talked. Sakura shuddered, remembering how she had to keep a considerable distance from him in order to avoid a saliva slime bath.

The second was more interested in Sakura's boobs than her face. The guy's eyes wouldn't travel up her shoulders!

Sakura had almost liked the third one, until she had found out he was still dating his ex-girlfriend.

The fourth one was interested in Sakura's money than anything else. Great, Sakura thought, a man gold-digger. That's what the world needs right now.

The fifth had been fairly nice, but he was rather boring. And although Sakura hated to admit it, she did crave someone fairly decent looking, and he just didn't cut it.

The sixth one had been a twin and he brought along his brother on their date. Such thing's didn't fly for Sakura and neither of them were good looking.

The seventh one had been a real charmer. He even hit on the waitress on their date.

The eighth was a blind date. Sakura ended up having dinner with a 60 year old coot.

The ninth had talked a lot, to the extent where Sakura could not get a single word in. She had listened to the crazy fart until she could recite all of his childhood friends, his pets, his cousins, his sisters, and his stamp collection.

In short, Sakura was a complete jinx when it came to dating. So she might as well as take Tomoyo's help in this.

Now she had a letter from the makers of ' The Bachelor' .

Sakura hoped that she had been rejected. It was the reasonable thing to do after all, only desperate people went on these shows. Then again, she was desperate, and what if, just what if the man on the show was Mr. Right?

She tore open the letter and began to read in heated anticipation.

Dear Miss Kinomoto,

We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected to appear on the fifth season of The Bachelor!

Please pack your bags for a six-week trip and arrive at the Li Mansion (directions are attached to this sheet) between one p.m. and five p.m. on Saturday, November 11th. There your journey into romance will begin!

We are excited to meet you and wish you a lot of luck.
- Sheifa Liang, chief executive of The Bachelor

Sakura squealed in delight . She had made it!

But then again, was that really such a good thing? Shrugging it off, Sakura walked into her room to pack her bags for the coming Saturday.

Ready or not, she had been chosen as one of the twenty-five on The Bachelor.

A/N:- You probably guessed our Bachelor now...it should be obvious. Well just tell me on what you think. Suggestions are welcome.