Kagome can't remember what happened that cold winter's night when she was attacked? Nor can she remember who her attacker was. Her only clue is the baby she now carries within her womb. Inuyasha has a sneaky suspicion, and Kagome now wonders if her baby is even human.

'Baby of Mine'

Clawed hands instantly shot out to the woman before him, grasping her shoulder's roughly and with what little control her had, pulled her roughly back into the bedroom. Slamming the door with his foot behind him he tossed her down to floor. There was nothing she could do now. She had made her choice, and now...She was his, and she would become his many times throughout the night. She let out a small yelp and turned her eyes up to his red ones. If he was going to have her, he would do it slowly this time. He wanted to remember ever last thing. He wanted to build her up, and then come with her as she fell. Wanted to be with her as she screamed out his name in complete and beautiful rapture. Yes…

She stared back at him just as hungry her lust for the demon lord growing more and more. She wanted him no doubt. She had offered up her body to him. But her body wouldn't come easy... She wanted to tease him... Make him work for her like he should... She wanted to make him work for her, make him yearn for her.

Smiling seductively Kagome pushed herself forward onto her knees crawling towards him slowly. Each inch closer she could hear a low growl admit from his throat; each one louder than the last. When she reached him, her smile widened as she stood, making sure to brush up against his rock hard body. His mouth fell open slightly allowing the contact between the two. Turning around she moved to sit on the bed, crossing her legs, making sure they were exposed from her toes to her high upper thigh. Lifting her eyes up to the TaiYoukai she bit her lower lip, breaking skin, blood trickling down her chin.

Swiftly yet roughly he was on the bed, knocking her onto her back. She hissed and pushed against him but he over powered her in an instant, pushing her hands down beside her. She was his, and she needed to know this. No matter how much she would fight and push against him, she was no match for him no matter how hard she tried. Lowering his head down to hers he let his tongue slip from his mouth to her chin, licking the sweet blood. Tonight however, it was different. Much different then before. It was powerful...

Once cleaned, he smiled arrogantly down at her causing her blood to boil. She didn't like to lose, and she wanted him to know this. Pushing up with all her strength she knocked the demon lord from his perch. Sitting up she smiled darkly her eyes flashing red. Instantly he was back to his feet his growls growing in volume. He didn't like to be teased… He didn't like to play games… And it was time he made sure she understood this. She was his, and he wanted her to know this. She was his mate and she would yield to him. Even if she had his blood running through her, she was still beneath him. It was how it was, how it should be, and how it was to come.

Snarling, Sesshoumaru quickly charged Kagome for the last time, knocking her once more to her back his form completely over-top hers. Upon such close contact Kagome yelped and arched her back up into him causing Sesshoumaru to hiss through his teeth in pleasure. It was time to end this silly quest for dominance. Glancing down into her face, he spoke.

"No more games."


She felt as if she was floating in the darkness, just her steady breathing echoing into the abyss. She felt alone, naked in such an open place. The darkness seemed to go on forever and she was doomed to remain it's prisoner. How had she come here? How had she found herself in such a desolute place? Raising a hand out before her she felt nothing but the icy darkness looming about her. Hand retreating she shivered wrapping her arms around herself. "What is this place?"

Her words echoed into the darkness, seemingly going on and on. Was this her fate?


She heard her name being called. It had been faint but she had heard it. But where?

"Kagome... Kagome..."

"W-Who is there..? Where are you..? What is this place..?"

"Kagome... This is the void of your own mind..."

Kagome snapped her head upward. Someone was here with her. However, the voice that had answered wasn't just anyone. It had been her own voice that had answered her question. But how?

"My own mind..?"

"Yes. This is the specail place you created long, long ago when you were still small..."

"I-I don't understand... I don't know what you are talking about..."

"It has been a long time since you ventured to this place, so I will explain it to you... I will open your heart and memories once again and open your eyes to see what you truly must see..."

Eyes widening, Kagome watched as a hand seemed to pierce through the darkness, followed by a shoulder, and then a head with long flowing black hair. The woman had golden amber eyes yet Kagome couldn't mistake the person reaching towards her. It was herself... And despite herself she found herself reaching out a hand to the woman before her clasping the soft gentle warmth.

"Who are you..?"

"You needeth be afraid small one... I am the persona you created long ago..."


"Yes. Back then, after your Father had died you found it necessary to escape to this place and all your emotions. You didn't want to cope with your father's passing and so you locked your heart away. However, unconsciously, by being here you created a spilt personality within yourself. From your hope and desperation to find happiness once again on the outside, I was born. I was your relief, your inspiration. When you needed me, I was there to comfort you and guide you. And then, as time went on, you slowly began to reawaken and grip the passing of your beloved father. And so, you didn't need me anymore. So I disappeared into the darkness until I was needed again. And so, here I am..."

"I don't remem-"

"Remember me? You were too small to keep such a memory alive. However, I am real. And I live within you."

"You... You mean YOU were that voice calling out to me before..?"

"I am... Yet, I am not... I was born from you to help you through the most difficult journeys of your life. Yet..." The golden eyed Kagome looked away, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Yet that night... That night Lord Sesshoumaru found you, I became something more... I was awakened from my sleep for I could not feel you. You were so weak, and had strayed farther than I could go. I could not reach you and I saw him coming. So in my effort to try and protect you, I took control of your consciousness and tried to fight off his advances. But I could not stop him, nor could I stop him from forcing large doses of demonic energy within your body. And because I was the brighter light within your body at the time I consumed most of all the energy he infused into you. And then, I was not myself. I was an alien in the darkness. I was an alien in your body... I was... Lord Sesshoumaru's."

Kagome pulled her hand away from the woman before her, holding her own hand to her chest. The golden eyed Kagome turned back to her, wrapping her hands around herself, her face contorted in utter anguish.

"Dearest Kagome... I allowed your body to produce a full bloodied demon child. I allowed Sesshoumaru's seed to pass through your body unpurified. Even after you had awakened, and your body was on the mend, I protected the baby from becoming a human. I was the one that gave you the strength you needed to deliver the baby. I did it to protect you, your son and to ensure that "My Lord Sesshoumaru" had a heir."

"'My Lord'"? Kagome asked stunned completely by the words spilling from her twins body. "You did all this? This was all your doing?"

The Golden eyed Kagome nodded tears spilling from her eyes. "I didn't want to, yet I could not stop myself... I am you, I want, love, trust, feel everything you do... But I had no choice against his power. I was born from you, yet I was shaped completely by him. I am his... And that is now... All I want." She turned her eyes up to face Kagome fully. "Dearest Kagome it has been me all this time calling to you. It has been me telling you to give into your instincts, to let go... I am responsible for that. However, You must know now before another word is said... If you do not consummate becoming Lord Sesshoumaru's mate... You will die. You must mark him as an equal as he has done you. That is why your body is reacting. You must become one with My Lord again. It is the only way to save your life. Please, I'm begging you! I brought you here to tell you this! Your life is in danger!"

"You've got to be kidding me..." Kagome chuckled. "This isn't even right! I won't do such a thing with that, that good for nothing low life! Are you insane?! I don't believe you! I don't believe any of this bull you have said in the last ten minutes! I won't! Its not possible! It just... It just can't be..! Even if what you have told me is true, how can I trust you? You say you are me, and maybe at one time you were... But you aren't me anymore! You are his. How do I know this isn't what you want? How do I know this isn't an attempt to get your own way?"

"Do you truly believe that I would deliberately put you in harms way? Do you honestly believe I would try to deceive you?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore! Everything that is happening... Everything that will happen if I do what you ask... How can I? How can I do such a thing..? I'm just... just Kagome... No. I won't. I won't become his mate!"

"You would rather die then live? You would leave your son alone? Isn't that what you fought so hard for? To allow him to grow up with his father and Mother? Together? No... No it was much more... It wasn't just about having a Father there... It was about giving him something you longed for all along... Two parents... One happy family... Something you had taken away from you... Would you really deny your son a Mother? Wasn't your goal to protect him and help him grow into a kind hearted demon..? What of that?"

"Get out of my head!" Kagome screamed using her hands to cover up her ears. She didn't want to hear anymore. This was all nonsense! Where was she pulling all this from? How did she know all this?! "I don't want any of this! Leave me be!"

"Dear Kagome... If you won't save your own life.... Then I will..." Instantly the darkness quickly disappeared a great light engulfing both Kagome's. And before Kagome knew it, her counterpart was before her wrapping her arms around her. However, it didn't look like Kagome anymore. Instead her hair had become a startling shade of white, her eyes a deep crimson red. "I won't let you fade away! They both need you yet!!!"

"What are you doing?!" Kagome screamed struggling against her other self. "Stop! Stop this now!"

"Forgive me Kagome... And know I did this for you..."

And then in a massive explosion of golden orbs they were gone as the light engulfed them both, leaving the void empty and vaccant.


She felt his claws sink into her upper shoulders, his mouth moving against her ear to nip the sensitive flesh. Sesshoumaru had always been quick and down to business and this was just the same. He wanted her and she wasn't about ready to deny him. She wanted him just as much. There just weren't any questions about it. Moving from her ear he let his tongue slide down her jaw to her shoulder eliciting moans from the aroused female beneath. Carefully yet slowly he maneuvered around the mark he had left earlier. He wouldn't mess with it now. Doing that would cause both to go rather quickly and that wasn't he's plan of action. When he had taken her the first time he had barely been in his right mind. Yes he could remember the sounds and tastes and sensations but they were dim, dulled by the power of his demonic side. Now he was awake, conscious and knew what he wanted. He wanted to know and feel her through his own sense of touch. He didn't want to just rush through it like he had done long before.

Nipping slightly at her neck he growled deeply against her releasing her from his grasp. Instantly he felt her small frail hands move to his back and then down to the base of his tail. Time after time she did this, causing him the sweetest of pleasures. Moving his mouth down and around just above her chest he bit and sucked hungrily at her sensitive flesh. Kagome gasped closing her eyes. Sitting up slightly he used one hand to tear away the knot that held her kimono in place. What he saw underneath seemed to elude him. Beneath the pink material of the kimono were small, very immodest garments. Intrigued the Demon Lord let his hands go to answer his bewilderment.

"Odd…" Was he's only comment as he traced the lace of Kagome's bra. It was soft and cool to his touch yet he didn't see nor understand why she wore such a strange contraptions. Glancing down farther he let his eye's roam over another item covering her most secret area. But he wouldn't worry about it at the moment; He curiously was more interested in her breasts. Using but a finger he skillfully snipped the thin material. Instantly her breasts were revealed to him. Giving an inner nod of satisfaction he lowered his head down to the right mound. He played with it, rolling his tongue over the tip and as he did so used his other hand to make the same motions over the opposite. He did this continuously, moving from one breast to the others. He just couldn't get enough of her it seemed. Kagome closed her eye's tightly basking in the pleasure he was giving her. It felt so good... Wanting more Kagome arched her back, thrusting herself into him. He smiled darkly but ignored her pleas to him. He wanted to take this slowly.

Moving down Sesshoumaru let his tongue run against her cool, smooth skin. Her taste was heavenly...reminding him once more of that sacred drink that left him intoxicated and wanting more. That drunken feeling was only something this woman seemed capable of. Moving across her belly, he smiled leaving small red marks here and there from his mouth. His hands worked along the sides of her heated body. Kagome's eyes opened wide, a strange and powerful aura now seemed to rise off of her lust driven form.

Both Kagome's hands slid from where they were to tangle in Sesshoumaru's luxurious hair of silver. Her heart was racing and ecstasy flowed through her veins. A pleasurable throb burned through her core. With each throb her need for completion increased, and as her need increased so did the amount of torture her lord skilled ministrations caused her. She had known all along that the only way to sat the beast within herself was to allow him to complete her. She was his mate whether her other self liked it or not. She had taken his mark. She needed his touch, his blood, his body and soul. Yet, the other her would have starved her body, rather than consummate with him. And in time the other her as well as she, would slowly wither and die.

Sesshoumaru stopped his tortuous ministration. He didn't know why but he needed her to know. He wanted her to know. She had no choice anymore. The woman before him was his and his alone. She would never be anyone else's and he triumphed in it. In a breathy and husky voice he whispered in her ear "you are mine" he growled his body jolting at the very thought.

In response Kagome growled deeply her heart racing, driven by the primal intinct to mate, and be one with him again. To Sesshoumaru though, it was a growl of approval. Leaning in he, found the juncture connecting her neck and shoulder, letting his fangs run across the sensitive area. She couldn't stand it anymore and found herself tearing at his robes; ripping them into shreds. What she saw afterwards would put any male, human or demon to shame. Her lust filled eyes scanned down her lord's body and she gave the slightest whimper as her eyes took in just how well-endowed her lord was. Her Lord was truly gifted….

Sesshoumaru smirked arrogantly nibbling at Kagome's tender neck. Once more he felt her arc her back into him. He growled at her impatience. Yes he knew she wanted him to end her suffering, and by Kami, he wanted her more than she knew. But he wanted to touch her, taste her… He could feel it burning deeply within him and it was that passion that drove him. His hardened length throbbed and all instincts told him to take her quickly but he stubbornly ignored them. His hands slid along delicate curves and he tore away any and all of the last barriers of cloth. His hand parted Kagome's soft and moist petals as his other hand massaged her sensitive nub. Soon enough his hand disappeared replacing his hand with his mouth.

Instantly Kagome's hips bucked as pleasure shot through her. She moaned her body aching for more. She despised and loved what Sesshoumaru was doing to her. She loved the pleasure her caused her but couldn't stand the threateningly painful ache and emptiness her body felt. She called through trembling and confused lips. "My Lord…" she pleaded small tears forming in her eyes. "I want you…"

He cursed himself for obeying her soft pleas and instantly found himself forcing her legs farther apart to accommodate himself. If she wanted him now…He would do so, for he couldn't deprive his mate. But he would take it slow and build her up. Build her up to the point of no return…

Sesshoumaru growled at Kagome, sharply nibbling at her neck as he rubbed his hard length against Kagome's moist core causing her to cry out once again.

"You are mine" he said forcefully claiming her lips in a rough kiss. He slid the tip of himself slowly into Kagome's entrance calming himself enough to take it slow.

With that Sesshoumaru thrusted into Kagome in one swift motion causing her to cry out in pain and pleasure. He remained still for a bit, allowing her to adjust to him. It was a tight squeeze, and she was so very tight. Her arousal was the most enchanting smell there was. His length throbbed within Kagome. Kagome could feel more tears form within her eyes. Although it was her second time, it still hurt. She wasn't used to him. She had only ever been with him once and she couldn't even remember it. But now….Glancing up at her mate she realized he seemed concerned. His eyes seemed to question her but she gave him a small smile, and slowly found herself moving against him encouraging him to continue.

Kagome instantly found herself in a world of new pleasures. She moaned with each slow movement, for it was torture to her body. She wanted no needed more of him. Her hips met Sesshoumaru's thrusts urging him to move faster, and to thrust harder. With each movement she found herself pushed to newer heights. And with each passing moment she felt something else surge deep within her. A tension of lust, passion, and power.

Sesshoumaru unable to help himself obeyed thrusting harder and stronger into Kagome. He could feel himself slowly climb closer to the edge but he refused to allow his climax to come. He growled attacking Kagome's breasts once more with his mouth driving her closer to her limits. His whole purpose now was to fulfill her; to complete her and make her whole.

Kagome panted her nose and heightened senses being bombarded with the smells and sounds of their primal mating ritual. She was so close her body felt ready to explode from the tension building within her. The tension her lord caused her. Screaming in pure bliss Sesshoumaru watched in awe as the woman before him exploded with power. Eyes burning red with animalistic passion the two were engulfed in a warm white light.

Both panted and moaned, howled and screamed. Kagome screamed as her climax came, her insides exploding in rapture and milking her Lord. Sesshoumaru to, came, releasing his seed within Kagome for a second time. Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru growled, the strongest of all instincts taking over and at the same time at their release both bit into the others neck spilling blood and consummating their mating. She was his as he was hers. Nothing could stop it, nothing could end it, and nothing ever would. Frozen in place teeth still in the other's neck their bodies suddenly relaxed, collapsing on the bed.

Turning his eyes to Kagome Sesshoumaru smiled slightly. The once raven haired miko seemingly was no more. Her long black hair had been replaced by long white locks. She was the creature he had seen that night in the window. It was curious however how long she would last this time. But no matter what form she was in…She was his.

Kagome hissed as she felt Sesshoumaru sit up slightly, still connected to the worn out female at his side. Grasping her hand he brought it down between them to his manhood urging her to touch him, and feeling the place of their connection.

"Know that no other shall ever be as close to you as I am now," Sesshoumaru whispered his eyes catching hers. "How compelling it is for two being to become one…" With that he released his hold on Kagome pulling himself from her slowly. Kagome growled and whimpered feeling him remove himself. She enjoyed the feeling of being so close to him.

Laying back onto her back her eyes flickered to his neck, where through dried blood, she could make out slight markings. She couldn't tell for sure, but she knew it was there. She had done what needed to be done. And for now, she would spend a little more time with her lord before she allowed her true self to awaken. For she knew she probably wouldn't see him again for some time. He was her's now...

She was brought from her thoughts as he grasped her within his arms, making sure she stayed close. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to rest for a moment. The night was not yet over….And neither was he…

Yay! Tuwahahahaa! I hope you liked it. But don't think that's all you get. There is more…oh yes much, much more. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay! I've been very very very busy lately. BUT..!!!! BUT BUT BUT! Thank the Lord there is a BUT! I have some free time clearing up and I plan to have the next few chapters out soon! =)
ALSO!!! For those who are rereading this, I have made many, many, MANY changes to the story. I've added in several different twists and new ideas I originally wanted to put in but never got around to it. It will end the same way, but before that, there is more I wanted to add in. So please bare with me. =) Again, I hope you are enjoying the story! Thanks for all this great reviews!
