"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a situation that takes precedence at the present moment," Sloane explained, taking a seat near the front of the table. It was four o'clock in the morning and he had called an emergency meeting for everyone to come in though everyone was still, somewhere, in the office. They all had just returned from a vicious mission and were still jittery from what happened. Something had gone wrong.
"Is this about Weiss," Nadia asked in a rather thick Argentinean accent—something that happened when she was stressed out. She had been sitting in the hospital for the past few hours but no one would tell her any of the information she so desperately wanted to hear.
"Yes, it is," he replied, bringing an image up on the multitude of screens to his left. It was of the laboratory that they had just returned from, only before it was leveled to the ground. Nadia turned away from the image of the place where she had almost lost her life and the man she loved. The latter was still debatable.
"As you all know, Agent Weiss came in contact with a mysterious, airborne substance in the laboratory and the outcome of that contact was unknown to us at the time."
"It is my fault. There was something wrong with my mask. I dropped it down into the chemicals and could not retrieve it. Eric gave me his. I should be the one in the hospital bed."
"Nadia, now is not the time to assume blame."
"What's happened to Agent Weiss because of this?" Sydney asked, lacing her fingers in front of her on the table. She was sitting between Vaughn and a very wired Marshall who had decided it would be a good idea to drain a couple of pots of coffee all by himself.
Jack cleared his throat and explained, "The smoke that Agent Weiss inhaled had some mind-alternating chemicals laced within it resulting in the memory loss that he is now experiencing. The doctors are uncertain as to how permanent the damage will be. They do not know when or if he will get his memory back."
"Mind-altering?" Vaughn said puzzled, wrinkling his forehead. "So what? He's having hallucinations as well?"
"Among other things."
"What do you mean dad?" Sydney asked, looking at her father then to Nadia who seemed a million miles off and then back to her father.
Jack rested his arm on top of the table revealing the cast that surrounded his right forearm. It was not something that he had acquired on the mission and thus he had broken it, or had it broken, within the three hours that they had been back in the office. "As the senior agent in charge of the mission, I felt it my obligation to confirm that Agent Weiss would eventually be okay. He did not recognize me and at first seemed all right with my presence there. When I began probing for information about what he remembered about the mission, about his job, about anything, he immediately became hostile with me. It was only after he broke my arm that we determined that the chemicals were a type specific mind agent."
Marshall spoke up, "If—I may. I've actually been investigating what Agent Weiss could have come in contact with since Mr. Bristow came to me after his little accident. Mr. Bristow? Are you—okay? The arm and everything? Anyway, you're a tough guy; I'd definitely never want to meet you in—like a darkened alley or after you've been woken up for a nap. Do you—take naps? It doesn't—. Anyway what I've discovered is that the chemicals that Agent Weiss inhaled were not meant for him. They were a cocktail created for one person. Kind of like the poisoned drink in Hamlet. You know the one that was meant for him but that his mother, Gertrude, drank which killed her instead of Hamlet? Not that Agent Weiss will die—I don't think—but he is suffering from the effects of the cocktail."
"So who were the chemicals for?" Nadia asked. It was only when Marshall did not meet her gaze that she had her answer. "It is my fault. It was meant for me."
"Yes, Nadia," Sloane replied. "But if it was you who had inhaled the chemicals, you might be dead. As it is, we must pool our resources to figure out what is working its way through Agent Weiss' body and what we can do to remedy it. Figure out how to help him out of the fog. Let's get to work. Nadia, stay a moment?"
Nadia watched as the rest left the room, leaving her and her father to the hum of the monitors. She sensed Sloane as he walked around the table and sat down in the seat Marshall had vacated. She let him push her swivel chair around so that she would face him and looked into his eyes.
"Nadia, I don't think that your mind will really be in this. Why don't you go sit with Weiss but whatever you do, don't try to trigger his memory. I don't want what happened to Jack to happen to you."
"Dad, I can't lose him. I use to think that I didn't need anyone in my life but Eric, you, Sydney made me realize that I do."
"We'll get this figured out. Now, I think that Sydney wants to talk to you," he said, pointing to the junior Bristow who was waiting in the hallway.
Nadia threw her arms around her sister and let her guide her into Sydney's office. Nadia rested on the corner of the desk and rubbed at her sleep-deprived eyes. She felt like she was at the bottom of a well as Sydney asked her if she would be okay.
In response, Nadia said, "Eric asked me to marry him. Before we left for the mission, we were at the apartment. He smiled real sweetly and balanced this little box on my knee. I asked him if he was sure, you know with all my baggage and do you know what he said?"
"Knowing Eric, it could have been anything."
She chortled, "Yes, but what he said was, if you say yes that means Arvin Sloane will be my father-in-law and the woman who put a bullet in my neck will be my mother-in-law. I can handle yours if you think you can handle mine."
"Yeah, that sounds about like something he'd think of. What did you say?"
Nadia slipped a finger under the necklace around her neck and lifted the chain from under her collar. A ring sent a tinkling sound throughout the small, glass room revealing that Nadia had said yes.
"Congratulations, Nad."
"But what does it matter? If he doesn't die he will never remember me."
"Nadia, you can't think like that. We'll get this figured out. He'll remember you. And, if not, he'll fall in love with you all over again."