A/N: I reditied the ending, so for those who already read this, you should see a big difference.

Negative Effects

Chapter Eleven: Final Showdown

Sonic and the others walked out of the room and reached the throne room. "Dr. Ivo Robotnik! Come out here and stop hiding!" Trey yelled. He was holding his chest as he stood up. "I really can't heal your wounds if you don't lie down." Tikal said. "Trey, don't give out on us now." Carmen said. Trey didn't know whether he should lie down or go and get revenge. He really missed Ashley. He finally understood that he loved her and no matter what the cost, he would get her back. He finally lied down and Tikal hovered over him and put both of her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. She began to chant some words and a glow of light blue covered Trey's chest. The small hole disappeared and she cleaned the rest of the blood off of Trey's body. "Thank you." Trey said. "You're welcome." she said and smiled.

Chaos looked around as the others walked up more stairs. "This is a waist of my time." he said. "We should split up and find this evil doctor." Sally said. "What if he is expecting that. What if he has a trap for each and every one of us." Nega said. "We'll just have to take that chance. He might get away if we just sit here and do nothing. " Rebecca said. "Alright, we'll go into our original groups." Trey said. The Elite Squad was a group. The Eclipse Force was another group. Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were another group. Sally led the Freedom Fighters and Rebecca, Carmen, Chaos, and Trey was the last group. "C'mon, let's find him and take him down." Sonic ordered. "Right." everyone yelled in unison. They went into different rooms of the evil doctor's headquarters.

Sonic's group went inside the kitchen, and forgetting where he was, Sonic started to make a meal. "Sweet, now I can get a chili dog and…" Sonic began to say, until countless laser beams fired at the group. They looked at the shooters and saw it was another group of roboticized animals Their eyes began to glow red. They knew their orders and they knew it well.

"Destroy Sonic. Chances of completing task, high." one of them said and rushed towards the group of heroes. All of the heroes moved out of the way and began to attack. A roboticized squirrel got hit in the face and fell onto a hot frying pan. When it got back up, the heroes could see that the squirrel's metal body had been melted away and it could not walk correctly. "I can't believe how cruel that doctor can be." Knuckles said. "How could he even have the heart to do something like this?" Amy asked. "I don't know, but this will be the last time he will do it." Sonic answered.

They fought the roboticized animals and finally destroyed them. They said a little prayer for them before saying anything else. "We really need to find Tails and Monica. What if that sicko is about to do the same thing to them?" Amy asked. "I hope not, so let's hurry up and try to find them." Sonic replied. They left the kitchen and walked into the dining room. "Why does this headquarters seem more like a mansion?" Knuckles asked. "Good question." someone said behind them. They turned around and saw a large number of roboticized animals pointing weapons at them. They heard a click around them and they saw that the roboticized animals surrounded them from all exits. "Man, this sucks big time." Amy said while raising her hands.

Sally and the others walked into a laundry room. "This is getting weird." Rotor said. Suddenly gigantic overturned laundry baskets started falling from the ceiling. "Look out, sug!" Bunnie said. Everyone tried to dodge the falling laundry baskets, but some of the rebels got caught under them. Suddenly the baskets began to turn into metal. Then it seemed more like a cage. "How in the world did it do that?" Sally asked. More continued to fall and they seemed to be aimed for the queen. She tried as hard as she could, but eventually she got tired of jumping out of the way and she was out of breath. She tried shooting the baskets, but it didn't work. Finally she got caught and the Freedom Fighters with her. "Looks like he got us this time." Sally muttered under her breath as roboticized animals began to point weapons at Knothole's last defense.

Flare and his group walked into a bedroom filled with regular furniture. "What the… since when did a headquarters have this?" Mist asked. "Since I came back into town." someone said behind them. All four of the elite foxes turned around and saw the evil doctor himself. But Geo didn't think twice about slicing him in half. He slashed his sword at the fat, but small figure and watched as it began to slide apart. "See, I knew it was going to be too easy." he said. Suddenly he noticed that the body was not human at all; it was a robot. Something began to laugh all around them in an evil kind of manner. Then smoke began to fill the room from the broken robot on the floor. "Too easy, huh?" Spark asked sarcastically. "Damn, it's poisonous gas. This doctor does not joke." Flare stated. "Don't worry, I can fix this." Geo said. He threw a couple of metal balls and they exploded in a white smoke. The room cleared from the poisonous gas and they could finally breathe again. "Whew, that was close." Spark said.

Suddenly at least fifty roboticized animals barged into the room and started shooting at basically anything that moved. "Let's take these guys out now!" Flare ordered. They all took out their swords and began to cut away at the once happy Mobians. Mist heaved his double-edged sword and destroyed five of them at once. Flare began to kill them off one by one like they were nothing but sport. Spark just hacked away at them trying to get the situation over with. But Geo was the one having the most trouble. He was used to stealth missions, since he was mainly a ninja. He was not used to full assault. He was dodging their bullets and trying to swing his sword at them, but they dodged his attack as well. "Guys, a little help over here." Geo said. Just as Mist jumped in to help, a dart hit him on the side of his neck. "What the…" he said groggily and fell onto the floor. The same thing happened to Flare and Spark. "I can't believe this crap, out of all the things I can do, I couldn't help my friends." he muttered and threw down his sword. He then put his hands up in the air and surrendered.

Shadow and the other Eclipse forces walked into a closed garden. It had plants and different living things dwelling in it. "This is strange." Nega said. They continued to walk in and saw a nest of birds in a small tree. "Very strange indeed." Shade said. They walked on and saw another door. "Look, a way out of this accursed place." Midnight said. But when they almost reached it, a large green vine broke out of the concrete floor and tried to wrap itself around Shade. "Oh no you don't." Nega said and threw little microchips at the plant. At first it didn't do anything, but then it began to burn the plant intensely and it sounded like it shrieked in pain before letting Shade go. "See, and they say that I'm tied with Tails' IQ! Please, I'm so much better." Nega said. Once again, they were about to open the door when twenty more vines popped out of the ground. "You were saying." Nightmare whispered to Nega. He gritted his teeth and threw some more microchips at the plants, but they dodged the small devices and began to wrap itself around the Eclipse forces.

"I can't get out of this one." Nightmare said, growling. "But I can." Shadow said. "Chaos Spear!" he yelled. A large yellow lightning bolt hit the vine and it dropped helplessly onto the floor. He tried to do the same thing for the others, but another vine whacked Shadow on the back of his head and he fell unconscious. "Great, our only escape plan is now lying on the floor sleeping." Nightmare said sarcastically. Suddenly the large green vines began to turn blue and they began to let out fumes. "Oh no, it's sleeping gas, try not to breathe it in." Nega said. They held their breath for as long as they could, but in the end, they began to feel groggy and sleepy. They all were knocked out and then carried out of the 'Sarcastic Garden.'

Trey walked into a large room. But instead of a room being full of computers, it was a room with large couches and a big screen TV. "Ok, why does this place look like a den?" Rebecca asked. "Maybe he had to stay here so long, that he switched the scenery around so he could feel normal for a change." Carmen replied. "Actually, you're only half correct." a voice boomed around them. Suddenly the floor began to open up into big holes and cages began to rise from them. In the cages was every group that had split up with Trey. "How did you catch them all?" Chaos asked. A voice cackled around them, "I have my ways." he said. Then a large platform rose in front of the plasma TV. They saw the crazed mastermind. There beside him was the love of his life, Ashley. And on the other side of him was the two unconscious foxes bound by rope and gagged. Tails and Monica. "Mom, Dad, don't worry I'm coming." Trey said. He said and ran towards Ashley. But he felt something hot in front of him and quickly backed off. "That was a high powered energy field. I see that it really isn't a lie; foxes do have great instincts. But yours must not work most of the time because it would have told you to run long time ago." Dr. Ivo said.

Trey growled, "I don't care, I will take you down no matter what the cost." Trey said. Suddenly Chaos fired a high powered pistol at Ashley, but the energy field was stronger than he thought. It bounced the bullet back and hit a window. "Damn, that must be one hell of an energy field." Chaos commented. "It's about time you noticed that." Dr. Ivo said. He took out a gun and fired at Chaos. He did not expect it at all and got hit near his heart. He fell onto the floor and began to cough up blood. "Ha, that will teach that mercenary not to mess with me." the evil genius quoted. Suddenly something crashed into the roof and hit the floor. When the dust cleared, they could see it was an orange echidna. It happened to be Tikal. "I will make you pay for this." she said and clenched her fists. Dr. Ivo began to laugh maniacally, "What can you do? You're nothing." he said and laughed again. "Looks can be very deceiving." Tikal whispered to herself and put her hands in front of her with her palms open. She closed her eyes, aimed both her hands at the force field, and began to chant a few words. Suddenly there was a big light blue energy explosion throughout the whole room.

The force field began to dim away and then it faded into nothing. Tikal opened her eyes and looked at the disbelief on the evil doctor's face. He also noticed that Chaos began to get up. "This… this is… impossible." Dr. Ivo muttered. "Not yet it isn't." someone said above them. There was a crash and a part of the ceiling fell down. It was an Egg Mobile with Dr. Robotnik as the driver. "You may have defeated Metal the first time, but there is no way you can beat him this time. I have improved him far more than you can imagine." he said to Trey. "Wait, he's not the enemy anymore, remember doc?" Flare reminded him. Dr. Robotnik began to rub his bald head, "Oh right, sorry about that." he said. Then he became serious, "Metal, take out those cages that are keeping your teammates hostage." he ordered. The familiar metallic blue robotic hedgehog flew into the room and then landed softly. Dr. Robotnik was not lying when he said that he had improved Metal. As Metal cut down the cages, they all could tell that it was lightweight and that they had fixed the breaking system for him to stop.

After all of the cages were cut down, they all stared at Dr. Ivo. "I can't believe this is actually happening." he said furiously. He took out a remote and pushed a button. "WARNING! MOBIUS SET ON SELF-DESTRUCT! CAN NOT ABORT!" a mechanic voice said loudly. Then five large energy walls got in-between the rebels and Dr. Ivo. "Ha, I'm the only one with an escape shuttle too. So looks like you'll just have to become history, just like this planet." Dr. Ivo said. But just as he was about to head to his ship, a light blue figure hit the doctor on the top of his head. The doctor fell and he felt a click of the gun on his forehead. "You're not going anywhere, slimeball." the figure said. "Chad, you pop up every time we need you." Trey said. "TEN MINUTES UNTIL SELF-DESTRUCT." the mechanic voice said. "We have to hurry up." Sonic said. "Too bad, you'll just have to die with me you fools." Dr. Ivo said. But Ashley cut the force field and they all ran towards the ship that Dr. Ivo was heading to. "What? I thought you wanted them to die!" Dr. Ivo said, still pinned on the ground.

Trey stopped and kissed Ashley. "C'mon let's go." he said. "Ok. I just want to tell you I'm really sorry about…" Ashley began to say, but Trey put a finger on her lips. "Don't worry about it, let's just escape together, ok?" he asked. "Right." Ashley said and headed towards the ship. But on her way there, she was shot in her lung. She fell and then began to cough up blood. "Ashley! No!" Trey said and scooped her up. "We only have about seven minutes left." Ashley said. Chad hit the doctor unconscious and then boarded the ship. Trey began running towards the ship with Ashley in his arms. "We're going to make it Ashley." he whispered. "I hope so." she said.

Just as Trey was about to reach the ship, one of the force fields knocked him off of his feet. In the process, he dropped Ashley and they were both separated from each other. Trey began to bang on the force field. "NO, NO, NO! After all we've been through, I can't leave you here. I won't!" Trey yelled. Ashley realized quickly that this must be the payment of betrayal. To see what her life could have been and then take it away from her in an instant once again. Ashley put her hand on the force field, "Listen Trey, you've been faithful to me even after what I've done to you. That's telling me a lot. So I want to tell you to just go ahead without me." she said. Trey looked confused, "No…" he whispered. A tear ran down her cheek, "Yes Trey, you have to go. This is how it has to be. I'll remember you, Trey. Always." she whispered.

Trey took off his glove and put his hand on the force field where her bare hand was as well. Their fur was being singed by heat and soon began to burn. Trey took his hand away and looked at the burning scar. "I'll always have this to remember you by, Ashley." he said. He got up and ran to the ship. The ship took off and then he looked back at Ashley. "I love you Trey, I should have never left you." Ashley whispered to herself. "NOOOOO!" Dr. Ivo yelled. The planet began to explode and then all that they knew about their homes vanished. Everyone looked back at the big exploding mass of rock that they called their planet; their home. "Set course; Corneria." a mechanical voice said. "She gave everything to save us. Why? Why did she do it?" Trey asked himself. "Because love will make you that devoted son, it can kill someone, and it can save someone's life." Tails said. They looked out into the starry space that they were traveling in. 'No matter where we go, no matter how much time passes by, war and destruction always seems to follow.' Trey thought.

The End