Title : Long Lost Drifter

Author : Lain in the Wired


Sakura Amamiya Kinomoto Li
A great wife, mother and friend. Her leadership has led so many to better lives and she's touched every one of them.
Always loving and caring. Finally, rest in peace.

Syaoran stared lovingly at her grave. Even through the rest of their lives together she had always surprised him. His family had loved her from the first time they'd seen her. He knew he had.
He walked up towards the funeral home. He greeted everyone. He hadn't really known how many people she had touched. But now he was getting a glimpse. Hundreds of people had showed up to see her.

Finally the day had ended. Syaoran internally dreaded returning home without her every night since she had passed.

When he walked in the door a piece of paper was neatly placed on the counter. Syaoran recognized the neat handwriting instantly. I was Sakura's.

"My love. I know that you may think I'm gone when you read this. I just wanted to let you know that I'm always with you. So live like I'm there. Always do what you think is right and follow your heart. I will always love you, forever and for always.
Your loving wife,
Sakura Amamiya Kinomoto Li