N/A: 12/10/2017 - Cleaning this story up for some typos. Will be posting chapter 5 in the next couple of days.

Chapter summary: Yuugi has been shipped off to Hogwarts by his new step-parents. Yuugi, who already hates the place, meets up with a certain Slytherin, who finds the child too cute. And once he gets to Hogwarts with his darker half, how will they be sorted?

N/A: HAH. I've turned evil. I decided to write one of these crossovers. Finally, after reading many good titles of the lovely YGO/HP crossover list, I originated my own plan of action. No, I have NOT seen this done, and I made it up all by myself, but I do dedicate this to all that have YGO/HP fanfics that I read to get the inspiration. This was fun to write.

Will there me more? Yes. I'm starting to write the second chapter. When I enjoy to write something, I WRITE it. So there. But I'll only post it here if I get enough reviews. Mesa picky, that I am.


Oh. Thank Basil, my muse, for this. He's been making me write continuously. He deserves a prize.
STORY! Don't forget to review, nanodaa. XD

Yuugi to Yami
Yami to Yuugi

Room for Two

Chapter 1 - Beginning

Yuugi sighed, leaning back into the compartment's un-comfort. It'd been less than ten minutes since the train had left its station, and the young child was already less than amused. His mind was racking numerous complaints about how his stepfather had forced him to come to this strange magical school given Yami's "abilities", how his stepmother was refusing to let him come down for Christmas (and every other holiday) due to extended family filling up the extra bedrooms of their house, and how his grandfather had put him up for adoption shortly before-

Aibou, stop that.

Why should I? It's not as if anyone cares anymore...my own grandfather
abandoned me to this new family…and then...

He was afraid he wouldn't be able to take care of you any longer. He knew he would not be with you much longer.

But he didn't have to put us up for adoption!

Yami, I just miss him.

As do I.

The door to the compartment suddenly slid open sharply, making Yuugi jumped out of his thoughts. From startle, Yami took control, eyes now glaring at the upcoming strangers. Three teenagers stood in the doorway, two of them male and one female, staring wide-eyed at the frowning transfer student in front of them. The middle one spoke up, green eyes dazzled by the insane hair style of the boy in front of him.

"Are you new?" Yami continued to glare at the three, ignoring the stranger's question. The redhead of the group blinked, looking over at his best friend. Harry shrugged.

"What's your name?"

"…Mutou Yuugi." The brunette witch stared at Yami, eyeing the puzzle that was around his neck. Her voice cracked with her first word but seemed to clear up after a dark look from Yami.

"Are you Japanese…or Egyptian?" The old pharaoh quirked an eyebrow.

"Japanese. Why would you think I was Egyptian?" Hermione dropped the heavy stare she was receiving from Yami, taking a deep breath before responding.

"You have the Eye of Ra on your-"

"Bloody hell! That is the Eye of Ra! I saw that on a pyramid when I was in Egypt!" Ron's jaw dropped as his attention turned to the puzzle around Yami's neck. After a few mind-numbing seconds, Yami covered the puzzle with his hands before standing up.

"My Grandfather gave it to me. Is it your usual behavior to leave your mouth wide open? Or is it habitual? (1)" Ron blinked, not catching the insult immediately. But after another moment, the Weasley's mind clicked, and Ron shut his mouth quickly, cheeks flushed.

"What exactly-?" Yami groaned as he dropped one of his hands and reached for his deck. Harry whipped out his wand, stepping back onto Hermione's foot. The girl squealed before kicking her friend's shin in response. The boy who lived hissed, but kept his eyes and wand on Yami.

"Could you three please move out of my compartment? You're making me feel uneasy, with your wand pointing at me and all," Yami nodded towards Harry's wand before revealing the deck of cards he had pulled from his pocket, "Especially when I was about to offer to play a round of Dual Monsters with you."

"Fine, Slytherin." Harry flipped his wand back into his pocket, turning and leaving the space with the other two trailing after him. Yami sighed, sitting back down into the plush hardness.

someone isn't in the best of moods.

I'm tired of meeting new people. Our friends are the only people we need.

…that's not true. We're going to need others…and they seemed nice! Now they're going to hate me. Stupid Yami.

I'm hurt, aibou. Don't you love me?

I will if you keep control for awhile. I'm…going to take…a nap-

Fine. But you have to take over later, okay?



Stupid hikari.

Grinning, Yami pulled out the History of Magic textbook, reading the section of Egyptian sorcery.

/an hour later/

aibou. Wake up. Aibou…AIBOU!

AHhjdkfja! What!

I'm tired. Take over.


Take. Over. Now.


Yuugi grumbled as the pharaoh made the switch. Yuugi attempted to make himself comfortable, but only managed to squirm around on the seat and flip over multiple times. After a few minutes of failed adjustments, he let a soft whine escape his lips.

"I hate this!"

"Who the hell are you?" Yuugi sat up quickly, nearly falling off of the train's seat. He managed to catch himself on the armrest as he looked up to the compartment's doorway. A pale platinum blonde stood there, one of his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed. Yuugi rubbed his eyes and yawned, mouth still turned down in a frown.

"Mutou Yuugi. And tired. Why aren't these seat-bench-things more comfortable?" Yuugi let out another whine as he tried again to get into a comfortable sleeping position, only to have his head of hair bent in an awkward position. A chuckle cut through Yuugi's tired thoughts.

"How old are you, little boy?" Yuugi sat up again, giving up on the stupid seat, glaring at the hovering blonde.

"Sixteen. Now can you please leave? I'm trying to sleep!" Yuugi did his best to give the stranger one of Yami's death glares. From Draco's perspective, the transfer student was pouting as tears gathered in his large eyes.

"Are you the new student that Potter's been bitching about? The prick that's cockier than me?" Yuugi dropped his head and mumbled his response under his breath.

"Did you just say something? Speak up." Yuugi narrowed his eyes as he looked back up to Draco.

"…he wasn't being very friendly..."

The stranger started laughing, causing Yuugi's frustration and anger to morph into confusion. The Slytherin took a few steps forward and patted Yuugi's hair before spinning around and exiting the compartment.

"You are too cute." Yuugi stared after him, even more confused. Shrugging, he attempted once again to fall asleep on the piece-of-crap that the compartment's seats were made out of.

/hours later/

Looking up to the towering castle in front of him, Yuugi yawned, rocking the boat slightly as he stretched. The giant who had introduced himself as Hagrid sat in behind him (though still in the center), using a polka dotted umbrella (2) to power the small row boat towards the castle. Another yawn escaped Yuugi's mouth, causing his eyes to tear up from sleep.

It's big.

Too big. We're going to get lost. A lot.

No; you're going to get lost. I'm use to large palaces. Pharaoh, remember?

shut up.

I think we're close to docking. The giant is talking to you…or attempting some sort of communication, at least.

"-and a'ter yeh've done that, you can be off to Great Hall-" Yuugi sighed.

I missed what he said.

Oh well. It's not as if you could have understood him even if you were listening.

Ouch. Someone is being snarky today.

It's a trait a pharaoh picks up over the years.

"-'nd…Yuugi? You listenin'?" The purple eyed child blinked, just now noticing that they were docked. Hagrid was already out of the boat, staring at the petite Japanese boy in front of him.

"Err, sorry, but I was in a daze. What did you say…the whole trip over here?" Yuugi gave Hagrid a small smile as got out of the boat. The large half-giant laughing as he put one of his large hands on top of Yuugi's head, flatting his soft hair down past his ears. Yuugi squeaked, trying to move away from the heavy hand.

"J'st go down to the Great Hall, 'kay?" Yuugi blinked, wondering where this Hall of Great was. Yami chuckled inside of his mind, making Yuugi blush. Hagrid didn't see his confusion and started to walk off. Yuugi trotted after him.

Great. I have NO idea where I'm going, so I have to follow…what is his name again…?

I don't know. Just make sure you don't lose him…I guess that is sort of hard to do, considering his size.

What's with you today? Took a bastard pill?

Hey. Language.

that's funny. No.

Crap. Aibou, don't run into-

Yuugi ran straight into the half giant's back. He fell backwards and landed flat on his back.


Watch where you're going.


No problem, hikari.

Ignoring his smirking Yami inside of his head, Yuugi stood back up, looking around him to see where the big man had led him. Hagrid pushed open the doors to the Great Hall, walking straight down the middle of the crowded room. The many students that occupied the seats at four great tables turned to face the two entering, chatter being born between certain cliques. Yuugi felt uneasy as he followed the giant towards the front of the room, where a large hat sat upon a short stool.

"Yuugi Mutou?" Yuugi looked over to his left to see an elderly woman wearing witch's attire watching him. Her spectacles sat on the edge of her nose. Yuugi nodded, and she motioned him towards the stool and hat.

"It is time for your sorting." Yuugi nodded again, slowly walking over to chair in the front of the hall. He missed the stare of an old man sitting right behind him. Yuugi picked up the heavy hat and plopped onto the stool, putting the hat upon his black, crimson, and golden locks.

Suddenly a rush went over his head. Yuugi swayed violently forward for a split second, catching himself before he fell off the stool.

What the-


/ Oh? There are two of you! /

Yuugi and Yami were both silent for a second. When the new voice started to chuckle, Yami took control of their body, preparing to take off the hat and get them out of there.

Who the HELL are you?

/ I'm called the Sorting Hat. And what the devil are you, creature? No, wait, don't tell me...Pharaoh Atemu? /

How did you know that-?

/ I know all, Mutou Yuugi. What is this ancient pharaoh doing in your mind? /

Now wait just a minute-

Yami…wait. Let's explain. Then maybe he'll leave.

fine. Hurry up.

Okay. Yami is from my Millennium Puzzle. And he-

/ Fills your void of darkness…yes, yes…I know…but let's see. What house should I put you in? /

house? What?

/ You, pharaoh, should be in Slytherin. But…Yuugi, you should be in…? No, no…this won't do. This won't do at all. /

What do you mean this won't-?

Suddenly, there was a flash of white light, and Yuugi's mind felt like it was being ripped in half. He screamed, but his howl was left silent. Once the pain had ceased and the light faded, Yuugi blinked, confused.


"…Yuugi?" Yuugi turned his head slowly towards the familiar voice.

His eyes locked with crimson ones. Yami stared at his aibou, mind as clueless as his hikari's. The Sorting Hat was still on the stool, while the two tri-colored haired boys were standing before the perplexed student and teacher bodies. The Sorting Hat spoke up, mouthing its words of cloth clearly.

"Atemu Yami, Slytherin. Mutou Yuugi, Gryffindor."

(1) : Okay, if you don't get this, don't feel bad. It's bad Abby humor. Just think of it this way...what kind of person stands in front of a person with their mouth open...waiting for something to go into it...? ...now you may laugh or be disgusted. XD
(2) : OhohOH! Hagrid got upgraded...pink to polka dotted. Let's all cheer for him. :cheering:

N/A: See? It's different. And weird. It was fun as hell to write though. Especially the Draco and Yuugi scene. Here's Draco, watching as Yuugi is CUDDLING the bench thing. I was laughing my ass off.

Now, review. Or I shall be forced to never update again. And yes, you can review telling me to update my other stories (please NAME the story you want updated though)...I will listen. Promise.

Review, nanodaa. :offt: (and I hate QuickEdit dearly)