Never-Partone has arrived! I am proud of me! This is a story about why Syaoran loves Mokona.Yay! This is written in the point of view of Syaoran…he is fawning over…Did I say Mokona? No, never!

She is beautiful. I remember that being my first thought when I saw her. She was so kind, and warm, and gentle. She was everything that I am not.

She was always ready to cheer me up. Anything I did, I had to be smiling before she would leave me be. I was happy.

When I was lost, without memories, or a family, I was picked up by Fugitaka-san. He took me all over, and taught me to love archeology. I discovered a love for things I could see that other's never had. I could read, and write, in many languages. I learned to fight, and fight well. I became strong in my beliefs.

I was never truly happy, though, until I met and befriended Sakura-chan. She is sure of herself, and kind to others. She wears her royalty like a robe, easily thrown off at any sign of fair weather.

She understood me. At least, I think so. She is warmth to me. I could not move otherwise, my heart would be so cold. When she touched my hand, when she hugged me, even when we simply played together, her touch warmed me right to my soul.

Seven years. From the day we met, until she forgot me, I had seven years of summer. Now, she doesn't know quite who she is, so I have to remember for her. Just like when she promised to remember my old life for me. My first real birthday began when she laughed away my doubts, and told me that she would make me enough memories to make up for my past time.

She never considered herself, only what she could do to help. She was always happy. So, when the symbol underneath the ruins in the country of Clow started to take my princess away from me, I panicked.

When she fell, I caught her, but the contact didn't reassure me like usual. She had lost her sunshine.

I could have either let her die, or have her forget me. Either way, I would lose her. I knew it would hurt, but I knew that it would be better to see her become happy with someone else than to bury her forever.

When she woke up, she looked at me and said, "Who are you?"

I had expected it. I knew She wouldn't, couldn't ever remember. I just didn't think that one person could give me summer and winter in one lifetime.

She makes me feel. I love her for it. While she's recovering, I will be there for her. Even if she can't know me, I'll always hold our seven years in my heart. I love her. One day, she might feel the same about another, and make him very happy. Until then…

I am hers.

Yay! And there will be three other shapters, about why the other travelers love someone in the party. WARNING: No, every guy does NOT like Sakura. That's all I'm givin' ya.