Chapter 1

Naruto burst into the Hokage's office and said loudly in his familiar voice, "Tsunade-obachan! What do you need me for?"

Tsunade glared at Naruto, and her anger dissipated from Naruto's anxious, innocent face. She sighed and said, "I need to meet the rookie nine as well as Gai's team to talk to you guys. You just came first."

Naruto sat down in a chair and waited for about a minute until the rest of Team 7 came in, along with Kakashi. Teams 8 and 9 arrived, and lastly came Gai's team. Tsunade addressed them all and said, "All right. I called for you all for a mission that will involve all of you."

All of the shinobi were surprised at the fact that this mission required 12 chuunin. Immediately, they began asking questions about the mission, yet Tsunade held up her hand, silencing all of them. She then said, "I am going to tell you 12 some information that is only allowed to be known to people of the Jounin class. You all have been raised thinking that the whole world is split into the five shinobi countries along with other, smaller countries. However, this is not true. In fact, the world that we live in is actually a small island, with much larger land masses called continents."

She pulled out a map and pointed out the seven different continents: North America, South America, Africa, etc. Naruto asked a good question, "Where are we on this map?"

Tsunade smiled and pointed to the middle of a blue section of the map that was labeled "Atlantic Ocean". Sakura pointed out, "Doesn't blue mean water? How can we live in an ocean?"

Tsunade sighed and said, "This is part of the secret I am about to tell you. Most ninja, not just Konoha shinobi, are taught that we live in a world full of shinobi. However, everywhere on this map, there are no shinobi existing."

This comment caused the 12 young ninjas to be very surprised, with most of the ninja talking to each other loudly, with Kiba and Naruto yelling. Even Shino and Sasuke were talking to the others, just as confused as they were.

Tsunade allowed them to quiet down, and then continued. "My point is that we live on an island in the Atlantic Ocean." She took a pen and drew the island about the size of Japan in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. "The reason of why our island is not on this map is because we are hiding our location from the rest of the world, so all of the billions of people everywhere else do not know that ninja exist. We use a very powerful genjutsu that is cast over the whole island so that others will not discover it. The jutsu kills anyone who gets too close to the island. In addition, any technology from the outside world will become messed up, such as radar and other technology. People call this the Bermuda Triangle, since they have no explanation for the bizarre occurrences that result from this jutsu.

"All of the shinobi countries signed an international treaty very long ago in order to refrain from telling any shinobi that cannot be deeply trusted. This is because one time, some ninja got off of the island and told of ninjas and their jutsus to others. The people who learned of ninja were from the country Japan. This occurred hundreds of years ago. The reason of why we do not tell outsiders about ninja is because they would constantly be wanting our services as ninja, since outsiders are not capable of being ninja. Wars probably would be fought over hiring us ninja, so we chose not to tell.

"However, greedy ninja saw this in another way and decided that they could sell their services and become mercenaries to earn wealth. The shinobi countries allied together to assassinate these missing-nin, yet the Japanese still knew of the ninja. The countries agreed that killing the people of Japan would cause far too much attention, since almost all of Japan knew of the ninja, so the countries retreated and hoped for the best. We were lucky, and the ninja who came to the outside world became myths and legends.

"We always have ninja stationed around the outside world; each village is permitted to station as many ninja in the outside world as they like, except that these ninja may never fight each other or reveal the existence of ninja. These ninja are also ordered to never use any jutsu or appear abnormal in front of outsiders, such as displaying ninja-like speed, except in a life-threatening situation. The purpose of these stationed ninja is to monitor the outsiders and to make sure that the myths of Japan are never turned into fact. They are to keep our identities secret. In addition, they are to stay alert for any missing-nin who come here, since any shinobi can come into and leave the island. So far, no missing-nin have been to the outside world because we have patrols who watch over the borders of the island to make sure that no one gets off the island.

"I am telling you all this because this will involve all of you for a Class-A mission." With this, the 12 shinobi looked up, some worried, some surprised, and some excited. Tsunade continued, "Because the Sound Village was just recently founded, they have not agreed to the international treaty that prevents contact with the outside world. You are all assigned to go to a country called the United States of America and stay in the city of San Diego, which is in the state of California. You all will stay alert for Sound Nin, since we just found three of the island's Border Patrol ninja dead last week. No village except for the Sound would attack the Border Patrol. Whenever you are fighting, I want you all to be in pairs and to use teamwork in order to defeat any enemies. This is why I selected you 12 chuunins; because you all have a strong sense of teamwork. I have assigned pairs who will train together in Konoha and get used to relying on another. Having two-person teams is much more efficient because then, it will be easier to depend on one another. These are the fighting pairs: Kiba and Shino, Tenten and Neji, Sasuke and Sakura, Lee and Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji, and Naruto and Hinata. You all have been assigned to these pairs because your strengths will go along well with each other. For example, Kiba and Shino are paired up because Kiba is very offensive while Shino is defensive. Tenten prefers medium to long range combat, while Neji excels in close combat with his Jyuuken. Sasuke's excellent taijutsu and ninjutsu will go along with Sakura's genjutsu and healing skills. You will all train with each other, and try to find some teachers who will help you. Kiba and Shino, your parents can help with family techniques, and Shikamaru and Chouji can train through the help of their parents because their dads were on the same team. Some of you may have to train without any senseis, however, but you all have one month to train before you all depart.

"For those of you who are wondering, the mission will go on for at least one year." Everyone was, again, surprised. "I have asked permission from your families, and they all have agreed. You all are dismissed."

Naruto walked over to Hinata, who was looking at him shyly and blushing. Naruto, naturally, said in his excited voice, "Hey Hinata! It looks like we're partners, huh! I'm glad I'm with someone who's strong, though."

Hinata blushed even more and softly replied, "I'm not that strong, not as strong as the others."

Naruto was unconvinced and encouraged her. "Of course not! You need to believe in yourself, Hinata. You're very strong and determined, and you showed that in the match against Neji."

Hinata bowed her head to hide her deep blush and said, "Arigato, Naruto-kun."

Naruto responded happily, "We can go get something to eat, and then we can start training."

Hinata nodded and was about to leave when Tsunade spoke up. "Hey, Naruto! Wait up, I need to talk to you and Hinata."

Both of them walked to the Fifth, and Tsunade said, "Naruto, I believe that you and Hinata here are the strongest pair and have the most potential. With the right training, you two should be able to work in a team flawlessly. I am sorry, Hinata, but I am assigning you two to study with Jiraiya-sama."

Hinata replied, "Why are you sorry? Jiraiya-sama is one of the Sannin and is Naruto's sensei, right? He should be very strong and can teach us very well."

Tsunade shook her head and said, "He's not as perfect as everyone thinks. Evidently, his reputation has not gotten around to everyone yet." When Hinata looked confused, Tsunade clarified. "He's a pervert, Hinata. Naruto knows all about it."

Hinata was surprised that one of the strongest Konoha ninjas would be a pervert, yet Naruto supported Tsunade's statement by saying that he peeped, etc. Then, Naruto asked, "Hey, Obachan, shouldn't Hinata be studying her clan's techniques?"

Tsunade smiled at them both and said, "No, Hinata has mastered some of her clan's techniques already. In fact, Hiashi-sama was reluctant to lead you go, Hinata, because he wanted to train you more. He said that you had made vast improvement over the last week."

Hinata was surprised that her father actually wanted to train her, since she though she was a failure. However, she understood why her father was impressed with her improvement.


Hinata thought to herself, "I must improve and become stronger! I cannot just give up, even though I am a failure to my clan. My nindo says that I must struggle through my failures and try harder to succeed. Since Neji learned Hakkeshou Kaiten on his own, I should be able to, as well. The jutsu is when the person releases chakra from the whole body and rotates around extremely fast. I should first practice releasing chakra from my whole body."

Hinata focused chakra to her many chakra points in her body and released her chakra from them simultaneously. To her dismay, she only managed to release very little chakra. I have to keep a continuous chakra flow in my body in order to be able to release enough chakra for the jutsu. Hinata circulated chakra in her body and tried again, this time gaining substantially more chakra. After training for the rest of the day, she barely managed to be able to summon enough chakra for the Kaiten. After that, she practiced spinning in place. She found that summoning chakra to her feet would make the Kaiten much easier and managed to gain enough speed by her sixth day of training. On the seventh day, she combined the two skills and came up with a usable Kaiten that still needed more improvement.

"Hinata-sama, your father is calling for you," said one of the Hyuuga's servants.

Hinata thanked her and went to her father's room, afraid of what her father was disappointed in now.

"Hinata, you have not been anywhere with your team this past week. I understand that your sensei is on a mission, yet that is no excuse for missing your training. Explain yourself."

"Gomen, I'm- I'm sorry. I was training on my own."

"How were you training yourself?"

"Because Neji-nii-san learned the Kaiten on his own, I- I tried to learn it myself."

Hiashi was surprised that his daughter was this motivated. He then said, "Prove yourself. Let me see your progress."

Hiashi stepped back as Hinata let her chakra circulate through her body. She then released her chakra, by focusing some to her feet, and spun extremely fast while placing her hands out in front to perform her Kaiten. Hiashi commanded her to stop, and Hinata was nervous, wondering what her father's reaction would be. Did she do it wrong, or was she not supposed to learn it on her own? Suddenly, Hiashi gave a small smile at her and said, "Hinata, I am very impressed. I never knew that you would be this determined to become stronger. Your Kaiten has good form, even though you learned in on your own. How long did this take you to learn?"

Hinata replied, "One- one week."

Hiashi was surprised and said, "You have made much progress. You are much more like a Hyuuga heir, now. I will train you tomorrow, for your Kaiten requires more power. I will also teach you some more of the clan's techniques."

End of Flashback:

"Hey Hinata, do you want to get something to eat? It's noon, and we need to train soon. We can eat lunch together."

Hinata blushed and stammered, "If it's not a problem."

Naruto smiled responded, "Of course it's not! We're partners, right? We're going to have to get used to being with each other."

Naruto, surprisingly, suggested a small restaurant, where he ordered some ramen and Hinata asked for unagi (eel). (A/N: Naruto is just being a gentleman and taking Hinata to a place where she is not restricted to fifty different flavors of ramen at Ichiraku.)

When they were done with their food, with Naruto gorging six bowls of ramen and Hinata finishing her one bowl of unagi while blushing at Naruto, he suggested for them to try to find Jiraiya.

"Naruto-kun, where can we find Jiraiya-sama?"

"Ah, ero-sennin should be at the bathhouses, peeping as usual."

Both of them set off to the bathhouses, and of course, Jiraiya had his telescope out and was (guess what!) peeping. Naruto groaned and performed a seal.

"Henge no Jutsu!"

With that, Naruto transformed into a woman (dressed) and screeched, "Pervert!" while slapping Jiraiya across the face. Naturally, Jiraiya pounced on him, growling, "Naruto!" while women screamed and slapped Jiraiya.

"Pervert! How dare you peep and attack a woman!"

Jiraiya stumbled out, with hand marks all over his face and groaned at Naruto, who had undone his jutsu and was laughing. Meanwhile, Hinata had observed all of this quietly.

"What do you want, Naruto?" growled Jiraiya.

"Didn't obachan tell you? You have to train me and Hinata for our upcoming mission."

"Ah, right. You must be Hyuuga Hinata. How unfortunate of you to be partnered with Naruto."

Hinata stammered, "No, it's all right with Naruto-kun, Jiraiya-sama."

Jiraiya took note of her blush and concluded that she liked Naruto. Evidently, Naruto was oblivious to this.

"All right. Tsunade told me that you two had the most potential as a partnered team, so I will be training you two to work together. Your upcoming mission will require you all to travel in groups of two or more, and this mission is very dangerous, being a B-rank mission.

"Now, the first thing about partnering is that you two must know about each other thoroughly. So, Naruto, I'll have to have you tell Hinata about 'it'."

Hinata noticed immediately that Naruto's enthusiastic expression had sunken to a sad expression. She wondered what 'it' was.

"Ero-sennin, I can't do that. It's against the law."

"Not if you tell the person. Besides, this is very important. Hinata's life might be in danger if she doesn't know about 'it'."

Naruto sunk his head, feeling depressed. He could already anticipate Hinata's reaction. "Ero-sennin, she won't want to be my partner after I tell her."

Jiraiya said sorrowfully, "I'm sorry if that happens, but you'll have to tell her. Remember that her life can be in danger."

Hinata looked at the ground, feeling sympathetic for Naruto. What could 'it' be? Could it be so bad that she wouldn't want to be Naruto's partner anymore? She shook her head. She would always stay be his side and quietly watch over him. She would never leave him.

Naruto looked at her and said, "Hinata, this secret that I am about to tell you cannot be told to anyone else. Please, if I tell anyone, most likely, they'll leave me alone and reject me. It's okay if you don't want to be my partner after I tell you this. It's already happened a lot, and another person won't make a difference."

However, Naruto felt in his heart that the pain of Hinata also hating him would feel far worse than the hatred of the villagers. He sighed and began to speak in a quiet, sad voice…