A/N: Only a few shout outs I need to make…

Maddudewalking: Good question about the whole Draco still calling her Granger thing… wellll… actually I've been purposefully putting that in. I'm really trying to portray the characters the way I see them in this fic and I think of Draco as someone who does not easily open up and let his guard down. It's taking them a long time to completely break down the barrier of 6 years of hatred towards each other and realize their true feelings, and maybe it's taking a little longer for Draco. But don't get me wrong, they do care about each other by now… as hard as it is for Draco to admit it. Especially to Hermione.

AmErIcAnCoWgIrL: I know, I know, I've been a bad little fanfiction writer! I'm sorry you had to go back and read the chapters to remember what was happening, I was hoping it wouldn't come to that because there are some important things that happen early on, and need to be remembered. Anyway, I was having some thoughts that the sex scene was coming out of nowhere as well, but I had been planning it out for a while and TRYING my best to lead up to it… sorry!

And on with the story….

RECAP: The next morning Hermione and Draco did not wake up early. In fact, they were so sound asleep that not even the sounds of a door opening, and voices, and ascending footsteps could wake them. No, they did not stir until the very door to the room they lay in was wrenched open and a very loud screech echoed before them. And when this did happen, Hermione could not have been more horrified to be staring into the very pale and distraught face of Narcissa Malfoy.

Chapter 40 – Meeting Mom

"DRACO!" Narcissa screeched coving her eyes with her hands frantically. "Get decent at once!"

Draco immediately pulled the covers up to his neck and forced a stunned Hermione beneath them. "Uhhh… what are you talking about mother, I'm completely decent." He replied, hoping in vain that she had not seen too much.

Narcissa parted her fingers a bit revealing one squinting eye, and only when she saw that it was safe for her to look did she uncover her eyes. Although Draco would have expected her to look furious at what she had seen she looked much more startled, like a very skinny, blonde, tall, wide eyed dear caught in headlights.

Before Hermione had been shoved under the covers so frantically she had caught her first real glimpse of Narcissa Malfoy, and despite her shock she could tell where Draco had acquired his good looks. In fact, she could surely assume that Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco were quite the trophy family. Narcissa was tall and almost too lean with wispy blonde hair pulled back tightly against her head and large green eyes. Her cheek bones were high and her face a bit gaunt, but Hermione could tell that beneath all those years of being Mrs. Lucius Malfoy, and mother to an only son whose future she most certainly worried about, there was happiness. Underneath her prim, proper, emotionless façade there had been a happy school girl, one who had spent life to its fullest. She could still see the laugh lines engraved in Narcissa's face. Hermione almost pitied her… almost, until she opened her mouth.

"What do you take me for?" Narcissa hissed, in a tone somewhere between hurt and angry.

"What?" Draco asked, as confused as Hermione who was lying stock still under the covers.

"You heard me, you ungrateful prat. What do you take me for? Surely you don't think me stupid enough to believe no one is lying under the covers of your bed. SURELY you don't think that you can con me out of knowing what you did. After all these years, 17 years, I have been your mother. I have been good to you, raised you, taught you right and wrong, fed you, gave you a place to sleep, and after all that you think me to be stupid? Now I know what I saw, and I have a fairly good idea who is lying beside you right now. But at LEAST give me that small amount of credit. Pull down you covers Draco, so I can see your new toy."

The words stung Hermione in more ways than one. First of all, to be called Draco's toy… she knew that she wasn't, but of all her suspicions that had been the ONE that nagged at her every single day she was… well… could you even call it dating? Yes. It had been going on for several months now, you could defiantly call it dating. Dating Draco. It had been hard enough to let her guard down and sleep with him, finally after she had decided that Draco was not in fact using her, but it seemed almost tormentative to call her a toy after all that… but of course Narcissa would know none of this. Narcissa defiantly had no idea of the extent of Hermione's relationship with her son. Narcissa would never understand the extent of Hermione's CARE for her son… and she wasn't sure if Draco would never know or understand it either.

Finally, after what had seemed like hours, but had only in fact been seconds since Narcissa's request, Hermione felt the covers slowly lift off of her. If Draco felt afraid right now, it could not even measure to the fear Hermione was feeling.

When Hermione knew the covers were off her face, and that Narcissa knew who was in bed with her son, she looked up nervously.

Narcissa was simply standing there, looking down at them. Her arms were crossed, and she was simply looking down at them, with no hint of her feelings displayed on her face. Finally she let out a deep breath through her nose and sat down at a chair by the door, closing it behind her.

"I was really hoping my eyes had deceived me," she said solemnly. "But it appears they are working just as well as ever."

"Mother…" Draco began, but he was cut off.

"Don't mother me. You may have charmed her into bed with you, but there's no way you are charming yourself into this situation. How could you do this Draco? Don't think I don't know her she is… I am completely aware of her identity. It's the granger girl. The muggle born girl who some how managed to beat you in your studies. The one girl our forces hoped would not make it all the way to becoming an auror. Yes, that's right, we did not want her against us… at least you secured that for us. Perhaps you did one thing right…"

"Don't you DARE," Hermione said her veins boiling with anger and her face flushing a bit. "Indicate that I would EVER join your side… I would rather die!" She spat.

Narcissa smirked. "That can easily be arranged."

"You are a terrible woman." Hermione said, now shaking with rage. "To think I pitied you for being stuck in a relationship with Lucius Malfoy, but now I realize that you two are suited perfectly for each other. At least you did one thing right in having Draco… though of course I'm sure you put no effort into how he turned out… wait a second, let me correct myself. You did put in effort. Plenty of the wrong kind of effort. You tried to teach him that just because someone was not a full wizard that they were in some way impure. That they could not do things as well as purebloods, that they weren't worth as much as purebloods. Well you were wrong. I've proved that."

"Shut up. You have no right to speak to your elder like that, you filthy mudblood." Narcissa spat, anger burning in her eyes just as fiercely as in Hermione's.

"Don't talk to her like that." Draco said stiffly, speaking for the first time since this fight began.

Narcissa whipped her head around to look at Draco. "Excuse me?" She said in shock.

"Don't talk to her like that." He repeated, looking straight into his mothers eyes. "To you she may only be bad blood, hell, I thought the same thing before I started to get to know her… but she isn't that bad. It's not like this is just some fling that happened last night, we have been… well… dating for a couple of months now."

Narcissa stood still again. Staring into Draco's eyes as if looking for a hint he was lying. Hoping that this was not that truth, but she found no guilt in his eyes. He was not lying. "Well what about the other girls?" Narcissa hoped, looking for some reason, any other reason that they should not be together. "What about Pansy? I thought you two were getting kind of serious…"

Draco shook his head in frustration. "No mother! You just don't understand… Pansy and I were never serious. I never wanted pansy… YOU wanted her for me, but sometimes we don't want the same things! Can't you ever understand this? I never cared about Pansy like I do about Granger…"

Narcissa let out a chuckle. "If you care for this… girl… then you will end it now. I do not even know what your father will do if he finds out you have slept with her… much less dated her. Neither you or I want to see what will happen if you continue this. I will keep this a secret from your father for one reason and one reason only… I care bout you Draco. I would not want to see your father do something to you all because of a muggle born girl… Take my advice. End it now… Before it's too late." She said, giving him one last look before walking out of the room and leaving Hermione and Draco quite unnerved and quite alone.

"Well…" Said Draco breaking the silence. "I'm glad THAT'S over… let's go back to sleep… I'm exhausted." Draco made to lie back down but looked up when he realized Hermione was making no indication of movement. "…In order to go back to sleep you actually have to lie down too.." he said jokingly, with a half smile.

"Draco…" Hermione said, not returning his smile at all. "How can you be so nonchalant after all that happened? I mean after all you mom just walked in on us… and she didn't even know we were dating. Which wouldn't even be so amazingly horrible except for the fact that I'm muggle born and your parents despise muggle bourns…"

"Relax." Draco said rolling his eyes. "She'll get over it. Now can we please go back to sleep? I intend on making the most of this vacation."

"Are you kidding me? Your moms just down stairs… and maybe even your dad! It's bad enough she found out but if he found out he would probably kill us both…"

"True, but it's a risk I'm willing to take for a few more hours of sleep."

"I can't believe you! How can you joke at a time like this? You may have thought it was funny but I didn't at all… did you hear what your mom said? We might be in danger… what if your mother tells your father about us? What if… what if… I don't even want to know what would happen after that… I…"

"What are you trying to say?" Draco said in a frustrated tone. "That was shouldn't see each other anymore?" He said sarcastically, but when he didn't get a response back from her, looked over only to see her looking down. "You're… not saying that, right?"

"I don't know what I'm trying to say!" Hermione said still looking away. She didn't want to loose him… but she didn't want to loose her life either.

"I can't believe this." He said, sitting up immediately. "I finally admit to myself that I care about you… and you just stab me in the back."

"Draco…" Hermione said softly, touching his arm. "Don't be stupid…"

He pulled his arm away. "You're right granger. I was stupid. Stupid for ever even thinking of dating a mudblood like you. But I know never to make that mistake again."

Hermione sucked in her breath. When she heard the word 'mudblood' escape his mouth she felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. Now the only feeling that remained was an icy coldness. Her eyes burned from the salty tears that were building up in them, and she tried her hardest not to blink and give him the satisfaction of knowing how badly his words stung.

"I see." She said, trying to sound as if this didn't bother her, but even in those two words you could hear her pain. "Well then… I'm going to go." She began to get up but then realized that she was naked under the covers. "Would you mind looking away?" She asked sharply in an aggravated tone.

"Gladly. I wouldn't want to see you naked anyway!" He said childishly.

"Good because you will never have to again!" She yelled back at him, pulling on her clothes in a hurry.

"Fine by me!" He shouted back.

"I'm glad we finally agree on something!" She said, and with that she turned quickly to make sure he didn't see the tears that finally fell down her check, and with a loud CRACK she was gone.


When Hermione reappeared seconds later she was in her room and immediately flung herself upon the bed, finally letting out all her tears. How could he have been so heartless? He had used her… and worse, he had lied to her. He never really cared about her… if he did he wouldn't have called her a mudblood. Why was she so upset about this? She must have known SOMEWHERE back in her head that this probably wouldn't work out… I mean come on it was Draco fucking Malfoy for heavens sake. But even now she knew that she was lying to herself. It wasn't Draco Malfoy that was the problem.

It was the fact that she had fallen for Draco Malfoy.


Draco sat in his bed, stunned that she was actually gone. He had thought that the fight would resolve itself… but instead it turned into a complete and utter train wreck. He had gotten caught up in the moment and said some things he didn't mean… but why did he say them?

He tried to convince himself his mother was right. He shouldn't be with her. She wasn't good enough for him… But it was no use.

He got up and through a pillow on the floor in his anger, then ran his fingers through his hair.

What had he done?


A/N: Heh… yes I know it took me long enough… but hopefully you liked the chapter. I've been reading and plotting more so HOPEFULLY I'll get an update up sooner than too months this time… sorry I'm disappointing you all, I've just been sooooo busy lately. Well hope your still reading… I was a bit sad to have only gotten 9 reviews last chapter, but I deserved it for taking so long. READ AND REVIEW! 7 reviews before an update.