Hi peeps. Just another little right off the back fic. I hope to update this evry day after I update All You Wanted. Well, fans, enjoy.

Warning: If you don't like Rob/Rae DO NOT read this

Disclaimer: Do I have to. Fine. I don't own them. But hey, Maybe Marv Wolfman is related to me somehow, and matbe she'll leave them to me in her will. A girl can dream, can't she?

Will She Be Loved?

Raven sat on her bed, as was common for her. She spent her life in there. Interaction with the other Titans was few and far between. They were the best friends she could ask for, but they didn't know the secret. She kept. None of them but one. The leader. Robin. How many times had she wanted to pull his mask off to see the eyes she thought were blue. "But that will never happen." she thought.

As the day went past, she felt she had read every book she possed, meaditated so long she wouldn't have to do it for a year. There were two options left. One was to go watch tv with the others. This she rejected. The other option was to write the poetry she seldom did write. She summoned the little black book from her shelf,and grabbing a pen from her desk/bed table, went up to the roof.

In the mist of chaos, one stood quite. Robin sat on the couch, thinking but not. Raven had been in her room all day, not even coming out to get the herbal tea that made her so skinny and immune to sickness. Without the others noticing he got up and went into the tranning room.

Meanwhile on the roof:

March 2, 2005

He doesn't know. He can't see.

And he never will. Bottled up,

kept alone in the darkness am I.

Ever do I think of him: his ebony

black hair, his eyes, the ones I've never

seen, and probably never will.

I try my hardest, but sometimes it

breaks out. I'll sit in my room writing,

or exspressing myself on the paper that

ever helps me with myself. I want him to

know, to be able to reject or accept me.

But he can't, and never can. I really want

him to see. But he can't. My love is the most

dangerous thing in the world,and I don't want

to hurt him with it.

Raven set down her pen. Presently, Raven heard footsteps. She ran for the door, leaving her book of poetry on the roof. She knew not that leaving her book there would give Robin an even better understanding of the girl who barely knew herself.

Raven barely missed Robin narrowly. "Excuse me." she said, rushing past. "What was that about?" Robin thought out loud. He countinued climbing up the stairs that lead to the roof. Suddenly, like it came out of nowhere it started to rain. "Crud." Robin said, but still went onto the roof. He noticed a little black book close to the edge of the oning. So close, if it was any closer, it would be ruined. So the Boy Wonder went and picked it up.

Like boys will do, he flipped through it. "Curious." he thought. He noted it was in a diffret language. At first he thought it was Starfire's; she spoke a completely diffrent langugae. But as he got further in, he ralied it was dark poetry; like the kind Raven would write. Finally, he got to the latest entry.

He read the poem:

March 2, 2005

He doesn't know. He can't see.

And he never will. Bottled up,

kept alone in the darkness am I.

Ever do I think of him: his ebony

black hair, his eyes, the ones I've never

seen, and probably never will.

I try my hardest, but sometimes it

breaks out. I'll sit in my room writing,

exspressing myself on the paper that

ever helps me with myself. I want him to

know, to be able to reject or accept me.

But he can't, and never can. I really want

him to see. But he can't. My love is the most

dangerous thing in the world,and I don't want

to hurt him with it.

Finishing it, he found himself thinking it was about him. "Richard, you blithering idiot!" he thought "She doesn't like you." But he wanted to make sure. He picked up the pen that sat on the ground, and began to write on the next page:

I don't know if I'm worth her time. She always seems

to ignore me, or else roll her eyes as if she hates me. She

can't feel; but I know she does. She thinks she's alone, I'm

aware, but she's got me. No matter the situation, I will be

there for her. She is my dark angel, and will remain untill I am

on my death bed. I love you, my dark angel.

He put down the pen, hoping this was in fact Raven's poetry. If it was Star's he was doomed. He left the book and pen, hoping Raven would find it soon.

Am I evil for cliffing like that? You tell me. Much to my satisfaction, I'm trying not to make Star evil in this on. This may prove a challenge.