Shadow Moon

Disclaimer: I don't own Tenchi Muyo/Universe or DBZ/GT.

By: Shadow Kage

Summary: Gohan disappeared eight years ago with no note, no letter, no trace, not even a warning. One day he was gone and hadn't been seen from again. Now someone who resembles him has been spotted leaving and coming to Earth and other planets in the galaxy.

"blah" - Saiyago, "blah" - Galactigo, "blah" - Telepathy

"blah" - English (Juraian), 'blah' - Thought, 'blah' - Bond

blah - Location/Time/Flashback/End Flashback

Chapter One: Return of an Old Friend

Masaki Shrine Residence

Tenchi was busy plowing the fields as he listened in the distance to Ayeka and Ryoko fighting again. He was so tired of listening to them fight that he was very tempted to just leave Earth and start a life somewhere else. As he went back to plowing the field he noticed something resembling a shooting star coming towards the fields.

'Oh man, not in the fields, I just finished plowing them,' thought Tenchi.

However at the last few minutes the ship decelerated and landed gently in the field. This caught Tenchi's attention as the ships hatch opened and a man who looked to be a little older than him stepped out.

"Are you Prince Tenchi Masaki of Jurai?" asked the man.

"That depends on who's asking," replied Tenchi absent mindedly.

"I am Ashura Moon," he replied. "I am the number one Bounty Hunter and Mercenary in the galaxy."

"Ashura Moon, huh? Well I have one thing to say about that," said Tenchi.

"Really, and what would that be?" asked Ashura.



"Welcome back old buddy," said Tenchi giving him a firm hand shake.

"It's good to be back, Tenchi. Are Ayeka and Ryoko still going at it?" asked Ashura.

"Yep, same as always, I just can't figure out why they won't just leave me alone. I can't even get anything done or even do anything I want to do, without one or both of them butting into my business. They're obsessed with me, what I do, where I am, who I'm with, and everything else. Sometimes I wish I could just leave Earth and disappear," said Tenchi.

"Take my word for it Tenchi, disappearing is not worth it. You know my past and I know yours, fair is fair. Do not wish for something that you may one day regret. If you do get what you wish, are you sure that it is really what you want? I regret everyday the things I've done and the blood I've spilled. But yet I continued on and spill more and more blood. Until today that is, today I retired from the Mercenary Guild and the Bounty Hunter Guild. I'm a civilian now, but not any civilian, I'm the strongest around," said Ashura.

"You know Ashura you told me when we first met how we were very much alike, how we were both hybrids. I've been thinking about what you said and I still don't know what you're a hybrid of," said Tenchi.

"Yes, I know and there is a reason you weren't meant to know until I chose. Knowing the others they would blab and I would be hunted. Washu more than likely already knows what I am, but may still be puzzled as to who I am," said Ashura as he and Tenchi walked back to the house and his space ship disappeared into a sub-space pocket thanks to Washu.

When the two of them arrived at the household Ashura could tell that dinner was being served as it was the silence before the next storm. When he and Tenchi arrived at the table everyone was surprised to see him. They didn't recognize him, which was good since it meant that his newest technique was working.

"Um, Lord Tenchi, who is this person?" asked Ayeka politely.

"An old friend of mine," said Tenchi as he sat down and started to dish his plate.

"An old friend?" asked Ayeka confused when Katsuhito walked in for dinner.

"Oh, hello Ashura, back again I see. How did your training and jobs go this time?" asked Katsuhito politely.

"Hello to you as well sir. My training went as expected enough to fool them, but not you or Tenchi. As for my jobs, I'm retired now," said Ashura.

"Ashura!" said Ayeka surprised that it was him and he had fooled her once again.

"Yo, princess, shut up already," said Ryoko as Sasami walked in to hear Ryoko tell Ayeka to shut up.

It was the last straw that time, she was sick of Ryoko's laziness and her attitude towards royals, with the exception to Katsuhito and Tenchi. "Ryoko, why don't you shut up for a change? I'm tired of listening to you whine, complain, and tell everyone who starts talking to shut up! The only ones you don't do that to are Tenchi and grandfather, because you have too much respect for grandfather and you're trying to woo Tenchi to your side! The only other one you don't tell to shut up is Ashura, because he keeps to himself most of the time," exclaimed Sasami angrily causing Ryoko to get angry with her.

"Why you insolent little brat, how dare you talk to me that way!" said Ryoko as she summoned moved to attack Sasami only to find herself slammed against the wall with a sword against her neck. "I know what you two did last summer! Disgracing each other like that!"

"I suggest Ryoko that you refrain from attacking any member of this household again. If you do then you shall have to deal with me and the consequences. Do you understand me woman!" hissed Ashura venomously as Ryoko's eyes were wide with fear and realization of what she almost did.

Ryoko nodded mutely as she sat back down and began to eat peacefully. Everyone knew that Ryoko got carried away sometimes, but what she was accusing Sasami and Ashura of doing was uncalled for and demanded an apology. But before anyone could demand that Ryoko apologize, Sasami sat next to Ashura who looked at her as if asking her what she wanted to do.

"Sasami is there something you're not telling us?" asked Ayeka kindly.

"What Ryoko said is true in a sense. We were alone with each other quite a lot last summer and when I took Ashura to get registered with the Galaxy Police and Jurai, we ran into father. The result was that father had the new noblest of the nobles, and not just some pretty boy like he chose for you Ayeka, but a true noble to fight Ashura. The resulting match was incredible and extremely suspenseful. At times it looked like Kurai, who was the one father chose for me, was going to win, but even when he used Jurai's power, Ashura was able to dodge the attacks and wait for the perfect moment to strike, while Kurai was exhausted from attacking the way he did and using Jurai's power so much. When Ashura had his sword at Kurai's neck, Kurai told Ashura to kill him and let him die with honor. But Ashura snapped his sword in half and drove the tip into the ground so far that it was impossible to reach. He gave Kurai the other half of his sword and told him to get better and to train himself more," said Sasami.

"So father decided to make Ashura fight for his citizenship?" asked Ayeka.

"Actually father thought at the time, that Ashura was the one I had chosen to marry. Only afterward, when I told father that Ashura was on Jurai with me, because he was a friend and he was there to become a citizen of Jurai. You should have seen Ayeka; father blushed so badly from embarrassment that Ashura gave him a compliment on how good a father he was which reflecting on how good an Emperor he was. Father was in such a good mood from the praise that he granted Ashura honoree membership and citizenship of the planet Jurai, along with the Galaxy Police," said Sasami.

"But that still doesn't explain what Ryoko said," stated Tenchi.

"Well um you see Ayeka, you that time you refused to come home to Jurai, well Ashura and I had been dating quietly and secretly for a while and it was that time when you refused to come home that Ashura proposed to me. Ashura is my fiancée and well last summer we got carried away when we were caught in the storm and one thing led to another," said Sasami blushing.

"I see, since you two are engaged, then that leaves one question who is the brides maid and who is the best man?" asked Ayeka. "Jurai adopted these two customs as extra protection against any claims that two people were not married properly. Since this was adopted many Juraian's feel that Jurai has become a better planet, adopting other planet's rituals and customs into their own."

"Sasami will choose her brides maid and anyone who attempts to push her into choosing you, will meet a very unfortunate fate," said Ashura plainly.

"Ashura!" scolded Sasami as she lifted frying pan, only to have it cut in two and then dissected into multiple little pieces in the blink of any eye. "Again, what is with you and frying pans?"

"You have obviously never seen the injuries those things cause when slammed against somebody's skull. Call it a means of self-preservation and self-protection against such a threat," said Ashura.

"Oh, alright, but don't do it again!" said Sasami.

"No promises, the instinct of self-preservation and protection is built into the psyche of every living creature," said Ashura as Washu appeared and was about to say something when she noticed the pieces of the frying pan.

"Ashura slice and dice, another frying pan?" asked Washu.

"Yep," replied Sasami cheerfully as she kissed Ashura on the cheek.

"I still say the same thing I did when Ashura first arrived here. He is bad news and will only bring pain and suffering to us," said Ryoko.


Tenchi was busy cleaning the shrine steps and pathway when the ship crashed. Kiyone who had been walking up the steps saw the ship crash and hailed it.

"Attention unidentified ship, this a restricted planet, only Juraian and Galaxy Police vessels are allowed here. Identify yourself immediately and state your purpose here," said Kiyone as she drew her weapon.

When she arrived she saw the ship was a spherical pod with only one entrance and exit which was quite obvious. When the front of the hatch opened a man with a rugged beard, mustache and wild uncombed hair stumbled out. She could tell he was either a drunk or something else. However when she aimed her gun at him it exploded on her and she saw that the man's face was blackened, but she also noticed he was weak and injured.

"Who are you?" demanded Kiyone.

"Why should I answer your question?" said the man.

"Because I am a Galaxy Police Agent and I am in charge of this system. Now who are you?" said Kiyone.

"So you speak Galactigo? Fine, I am Ashura Moon of the Moon Clan. I had problems with my ship, sabotage and I crashed on this accursed planet," said Ashura sternly.

"So, what about your wounds, how did you get them? Did you just happen to get into a fight with a Bounty Hunter?" asked Kiyone sarcastically.

"No, I got into a fight with a Changeling," said Ashura.

"You are damn lucky to be alive then. Now because this was apparently sabotage and an uncontrollable event you won't be arrested. This will be reported as a routine maintenance problem with a ship," said Kiyone.

"Fine," replied Ashura as he started to walk only to collapse down onto the ground after a few steps.

"Somebody get Ryoko and tell Washu to prep her Regeneration Tank!" yelled Kiyone as Tenchi ran to get Ryoko.

While they waited Kiyone couldn't help but feel this man could help her with her problems and help her find someone for herself.

"KAKAROT!" yelled Ashura subconsciously in Saiyago.

"Does anybody know what language that was?" asked Kiyone as everyone shook their heads.

A few minutes later Ryoko showed up and lifted him onto her shoulders and phased to the house and entered Washu's lab.

"Quickly put him into the tank!" said Washu as she finished prepping the tank.

When Ryoko put him in his clothing instantly dissolved into nothing, but a small circle of black energy covered his private parts and his wounds were visible for them to see. He had deep slashes across his entire body and many tattoo's on his upper torso and face. His system was in just as bad shape as it had to heal itself slowly. But with Washu's Regeneration Tank operating at full capacity his healing was accelerated. Washu was also monitoring his power level and was very surprised when she saw his initial results upon entering the lab and his current results. His power level was increasing drastically and rapidly.

'What are you? Who are you?' thought Washu as she looked at Ashura.

Two Weeks Later

Washu was busy checking out his ship which she had teleported into her lab, when Ashura's eyes shot open. Looking around he found he was in a regeneration tank and a very complex one at that. Finally his eyes fell upon Washu and with his psychic abilities shattered the tank, catching her full attention.

"Where are my clothes?" asked Ashura as he stared at Washu.

"They had to be dissolved since you were in such critical condition. Normally I wouldn't have bothers, but you needed it bad," said Washu.

"I see; can you supply me with some clothing then?" asked Ashura.

"On the table beside you, an exact replica of the clothes you were wearing when you arrived here. Everyone is waiting for you to wake, especially Sasami, she has been in here everyday watching you," said Washu.

"Whatever, I just need to fix my ship or steal another one and get off this forsaken planet," said Ashura.

"It's not all that bad," said Washu.

"To you, maybe not, but I don't care for this planet," said Ashura.

"Fine, but your ship will take three months to repair. Some of the parts are rare, but mainly it's difficult to fix with all the unorthodox modifications. I'm surprised it's lasted this long and not blown up in space," said Washu.

"Maybe, but the modifications sacrificed several things in order o get powerful shields and incredible speed. Weapons are practically nothing, life support puts me into an almost comatose state, leaving just enough of my senses to determine if I'm approaching danger or a planet," said Ashura as he dressed. "It would be better for to just steal another one and leave this wretched planet."

"Whatever, at least go eat something," said Washu as she gave up with a sigh.

Ashura nodded and headed to the door and found himself in the house. Finding his way to the outside he looked around and found that he was in a completely unknown part of the world to him. Growling to himself he went back inside and saw his reflection in a mirror. Chuckling to himself he went back into the lab and found Washu waiting with a pair of scissors and combs.

"Fine get it over with, but I'll tell you now, if you make me look like an idiot, I will kill you," said Ashura.

One Hour Later

Washu had done her best at cutting hair and trimming beards to make him look nice. She was surprised though that she actually let him do a physical on him and she was surprised at what the initial results of his physical said.

Name: Ashura Moon of the Moon Clan

Eyes: Coal Black

Hair: Coal Black

Height: 6'9" (203 cm)

Weight: 256 lbs (115 kg)

Body Fat Percentage: 1.009

Muscle Mass Percentage: 98.001

Power Level: 243

Age: 16

Race: Hybrid-Human/Undetermined

Warrants: Two on Glacio, Ten on Galacto, Five on Jupiter II, Nineteen on Saturn IV, Twelve on Uranus V, Six on Neptune VI, Seven on Mercury III, Twenty on Jurai Colony Nine, and Fifty-seven arrest warrants by Galaxy Police Headquarters, total: 138 Warrants, all alive.

"You sure have been a little busy these past few years to have accumulated one hundred, thirty-eight arrest warrants," said Washu.

"Is that it? I take it that's just to keep me alive, what's my count for death warrants?" asked Ashura.

Death Warrants: total: 5437

"Five thousand, four hundred, thirty seven, in just death warrants! What the hell did you do to get that many death warrants?" asked Washu.

"Shot Queen Ice's sister in the back, beat her nephew into the ground, oh and I gave Queen Ice a nice big bruise on her cheek," said Ashura.

"That's all from the Changeling's!" exclaimed Washu unable to believe it.

"All but one and that one is from someone called Nagi," said Ashura.

"What did you do?" asked Washu.

"Blasted her clothes off in public, utterly humiliating her," said Ashura casually.

"You aren't going to live past sixteen at this rate," said Washu.

"Actually all those warrants should be expiring as of yesterday," said Ashura as the warrant totals suddenly went to zero.

Washu just sat back in her chair and watched him levitate a can shaving cream into his hand. He grabbed a towel on his way out and went to the bathroom to shave. He made sure that nobody saw him and proceeded to shave his beard and mustache off. His hair was tied back into a ponytail going down his back about a foot. When he finished he rinsed his face and dried it with the towel. Carefully making his way back into Washu's lab without being seen he had Washu locate the nearest space capable company. It turned out that Capsule Corps Headquarters was the only place and that was located in South City now.

"Damn it! I always knew she was stubborn and secretive, but I thought she would have put them at other locations besides the damn headquarters," cursed Ashura as he slammed his fist through the table beside him as Washu brought up the profile on the CEO/Owner of the company that had space flight available to them only.

Name: Bulma Briefs

Marriage Status: Single

Children: Mirai Badman, Trunks Badman, Mizu Badman; Ages: 17, 6, and 6

Age: 37

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Light Blue

Height: 5'10"

Weight: Undisclosed

Notes: Father of children is struggling to support children, criminal, child abuser, request that children be taken away from.

"Now I know I won't like this woman," said Washu.

"Yes, she seems to hate the father of her children," said Ashura as he turned to leave but stopped momentarily. "Three months you said?"

"Yes," said Washu.

"You have one year, if it isn't ready, then I'll just steal a ship," said Ashura as he walked out and heard Ryoko arguing with everyone.

"I'm telling you this guy is bad news, I talked to Washu about him and she showed me his criminal record. It's five times longer than mine and it seems he's made enemies with the Kold and Ice families at that!" said Ryoko.

"But Ryoko, you know as well as I do that the Kold and Ice families don't like anybody. For all we know he could have been defending himself from a misinterpretation on the Kold and Ice family's parts," said Ayeka.

"Maybe, but what about all the arrest warrants, especially the ones with the Galaxy Police?" asked Ryoko.

"You don't have room to talk there Ryoko. If you remember right, you are the most wanted criminal in the galaxy," said Ayeka.

"Maybe, but that's just from knocking off a few banks and destroying a few dozen Galaxy Police and Juraian ships," said Ryoko. "This guy has a wrap sheet twice as long as mine, he's destroyed three Galaxy Police ships, crippled hundreds of Juraian ships, and destroyed twelve moons! I can't even destroy moons!"

"True, but his warrants have all expired and all charges have been dropped and erased," said Ayeka.

"Yeah, I know, but the way he looked though… he looked like a drunk, but according to Washu he had serious external and internal injuries," said Kiyone.

"Yeah, but what kind of man could survive those type of injuries? I'm telling you, he is bad news and can only bring trouble," said Ryoko.

"Trouble, you have no idea the trouble you are in, by just being on this planet," said Ashura walking out of the shadows a bit.

The lower half of his face was wrapped in a pitch black cowl, leaving only part of his upper face visible through the mask he wore with his cowl. It covered his upper face, leaving his hair free, but nobody could tell what his face really looked like.

"If you want me to leave so bad, then say the word. I can be gone tonight if you wish," said Ashura.

"Then go, we don't need you around here!" said Ryoko.

"I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to the boy, who seems to be the most uncomfortable right now," said Ashura.

"Now, I don't see any reason for you to have to leave. Your name is Ashura? I had a friend when I was ten whose name was Ashura Gohan Son, though his parents called him Gohan, as it was supposed to be his first name, but a mistake at the time caused his official name to be Ashura. They changed his name later on to Gohan K. Son, his mother didn't like the name Ashura and neither did his father or grandfather, but the doctors swore, that he chose the name Ashura. Would this person be you?" asked Tenchi in Saiyago which surprised Ashura.

"Yes that is me, what is your name?" asked Ashura.

"Tenchi Masaki," replied Tenchi.

"Tenchi, it's good to see you cousin, what is with all the women here?" said Ashura.

"It was just Ryoko and Mihoshi at first, then Ayeka, then Sasami, then we found Washu, and finally Kiyone showed up hoping not to find Mihoshi alive," said Tenchi.

"Oh?" replied Ashura curiously.

"Yeah, she is a major klutz and airhead, she neglects her duties and wants nothing more than to hang out with Kiyone, watch TV, eat, and sleep. Kiyone was on the road to the top when she got stuck with Mihoshi as her partner," explained Tenchi.

"I see, I would have sent Mihoshi to the next dimension by now," replied Ashura as he finally the noticed the others staring at them.

"Um… Lord Tenchi, may I ask what you two were saying?" asked Ayeka.

"Sure, I was just wondering if it was possible for him to be a childhood friend of mine, who was also my cousin. Our mothers were half sisters and well they never really got along, but they both believed that family was number one. So when we were little, before my mother died, they would get together just for our sake and let us play together. Grandpa would he take time out from his Shrine duties to play with us, those were the days, but then my other died and I lost all contact with him," said Tenchi. "But before he left he had learned a different language and taught it to me. He told me it would be the only way we would recognize one another."

"So this man is your cousin?" asked Ayeka.

"Yeah," said Tenchi as Ayeka fainted.

End Flashback

"Shut up Ryoko," said Ashura.

"Fine," said Ryoko.

Even though she would never admit it, she had a silent respect for Ashura. The way he carried himself was different from anybody else. He was obviously superior to many beings, yet he didn't put himself above them. No, if anything he put himself as everybody's equal, including herself.

"So what does this mean?" asked Kiyone.

"It means that if anybody tries anything to hurt Sasami, then they will find themselves in the next dimension. That includes you Ryoko, that was your only warning," said Ashura.

"Ashura, we've heard you mention sending people to this next dimension. Exactly what is it?" asked Ayeka.

"The next dimension is more of a term used to scare others into not trying anything and getting them to back down from a potentially fatal fight and battle. They are sent to Other World if they loose," said Ashura.

"What is Other World?" asked Mihoshi.

"You have got to be kidding me," said Ashura. "Other World is the place where the dead go. I've sent plenty of people to Other World, to the next dimension. I've been in plenty of fight sin my lifetime. If you thought I was in bad shape arriving here tow years ago, then you should have seen me fighting a Changeling in his second form."

"Yep, I was right, you are crazy," said Washu as Ayeka and Kiyone nodded.

"It wasn't that bad, I managed to hurt him," said Ashura. "Though fighting a Changeling in the third form is even worse. I'll never forget how Froola was able to hurt me like that. Though Queen Kold was a bitch, she was in her fourth form and she was hideous and I even told her so. Princess Freeze had to be even worse, she was uglier and she reeked, I had to tell her then and she was in her fifth form. Thought I would have died against Queen Ice, she was the worst, in her sixth from, ugly, smelly, and did I mention stupid? I told her all that and it didn't even faze her, but when I told her that she was an idiot and a fool she was pissed."

"I was wrong, you're not crazy, you are complete and utterly insane to be saying those things to them," said Washu as Kiyone, Mihoshi, Ayeka, Ryoko, and even Sasami agreed with her.

"Well I guess I can have you send a greeting card to Hell for them telling them everything I said to them, but with it singing it to them day and night," said Ashura with a corked grin as everyone stared at him like he truly was insane. "What?"

"You killed them, you wiped out the entire Royal Changeling family?" asked Ayeka.

"Well at first it was just a misunderstanding. I had accidentally said something along the lines that the rest of the galaxy wasn't as dull as their planets," said Ashura. "For some reason that made them angry or they wee just frustrated and were using me to take their frustrations out on."

Everyone nodded and they went back to their meal. They would discuss more after dinner or the following day on his and Sasami's engagement.


A/N: Well that's it for the first chapter. This is my first Tenchi Muyo/DBZ-GT crossover, so please go easy on me. I would appreciate all ideas that you can give me and please leave name behind so I can give thanks. I don't have any real ideas for a poll right now, but I'll give you one anyway, it will probably be a while before I update. I'm also currently working on my hit story Dark Tide: Shadow Saiyan.


What do you think so far? Please explain.

What do you think of the Ashura/Sasami pairing? Please explain.

Should I just give up on this story? Yes or No, please explain.

What other pairings should there be? Please explain.

What do you think of Ashura and Tenchi beings half-cousins? Please explain.

Other Comments: Please explain.