Chapter 17
woo the next chapter is out! Please enjoy and review.
Love you all.
On with the story.
The Library
The girls decided that after school Mina and Amy would take Serena to the mall while Rei and Lita would hunt down Darien and make him confess to liking or maybe even loving their Serena.
" Now where would he be?" Rei stood in the busy street with Lita. They had just said good-bye to the other girls who were keeping Serena preoccupied. The first place they decided to look was the arcade as he was always there in the busy school hours.
An hour had passed and no Darien was found. Where the hell was he? They had look in the park and went to his apartment with the direction given by Andrew. The girls tired plopped themselves down on the nearest bench. At least the view was good it looked up into one of the best shops the girls loved.
Rei and Lita laughed as they remembered the first time they went. They loved it; it was truly the place for girls. The funny part was when Serena found out that it was attached to a massive library. She kept say that it was stupid to put a lovely shop next to the brain-sucking library. Amy didn't seem to mind though. Well that's Amy.
Both girls sighed. They had no were else to look. Rei started to look up at the shop again and her eye briefly ran past the library. But just enough to notice one dark hair man they had been hunting for. Standing with a book in his hand.
"Lita, there he is!" Of all the places why didn't we think of a library? Both girls ran to the building and up they went. By the time they reached the library they were out of breathe. Rei had to hold on to the counter whereas Lita wasn't as out of breathe. Dam her sport thought Rei.
" I think we should split up and look" Rei nodded at Lita's suggestion and went of in the other direction.
Lita was amazed at the pure size of the place. How many books were there? While she was looking up at the book she knocked a couple of books over. People looked up from thier books and shushed her.
"Ahhh...oops" As she bent down to pick the fallen books up she saw it was a cooking book. " Oh my god this is the recipe I've been looking for!" With Darien forgotten she began to read. " Serena will love this!" Lita exclaimed as she examined the book further.
Rei swore she was going round in circles. The dam place was like a maze of books. She had never seen so many. Walking up and down the different section she was getting tired. Rei walked right to the last section and was shocked to see a couple making out on the floor like there was no tomorrow.
"Get a room will ya" Rei called as she walked on. God in a library who would have known. People these days. Once Rei turned the corner she spotted the pray standing straight back with his nose stuck in a book. Rei tilted her head up to look at what section these books were about. It read ' Valentine' why valentine. It was very close to Valentines Day. The girl had arranged to celebrate the day together. They were going to wear lovely dresses and go out for a meal.Thats why it was so perfect to send Serena to the mall. So she could get a dress. Rei grinned, little Darien is up to something naughty! And she was so going to get it out of him.
" Oh my god Serena this is so cute you have to get it!" Squealed Mina. Serena stood in front of the shop mirror and looked at herself, she looked really nice in the beautiful pink dress that stopped mid-thigh. It was a great dress.
" I love it too mina" Spoke Serena with a smile on her face. She began to twirl in the dress to see how it flowed. Amy stood to her side and smiled. " Are you getting it Serena? Its lovely."
Serena nodded and ran to the changing room to change and buy the dress. When she came out she saw mina in a lovely orange off the shoulder dress. " Look Serena isn't it just perfect." Grinned Mina.
(Andrew would drool if she saw me in this!) " Yes perfect" She squealed again and as Serena did ran to the changing room.
Serena turned to Amy who was looking at a long slender ice blue dress and grinned. As fast as lightning Serena grabbed the dress and dragged Amy towards the changing room.
Two minutes later...
" Your beautiful Amy" sang both Serena and Mina. Amy blushed and smiled at her reflection. " Thank you"
Rei smirked as she approached Darien. " What a surprise to see you here Darien" Spoke Rei which made Darien jump a little. He didn't notice her standing behind him. Darien turned to face the smiling Rei.
" Rei ere hi what are you doing here?"
" I could asked you the same thing, You like Valentines Day?" Asked Rei as she looked down at the book he had in his hands.
Darien held back a blush and shut the book quickly. He cleared his throat and tried to walk away. But was stopped by Rei moving in front of him.
" You know Darien Valentines Day is very close. Looks like you want to ask some one" Rei crossed her arms and stared at Darien.
" No I don't" Darien said calmly even under Rei's intense gaze.
" Oh really well I just want to say don't asked any of the girl because we all have dates and Serena is particularly happy about that" Lied Rei her grin widened when she saw Darien shocked face.
" Serena has a date?" Darien asked very quietly. Rei felt a little bad he seemed hurt. Which surprised her greatly. Darien was a man who didnt let his emotion show. Serena must really be something to bring it out of him. she had to make him say he like or loved Serena.
" Why? Do you care?" She urged. She took a step closer.
Darien stared at Rei " No" and he tried to walk away again. " Oh come on Darien you do. Or you wouldn't be getting all upset. Come on just tell me you like her"
" What?"
Rei smiled " we all know you do and she likes you too. God you guys are so stupid you know that?" Rei sighed they really were stupid.
Rei saw Darien face change into pure shock again. " What did you say?"
" I said do you know that you guys are stupid" Said Rei again while placing her hands on her hip.
" No not that part, the first part" Said Darien he was moving closer to her now.
" Huh? What...oh" Rei Smirked " Serena likes you too" Sang Rei she claped her hands togther with love heart in her eyes.
" She does?" Darien was overjoyed and also very shocked at the same time. His sweet serena liked him? She liked him oh what a wonderful day it turned out to be.
" Now tell me that you like little meatball head or I would have to get her a date" Teased Rei
" I-I-I like her I-I r-really do" Darien sighed " I do"
" Well thank god for that"
The two started to walk out of the library. " So why were you at the Valentine section?" Asked Rei. As they tried to find exit. " I wanted to tell Serena that I like her. I have a plan and everything" Darien placed his hands in his pocket. And look over at Rei.
"Really what is it? Maybe me and the girls could help?" Rei suggested
" I think you can" Darien then began to tell her his plan.
" Hey Rei where are you? REI!" Shouted Lita while holding her cooking books that she brought. Lita blushed hard as everyone in sight looked at her and shushed.
To be continued...
First Five to reviews for last chapter
Forever Tranquility: I love plain times too lol there great hope you like this chapter
starfairy14s: I will hopefully get him to ask her out!
Heaven and Earth: that you so so much for the review and for saying that you LOVED it that meant a lot!
Mitsuki Hikari: I haven really thought that far ahead yet so I don't know what will happen. Thanks for your review
Cool. Get Rei in the face lol well that would be quite funny I don't know about it being in this story though.