One shot 3 – Taka/Ryoma

"Son, I'm worried."

"Father?" Taka-san sat up on his bed, where he had previously been reading a novel assigned last week. He had procrastinated, being especially busy at the restaurant, and thus had a full two-hundred pages to read by tomorrow. He was a good three-fourths the way through, and rather involved in the story, but for his father to have entered with those words, he was quick to put the novel down. "Is everything all right?"

"Well, that's for you to tell me. I haven't seen much of the team around lately, you usually bring them by at least a few times a semester."

"Ah, well," he rubbed his head, "we've been training very hard for our upcoming competitions. The next school we play, I don't know the name, they apparently have a new playing style each and every match, so Tezuka has us covering more in practice than our own specialties."

"He's a good captain isn't he?"


"How well do you think the team will have done by the time you graduate?"

A gleam entered his boy's eyes, both startling and pleasing him. "We'll be on top Father, I don't doubt it."

"That's good." He took a breath, knowing he had to bring up the real reason as to him impromptu visit to his son's room. "How are you doing?"

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, I hear these names, and I've met many of your teammates from your team nights, but you never invite them back here." He glanced away, seeing an odd photo of some of his son's team mates in what looked to be a forest at sunrise. "Is there any reason?"

Stunned, he didn't really know how to respond. "No Father, no reason. Its just, well, as I leave most practices early, I don't get a chance to invite the guys over because I'm gone before they even change back out. Its not a problem or anything," he was quick to reassure his father, "but I guess that could be why. I don't mind, I kind of like the quiet family time." He gave a small smile.

"I appreciate all the work you put into the business son, I just worry that you work too hard, that I'm not letting you enjoy this time." He gave his son a calculating look, before offering his own smile in return. "Well, I see that you're once again trying to catch up on your reading studies, so I'll leave you alone." As he got up to leave, he turned back once he reached the door. "If you ever want to have someone over, don't worry about the shop, alright?"

"Yes Father."

"Goodnight, try to sleep at least some after your book." He gently closed the door. Taka-san continued to look at the closed door, surprised at his father's visit, replaying what they has spoken of. Until now, he didn't really realized how true his father's words were, and that he hadn't had a friend over to visit for a very long time. Between school, tennis, and the shop, he had very little time for what he had assumed to be frivolities of childhood. He loved and cared for his friends greatly, but his life called for his dedications to lie elsewhere much of the time. With a thoughtful look, he settled back down and continued to read, knowing he was close enough to the end that he could finish within the next couple of hours.

The next day at practice, everything went well, everyone was on their game, and practice was actually called to an end early. Remembering his father's words, Taka-san decided to ask the guys over. Yet, by the time he reached the club house he realized he might be too late. Although his father had given him the rest of the weekend off, on pretenses that not only was Friday, but also that his son needed to rest up before next week's matches, it seemed that a pattern of sorts was being followed, and he wasn't one of the working parts. Eiji was bugging Oishi about their English quiz that had been handed back, while Oishi was trying to have a conversation over some team matter with Tezuka. Kaidou was already changed out and walking out the door, speaking with Inui over a training menu. Fuji was speaking with Ryoma, over what Takasan wasn't sure he wanted to know, at least judging by the freshman's expression. That left only him to talk to himself, since Momo had missed practice due to a doctor's appointment.

He made his way over to his locker, feeling slightly out of sorts at his missed opportunity, when Fuji accidently bumped into him. He immediately apologized, but Fuji just gave him a warm smile and resumed his way out the door, leaving a further miffed Takasan in his wake. He didn't even say goodbye? Now more than a little hurt at realizing how much he had been missing by taking care of the family shop, he barely noticed that Ryoma had remained by his locker, which was next to his own.

Suddenly, and with little thought, he looked over and saw the freshman tying his shoes. "Ryoma?"

"Yes senpai?"

"Want to eat sushi at my place tonight?"

Only giving a slightly confused thought to the request, his love for sushi quickly answered for him, "Sure."

Grinning broadly, his earlier sadness evaporating quickly, Kawamura quickly got dressed, a new bounce in his step. The two then made their way to the bus stop and within a half hour had made it back to Takasan's house and shop, with very little conversation between them. Nothing was really said outside of talk about tennis, but it was comfortable and fun.

However, once they got inside and Taka-san was reassured that his chores could be ignored once his father saw Ryoma and gave him greeting, they found themselves upstairs in his room. With nearly nothing to do. Although it was boring, both decided to get their homework done and over with. Surprisingly neither had much, and so Ryoma helped Takasan with his English essay while he was helped in return with his math assignments. Time flew by, and soon they were called down to help serve some of their regular patrons.

"You can't get a totally free meal every time Ryoma," joked Taka-san's father, and soon enough both boys were taking orders and serving. Echizen, to everyone's surprise, did very well and was appreciated by many of their customers, doted on by the women and given praise by the men who received their orders quickly and correctly. Halfway through the evening, they were given the option of eating then and taking the rest of the night off, but Ryoma answered for them and only asked for enough of a break to call his parents and let them know he was going to be late. At this he was encouraged to spend the night, and so he let his parents know and then was back at waiting the different tables. Despite his age, inexperience, and the fact that this was nothing like tennis, it was new and challenging and he was enjoying himself greatly.

"So, who's the new boy?"

"Just a friend of my son's!"

"He's a cute one isn't he?"

Laughter all around. The night continued on in a similar manner until the last of their customers had left. Deciding to close a bit early, Kawamura then used the last of that evening's rice and made them their dinner, which, as usual, was wonderful. Especially without those wasabi rolls that Fuji always snuck into their orders. Once everyone had cleaned up, excluding the boy's mess and meal, the rest of the family went on up to bed, claiming an early trip to the market the next morning, of which Takasan was excused for practice. The boys continued to eat alone.

"Is it good Ryoma?"

"Yes, as usual. Does your father let you cook often?"

"Oh, no, I'm not at the level for public serving yet, not even close. I mean, I know how to make everything, I just don't know how to make make it."

Ryoma looked thoughtful as he finished chewing. "Its like tennis then, you can have the knowledge but not the skill."

Relieved at being understood, Takasan nodded. They quickly finished and cleaned up and made their way back upstairs. "Ryoma, you did great tonight, thanks for the help."

"Sure." Tired, and having had more conversation that night than usual, Ryoma just got ready for bed, borrowing some old clothes from his friend, and then the two went to bed, sharing Takasan's futon. After setting the alarm so that both could make it to Ryoma's house early enough to grab some clothes before practice, Kawamura climbed into bed and quickly joined the other in sleep.

The next morning, before the alarm sounded, Ryoma awoke and found himself disoriented. Wondering where he was for a moment, he went to shift over but fond himself pined, he left arm under someone's body. Remembering where he was, the tried to gently extract his arm, but found that he was thoroughly stuck. And rather comfortable. He was on his left side also, head pillowed on Kawamura's shoulder, the soft cotton of the other's shirt warm from where his breath had blown against it. Kawamura, for his part, was on his back, sprawled rather lavishly over the small area, which explained their positioning, but it still came as a bit of a shock to wake up too.

With no other choice, he glanced at the clock and saw that it was set to go off in only a few more minutes. Might as well enjoy a bit more rest he decided, and soon enough he had dozed back off, jerked awake as he simultaneously found his pillow moving and the alarm sounding.


"Hn," a yawn, "Mmm, good morning Ryoma, sleep well?" He had plopped back down after turning the alarm off, and quickly found his shoulder occupied by a green haired head. "Ryoma?"

"You're comfortable senpai."

"Uh, um, well…" blushing Kawamura went to shrug but only got growled at. Wait..growled? "Did you just growl at me?"

"You're not comfortable when you move around."

He couldn't refute the logic in that, so he continued to lie there until the snooze setting broke them both of their light dozes, and the two realized the had to get up now in order to make it on time to practice if they were going to hit Ryoma's house first. However, try as they might they realized they wouldn't have time and had to rush as it was to get through the breakfast left for them. They decided it was best for Ryoma to just borrow some old clothes, that although big wouldn't been a hassle and at least fulfilled their purpose.

Arriving at the courts only a minute or two late, Tezuka still made them run 10 extra warm up laps, but soon enough they had rejoined the rest of the regulars and proceeded to have a good practice. Even Tezuka joined in, engaging Inui in a singles match that ended rather evenly scored, but left Inui in a snit. Besides this, practice went flawlessly, Momo and Kaidou even behaving themselves, though that might have been because Eiji had been distracting the Mamushi all practice long, hoping to stave off confrontations. By noon, they were dismissed and after taking showers, Ryoma came up and asked if he could return with Kawamura to grab his stuff.

"Yeah, sure, want to grab some lunch out? My family won't be back until later probably."

They made their way out of the club house, barely wincing at the fight obviously breaking out behind them between the two juniors. "I thought they were going to the market early."

"Oh, they did, but usually market day is an all day affair. Normally we take regular orders at certain times of the week, but a true market day, like today, is a family affair." He looked off wistfully, a small smile tugging his lips.

Ryoma looked straight ahead. He understood what the other was saying, tennis had always been a family deal with him and his father, going to camps, talking to scouts, training at home. But whereas he felt the need to away surpass his father in competition, it seemed that his friend's family considered it a family venture, so to speak, not so much a competition.

"But don't you want to be the best?"

"Hm? Of course I do, that's why I'm quitting tennis in highschool, so I can study full time to be a sushi chef."

"Do you plan on opening your own restaurant?"

Taka-san looked shocked, and actually stopped walking. "No, of course not. I'll just help if father's shop and take over. Why would I want to open my own?"

Ryoma mumbled and kept walking, forcing the other boy to take a few long strides to catch up. "I didn't mean to snap at you Ryoma, sorry."

"Hn." They kept going, each lost in their own thoughts, but once they found themselves waiting at the bus stop, Ryoma turned and faced his senpai. "Don't you love tennis?"


"But you want to quit it?"

He sighed. "No, I'll keep playing for fun, but I don't have the time to commit to both Echizen." As the bus came into view, he quickly asked, "Will you still play with me, on the street courts and such? I know I'm not at your level, but a good challenge would be fun every now and then." He blushed, not used to asking such favors so blatantly.

Stepping onto the bus, Ryoma just shrugged, "Of course senpai." The rest of the ride the spoke little, seeing as how full the bus was, and once they got home Taka-san wasn't surprised to see that his family hadn't returned. However, he was surprised when Ryoma sat down on his bed instead of collecting the rest of his belongings.


The younger boy cocked his head to the side, but didn't say anything. Taka-san took the few steps necessary to reach the bed and then sat down besides him. He spoke first.

"Ryoma, do you consider me your senpai alone, or a friend?"

Without hesitation, Ryoma blinked and said, "A friend senpai. Why?"

Giving a small smile, the older boy seemed to slump a bit. "To be honest, I wonder sometimes if the rest of the team considers me a friend or just another regular. I work hard to stay in a regular's spot, but I know I don't get to hang out with the others like you all do. I have other duties." He stopped, and began to fiddle with the edge of the top sheet left exposed on his unmade bed. "Don't get me wrong, I love working here, sometimes though…" he trailed off, only to jump when he felt Ryoma place a hand on his arm.

"You're a teammate, and you're our friend." Enough said.

Giving a grin, a slight embarrassed blush crossing his features, Kawamura stood up with him and helped him collect his stuff and saw him to the door.

"Thank you senpai, for the sushi, it was great."

"It was fun, and you're good at serving." He laughed. "Must say that surprised us."

Giving a secretive smirk, he simply pulled the cap of his ever-present hat down. "I'm full of surprises. Ja."


That week, they easily won their matches, despite Eiji landing wrong and hurting his ankle during a set of his double's match. He didn't let on, and no one knew, Oishi easily realizing what had happened and covering for him, ending the match quickly so as to get Eiji off the court as soon as possible. Cheers of congratulations turned to worried glances as Eiji sat down on the court, a grimace coloring his features.

Jumping to their feet, Tezuka and Taka-san hurried to the court and met Oishi, Taka-san taking Eiji's other arm to help them to the benches. From that point on, while a local doctor was seeing to Eiji, the rest of the team played one of their cleanest, quickest, competitions, and soon enough were victorious once again. Eiji had come back during the singles 2 match, cheering loudly despite his foot now being bandaged up and having to prop his leg up on the benches.

Once they had cleared off the courts, Kawamura grabbed his bag and was getting ready to check on Eiji once more but found the rest of the team already gone. With a bit of a disappointed shrug, he made his way home, their matches having been held at a location only an hour's walk away. Looking up at the setting sun, he knew he'd be home within the hour, and with the weather as forgiving as it was, he decided to walk instead of taking a bus.

Around fifty minute later, the sun having set and the sky looking bruised, he walked into his front door, shrugging out of his jacket and removing his shoes.


"Okaeri!" came the response of way too many voices to be his family. Looking up he was shocked to see the rest of his team sprawled about the restaurant, all staring at him expectantly.

Not knowing what to say, he settled for wide-eyed blushing, and looking towards his father for aid. "What's going on?"

"What's it look like son, it's a party. A celebration for games well, and hard won." At the last comment he glanced as Eiji who was propped against a wall with his leg set up on a pillow. Said injured one was grinning though, "What took you so long Taka-san!"

"Er, I decided to walk home, wait, what party?"

His father glanced at Ryoma who was sitting, sadly, between a hyperactive Eiji and a very hungry Momo. "It was our new waiter's fault."

Turning to look at his younger teammate, Ryoma only looked up long enough from ignoring his two bickering bookends to grace him a small smile. "Its what friends do."

Kawamura only had time enough to grin before Momo jumped to his feet and advanced. "Now that you're here, lets eat!"

With no other choice, Kawamura nodded and soon enough, the party was underway. A good hour into the meal, Kawamura looked up to see Ryoma looking his way. Together, they shared a smile, enough being said.


You're welcome, senpai.
