Disclaimer: The usual, nothing new, nothing old, nothing mine, nothing to hold.

Back-story: Just know that I've decided to make some unusual pairings come to life. Some of these might be novel, others not, but I had fun writing them, and will continue to do so if feedback looks promising. Now onto the story!

One Shot: MomoFuji




"You promised Momo-senpai."

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me that!" Momo's raised voice turned many heads as he and his younger teammate ate at their usual haunt. With two hamburgers already consumed, taking the edge off of us hunger, Momo had gone ahead and initiated conversation with Ryoma. It was the least he could do as friend and older student. But now, he was regretting it. Very much so. "That's just plain cruel Echizen!"

"Hn." Secretly, Ryoma was enjoying the utter shock and dismay that colored his friends face. "You did say you would do anything."

"Yeah, I know, but…oh, but still, Echizen!" He knew he was whining, but desperate times and desperate measures and all that. "Not Fuji-senpai."

"Too bad."

"Hmph." The rest of their meal was spent in silence, both lost in thoughts: ones of dread, the other's of silent victory. It had all started with a bet between the two, on who would win at the new video game that Momo had recently gotten. Thinking he had the advantage, being that Ryoma never focused on anything but tennis, Momo had set the bet out to be that the loser had to ask a random, preferably embarrassing, question to one of their teammates, covering any topic. But sadly, he had lost, not taking into account that Ryoma's major focus on tennis also helped is his hand eye coordination and strategic skills. And now he was paying the price.

"Ok, fine. So I have to ask Fuji-senpai a question. What question?" They had just left the food joint and were now heading over to the bike rack. As they biked home, Momo kept up some inane conversation about a prank some girls pulled on his classmates earlier that week, his chattering an obvious sign of his nervousness. Ryoma, he knew, was plotting. Usually by this point the boy would have told him to shut up, but his lack of response only further heightened Momo's nervousness. All too soon they were pulling up in front of Ryoma's house. "Er, so what is it Echizen?"

With a smirk, Ryoma readjusted his bag on his shoulder and walked to the gate, turning at the last minute. "Girls. You have to ask Fuji-senpai a question about girls." With that he turned around and shut the gate, smirking at his divine inspiration, and leaving behind a stunned classmate. He finally had a reason to appreciate his father's perverted nature. Already he could see the old man with a "Home Style" magazine and knew he'd have to avoid him for awhile. Already debating on whether ot play his father than evening or not, he forgot about his teammate and friend outside his front gate.

On the other side, Momo continued to stare at where his kouhai had just been. Girls? Shaking his head and wondering just what Ryoma had meant by that, he got on his bike and rode home, mouthing to himself what Echizen had said. Girls, he wants me to ask Fuji-senpai about girls? What the hell!


As morning practices go, this one had thus far been tame enough; a few laps, some drills, and now they had been paired up in doubles for some hitting practice to finish it off. Yet once Kaidou and Momo had been paired against Eiji and Fuji, it became apparent something was off with the usually volatile pairing. It only took a few minutes before Fuji let the ball pass him, much to the surprise of everyone, and addressed his younger teammate, "Momoshiro?"

Granted he had been distracted all practice, but seeing his return fly by Fuji was enough to focus his attention. "Hai?"

"Is something wrong?" Even as Fuji asked, both Kaidou and Eiji looked at their fourth in curiosity, wondering what was wrong. Both had noticed that their powerhouse player wasn't putting much effort into his play, at least not as much as usual, and the fact that Fuji had halted their practice to investigate gave them open invitation to nose around.

"You sick Momo?"

"No, Eiji-senpai. Sorry."


"Oh shut up Mamushi."

As the game commenced again, Momo was sure to keep his playing active enough to assure them that he was fine. Apparently he did well enough, because they didn't ask him again, and luckily enough practice was over quickly. Hoping to escape any more scrutiny, he hurried to get dressed, and avoid a certain kouhai if he could, but alas he failed. "Momo-senpai?"

"What, Echizen?" He sighed.

"You promised; it has to be today." Thankfully he kept his voice to its normal quiet timbre, so no one had yet noticed. "Did you ask already?"

"No. Do you really think I must, it was a stupid bet anyhow, and…"

"Mada mada da ne Momo-senpai, you promised. Since we don't have practice this afternoon you have to ask him during break."

"Our breaks don't match up Echizen, you know that. And what's with this fascination with Fuji-senpai anyway?"

"Hn. Lunch then." The boy turned to leave, ignoring his senpai's question and only feeling a bit sorry at seeing how uncomfortable the other looked. A bet is a bet after all. The only reason he wanted Momo to ask today was because he had noticed that the other's game had suffered, so might as well get it over with. Being a Friday, Momo would have to wait an entire weekend otherwise, and that simply couldn't be. They had tennis to play, and no stupid bet was going to get in the way of his games with his senpai.

With a sigh, Momo finished collecting his books and slowly made his way to class, where he sat through and barely listened, although that wasn't all that abnormal, and tried to think how he could get out of the bet as unscathed as possible. At their age, a question about girls usually had to do with dating, and with Fuji's particular sense of humor, he was afraid of what such a line of questions could, and would, lead to. All too soon he was being yelled at by a teacher and had to abandon his thoughts in order to avoid detention.

Down the hall in another class room, Eiji too was distracted. He had heard Ochibi and Momo speaking earlier that morning, the look of utter dismay gracing the latter's features nearly forcing him to intervene and ask why the normally loud boy had been so demure during practice. But he had held back, and learned it had to do with Fuji. Trying to not attract the attention of their teacher, he passed a note to Fuji, asking him if he knew anything. Receiving a negative response, the two began to hash out possible reasons, ranging from school, to tennis, to club, even to movies and Fuji's odd taste in food, but nothing seemed to fit.

Once class was over, Fuji made sure that his and Momo's paths would cross during passing periods. Seeing the purple-eyed boy walking down the hall towards him, he paused and pulled Eiji aside. Then reaching out into the crowded hall, he pulled a startled Momo closer.

"Momo, meet me at lunch on the rooftop." Before the boy could give a response, he and Eiji moved out into the busy hall and made their way to class.

"Fuji, that's not fair, I wanna know too!"

"Saa, but if its bothering him that much, don't you think it might be a private matter?"

"Maybe," pouted Eiji, "But why trust you?"

"Eh, am I not trustworthy?"

"No no, that's not what I meant and you know it. But why you?"

"We'll find out at lunch I guess."

"You mean YOU'LL find out at lunch."

Giving a small laugh, Fuji thwapted Eiji on the back of the head before they took their seats for their next class. Luckily it was the only class Eiji enjoyed so Fuji was left alone to his thoughts. As soon as they got out he'd head to the roof and see what was going on. It should prove interesting at the very least.

Thanks not only to the bet, but now to Fuji's peculiar actions before class, Momo couldn't focus at all during lecture. Although somewhat grateful that he'd be able to talk to Fuji in private, now he had to wonder if the other knew something. Fuji's request came so out of the blue, yet was so applicable, it seemed impossible to have been a coincidence. Somehow avoiding the teacher's wrath, class ended and he slowly trekked out of the room, towards the stairwell that led to the roof.

I still don't have a clue as to what I'm going to ask him. I should just explain it's a bet and then…


"Ah! Echizen, don't you know it's not polite to scare the crap out of your senpais?" Receiving only a guileless stare in response, he sighed. "What is it?"

"You can't tell Fuji it's a bet?"

How the…, "What, why not?" Outraged that his plan had been foiled, again perfectly timed, be wondered if he was somehow broadcasting his thoughts to anyone involved. This is just too weird. "You never said I couldn't"

"I just did."

"No respect."


"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn ya." Momo stalked off, surprising Ryoma who wondered why the boy wasn't heading towards the cafeteria. Knowing the other would complete the bet no matter what, stubborn as he was, he assumed that Momo was just trying to procrastinate and went off to meet everyone at their lunch table. Being a regular had its perks after all.

Now staring at the stairwell, Momo gulped. Still not having a question prepared, he figured he would just find something random, ask it, get a response, and head back to his classroom where he would hide until the next class started. Although his stomach didn't agree with this no-lunch plan, his pride won. With a firm nod, he marched up the stairs and right onto the rooftop, where he found Fuji standing near the fencing staring out over the grounds.


"Hai." He walked over to where his senpai waited, still not turning around. Standing there besides Fuji, he too looked out over the school, not seeing anything in particular to grab his attention.

"Momo, why were you distracted during practice."

Not liking being asked, he was here to ask, not be asked, he winced and looked down. "No real reason. Er, I have a question for you though."

"Oh?" Figuring this question might have a part to do with the boy's distraction, he let him continued. "Yeah, er, I guess…" Momo trailed off, rubbing the back of his head.

Attention now completely caught, Fuji finally turned to look at the boy, finding him blushing and refusing to return his gaze. "What is it?"

He mumbled, "Stupid, its stupid." Look up, he saw only concern in the boy's expression, and suddenly felt guilty at making his senpai worry over a stupid bet. "I'm sorry Fuji-senpai. Its nothing important. But, well, girls…er, what do you like the most about girls?"

Ha, there, he did it.

"Girls?" Confused, Fuji's brow furrowed. He was distracted by a question about girls? "Momo, that's not what you wanted to ask."

"Yes it is."

"It is."

Hearing the disbelief in Fuji's voice, Momo looked back down. "Well, er, yeah."

"Well then, I like girls for many reasons, but before I can fully answer I need to know something."


"Define 'like' Momo."

What? "Like, as in like, what do you like in girls."

Seeing the boys confusion, he hid a smirk. He knew he was making the younger boy uncomfortable, but it was amusing. He still didn't believe there to be a real purpose to this questioning, and judging by what Eiji had told him about Echizen being involved, and Momo's reactions thus far, he figured it was all a ploy to embarrass the second year. Not liking that he had been used for such a ploy, he not only mentally noted to get back at Echizen many times over, he decided to make this lunch break as entertaining as possible for himself.

"Well I like girls in general just as I like anything in general."

Knowing that such an answer would not fulfill the bet, and Ryoma would be impossible to deal with if he failed, he bit his lip. "What do you like about them though?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Fuji responded in a sweet voice, "Tell me what you like about girls, and I'll try to figure out what you mean from your answer."

Surprised by the request, he couldn't deny the logic, nor could he refuse his senpai. Looking back up, he answered, "I guess, I mean, their hair, when short but long, and quieter than me, and, um…" Is Fuji-senpai standing closer to me now? "I guess, they have to be pretty, but not weak or super skinny, and…Fuji-senpai?" It was undeniable; the older boy was standing closer to him.

"Go on, what about eyes?"

"Yeah…wait, I asked you first."

"But I don't understand yet Momo. Because my hair is short but long, and I'm not super skinny but others have called me pretty, and I know I am quiet." He made sure not to be touching the other boy, but to have the distance between them as minute as physically possible. "What about eyes though Momo?" With those words, he opened his own wider, making sure to stare right into the other boy's gaze. Fighting back a smirk, he made sure to deepen his voice, only a little bit though. "Momo?"

Absolutely distracted, he was shocked when the other opened his eyes wide enough to see the irises. He knew, of course, what Fuji's eye color was, but to have the gaze focused solely on his own was highly disturbing and yet utterly intoxicating. He couldn't look away. "Um…what F-fuji-senpai?"

"You asked Momo, what I like about girls, but so far you've described me, and I'm not a girl Momo."

"Ah, yes, but…" Er……………

"See, Momo, if I answered like you did, I'd have to say I like girls who are strong, fun, and bold, but that's more of a description of one girl, as in a certain particular girl I'd be interested in liking. Yet according to your answer, I would fit, and thus you might be meaning me, so you should be asking what I like in guys and girls, and that defeats the purpose, so now I must ask, why did you really come up here to talk to me in the first place?" Taking pity, he lowered his eye lids and smiled, easily masking his own gaze.

Broken from the trance, and confused by the logic, Momo licked his lips. "Um, well, actually…I can't tell you why, but I wanted to ask you about girls." There, that doesn't rat out the bet.

"I see. But why, do you like a certain girl? A girl who's hair is long enough but short enough, and who is quieter than you, and strong? Because I know many people who fit that description, besides myself."

Realizing he was caught, he knew he had to go along. When Fuji-senpai was in this mood, you could only pray to escape with remnants of your sanity or pride left. Suddenly he understood that Fuji had seen though him, and probably knew about the bet anyway, and was out to make his life hell. This is so the last time I'm making any bet of any sort. Stupid game, stupid bet, stupid Echizen. For all he knew, the boy had actually told Fuji, but for some reason that evil seemed beyond the freshman. Fuji on the other hand…

"You do?"

"Ah, many people. Would you like me to set you up with one of them, a date perhaps?"

"Um, no Fuji-senpai, that is alright."

"But I insist."

"Ah, well, ok, but maybe later, the bell is about to ring and I have to get back to class."

Making a show of looking at his watch, Fuji hid a smile. They had a good fifteen minutes left of lunch, but he let the boy slide. It was for the best, really. "That is true. Is there anything else Momo?"

"Ah, no, thank you Fuji-senpai." Not caring if he looked the fool, Momo turned tail and practically ran back down the stairs and immediately towards his classroom.

I did it, god, that was horrible, what was he doing? Lost in thought, he didn't notice whether Fuji followed him or not, nor did he notice the rest of the regulars who were down the hall and noticing his flight for freedom. Once in the classroom, he took his desk, and relaxed as the rest of his classmates filtered in. Sadly, he wasn't aware of the growing number of his teammates waiting outside the door, in the hall, apparently organized by a certain red head.

Right as the professor walked in and set his books, down, Fuji sauntered in.

"Please excuse me Sensei, but I must deliver this important note to Momoshiro."

"Yes, go ahead Fuji." He had had Fuji last year and knew the boy to be incredibly intelligent, but also single-minded. If he had to do something, he'd do it, no matter what anyone, even the teacher, said.


Nervous but trying not to look it, he turned to look at the advancing boy. "Yes Fuji-senpai?"

"Momo, here is that list of people how would fit your description of people you like. Or could like, since it is rather long and I'm sure you only like a few at a time." He plopped down the list, with large font, before the stunned and embarrassed boy. Already he could hear the whispers of the female persuasion, and knowing his work here was done, he bowed towards the teacher and left, meeting the rest of his teammates outside in the hall."

"Fuji, that was cruel! And when did you type that list up, and who is on it?"

Just smiling, Fuji answered, "Yes it was Eiji. Now, lets see what our Ochibi is up too. We're on break, we have plenty of time. He's in History right now, right?" With that, he walked down the hall, the head devil leading his minions in crime, out for revenge and enjoying every minute of it.


A/N Hope you enjoyed!