This was written for a LJ icon ficlet challenge for kelles. I've written nine ficlets for the challenge so far, and this is my favorite. There's mild slash, though, so if that's not your flavor, now would be a good point to hit the back button. There are now (July 19,2005) three more chapters to this at aff. net compiled under the title, "Time and Time Again."

His breath was cold on my neck when he asked me the first time, "Do you want my blood?"

I admit, I thought about it quite seriously. Maybe not that first time, but the second, and the third. Yes, I thought about saying yes.

The first time was the easiest time to say no. He refined his technique with each subsequent offer, picking and pushing at my every fear, every weakness, every sinful pride.

But not the first time.

We'd been talking about war and I had made the mistake of admitting that I had been afraid when the Captain had broken free of my stranglehold and turned the tables on me.

Don't admit fear to a vampire. Ever.

His pupils had dilated and I watched him lick his lips and draw in a deep breath – scenting me, I suppose. I hadn't expected his lunge. I hadn't expected him to push me against the wall and press his body against mine. I hadn't expected the physical reaction that my admission of fear would elicit in him.

I was young, and stupid. I can still hear him, "Oh, Angel of Death…" That voice that went in my ear, slithered to wrap around my neck, and then rode my speeding pulse straight down to my groin.

I barely noticed him pull on my tie and pop the top button of my shirt. I admit that my focus, contrary to all instincts for self-preservation, had gone lower than where he was threatening my neck.

Fight, flight or fuck? You don't go to war at fourteen with a vampire for a partner without coming out of it a twisted and hardened individual. The adrenaline rush of being so close to death or undeath made me dizzy, nauseated…hard.

He knew it, too. I'm sure he could smell it on me. If I can smell sex in the air in a room where the deed has been done, I know that he could smell my wanting.

His question had the finality of a statement. "You want what I have to offer you, Angel?"

That first time it was easy to say no.