Chapter 17:

The traffic thinned out as did any other signs of life as we entered the water front. Kirill brought the car to a rolling stop, parking a few hundred metres away from his meeting spot trying not to alert anyone of our presence. The shadows of the buildings provided the perfect hiding place. Most of the lighting was situated along the waters edge, I couldn't see many boats moored to the scattered jetties but then again it was a far drop down to the river. All I did see was the medium sized ship further down. It could be a cargo vessel or a large fishing boat, it was difficult to make out from this distance but there were crates stacked on deck and a few crew milling around.

"Don't leave the car and stay hidden." That was all Kirill said as he grabbed the backpack on the passenger seat, which I assumed, held the hard-drive and such for the drop off and subsequently hit the central locking button on the key chain once outside.

The bastard locked me in. He ignored my shouts and banging on the window heading off the to cargo ship. Great now I'm a prisoner in my own car. I watched him leave totally disgusted in letting myself get into this situation.

Kirill drifted a little closer to the edge of the boardwalk, lucky in that there were large gaps of darkness in between each street light. Discretely doing a perimeter scan he reached into his coat pocket retrieving several small items and casually let them fall into the river as he neared the ship. Two men greeted him at the boarding plank, semi-automatic machine guns slung over their shoulders; Kirill raised his arms as he allowed them to pat him down for weapons. Satisfied he was clean one guard motioned him onto the boat. He stole a fleeting glance my way as he boarded, that much I could make out peering out from between the front seats.

With me alone in the car in this pretty much deserted wharf the paranoia flooded in. Was having Kirill constantly with me giving me a false sense of security? Had I let my defences fall to nothing around him? I'm such an idiot for not realising until now that I had begun to rely on him far too much over these past few days. Damn it, I had broken one of my golden rules; trust no one. I had to regain control and have this thing play out on my terms. Time to well and truly get out of here. I climbed into the driver's seat pulling out a handful of electrical cords from under the dashboard, keeping low enough to stay out of sight; I bit through the rubber insulation coat with my teeth to get at the wires beneath.

I took one more look at the ship, Kirill had his back to me shielding whoever he was now talking to so I had no idea what was going on. More guards started gathering on deck, all armed and some making their way on shore. I had to hurry, something was definitely going down. I glanced up again then ducked back down after some were looking my way frantically trying to get the engine going. Sparks ignited as I tapped the exposed wires together a couple of times before the engine finally turned over. I quickly twisted the wires keeping the motor running then promptly sat up reaching to put the car into reverse. My hand barely touched the gear shift when I was confronted by a barrage of armed men shouting. Four gun barrels were thrust at me, two in front and two beside the driver's window. I slowly raised my hands palms open showing I was weapon free, but what exactly did they want me to do I was locked in. I let the engine shut itself off.

One of the men in front, I'm guessing the one in charge of this rabble, made sure I could clearly see the set of car keys in his hand knowing only too well I would recognise them and who he got them from. Damn you Kirill! How could you sell me out? The gunmen smirked as he pressed the button releasing the locks and before I could take my next breath the doors were flung open and I was yanked out of the car. The men's height and bulk dwarfed me significantly so I thought it better not to put up a fight for now. The goon-squad leader eye-balled me for a long while then motioned for the restraints. The plastic cable ties were tight enough to cut into my skin as my wrists were bound in front. Then I was dragged along by the arms, sprinting to keep up with them as they unceremoniously escorted me to the ship. A large hand shoved me in the back forcing me up the metal walkway and onboard.

It was a medium sized cargo vessel nothing too flash, more rundown so as not to attract the unwanted attentions of the authorities. Strapped down wooden crates took up most of the space on the back deck with a few boxes scattered elsewhere creating a barrier, obscuring my view so I still had no clue who these people were or what they wanted.

I quickly scoped around; there were al least a dozen of them, no way to tell if anyone was lurking below deck. It's never a good idea when you're the only girl at the party.

I was held in place as the head goon began frisking me, from the feet up. His hands squeezed harder as he travelled up my thighs, lingering on and groping my ass along the way because he could. I refused to look at him.

"I've already searched her she's clean." Kirill boomed out stopping the man's hands at my waist.

The goon gave my ass a loud slap as he shoved me closer towards the group of men Kirill was talking too, a clear smirk on his face as he threw the keys back to the Russian. "You were right she was in the car."

"I bet she was trying to hot-wire it."

The moment I heard him my chest constricted almost to the point of suffocation. I never expected to hear that voice or encounter its owner ever again and least of all on some deserted waterfront in the middle of the night. Was this the low life Kirill was working for? Damn this, now I knew this wasn't going to end well for me.

He stepped out into plain view and my rage surged to the surface. I lunged forward intending to get one good kick in but was dragged back before making any contact.

"Constantine you bastard," even speaking his name cause me to gag.

Constantine Baccus was a very well educated young man who thrived in a world of privilege and extreme adrenaline. More often than not flirting with that fine line that existed between what is legal and illegal. Evading the law can get addictive; guess I was the pot calling the kettle black on that one. Strikingly handsome; there was no denying that with his dark hair and eyes not to mention him being a charismatic gentleman when the occasion called for it drew women to him. They were hypnotised by the opulence and notoriety of his world and he knew it.

Both the thrill seeker and spoilt brat yet fundamentally a good man, that was how I once knew him to be but somehow along the way all that was strangled by the lies and complication of living separate lives. I fell in love with that goodman before it was all ripped apart.

Any other words of distain from me were stifled as he crushed his lips to mine in an invading kiss. I couldn't back away as the bodyguard held me still and Constantine pushed his tongue deep inside my protesting mouth, contented he had shown me he was very much in charge. "Ahhh, you taste just as I remember … bitter sweet."

Constantine's smug expression suddenly contorted as he touched his tongue to his lower lip discovering the bite I had inflicted. Never taking his eyes off me he removed the blood with the back of his hand. "My Madison is a pussycat really. Though sometimes the hellcat scratches and draws blood … especially while fucking you. Such a wild ride she it too."

The tirade was for the benefit of all the other men surrounding us. Humiliating and pissing me off was his lone purpose.

"Things she can do with that mouth of hers would bring you to your knees." He moved closer crowding me in, I turned away as he leaned in to whisper in my ear, the sound of his voice vibrated along my skin. Once upon a time I would have been totally turned on by that. "I'm growing hard just thinking about it"

Knowing I couldn't run he pressed up against me making sure his crotch rubbed along my bound hands. His flesh tightening at my touch as I felt if willingly push back. It repulsed me.

"Baccus we are wasting time." It was Kirill's voice once again barking at Constantine.

Constantine paused then moved back much to my relief, still his silence made me all the more uneasy. He briefly glance back at the stoic Russian then returned his full focus to me.

"My father still hasn't forgiven me for what happened."

I tried my best to quash the smile at the news; it was goo to hear he was still suffering. "The two million was just sitting there, you might have as well handed it to me yourself."

"You high-jacked my bank accounts and stole it, you vindictive bitch!" The back handed slap was sharp and hard, half of my face felt like it was on fire. Constantine meant to hurt me and his rising rage was evident with every word he spat into my face. "I soiled the family name by letting you into my life … a second rate gun-runner. Loving you was my curse. Because of you I have been exiled to this wasteland of an existence."

The blood began to pool inside my mouth, luckily he hadn't dislodged any teeth, and I had to get rid of it before I choked on it. He' didn't move as the blood I expelled landed at his feet. "Then you shouldn't have screwed that whore of a personal assistant in our bed … repeatedly."

"She never said no to me." Constantine flashed a reminiscent smile wanting to sting me with the cheating. Then it faded, "As I see it the only way to clean this mess up is to make you disappear all together. That was all I requested. I never wanted to ever see you alive again."

My mouth went dry and my body grew unnaturally heavy as if a large weight was pressing the life out of me threatening to push me through the deck at any second at the realisation that I was the intended mark all along. "What, you mean the green light was on me? Constantine you spineless prick."

"You could give the money back." His voice held the faintest promise of a reprieve.

"Well I can't very well get you the money if I'm held captive on this boat." The idea of the money was the only bargaining chip I had; there was nothing else he'd want.

"True." Constantine chuckled then paused is silence and I waited for his next words. "I know you don't have the money Madison so killing you will have to do."

He slowly took a few steps backwards to where Kirill stood and spoke to the Russian all the while making sure I still had the two of them in sight. "Now finish the job I have fucking paid you to do."

Oh crap. Everything closed in on me one, Kirill was to kill me from the start. Not rocket science really since that was his line of work but damn it like a blind fool I walked right into it. I allowed myself to get comfortable around him; I let him in and began to trust him. I was totally side swiped by this man and was about to pay a high price for that stupidity with my life.

Moving to the side Constantine clicked his fingers and instantly a gun was placed in his hand; he then offered it to the Russian. Kirill slowly took the weapon.

"First answer me this; if he was my assassin then why send the goon squad after us?" I directed the question only at Constantine fearing that if I looked at Kirill now all the emotions brawling inside would erupt to the surface.

"To check that the job was done. I don't know why he dragged it out. I was beginning to think he had lost the balls to do it."

"Now terminate her!" He barked the order at Kirill.

Kirill straightened, clicking the safety off he raised his arm taking careful aim right at my chest. The two men holding me prisoner let go and scurried away. This time I made myself meet Kirill's gaze square on and held everything in. I could see Constantine grinning off to the side and I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing me crack.

The Russian's blank expression held nothing of the thoughts were running through his mind. Yet this time was different and for a brief moment I noticed that the coldness that habitually flooded his eyes as the mask slipped into place while he did what he was good at had vanished. In its place was the haunting sadness only his nightmares bought. That was what I understood in those unmoving green eyes.

I mentally and physically braced myself for the impact as best I could. Make it quick. Please make it quick.

Less time to worry about those I'll leave behind.

His muscles flexed and he pulled the trigger. I couldn't be certain if I heard the shot but I did feel the searing pain explode through my body followed by the numbness. It sent me crashing to my knees … at least I think it did.

I couldn't even put my hands to my chest to see where I was hit as they were still bound behind me. My perspective went suddenly from vertical to horizontal as my head slammed into the deck, not even the comfort of the cool wood soothed the pain. I blinked ever so slowly. No one moved towards me; Constantine was still smiling, Kirill's arm was still raised holding the gun and then all the shapes blurred into one.

Gradually the constantly expanding darkness engulfed me. Someone was talking; yes there were voices … somewhere. At least I think there were voices.

It was getting cold. Why was it getting so cold …why?

To be continued -