Blood of a Demon
Chapter Ten
A/N: Okay, so I've been getting back into this and I'm trying my best to get this on a roll. Fact of the matter is I've dropped this for a good few years and I haven't watched InuYasha for longer than that. Quite a few have asked why she's a wolf demon, when it was a feline that transformed her. When I first started this it was in my head that the demon had no control over what the person would be transformed into. I was thinking a dog demon - but then I decided a wolf as it's canine as well. I'm sorry for the lack of explaination into that.
Another thing that was brought to mind is the lack of the demon side with both Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Once again - it's been quite a while since I've watched InuYasha, read any fanfics, or even written anything. But I will try my very best to make up for it all. So if all of a sudden there is character changes I apologize for it. It really helps me out a lot when you guys review and that way I can make the necassary changes to the fanfic. I also re-read it a couple times and the characters are a bit dry and there is lack of detail. So I will try my very best to spice things up and to add as much detail as I possibly can! So - now that I've got all of that out of the way I give you chapter Ten! I hope you enjoy!
The morning was a crisp and cool one, she had awoken far before her lessons began so she could take a stroll in the gardens. She found herself in them a lot more than in the castle and it seemed that most of her time was spent here in the gardens or in the library going over books and scrolls. Things had slowed down quite a bit in the last few days and the demons from the Southern lands were preparing to leave within the next few days.
Kagome looked over her shoulder and sighed as her gaze rested on the castle, Hushicyou had asked her to accompany them back to their lands and to stay a while. From her understanding the Southern lord had been discussing it with Sesshoumaru, but would the Western lord allow it? She found herself hoping that he wouldn't. But why?
'It's because you like him, he would be the perfect mate to sire strong pups. They would be brought up as warriors, fine strong warriors.'
Kagome frowned and shook her head. Pups?! What the heck was she thinking?! The demon lord wouldn't even consider her as a mate! Her eyes widened as she realized she was giving a quiet growl in response to the conversation in her head.
"Are you okay Kagome?"
She looked up and her eyes met those of Hushicyou's and she blushed. How long had he been there? Had he witnessed the foolish growl she had let out?
"I'm fine, how long have you been standing there?" Kagome questioned as she looked away.
"I saw you strolling through the gardens and decided to join you, when I neared you I realized you were deep in thought and I was not sure if I should disturb you."
Perhaps he hadn't heard the growl she had given herself, "oh. How has your stay been so far?" Kagome asked just trying to make light conversation.
"It has been okay thus far. I shall miss you if you decide not to come back with us for a visit. I have grown accustomed to your company and find it very refreshing as there are few who speak at all here in Sesshoumaru's home. How do you stand being in such a depressing atmosphere?" Hushicyou questioned as he walked along side her.
"It's not all bad. Rin brightens up the place quite a bit, she is a bright light that is needed here." Kagome answered with a smile.
"Ah yes, the girl. Strange that the terrifying Western lord allows such a creature near him."
Kagome looked over at Hushicyou in wonder and couldn't help the anger that was building inside her. Why was she getting angry at what he had just said?
'Kill him! Tear his throat out! How dare he question the antics of the Western lord! How dare he question the judgment of your future mate!'
'Silence! There is no way I would ever consider Sesshoumaru as a mate!' Kagome growled at herself.
"What is it?"
Kagome turned her gaze to Hushicyou and blushed, "it is nothing. Don't worry about it."
"I can see the struggle on your beautiful face, what is your inner demon saying? Do I offend it that much?"
Kagome's eyes widened and she looked down at the ground. She felt his strong fingers on her chin and he lifted her head so he could stare into her eyes. The two of them stood staring into each other's eyes for what seemed an eternity. He was a demon, of course he knew what was going on, how could he not?! But she was not quite used to the other voice in her head, that demon side of her.
Those pools of blue twinkled with mischief and she couldn't help but lift herself onto tip-toes and reach up, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her. Her eyes closed as his lips met hers and her heart raced.
But something was wrong... anger rushed through her and when her eyes shot open they were red.
The doors to the hall flew open as Jaken ran through them in a panic, he was screaming in that annoying voice of his and he could hardly make out what the toad demon was trying to say.
"Jaken, calm yourself and tell me what this disturbance is all about. Can you not see I am with the Southern lord?" Sesshoumaru was quite annoyed at the disruption and it was very evident in his voice.
"Milord! You must hurry! Lord Hushicyou and Kagome are fighting in the garden!"
"Can you not deal with it yourself, Jaken?!"
"Milord... Kagome has turned and Hushicyou is losing!" Jaken answered.
Sesshoumaru looked to the Southern lord for a quick second before he made his way out of the hall and down the corridors of his castle. He came to the door that lead out to the garden and upon exiting the sight before him was that of a battle field.
The dragon demon Hushicyou was covered in bites and scratches, blood poured down his scales and onto the fur of the black wolf demon he had wrapped himself around.
The wolf demon growled out angrily and took hold of the great dragon demon between her jaws and sent him flying across the land, uprooting trees and causing damage to the ground. She charged after him at full speed, it would not end until he was dead, Sesshoumaru could see that in her eyes.
'Isn't she magnificent?! The power, the beauty. Look at her!'
'Nothing but raw rage. I do not see power or anything of magnificense.' Sesshoumaru answered back as he strode forward.
'You are a fool if you do not see it!'
With that as his last thought, the Western lord transformed into the great dog demon and put himself between the dragon demon and the wolf demon. She stopped charging forward and their eyes met.
The change in the fierce wolf demon was immediate. Her lips dropped and the white fangs were no longer visible as her tongue came out and she started to pant. Her tail lowered enough to show respect, but it did not lower in submission.
The wolf demon before him turned her back and in sprinted off from the scene before them. Sesshoumaru turned to look at the dragon demon who had transformed back from his demon form into the human form they all took. He bowed his head in apology and with that Sesshoumaru transformed back as well.
Her head was killing her and her body ached. She opened her eyes and the light sent needles of pain through her skull. She groaned and turned over onto her back to take in the scene. She couldn't remember what happened and she didn't know where she was anymore. She definitely was no longer in the Western lands.
She made to get up but the pain that shot through her made her fall to her back and forced her to lay still. She didn't feel like she was in danger, so maybe she was okay for now. But why was she here? The last she remembered was kissing Hushicyou and nothing after that.
"You're finally awake I see."
Kagome turned her head to meet the gaze of Kouga. Her eyes widened and she forced herself to sit up despite the pain that hit her. Why was Kouga here?! How had she come to be in his company?!
"Kouga... what are you doing here. What happened?" asked Kagome.
"Well, this demon entered our territory and the boys and I set out to find out why it was trespassing on our territory. We got into a pretty good battle. Injured two of my best before I was able to get it under control. Can you imagine my surprise when you were finally out cold and your demon form melted away to reveal you?"
Kagome frowned and looked around her and noticed the damage around the area. She did this? What had happened and how was it she had transformed... why had she transformed and why did she not remember anything?
"How are you a demon Kagome? I mean it's better for me, you are quite powerful and a wolf demon at that. It's perfect for me, but it just baffles me as to how this came to be."
Kagome's head was killing her and she wasn't sure exactly how to answer his questions at the moment. The pain that coursed through her body had her seeing white every so often and she knew she wasn't that far from passing out again.
"Kouga, I just need to rest for now. I'll try answer any questions you ask later okay?" It was only then that Kagome had realized she was sitting on furs and had one around her legs. Well at least he had made her comfortable after everything was over.
"Of course, you'll be safe here. I've got a few out patrolling right now so you don't have to worry."
With that Kagome laid back down and pulled the fur up over her shoulders and as her eyes fluttered shut she entered the dark world of sleep.
Well, another short chapter but at least it's an update. I didn't really show the fight between Kagome and Hushicyou because I'm not sure how great of detail I could have made that. I'm taking my time and I feel like my imagination just isn't up to par with things right now. Maybe because I'm old... haha! Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again, I'd love all the input on how I'm doing with character's. I do read my reviews and I do look back to see exactly how I can make things different. Maybe later I'll have Kagome remember the fight and I'll have it kind of like a flashback and in detail.