I don't own Inuyasha. I wish I owned Sesshomaru

Chapter One

"Yo Kag!" Kagome turned around and saw Sango running down the street towards the stairs where kagome was standing.

"Hey Chicka"(cEEck –A)

Kagome and Sango have been friends since they meet in grade school.


Sango sighed "Late for class again!"

Kagome chuckled " Oh well its Mr. Roush's class, I get away with anything in there, and we don't pay attention anyways.

Kagome and Sango made their way to first period science. Kagome went in first.

"Late again Miss. Kagome?" Mr. Roush was leaning on his desk with his hands in his pocket. He has sandy blonde hair with emerald green eyes. (One of my teachers really looks like this and they are HOT!)

"Of course Mr. Roush."

Mr. Roush is the only teacher Kagome actually likes and gets along with. He doesn't care if she is late as long as she gets her work done eventually.

Mr. Roush laughed lightly. "Sit down girls."

"Mr. Roush why don't they get a D.R for being late?" (D.R detention slip)

"Brittany unlike you she is passing my class."

"That's only because she is a slut and is sleeping with you!"

"Brittany I'm sorry but I'm not like you!"


"Whatever whore."

"Ok Kagome that's enough." Mr. Roush stated.

"Sorry Mr. Roush." Kagome chuckled.

"Ok back to class."

Mr. Roush started lecturing while Kagome and Sango took their seat in the back of the room.

"Yo Chicka I have been working on a new song."

"Kewl well show me tonight cause I really got to pay attention I'm failing." Kagome laughed and took her portable CD player out of her bookbag and turned up Disturbed.

After first period was over Kagome and Sango meet up with Kagura and Sesshomaru.

"Hey guys." Kagura greeted.

"Hey Sesshomaru." Kagome waved.

Sesshomaru nodded "Kagome."

"Don't forget about practice tonight guys." Sango rolled her eyes.

"We never forget; you're the one who was late last time Kagura!"

"What I couldn't help it I had to see my Sess-Chan." Kagura smiled up at Sesshomaru.

"You know I hate that name Wench."

Kagura looked shocked "And you know I love the name Sess-Chan!."

"Alright guys no fighting in Lovers Paradise!" Kagome shouted before Sesshomaru could reply.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. 'Lovers Paradise? She must be insane! But Sesshomaru did not speak his thoughts.

"Kagome!" Came a voice from down the hall.

Kagome and everyone in the hallway turned to look at the person who yelled. Brittany was walking toward Kagome with her gang. "Slut I want to finish this! My gang against yours after school!"

"Damn wench do you have to scream?" Sesshomaru covered his ears.

"Shut up Sesshomaru!" Brittany crossed her arms over her chest.

Kagome started laughing "Brittany Hun I don't need my whole gang to kick you gangs ass. Just me and my right hand girl Sango after school today at Devils Pit."

Brittany gasped then se narrowed her eyes. "Fine then! Kiss you ass Good Bye Kagome!" Brittany pivoted on her heel.

"Oh and one more thing Brittany." Brittany turned back around.

Kagome punched her right in the right cheek as hard as she could. "No body insults one of my friends." Kagome walked away while her gang stood there with their mouths gaping open; except Sesshomaru he had a smirk on his face.

Hehehe I JUST love SESSY!

Until next Chappie!