Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does…

Chapter 1

Flashes of Pain

The boy kicked and punched unseeingly at the tree stump continuously. He continued his daily warm-up of push-ups, sit-ups, laps around the forest until they came. They always attacked randomly and unexpectedly, the flashes. This one was the most frightening however… and the most realistic…

The room was dark, and he was chained to the wall. Men came in with various objects. They grabbed the tools and started torturing him. Various knives were pushed into his body slowly and twisted. One man stepped forward and cut his body from chest to right above the belly button. He grunted and yelled in pain. Blood spilled out, covering the boy and the man. The men laughed maniacally and continued their torture, reveling in the boy's screams of pain.

"Demon boy, you don't even deserve to live… You actually think that your weak little Leaf friends care about you?"

He sat down on the grass, gasping. His blond hair was matted to his head; his forehead dripping with sweat. The flashes seemed to be coming more frequently and stronger now. He started feeling pain on his body, like the knives were piercing them, just like in the flash. His breath seemed to not come back to him as he felt the trees to follow back to his destination. Every breath he inhaled pained him, the knives were still stabbing at him.

The blonde grabbed onto the tree nearest him, his nails digging into the bark; desperately trying not to give into his pain. The knives multiplied, striking faster and harder. Images came, unbidden, back to him.

The men advanced with different tools this time. They grabbed his hair, yanking at it, and then shoved him into the brick wall. Blood spilled down his head and his hair was turned an orange shade. His jaws were clenched and his eyes were shut in pain. Dark blood turned his blue clothes almost black. There were tears in his clothes, over his stomach, revealing a mysterious mark around his belly button. He refused to open his mouth when they tried to pour a liquid down his throat. In anger, one of the men took a knife, stabbing it into his arm. He opened his mouth to scream in pain. The man took the chance to pour the sticky fluid down his throat, choking him in the process.

He grabbed his head in an attempt to stop the images. His attempts were in vain as the throbbing became more intense.

The sticky liquid dripped heavily down his throat. He gasped for his breath as the fluid painfully went down. Then the pain hit… A searing pain shot up his back and struck his eyes, like needles. A white film came over his eyes, covering them and his image wavered and faded away. He briefly yearned for his vision again…but instantly dismissed such thoughts, he could prevail without seeing. Soon, all he could see was black. He hit the cold hard floor in pain and the only thing he could hear was laughter, cruel laughter.

He gave into the pain, falling to his knees. As he fell, he could hear the leaves rustling as a figure stepped through the bushes. He was in too much pain to care if the figure was harmful or not. He tried looking up in curiosity, and remembered that he could not see anything but visions. The figure spoke in a low whisper, "Kitsune…" Before he fell into unconsciousness, the boy strained to get a name out, "Itachi…"

A/N: Yay to C-Entury, my blink buddy for editing my story and tweaking it. You deserve a glomp! This is a special debut fic that I created for my b-day. Please read and review!