Warning: Character Death.
Wishes – Chapter 3 - Wish Granted.
February 14, 2026
Yugi Mutou stepped up to the dueling platform in the late winter sunlight, his thoughts on a place and time much further away. To when he had faced the same opponent, in a place much like this – a replica of Kaiba's Battle Tower.
There were differences, of course… this tower stood in the middle of Domino City, not far from the harbour – in fact, from here Yugi could see the dock where he had dueled Jounouchi under Marik's mind control. And the first Battle Tower had not been the centre of so much attention. All around on raised stadiums people cheered him and his opponent, Seto Kaiba, in what the press claimed to be the matchup of the decade.
I haven't dueled Seto-kun in almost ten years, Yugi thought as he attached his Duel Disc to his wrist. It was the same disc…for this battle, he and Kaiba had agreed to use not only the same locale, but the same technology and the same decks they had used 25 years ago…except for Obelisk and Slypher. The God Cards were gone with the Items and the Pharaoh Atem.
Yugi smiled to himself. Time had not dimmed his longing for his other half, but it had taught him patience. He could live without Atem…but no other had caught his heart. The glint of the gold and lapis lazuli on the third finger of his left hand told the tale- he was married, in his heart if not in the eyes of the law, and he would have no other until he held his darkness in his arms. A widower, he told the girls who still proposed to him, who hoped to be on the one to catch his heart.
A different sign caught his attention - a happy face surrounded by four interlocking hands. He grinned wider and sent a special wave in that direction, where he knew Anzu, Jou, Honda and their families watched in a special box – the only one actually connected to the platform directly - along with Bakura, who like himself had never married. Childless, he nevertheless didn't lack family…he was 'Uncle Yugi' to Anzu's three kids, and to Jou and Mai's twins, and to Honda's daughter… and surprisingly to Seto and Shizuka's four children and Mokuba's son.
The cheers increased to deafening when Seto stepped out of the elevator on the other side of the platform. Time had been kind to the CEO of Kaiba Corp – other than the grey in his hair, he looked much as he had at the first Battle City.
Yugi sent a smile to his long-time rival, an expression that was returned before the usual mask settled over Seto's features.
"Ready, Yugi?" He called; the smaller man could see the burning light of competition in Seto's eyes as he activated the Duel Disc. Yugi answered with a laugh, activating his own system.
"I'm always ready, Kaiba-kun." He answered, the banked fire of his soul flickering to life. This is for you, Atem. he thought, as he did before every game, every duel…so that in some way at least, his partner would be with him.
And every time, he won.
Third turn in, and Yugi was starting to find his pace. He pulled his next card and studied the field, trying to find a way past Seto's monsters, when the wind gusted suddenly and a feeling like he was being watched prickled the back of his neck. Not the crowds – he had grown used to cheering throngs during his career – but someone different, closer.
He glanced up…and froze. Standing in front of him, translucent as he had always been, stood the Pharaoh, dressed in a copy of Yugi's own outfit, a serious look on his face. The wan sunlight glinted off the ring on his left hand - a golden band carved with lotuses and set with a single flickering diamond.
:Aibou.: Yugi started to shake. A vision he could put down to wishful thinking…but it would take far longer than 25 years to forget the feeling of that voice in his mind. :Aibou.: Atem said again:Look up.:
Immediately he raised his gaze to Seto, then to the crowds behind him; seeing nothing, he glanced at Atem again.
:Higher, aibou.: the Pharaoh admonished gently – Yugi looked above the crowds in the stadium to see the glint of sunlight on metal – a weapon. Two weapons…trained on Seto.
He was moving before he had time to think; a shocked gasp rose from the audience. Seto stared at him, ice blue eyes wide, as he body-blocked the taller man out of the path of the bullets – just as gunshots echoed from the sky, peppering the platform at his feet – and sending agonizing fire through his body.
"YUGI!" He didn't know where the scream came from, but it didn't matter, not now – his body ached and burned, his lungs seizing up. He couldn't breathe past the pain.
:Aibou.: his yami appeared beside him, gently clasping his hand. The pain faded away as he lost himself in the glory of his other's eyes. :Aibou - say your goodbyes. It is time to come home.:
:Mou hitori no boku…: he whispered, and smiled.
Seto stared down at the body of his greatest rival, bleeding on the concrete of the platform. He was no doctor, but even he knew the fist-sized hole in Yugi's chest was fatal. He knelt down beside the man – the gunmen were gone, undoubtably to try again one day – but that didn't matter now. Now was getting the medics up here, to try and pull off a miracle.
"YUGI!" The medics weren't here, but Yugi's friends were, shock and horror on their faces. Jounouchi held Yugi's hand, crying like a baby, while Anzu stood there, shaking her head as though denial could erase the facts. Honda, ever the stoic one, rubbed Jou's shoulders, vainly trying to comfort his long-time best friend – even as his own tears fell. Bakura knelt beside Seto, by Yugi's head, a strange expression on his face as he reached down to stroke Yugi's pale cheeks.
Yugi's eyes fluttered open - Seto couldn't believe it. He should be dead, but somehow he still managed to breathe – even if his eyes weren't focused on the here and now. He smiled the sweetest, happiest smile that Seto had ever seen on his face, and Anzu started to wail, dropping to her knees, unconcerned about the blood.
"Yugi." Seto murmured, a little confused. "Thank you…hold on, the medics are coming."
"Seto…don't lie to him." Bakura said quietly. "It's his time…he is going to die…to return to his other self. Don't deny him that."
"What are you talking about?" the businessman demanded. Anzu wailed impossibly louder; Jou and Honda had moved to bracket her, giving what comfort they could. By now the rest of the families had arrived, forming a second ring around Yugi.
"Mou hitori no Yugi." Bakura answered, looking at the space everyone had – perhaps subconsciously – left empty. "The Pharaoh has come for him." The kids – old and young – were staring in shock, clinging to their parents. Seto automatically held out his arms as Shizuka came to him, burying her face in his chest. He could feel their children behind him, staring over his shoulder.
"Uncle Yugi…" the eldest, Kisara, breathed. "Father…is he…"
Then Yugi's head moved a bit, and all attention was back on him. "Everyone… alright?" he managed, blood choking the words as it pooled in the back of his throat.
"Thank you." Seto repeated. He placed a hand on Yugi's thigh, catching the man's attention. "You saved my life – no one else was hurt. We're fine, Yugi."
"Good." He breathed. Anzu, Honda and Jou knelt down, taking Yugi's right hand and holding it in their own.
Jou laughed a little, the sound broken. "Say hello to Atemu-kun for us, Yugi."
Anzu caressed his cheek. "We'll miss you."
Honda bit his lips. "Goodbye, Yugi."
Yugi's smile never faded as he looked at them. His eyes seemed to glow from within, amethysts reflecting the light of heaven. "Love you all…see you...later…bye."
And the light died.
Atem held Yugi's hand, helping him up and away from his mortal form as it finally lost the last traces of life. For a moment Yugi's spirit form wavered as his personality exerted itself, then stabilized – as he had appeared when Atem had been his partner.
"Mou hitori no boku!" Yugi leapt into his arms, laughing and crying all at once. Atem hugged him close.
:I missed being able to talk to you, love.: the Pharaoh murmured softly. :I missed you so much.:
:Well, I'm here now…and I will never ever leave you again.: The touch of that mind on his…Atem shivered. Both sides of the link opened wide as they bathed in each other's love and devotion.
:Will they be all right: Yugi asked, gesturing to his friends in the living world. To Atem, it was as though all the living were the ghosts, and he and Yugi the only ones real.
:Yes…we will see them again when their time comes. It will hurt…but they will heal. However, we have one more task before we go to the Land of the Dead.:
:What: Yugi pulled back enough to look into Atem's eyes. :What task:
:I must punish the ones who dared to touch you.: the Pharaoh said softly as the world spun around them. Atem held his aibou close as they appeared on the rooftop where the murders watched the scene below, not daring now to break cover to fire again.
:Mou hitori no boku…what are you going to do to them:
:Justice, aibou…a life for a life.: Atem paused as he sensed his lights horror…and resignation. :Don't worry, aibou…I did not throw away the lessons you taught me. It will be swift.: Holding one hand out, Atem called on his power – the Eye of Wisdom formed on his forehead.
"Pharaoh's Decree." He proclaimed. "Doma…they are yours."
The strange Angel of Death appeared before the two spirits, bowing to them, before turning to the mortal gunmen. The never knew what happened as Doma ended their existence.
Atem did not even wait to see the outcome as he held his beloved's hand - and they walked into the Land of the Dead together.