Thanks for the reviews they were very encouraging, I haven't given up on snowboarding, I just don't have enough snow to pratice on now, the sun was out all day, and bye bye wet white stuff, well enjoy, I'll get another chapter up as soon as I can, Please review.

About 3:00 Harry awoke screaming from particularly bad nightmare. As he sat breathing hard, sweat soaking him, Sirius came running into the room, wand out, looking around wildly.

"Harry are you Ok?" Sirius asked, not seeing anyone else in the room.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare." Harry said as Sirius put his wand back into his robe pocket. Suddenly Remus came bolting into the room, wand out.

"Was someone screaming?" Remus asked, causing both Harry and Sirius to begin to laugh.

Sirius was able to choke out, "Took ya long enough Mooney," Between laughing.

Remus growled something under his breath and pocked his wand.

Harry suddenly noticing that he was clad only in his boxers, which exposed his scared upper body, tried to hide as well as he could under his sheets.

Sirius noticing Harry's behavior was stumped, something weird was up with this kid, and they were all men there. "Well Harry we'll be letting you get back to sleep, if you need anything just give one us a holler."

As the door closed, Harry laid back in the soft bedding, 'that was close' he thought to himself. Harry finally got to sleep a couple of hours later, but it seemed as though he had just closed his eyes when his small watch alarm went off, signaling that it was time to get up.

He took a shower, and changed into a pair of baggy black pants, a black sweatshirt that said Linkin Park, and combat boots. He carefully applied his black eyeliner, he was extra careful because his black eyes were directly in the path of his eyeliner. Harry quickly ran a comb through his naturally messy hair and headed downstairs.

"Morning Harry," Remus said as Harry walked into the kitchen. "Sirius will be back in a bit; he went to pick up a muggle paper at the news stand.

Harry's stomach growled as he smelled the pancakes Remus was cooking, causing the werewolf to start laughing. "It'll be done in a minute."

Remus put a stack of pancakes on the table as Sirius walked in the front door. "I smell food." He stated simply, and plunked down in a chair next to Harry.

"Yes Sirius it is food, it seems someone decided to use his head this morning." Moony chuckled, then sat down, trying to grab some pancakes without getting his hand bit off.

As the three of them washed the dishes afterward, Sirius said, "Some of the order will be along later, I'm sure they'll be excited to meet you Harry."

"I'm sure it's because of my stunning personality and my bright intellectual conversations." Harry said sarcastically, earning a laugh from both men.

"Oh yeah Harry, Sirius and I were wondering if you needed anything else, we were hoping to get you a welcoming present, but we have no idea of what you like." Remus said.

"Well anything black usually works, but I was hoping someone could help be charm my guitar so I could play it on Hogwarts grounds." Harry said, flinging his dishrag at Sirius's head, hitting him right on.

"Well, I'm off to finish decorating my room if it's alright with you two." Harry said as he headed up towards his room.

About an hour later, Harry had put up his band posters of Linkin Park, Slipknot, Evanescence, Smile Empty Soul, and such, put a spell on the wall paper, without the use of his wand of course, so the magic use couldn't be traced, to turn it black. Happy with his work, Harry pulled out his electric guitar, it was falling apart and scratched up pretty badly, other than that, it was a good guitar.

Harry started to play, it was not loud because Harry had used Dave's amp, he had just brought his own older mini travel amp.

He was so involved in his music in a minute, he didn't even hear Remus knocking, and then entering his room after not receiving a reply. After the song ended, Remus began to clap, startling Harry.

"Wow Harry you're really good." Remus remarked.

"Thanks." Harry replied automatically.

"Some of the order members are beginning to arrive, I think it would be best for you to be downstairs, in fact, I believe Molly Weasely is brining her children along, as well as their friend from school, Hermione I believe." Remus said as they headed down the stairs to the living room/dining room area.

"Cool." Harry replied, trying to picture the members of the order's faces when they finally meet the famous Harry Potter, who by the way is dressed in all black, wearing eye liner, and having two black eyes. It should prove to be interesting all right.

Harry sat down next to Sirius on the couch as order members began to arrive. Every one of them stared pointedly at Harry, especially at his scar.

"Hey Sirius, you think they're admiring my hair or what?" Harry joked, as a girl with bubblegum pink hair walked straight into the wall beside the door because she was staring at his scar.

Sirius broke out laughing at the pink girl, "Good one Tonks, by the way this is my godson, Harry."

Tonks nodded and smiled, then walked into the other room, through the door this time though. After that a crashing sound could be heard, and someone yelling, "Tonks, you clumsy nitwit."

Sirius and Remus laughed, Harry, a bit confused with what was happening simply smiled and watched his two new housemates, Remus then went to the next room to make sure nothing was seriously hurt.

Albus Dumbledore arrived a few minutes alter, Sirius had left to find Kreature, so Harry was alone in the living room with him.

"So Harry, how are you enjoying your new family?" Albus said, eyes twinkling.

"Well, lets just say, there's never a dull moment." Harry looked away from the older man, not wanting him to see that he has put the cover up charm on his eye again.

"I know what you mean, I had those two and you mother and father at Hogwarts, at the same time, they were quite a handful."

Harry smiled at that, but it quickly faded when Dumbledore said, "Harry, I think it would be best for you if you dropped that spell, I think we both know it is quite annoying and hard to concentrate of keeping it up."

"Sir….." Harry started, but seeing how arguing was no use, Harry slowly dropped the spell, muttering evil thinks the whole time.

"Isn't that better?" Dumbledore said with a cheery smile. In all truth, it was better; Harry didn't feel as much strain on his body now.

"Yeah." Harry simply said.

"We have your um…relatives in custody, just so you know, and they will surely be convicted without your testimony, I have ways of getting what I want if you know what I mean." Dumbledore noticing Harry's one eye look towards the floor in shame, quickly said, "There is some brighter news, I was hoping you would bless Hogwarts with your presence this year." Dumbledore smiled as Harry sat up straight, eye looking straight at him.

"Definitely, I mean if it's alright with Sirius and Remus, sure." Harry said, trying to hide his excitement.

"Well, I already talked to both of them, and they readily agreed to your coming." Smiling at Harry's excitement at that he just had to ask one more thing, "One more thing Harry, what happened?" Dumbledore traced a circle around his twinkling eyes.

"Oh, well it seems not everyone appreciates some of Remuses best traits, so, of course we get stuck in the middle of a fight." Harry smiled at the memory, not because he got to deck someone, well that was fun too, but because after it was all over, Remus complimented him, something he didn't get too many of.

"Well it seems you know how to take care of yourself…." Dumbledore trailed off as a cheery round woman with a friendly face walked into the living room, followed by a man with bright red hair and a weary face, tow older boys probably into their twenty's, two red headed identical twin boys who seemed slightly older than Harry, A boy about his age with flaming red hair and freckles, a girl who's hair was slightly duller red, but still looked nice, and finally a girl with bushy brown hair and friendly, inquisitive eyes that she squinted as if she read a lot.

Dumbledore got up, as the children, who seemingly knew the drill, plopped down on various peaces of furniture in the living room, each staring at the odd boy in front of them.

"Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charley, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione, I would like you to meet Harry Potter, he'll be joining some of you at school this year, Harry, Ron and Hermione are in your grade, Ginny is a year behind you, and Fred and George are two years ahead of you.

Harry nodded in understanding, he felt rather embarrassed at the attention he was getting today, he was also happy that he would be going to Hogwarts this year, so he didn't really trust his mouth.

"Well, we have the meeting that we must attend, behave yourselves," Mrs.Weasely nodded at her twins in the most part, who were sharing evil smiles just t make their mum nervous.

The four adults walked into the other room, closing the door behind them. For a minute no one moved or said anything, but finally Fred got sick of the silence, "So your really Harry Potter huh?"

Harry nodded.

"Cool, how did you get the black eye?" George chimed in; Harry realized that they couldn't see the other side of his face from their position on the other couch.

"Well, when Remus came to pick me up from the muggle world, a bar fight broke out in the Leaky Caldron, and we happened to be in the middle of it." Harry wasn't sure if they knew Lupin was a werewolf so he left out that was what had caused it, prejudice.

The twins nodded, "Wicked." They both said unanimously.

Harry smiled, and then decided to give them a good shock; he turned and faced them completely, his dead eye looking straight at them, causing them to stop and stair.

"Wicked." Ginny, who had been quiet so far said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," the twins agreed.

"So Harry, you're going to join us at Hogwarts this year," Hermione said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to that." Harry said, feeling that excitement piling up in his chest again.

"Well, all of us are in the Gryffindor house, so we hope you get sorted in as well." Ron added even more awkwardly than Hermione.

"Yeah me too." Harry smiled, "Anyone like music?"

"Yeah," All of the kids chimed in.

"I have a guitar upstairs if you want to try it out." Harry said, trying to lighten them up a bit.

"Sure…." Fred said.

"That'd be peachy." George finished, causing Harry to laugh, and the rest of the kids in the room to roll their eyes, apparently this was a common and annoying this that the twins did often.

As all the kids were heading upstairs, Sirius came out of the dining room and said, Harry, We'd like you to come in here please.

I hope you liked this chapter, Please review and give me some more ideas, they really help.