The song I'm hearing to go with this chapter is "Vocea" off the Cirque Du Soleil CD Varekai. Best CD EVER! I swear to god. And for people who've never heard this song, it's very bassy and sexy. A rhythmic melody with a beautiful sounding singer and the lyrics (well I don't know what the lyrics say because they're in a different language). I love this song though. I can totally see this scene happening to the song. FYI-I renamed the chapter because I changed my mind about what song I was going to use.

For once the night was quiet. There were no "others" disturbing the night, no fires to create panic. There was no inter-survivor squabbling. For once, everything was calm. Shannon sat with her back to the beach camp and looked to the ocean. For once she was at peace. There was no inner turmoil, no self-hate. Inside she was silent. Except for the part of her that was repeating in high squeals, "He cares!"

Sayid cared for her. HER! It was faintly unbelievable that this great guy could possibly care for her. She was…Shannon. Uber bitch extraordinaire. Even as she thought this she discarded the idea. She was not that person anymore, she was better than that.



"Would you come here?" Shannon rose and dusted herself off. She wanted to look clean for her date with Sayid. He had decided that if they were going to continue this "relationship" then they should at least have one official date.

Sayid walked up over the small hill and blocked her view of what he'd been doing. "Close your eyes."


"It's a surprise. Trust me." Bad words to use, Shannon thought. I don't really trust anyone.

"Alright." It was tough for Shannon to do that but she knew that she had to. It was surprisingly easy to place herself in his hands. They walked over the hill, with Sayid leading her by her hands. Once he had her settled, he let go.

"Sayid?" Shannon asked after he hadn't said anything for a few minutes. Can I open my eyes?"


It was beautiful. From somewhere he'd found a blanket, and had set up a picnic. There was fruit and a small bowl of meat. There was also a pillow, though Shannon wasn't sure what for. She turned to Sayid, who was waiting for her reaction. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him quick.

"This is wonderful. How did you do this?"

"I called in some favors. And promised a few. Are you hungry?"


"I've got some fruit. And meat. And a special treat for dessert." Shannon nodded and they sat down to eat. All through the meal, they looked at each other with hungry eyes. There was the overt touches and the lingering caresses but both knew that nothing could be done about it. They were surrounded by other people. But they both yearned.

After they demolished the fruit and most of the meat, Sayid brought out his treat. First, though, Shannon had to close her eyes again.

"I'm beginning to think that you find it funny to surprise me."

"It's fun. Open your mouth."

Shannon sputtered. "What?"

Sayid leaned in and breathed in her ear. "Open your mouth."

Shannon obeyed, still lost in the delightful feelings his being so close evoked. Sayid laid one of his treats on her tongue and prepared to watch pleasure cross her face.

"Mmmm! Chocolate! Where did you get it?" Shannon said on a moan as she opened her eyes. Sayid was looking at her in a very interesting way.

"Shannon, can I ask you a question?"


Sayid scooted closer and leaned over to be able to speak without anyone overhearing. "I'd like it if you would stay with me from now on."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, move to my shelter. I don't like the fact that you are alone at night."

"Boone's there."

"Boone's told me that he's moving to the caves."

"So you're worried about me?"




"Okay, I'll do it. You should know something though."


"I am not a housekeeper." He laughs then kisses her.

"Hey dudes! Did I hear you say something about chocolate?"

That was it! Next story in the series will be "The Father". Remember Shan's dad? Well it just so happens that someone else on the island does as well.