Bleh, it's short. And late. And I suck. Written to: The dishwasher running noises. Hey! Hooo! Hey! (dances)
Chapter 23: LAN party?
"Get me out of these damn handcuffs before I kick ass." Cyborg exclaimed, wriggling around on the ground.
"Oh come down granny pants, it's not like you're being tied up and raped like a dominatrix would do to you." Keri said, kicking him slightly. He nudged her foot and bit it. "Oww! What the heck!"
"Don't mess with him." Robin said bored. He was beating Beast Boy really badly in Halo.
"Oh, hey! I kick butt in Halo!" Keri said, racing over to the other controller.
"Bring it suckers!" Rose said, grabbing the 4th controller.
"Is this... a LAN PARTY I SENSE!" Larry bust through the door, beer and chips in his hands.
"We're not aloud to drink Larry!" Rose exclaimed, grabbing a beer and drinking it.
"Rose…" Everyone gave her a funny look.
"What? WHAT? Am I not aloud to drink?" Rose said, grabbing Larry and kissing him.
"I just killed you." Keri said, pointing to the screen. Rose looked over and sent Keri a glare.
"And I just killed you. Whore." Robin said, pointing to Keri's dead person.
"I'm not a whore!" Keri got up and jumped on him, knocking the breath from him.
"Oww, get off…"
"You're hurting him, get off!" Starfire pulled Keri off and Keri glared at Robin.
"Call me a whore again, I shoot you."
"I just shot both of you." Beast Boy pointed to the screen.
"And guess what, you're dead. I own." Rose said, pointing at Beast Boy's screen.
"We should totally go online with this." Raven said. "Whoa, I said totally."
"YEAH! WE SHOULD!" Keri yelled, exiting the game to go online.
"We're such dipwads." Rose said, shrugging at the idea.
"YEAH! ONLINE!" Keri got out the head set and put it on, blowing into it. "TESTING, THIS IS MIAMI VICE SPEAKING!"
"Shut up Miami Vice, I'm talking to my mom!" A person on the other line said. "Yeah, mom. I love you. No, I didn't poop my pants again. Ok, bye. Prepare to be terminated Miami Vice."
"…. What's your name, little bubble?" Keri asked, passing out headphones to everyone.
"My name is terminate your ass and I will terminate your ass."
"Well my name is Raven and I got mind-powers, and your name is Maurice."
"My name isn't Maurice, fecking idiots!" "TYA" said. "I told you my name."
"My name is Batman." Beast Boy talked into the headset.
"Oh, shut up and play!"
"Oh, what crawled up your butt and died?" Starfire yelled into Beast Boy's microphone. Keri started laughing while Rose got the serious face and started moving the controller in wild ways. "Hey guess what terminate your ass?" Rose said, pressing the A button to attack.
"I JUST TERMINATED YOUR ASS. AHA!" Rose got up in victory, cheering.
"Uhh Rose… you just died." Keri said, pointing to her screen.
"He has friends!" Rose exclaimed, jumping in the air and flailing her arms.
"Oh shit, we're dead." Cyborg said, watching the game from his stomach. Everyone gasped, including "TYA".
"You swore!" Keri exclaimed.
"Oh, you're bad." "TYA" said into the microphone. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"It's bedtime for you mister!" Robin said, shaking his finger all fatherly-like.
"Does Cyborg want his bottle?" "TYA" asked. Everyone paused. "How did you know his name?"
"Haha, yeah he does!" Larry laughed hysterically, Rose glaring at him. "Shhhh…"
"Sorry love." Larry kissed Rose's nose softly.
"Aweeee." Everyone tilted their heads at the cuteness.
"DIE WORTHLESS SCUM!" "TYA" yelled into the microphone.
"Ahh!" Everyone picked up their controllers and started making their characters run. "TYA" almost got someone but ended up with nothing.
"HA. I WON. YOU WHORE." Robin yelled into the microphone, getting stares from everyone else. "What. What! WHAAAAT!"
"Nothing.." Keri mumbled, giving him a sideways glance and an arched eyebrow.
"LET'S KICK ASS!" Cyborg yelled, blowing some people up with the rocket launcher he found. How he had gotten a controller, nobody knew. But in reality, he stole it from Beast Boy.
"Uhh.. hi.. I don't know what I'm doing.." A new voice spoke into the microphones. Keri looked around, completely scared.
"That sounds like.. CJ.." Keri looked into the hall then back at the screen.
"Hey, Keri, is that you?" CJ asked, her character running around in circles.
"Yeah, now, what the hell are you doing?" Keri asked, running over to her character. CJ turned her character around and random button pressing was heard. "CJ.. what the.."
"You will be alive again in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. BEEP." The screen read. Keri looked at it in awe.
"I did.. I DID!" CJ exclaimed, laughing hysterically.
"That's not funny." Keri added, flatly. Cyborg and Robin started laughing. "Yeah it is."
"Oh, look, she killed you guys too." Keri added, pointing to the screen. Cyborg started to cry and Robin just stared.
"HA. WE OWN." A younger guys voice spoke. Keri shook her fist at the screen.
"Oh shi- bye CJ!" Jakey's voice drifted off and CJ came back on, laughing nervously. "Well then.. I'm screwed.. oh hey, what're those glowing blue things?"
"SHE FOUND THE GRENADES!" Rose yelled, hanging onto Larry. Keri ran over to Rose's character, closely followed by "TYA", Cyborg, Beast Boy and Robin. "Ok, what are we going to do about this?" Keri asked.
"How do you throw these things?" CJ asked after random button pressing was heard.
"Press random buttons, kay? WE'RE IN A MEETING HERE." "TYA" answered.
"Anyways, we gotta figure out a plan for-" Cyborg started.
"I can hear you, ya know." CJ spoke in a monotone voice.
"-beating her! Shes a newbie!" Cyborg finished.
"Oh, hey, I figured it out!" CJ yelled, throwing all 4 grenades at once. Nobody seemed to notice. "Oh and hey, they stuck to you guys!"
"WHAT!" All 5 of the other players yelled in unison.
"Oh, hey, you guys just blew up! WHOA. Did you see how far in the air you guys went?" CJ exclaimed.
"Game over." The TV read, then went to their stats.
"CJ WON!" Robin stood up. "This is totally unfair."
"Oh, you wanna come here and say that?" CJ yelled into the microphone. Robin sat back down. "No mommy."
"Maurice?" A feminine voice was heard over the microphone.
"MAURICE?" All the people exclaimed, only CJ had no idea what was going on.
"Who's that?" CJ asked, completely confused.
"It's time for lunch, dear." The voice sounded young and cute. Cyborg chuckled.
"Looks like Maurice got a girl toy."
"That's my mom." Maurice answered, growling.
"EW." Everyone answered at once. Keri had a scared look on her face, Cyborg laid on the ground almost dead, Robin twitched and Rose just shrugged.
"So, hey, when's the brownies ready?" CJ's voice came, followed by Keri's mom. "In a few minutes."
"BROWNIES? BYE GUYS." Keri got up and ran out the door.
"Hey, wait, we're coming!" Everyone scrambled up and followed Keri. CJ snickered darkly. "Oh, you're in for a suprise.. Oh, hey, a quarter!"
Happy belated birthday to my sister, CJ-chan!