It's been three and a half years since Martin asked me to be his girlfriend. I can still remember the night we told my parents that we were dating; in fact almost the whole family was there. And it seems like it was only yesterday…


"Mom, Dad, everyone… can come in here please?" Martin and I are sitting on the couch in the living room. Lucy and Kevin already know, so this shouldn't be so bad. We only have to tell Mom, Dad, Matt, Simon, Sam, and David.

One by one they arrived in the living room. We've been hiding our relationship for a couple of weeks now. At school we hold hands and we go on dates, but we tell mom and dad that we are going to hang out with Mac. However Mac rarely makes it to hang out with us. We could hide it for a lot longer, but I know that Lucy and Kevin are wondering what going on, since they both know what has been going on.

I stand up and look around the room. "I want to start out saying that the last few weeks have been really good for me. I have been happier in these few weeks than I have been ever before. I know that you're all wondering what has made this all happen for me…" Whew, just breathe. My heart is beating out of my chest; I don't know how they are going to react to this. "I have a boyfriend. And he's made me more joyous than I have ever been. We've been dating for about three weeks now. I'm sorry I haven't told you about him yet. I just wanted to get used to it myself first."

"Ruthie, are you going to tell you who this guy is or are you going to keep him a secret." Matt always has been right to the point. It's one of the things I love most about him.

"I was getting to that. Actually I'm going to introduce him to you. I want you all to keep an open mind, I really like him…" I take a big breath…"Everyone I'm dating Martin." Silence follows my admission. Is anyone going to say anything?

"Somehow I kind of always expected this would happen." Dad seems okay with this. "I wish you would have told us this sooner. It's not that big of a deal, but we like to be on the inside of things. When things like this happen you have to respect us enough to tell is about it."

"Oh, you guys… this is great. I always thought you two might like each other. I'm so glad that you have talked to each other." I take hold of Martin's hand. I am so thankful that Mom and Dad are okay with this. Now it doesn't really matter what the others think.

"So you guys have just been dating behind all of our backs? All those times you said you were going to the Promenade to meet Mac, you were going out?" Simon has always been a little skeptical of me and going out with boys. I don't think he really liked Peter either.

"Yes. And believe me, we feel really bad about it. We just didn't want everyone on our back. We wanted to be able to go out and be a couple. We wanted to get to know each other as a couple before we told anyone." Martin is so good at telling people what's going on. He knows exactly what to say to people to make them understand.

"We know that we should have told everyone. But it was nice, I really liked hanging out with a guy and no one was freaking about me dating. I really like Martin; I just wanted to keep things normal for a while. We're both sorry."

Mom and Dad both tell us that they understand our feelings, but in the future when something important like this happens they wish that we'd tell them. Mom then tells me how happy she is for me. Everyone gives me hugs and I know that this is the way that it's supposed to be.


Martin and I are still together. Life has changed a lot since then though. I have since become a high school graduate. I'll be attending UCLA this fall; Martin will be a junior there. I should be moving into my dorm in a couple of months.

Mom and Dad are having a hard time letting go; after all I am their last little girl. As much as I'm looking forward to being in college and living away from home, I know I will miss it. I will finally be grown and that is kind of scary, but it's exciting at the same time. Plus I won't be on my own, I'll have Martin. We'll look out for each other.

Martin is going to have his own apartment this year. That will be kind of nice; he won't have to deal with a roommate or anything. Martin's dad came back from Iraq two years ago; actually he arrived on the day of Martin's graduation. So he's been living with his dad, but it's only a couple of blocks away and we still see each other all the time.

In fact we're going out tonight, it happens to be the anniversary of the first time we told each other that we loved one another. He's been planning something special; he told me he'd take care of everything and not to worry about it.

I glance at the clock and realize that Martin should be arriving within an hour. I'm going to have to hurry and get ready. Although I have had my outfit picked out for about a week. I run to the bathroom and turn on the curling iron, I fix my hair just the way he likes it; lots of spiraling curls.

As I'm putting on the finishing touches the doorbell rings. I listen carefully and hear Dad answer the door. "Hi Martin, it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too Eric. Is Ruthie ready?"

"Ruthie! Honey, Martin's here."

"I'll be right down." I grab my bag and slowly descend down the stairs. Martin is wearing a suit; he knows that I love it when he dresses up. As I'm stepping off of the last step Martin steps up to me and kisses my cheek. He is such a gentleman. "Bye Dad, I'll be home later. Don't wait up."

"Don't worry Eric; I'll have her home at a decent hour." Martin says this as he's shaking Dad's hand. My parents love Martin. He always treats me with such respect and he honors them as though they were his own parents.

"Have fun you two. Bye." We shut the door and are off to our dinner.

"Where are we going? I know it's supposed to be a surprise, but I wanna know…please?" I stick out my lip as I'm getting into the car. He can't resist the puppy lip.

"Oh come on, I never get to surprise you. Please don't give me the 'sad eyes'. Let me have this one triumph."

"Okay, I can't wait!" As we're driving a song comes on the radio that I have never heard before. I love it so much that it brings tears to my eyes:

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smiling down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the Keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doing
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the Keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

So I tip my hat to the Keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doing
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the Keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew

We arrive at the park and Martin stops the car. This park was so special to us; we came here a lot during high school. Actually this was where were first said that we loved each other. I can't believe that this didn't occur to me earlier.

He gets out of the car and comes to open my door. He is always so chivalric. He has one of those red and white checkered tablecloths on the table. There are candles and rose pedals all over. It looks so beautiful. "Martin, this is wonderful."

"I'm so happy that you like it." We sit down and enjoy the meal. After we are done eating he turns on the CD player and asks me to dance. We dance under the moonlight for a long time. This has to be the best night of my life. This took so much preparation; he has every little detail planned out.

We sit down on the swings. "Martin I love you so much." He just looks at me and smiles.

"Ruthie Camden… I love you more than I ever thought was possible. I love with all of my being. I want to say that to you for the rest of my life. Ruthie… will you marry me?" I knew that we'd eventually get married, but I definitely wasn't expecting him to ask me tonight.

I start crying again, tears of joy of course. "Yes, there is nothing that would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you."

I can't believe it! How exciting is this? I'm going to be Mrs. Ruthie Brewer.


Author's Notes:

A sequel may be on the way…

Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Byrd