Hey all, here's the sequel to 'Now That You Are Leaving'! This chapters kind of an intro, but there will be drama coming, I assure you. The character Nate is an actual character who is supposed to join the cast in season 2. However, I know nothing about him besides his name, so please don't take what I write as spoilers, it's all purely from my imagination. Enjoy!

Oh, and my shrink had delicately informed me that I do not, in fact, own 15/Love or Max Walker, much to my dismay.

Cody Myers groaned, hitting her alarm clock. 7 o'clock on a Saturday morning; it was crazy. Yet she had promised her boyfriend of three months she'd be at his match.

"Squib's gonna pay for this…" she mumbled, pulling herself out of bed and making her way into the shower.

Gary 'Squib' Furlong rolled over, shoving a pillow on top of his head. 7 o'clock on a Saturday was insane! He wondered if maybe he should just skip it…How much could one forfeited match upset his rankings?

"Dude," he heard his roommate Cameron call, "you've got a match in an hour, get your butt outta bed." A moment later, Squib felt a pillow hit his head at top speed. He sighed, forcing himself out of bed and into the shower. He supposed it was for the best, though. He had made Cody promise to be there, and if she got up at seven for his match and he didn't even show up, he would have to pay.

"Go Squib!" Cody called out as the crowd cheered. A shower, two cups of coffee, a good luck kiss (for him, of course), and one hour later, she was feeling much more awake. She snapped a couple pictures of him mid-serve, and watched with her breath held as the ball went sailing over the net.

"Game, set, and match, Gary Furlong," the announcer yelled over the cheering. Cody got to her feet with the rest of the Top Guns, yelling loudly.

"Nice game, buddy," Cameron said as he entered the open.

"Thanks," a smiling Squib answered, one arm slung around Cody's shoulders.

"Well, we're gonna head out," Adena said as she and Tannis got up, "we've got to change for practice."

"Bye girls," Cody called after them.

"So, what are the plans for this weekend? Are we doing anything?" Cameron asked.

"Tannis suggested mini golf," Squib said.

"I hate mini golf," Cody complained.

"Why?" Asked Squib, "everything's just your size!"

"Oh, so not funny, Gary Furlong," Cody warned jokingly as Squib and Cameron laughed.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You're the ideal height, the rest of the world is just too tall," he apologized.

"That's what I thought," Cody smiled, kissing him.

"You two make me sick," Cameron joked, "Seriously, if I wasn't in here right now, you'd be all over each other."

"So then why don't you leave?" Squib asked.

"Fine, but you're coming, too," Cameron said, getting up, "we've got practice."

"What do you think Gunnerson would do if…"

"You can't skip it, Squib," Cody cut him off.

Squib hung his head, 'Fine. But as soon as we get our, we're doing something." He kissed Cody on the cheek, and then he and Cameron were gone. Cody grabbed her camera and headed towards her darkroom.

"Oh, sorry," Cody apologized as she emerged from her dark-room nearly 45 minutes later and ran right into someone.

"That's fine, it was my fault," a dark-haired boy said as he reached down and helped her gather the pictures she dropped.

"Thanks," she smiled, extending a hand, "Cody Myers."

"Nate Stevens," he returned, shaking her hand.

"You new here?" Cody asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Well, I hope you enjoy yourself," Cody offered.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"Nice meeting you, Nate," she said as the two walked their separate ways.

"Oh, hey guys," Cody said as she walked into the open, "I wasn't expecting you for another 10 minutes, at least."

"We got out early," Squib informed her as she sat beside him.

"Gunns must have been in a good mood," Cameron joked.

"So, what are we doing?" Adena asked.

"Mini golf!" Tannis cried.

"Sounds good to me," Squib agreed as Cameron nodded.

"Fine," Cody reluctantly agreed, "but if I hear any short jokes, you're all dead."

"Deal," Squib smiled as he took her hand and followed the rest of the Top Guns out the door.

Sun's up
A little after twelve
Make breakfast for myself
Leave the work for someone else
People say
They say that it's just a phase
They tell me to act my age,
Well I am

On this perfect day,
Nothing's standing in my way

On this perfect day,
When nothing can go wrong

It's the perfect day,
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
I could stay, forever as I am

On this perfect day

Sun's down
A little after ten
I pick up all my friends
In my Mercedes-Benz

Wake up
Don't tell me it's just a dream
'Cause when I've had enough
You'll hear me say,
Now don't you try to rain on my

Perfect day,
Nothing's standing in my way

On this perfect day,
Nothing can go wrong

It's the perfect day,
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
I could stay, forever as I am
On this perfect day

La la la
La la la,
Oh, oh

I'm in the race
But I've already won
(La la la)
And getting there can
Be half the fun
(La la la)
So don't stop me
Till I'm good and done,
Don't you try to rain on my

Perfect day
It's the perfect day

It's the perfect day
Nothing's gonna bring me down
I could stay, forever as I am

On this perfect day
Nothing's standing in my way,

On this perfect day,
Nothing can go wrong

I'm in the race
But I've already won
And getting there can
Be half the fun,
So don't stop me
Till I'm good and done,
Don't you try to rain on my

Perfect, day
On this perfect day
On this perfect day

-Hoku 'Perfect Day'