Disclaimer still stands, if you want to know what is said…go to Chapter One. Thanks for the reviews Pacphys and Lone Warrior2. To: Lone Warrior2- the tests were on different blood samples and bone marrow.


"Are you two done yet?" Donnie asked as he tapped his foot, while waiting. Leo and Mikey looked up and their eyes grew wide.

"How did you get here?" Mikey yelled while asking. Donnie rolled his eyes.

"If you two were paying attention, you would have noticed that Donatello came in through the door," Master Splinter said from behind Mikey, causing him to scream, jump up a few feet, and put his hand over his chest while breathing heavily.

"We need to get you a bell Masta' Splinter," Mikey said with a grin. Master Splinter hit him again with his walking stick. "I'm gonna get you a stick made out of cotton for Christmas…it won't hurt like wood."

"What did you find out Donnie?" Leo asked after Mikey stopped complaining about how hard the "wooden" stick feels when it collides with the back of your skull.

"Yes," Donnie said as he held the different results. "Mike's system is clean, along with yours, Leo, but there is something coursing through Raph's blood." Mikey flinched when Donnie mentioned blood. "The odd part is that I cannot find out what type it is, or what it is doing to Raph."

"So, is there anything we can do?" Mikey asked, looking back to Raph.

"I don't know," Donnie said. "I don't even know if there is anything that I can do." A silence enveloped the room. No one knew what to say or do. That is…until someone spoke up.

"Maybe ya should find out what it is," Raph said, gaining all of the attention.

"Raph!" Everyone yelled, Master Splinter said "Raphael" though. Raph began to stand up when everyone rushed over to him.

"Where the fuck are we?" Raph asked in a drained voice.

"Raphael, language," Master Splinter warned.

"Sorry, but ya gotta agree tha' I' is odd ta go ta sleep in ya bed an' wake up somewhere else."

"Yes, well, that solely rests upon the shoulders of Michelangelo and Leonardo."

"Don't look at me dude! Leo's the one who made the place catch fire!" Mikey said, pointing his finger to Donnie.

"No! It's not my fault that I was not born with the cooking jeans!" Leo yelled, defending himself from the blame.

"Joke's on you Leo. We barely ever wear jeans!" Mikey said with a grin. Everyone grinned and tried not to laugh. Mikey saw this and wondered why. "What's wrong with you guys?"

"Let it go Mike," Don said as they calmed down. "You see Raph, Leo and Mike were cooking while Master Splinter and I were meditating while they decided that it would be fun to burn the Lair down…just kidding you two…Master Splinter and I smelt smoke, so we went to see what it was and found the Lair burning. We found you asleep and got out of the Lair. We could not wake you up so I ran a few tests after Master Splinter led us to this place."

"Why didn' ya two jus' use tha' fire extinguisha'?" Raph asked.

"We didn't know where it was," Leo said. Raph rolled his eyes.

"It was in the same place as last time…when you tried to cook before…in the cabinet closest to tha door."

"If only you were awake!" Mikey yelled.

"Raphael, we asked Michelangelo if he remembered anything from when you two were patrolling. He told us what he remembered, what do you remember?" Master Splinter asked. Raph seemed to look like he was thinking for a moment.

"I remember; Mikey an' I were runnin' along the roofs. I was in the lead. I saw a flash a metal an' red, then Mikey was shakin' me awake. I had a huge headache an' could barely see straigh'," Raph said. A flash went through Master Splinter's eyes.

"I believe that I know what…or at least who…is the cause of this," Master Splinter said.

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