Here's the final chapter right here. I think that it's cute and I hope you enjoy this one more update of "To Have and To Hold" before I go on to write another fanfic with this little mind of mine wandering off to who-knows-where.

I've enjoyed reading your replies and it has boosted up my confidence in my writing and I've improved. I remember a time that I couldn't read or write, even in like third grade when most people have. But fourth and this year actually has given me the clue and trail that I wanna become a writer. I'll improve on my vocabulary and such, but I just love writing (too many journals to count and my life isn't that interesting. and I love the fact that I have fans. Thanks guys.

Well enough of this rubbish, here's the final chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 16: Promises

Descending down from the emptiness of space and darkness and soaring down the tremendous temperatures of the atmosphere was the T-Ship. The clouds seemed transparent to them as they shipped down, nose first, to the land that was awaiting them. The clouds curled around the edges of the ship in small white foams of puff like cotton balls. The sun beaded down on them with its scorching ray, heating up the ship made of pure steel and iron.

The sky was very clear, subtracting the few little dotted clouds that were guided along to the South by the wind that blew around with the strong stench of the sandy beach. The bay was waiting for them.

A rather curious redheaded boy looked down, with his bright flared hair blowing in front of his face as his companion as identical as him pointed her finger toward the Earth that was staring back at them.

A young teen, shaded strangely in his, pressed his greasy fingers against the glass, with his mouth open in relief as the ship sailed closer to the bay, the waves crashing. Few people were enjoying this day by swimming around, or surfing long boards, or jet skiing.

Their screams sounded like muffles to them as they came down from the sky toward the little island, where a tall tower shaped like the letter "T" was held all alone on the island, destined to watch over the busy, naive city that was behind them.

Beast Boy sighed heavily as they finally came to the hanger where the T-Ship would land and he subconsciously thought of the refrigerator that contained all of his meat-free foods and also the video games that were waiting for him silently, cold in its useless state until he comes and takes over the television with his open mouth drooling and big bug-eyes.

"It's good to be home."

Weeks turned to months since that day. About three months have passed by since their departure from Tamaran to Earth. Attitudes returned to normal around Titans Tower, with a few minor cases of dishes breaking and arguments arousing between these young roommates. But in the end, their feelings were left in the past and they cuddled together around the sofa to watch their marathons.

Redfire has meddled into this new environment quite well. He continued to study about the new technologies and leaders that had risen since his last readings. The invention of the computer, television, cars, and video games as Beast Boy had taught him, had really changed the way society lived. He continued being the same as Beast Boy's first hand man. Together they sneaked into rooms to play practical jokes, play video games, and even eat tofu together.

Redfire had trained very hard under Cyborg's program, getting better and stronger by each combat practice. He came close to beating his score by only five points of the obstacle course, which impressed everyone. Both he and Cyborg acted as the backbones during fights against criminals such as the magician Mumbo Jumbo, Mad Mod, and the H.I.V.E whenever they've tried to scramble the city to their bidding. But not when the Teen Titans are around.

It had been a long time since the Titans allowed someone to come into their home and become part of their own little family, ever since Terra. But it was good to feel normal as teenagers and not having to make him understand much about Earthling customs since he had learned it himself.

Starfire and Redfire were closer than ever, getting to know each other again after the many years they were parted as children. Although physically alike and although they shared many characteristics in their personalities, they were very keen and unique people individually. They've matured and revamped on the many important aspects based on their past and developed into the most extraordinary people.

Raven had calmed herself and still continued to be the silent one, reading all of her books closely in front of her face. But much often now strangely ever since their adventure on Tamaran, Beast Boy and Raven were hanging out together, passing on secret conversations where no one else would hear.

It was strange at first considering their arguing and constant insults to each other. But now they've grown a mutual trust toward each other and became good friends despite differences and remarks.

Cyborg still remained the jock and the electronic maniac among the group, obsessing over his car making sure that it was clean and well to-do. But he was as deep hearted of a person as he has before. His skills and functioning systems have improved and lately he had used Beast Boy instead to help him recharge and using his electricity to charge him.

And of course Robin and Starfire were officially together. More than ever, they've taken the time to talk to each other more and hanging out more. Even when Robin was engrossed by his work and claiming to find the key points to his success in catching thieves, Starfire is now going to his room at this time of concentration and strangely enough, she nor Robin return until the next morning, blushing at any comments from either Redfire or the boys. Even Raven caught up with them with a couple of teases.

But it didn't matter to them anymore. There was no reason to hide or change the way they feel about each other. They cared about each other deeply and took the liberty to share feelings and whatever that would trouble them. But today, Robin couldn't find Starfire anywhere.

Robin came into the common room with the whooshing sound of the doors closing behind him. He approached the semi-circle couch by the living, where the flat screen television hung from the ceiling as two figures were fighting on screen. Cyborg and Beast Boy's eyes narrowed in concentration as their fingers punched in the controllers without letting their hands rest.

Robin approached the sofa from behind, noticing above that both Redfire and Raven were floating in midair, with their legs crossed and their noses in two books. Raven was reading "Phantom of the Opera" for its suspense and gothic elements more than its romance popularity. And Redfire was reading the encyclopedia again, and already on the letter "U."

Robin looked at his friends, "Hey, have you guys seen Starfire?"


"Me either."


Redfire brought the book down to his lap and slowly levitated to Robin's eye level. "I think she said something about to the roof." He said and came back beside Raven to continue reading and also to get away from the argument that was already coming from Cyborg and Beast Boy; as usual someone thought that the other cheated.

"That was a cheap move!" Cyborg shouted.

"Na-uh! I beat you far in square. You're just jealous of my mad skills."

"Mad skills? Let's see if you have mad skills for this."

"Ah! Help!"

Robin closed the door behind him as he started walking up the stairs that reached to the rooftop of Titans Tower.

Standing alone at the edge of the roof stood Starfire, bathed by the sunlight from the horizon, just moments before sunset and for the sun to sleep. The wind blew gracefully around her, blowing her long crimson hair in front of her face. She brushed some strands of her hair behind her ear as she looked over the beautiful golden sun with her light eyes. The features on her face were softened by the glorifying glow of the sun beaming on her face.

She sighed deeply as she looked up over the sky, the wind continue to blow. In her hands, cupped gently on her palm were rose petals she had picked out from flowers she had saved for these past days. They were soft and smooth as she rubbed her fingers through its texture and innocence. They were all of different colors; red, blue, white, pink, yellow. She looked up, with her head tilted to the side as if listening to the howls of the wind as it increased and birds cawed and soared into the skies in front of Titans Tower.

"Kalio Maw-ta y Paw-na helia. Rest in peace, mother and father." She said softly as she continued to mumble her prayer to the goddess of protection and the afterlife.

Starfire raised her hand up and with a light blow from her lips, the petals flickered into the sky like the birds until the petals flowed with the wind currents and were swallowed by the brightness of the sun.

She watched the scene of this beautiful late afternoon and early evening in silence until she heard the sound of scratching metal of a door opening and closing. She turned her head to see Robin standing there, with his uniform on and his long black/yellow cape flowing behind his back. His jet black spiky hair remained untouched by the wind as his masked eyes looked at her.

They stared at each other for a while before Robin approached her silently and grabbed her hand softly. Starfire cracked a small smile at him as Robin looked at her sweetly.

"Everything okay?" He asked her.

Starfire nodded, "Yes, I suppose. Everything is fine. It's just—" She turned her head toward the sky, spotting a small glimpse of some rose petals. "I miss my mother and father."

"I couldn't blame you. I lost my parents, too."

"Will the pain ever go away?"

Robin shook his head, "Although sometimes you wish it would so you could go on with your life. But the memory will never go away."

"You've never healed from your parents' death, Robin?"

Robin shook his head in reply to her answer.

Starfire glanced down at her other hand, her hand still filled with some rose petals left. She smiled a little as she turned Robin's hand and placed most of the petals into his palm, closing his fingers with her hands. He looked at her confusingly, but was stopped when he saw her smile. She rubbed her fingers on his hand tenderly, her face brighter than the sun beside.

"On my home world, every month we come with petals from the most fully bloomed roses and take all of their petals. Before the night rises after the sun falls, we let the petals be carried out to the skies with our prayers for our lost loved ones. It brings an inner peace within us, to help us let go of the pain even if it seemed like we can't.

"I've been doing this since we've returned from Tamaran. And every month, on the day that my parents left this world, I come up here to pray for them, for peace wherever they are and for them to guide me through my troubles."

Robin glanced at his hand as Starfire came from behind him, her soft breath touched her cheeks and his face flushed of their closeness. Starfire's hands intertwined with his as she helped him raise his hands up, but still holding the petals in his palm.

"Repeat after me please. Kalio Maw-ta y Paw-na helia."

"Kalio Maw-ta y Paw-na helia."

"It means, rest in peace, mother and father." She said and left him alone to do his prayer.

Robin gave her a silent grin as he looked up at the sky, the wind started to pick up and he saw a flock of robins flying up higher and higher into the sky. He smiled sadly, remembering the circus and his parents and how they were the family acrobats. He remembered his father telling him that he flew like a Robin, soaring from each bar to the next and barely got saved when it was so sure that he would fail.

His mother had lovely eyes, he remembered. Her dark hair was always in a bun and her eyes were bright blue, as blue as sapphires. They were beautiful and it was always soothing to look upon them. His father was strong and bold, not afraid of any challenges that were ahead of him. He remembered his father telling him to trust his instincts and he will be safe, like the robin would when a panther or a larger predator would try to eat him.

"It has been…six years since their death." Robin whispered as his hands came closer to his face. He looked his eyes calmly, feeling the wind blow around him and its whistling sound sooth his senses as his body relaxed from tension and all other thoughts were left behind.

He knew how Starfire felt. He had lost his parents, too. He had wanted revenge and was taken under the wing of the Black Knight, controlling his emotions although he would have a few outbursts. To become one with his instincts like his father had always taught him, to fight for the innocent and to make sure that no one would ever go through the pain again. Although it saddened his heart to know that Starfire indeed lost her parents, it showed him that he wasn't alone in this universe.

"Kalio Maw-ta y Paw-na helia." He whispered and gave a soft blow to the petals until they flew out from his hands and were carried off by the wind. They flapped like the wings of the birds and were guided by the robins as they chirped and helped guard the petals into the sky until they too were swallowed by the sunlight. "Rest in peace…mom and dad."

Robin turned to Starfire and smiled at her. "Thanks, Star."

Starfire smiled at him as her face flushed light pink. Robin approached her with that same, kind smile on his face. Robin then blinked, remembering why he was looking for her. He searched through his utility belt for the object. Starfire looked at him confusingly.

Robin reassured her with another smile, "Here Star. I got you something."

"Really Robin? What is it?"

Robin took out a small vivid red box with her name craved in it in gold. It flickered with sparks under the sun as Starfire touched the box. "It's lovely." She said softly.

Robin chuckled, "Yeah, but what's inside is better." He said and opened the lid with his thumb. Starfire widened her eyes in shock from the sight. There inside the small pretty box was a small silver ring with one band and also a small pink jewel shining there, surrounded by real diamonds. Everything about it glittered and shined ever so brightly like the stars in the night sky.

It was the most beautiful thing Starfire had ever laid eyes upon.

"Robin…" Her voice trailed off, out of words to speak or because all of them were caught in her throat and she couldn't form words to her tongue. Her eyes watered with shock.

Robin smiled at her sweetly, pleased. "It's a promise ring, Starfire."

He took her hand and Starfire watched carefully as Robin took out the ring from the box and let the ring slide into her finger of her left hand. Starfire curled her fingers, admiring the shine of the jewel on the ring. Robin took her hands into his and Starfire looked up to meet his gentle gaze.

"This means, Star, that no matter what happens, no matter what future awaits for us, we will always be together. That's what this ring means. It's a symbol of my promise to you: that I will never leave you."

"And I will never leave you, Robin." Starfire shook her head. "Never."

After that last word escaped from her lips, she fell into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Robin smiled at he pulled Starfire even closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist and glided up her back. The wind whispered in the background and the robins returned to the skies and were chirping happily.

Robin and Starfire held each other in their embrace as the sun slowly started to come down the horizon, with the sea glittering with golden amber specks that made the evening seen so magical. Higher and higher above their heads, the night sky started to come and the stars were already visible. To the east, was the pale white moon coming from its sleep to shine the night while the sun goes to sleep, to make sure that there was light in the darkness of hopeless dreams and sorrow.

Robin raised his hands up and cupped Starfire's face as she slowly moved back. She opened her emerald eyes and smiled at Robin with that same smile that had always wanted him to burst out of air like a balloon, or even to soar into the skies like the birds that were flying away with the sea right now.

Starfire's eyes softened as Robin moved closer to her face, with her lips parted in awe. Robin looked at her for one last moment before his face came and he gently pressed his lips against hers. Her lips were warm and soft to the touch. Starfire closed her ears as her hands dug into his hair and Robin slid his hands down to her bare waist, making her shiver and breathless as they kissed.

He pulled her close and carefully picked her up from the ground. Starfire smiled as their lips parted and Robin twirled Starfire around, with their faces gleaming with their happiness. The separation faded when Robin brought her down, but closer against his body and their lips touched, brushing softly and they held onto the smell of each other. Their tongues touched and it sent a thrill through both of them.

From the door, sneaking their noses into others' business, were the other Titans. They stood closely by the door, crunched tightly against each other so they would be seen by neither Robin nor Starfire. They watched the couple as they kissed with pleasing smiles.

But Beast Boy couldn't help but wonder as an eyebrow rose up to his forehead and his ears moved up and down.

"Dude, does this mean that we have to go through another wedding?"

Ruining the moment, the others groaned in disappointment as Beast Boy was about to speak another word, but Redfire grasped him by the arms while Cyborg covered his mouth. Beast Boy struggled as Raven led them back inside the tower and she closed the door behind her, leaving a small smile on her face as they finally left them alone to enjoy themselves.

Robin and Starfire held each other close as they continued kissing. Starfire's hand glided down from Robin's face and she touched his chest. The ring on her finger glittered under the sunlight for just a brief moment before it finally fell from the horizon and darkness stormed through and created night. The moon and stars shined brightly over them and yet the ring still shined with its same brilliance, with the hope and promise that would never fade away.

"To have and to hold forever…" Robin and Starfire thought silently to themselves as they were engulfed in the darkness and nothing else was seen or heard from them, except those words that whispered to the night with their promises and sweet caresses of their renowned love.

To have and to hold, to be never harsh or cruel but to be with happiness and love. To have and to hold, so nothing can let them go. To have and to hold, for the rest of their lives.