Author's note: Special thanks to MoonCannon for making me aware of my mistake of posting chapter 6 a second time, instead of posting this one.
This is the 7th and final 'chapter' of the who-knows-how-popular fic, Can I Push Your Button?. I'd like to apologize as this isn't really the director's cut that I promised. After thinking back on how unimportant the deleted scenes were, I instead decided to dedicate this chapter to the very first original concept of this story. I know this isn't what I promised, but I figured I couldn't just write nothing at all. I hope you enjoy it.
I'd also like to apologize for another long wait for this chapter, and I know it sounds rude, but I must say that I've been getting very few reviews as of late, and I would like someone to at least try to tell me why this is so. Thank you.
I do not own Tales of Symphonia, its respective characters, or the Tower of Salvation.
Original flow of story: Fast paced, hard to read, and completely untamed.
Viewer discursion is advised.
Phase 1: Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Raine, Kratos, and Sheena arrive at the Tower of Salvation which has an elevator that can only hold 1 person at a time and takes 24 hours to make it to the top floor.
Phase 2: Considering the possibility that there might be danger on the other side, Raine, who singled out as being the most expendable, and an over all pussy, is thrown into the elevator first.
Phase 3: What Raine does on the elevator ride and on top of the tower of salvation is regarded as unimportant by author.
Phase 4: When the elevator comes down, Genis is thrown in, just so the others can be rid of him.
Phase 5: Genis spends his elevator ride masturbating as best a prepubescent can.
Phase 6: Genis falls out of elevator on the top floor in a flood of his own bodily fluids (much the same way the blood came out of the elevator in the movie The Shining).
Phase 7: When the elevator reaches the ground, Lloyd makes Kratos go up so he can have sex with Sheena and Colette. Lloyd also gives him a pair of scissors so he can cut his horribly long hair.
Phase 8: Kratos gives himself a really bad hair cut (as opposed to making himself bald) during his elevator ride.
Phase 9: When Kratos reaches the top, Genis spits over the edge of the tower for no reason.
Phase 10: As Lloyd is doing perverted things with the two girls (who have been going along with this without any resistance), Genis's spit ball hits him on the head. He wipes his head, smells his hand with the spit on it, screams, "GENIS!" and runs into the elevator with his swords at the ready.
Phase 11: How Lloyd spends his time in the elevator is considered unimportant by author.
Phase 12: When Lloyd reaches the top he charges out looking for Genis, who has snuck into the elevator unnoticed.
Phase 13: Once Lloyd left Sheena and Colette with nothing to do (forgive me for the pun), they decide to turn lesbian and spend their time that way.
Phase 14: Once the elevator has reached the bottom, it opens up to reveal Genis with a camera inside. He quickly takes as many pictures of the two naked girls as he can before they charge at him in anger. Genis barely escapes.
Phase 15: Story remains unfinished as it was never intended to be a full-fledged fanfic.
And there you have it! As you can see, one of the best (or worst) fanfics on this site was originally a very disgusting, perverted, sloppily put together 'story' that I somehow managed to put together when my brother and I were hyped up on the new game we had recently bought (which of course was Tales of Symphonia).
I had loved ever sense I had discovered it a long time ago, and I finally decided to contribute to the site by posting this story I had thought up (after I had polished it up and actually made it a real fan fic of course).
By the way, how is it possible that I can be on the 'favorite authors list', and the 'author alert' list of one person at the same time? For that matter, I don't understand how I could be on ANYBODY'S author alert list. Please tell me why. And if you didn't like this chapter or any of the rest of this story at all: FLAME ME! R&R!
P.S. If you would like to read any of my other stories, then do a search for Harry Potter titles with the word 'ribbit' in the future. (The term 'ribbit' being the sound a frog makes.)