A/N: AND I'M BACK! With the final part of this three part series. Okay I don't know how this one will end… I am still thinking about that. LOL. I just seriously want you all to enjoy the final part okay?

DISCLAIMER: I own the usual lot (check previous story to know who they are) not the J.K Rowling creations.

A New Day Has Come

This is the title I'm working with…

Chapter One: Four Years

Draco Malfoy, 22, sat up stretching. It was September 19th and he knew that day was important, it was Hermione Granger's birthday, she would be 22 her self. Only Hermione wouldn't be able to celebrate it. Why? Because she was in a Coma caused by a dagger, thrown by Clarissa, Voldemort's daughter. What no one knows, only Hermione is that Clarissa was still alive.

Draco looked at his watch. It was 7am. He was to be at work by 9am to start his shift in the Potion Making Department. Draco missed Hermione a lot. That he would never deny. But over the years he had moved on, it was to be expected and he never knew when she would wake up, no one knew. Not even Amy and Gavin Granger, now 25. Gavin was Hermione's brother. Two years ago on December 31st him and Amy had married at a beautiful ceremony. Only all knew it wasn't the same with out the bright smiling face of Gavin's younger sister.

But back to Draco, it was 10 months into Hermione's coma when Gavin found a letter Hermione had written when Voldemort kept her captive. The letter said:

To Who Ever Finds This,

My name is Hermione Granger. I have only just graduated Hogwarts, not that I was able to go to the Graduation Dance with my boyfriend Draco. Why? Because Lord Voldemort, the evilest person I've ever known has decided to in a way black mail me, by keeping me captive. He is doing this by saying if I leave he will kill those who mean so much to me…

But this isn't the reason I'm writing this, it's to do with Draco. I know he loves me and I love him more than the world will ever know. But he must know that should anything happen to me, anything at all… I want him to move on. He has a wonderful life ahead of him and doesn't need to morn over me for his whole life. If anyone should find this and something terrible has happened to me, just let Draco know I love him and will be with him, in his heart and memories no matter what.

Hermione Granger.

It was then that Draco knew Hermione was right. He had to move on, and he did slowly. But now four years later Draco was dating a nice girl. Though she was nothing like Hermione who still had Draco's heart no matter what, she was nice, tolerable and interesting. Draco had been seeing her for a year now, but still hadn't managed to say the three big words to her. He just couldn't say them it would be false.

Draco dressed and exited his bedroom, walking into a hallway. He now lived in an apartment in a street off from Digion Alley. Noticing an owl perched on one of the dining room chairs he walked over and untied the letter from its leg. The owl instantly flew out of the window as Draco opened the letter.


Hey, well I know you probably don't want too but Ginny and I are going to visit Hermione today. We might see you there.


"Maybe," murmured Draco pocketing his wand forgetting about breakfast and apperating to St Mungo's.


Amy signed in and walked to the elevator humming a little tune. She loved her life nothing could damper her spirits. Being married to Gavin was a dream come true, being one of the five top bosses at St Mungo's was wonderful. She couldn't ask for anything else… well Hermione waking up would be nice, but other than that, what else could the girl want?


Amy hurriedly stopped the elevator doors from closing as Draco ran in breathless, "Good morning."

"Morning. How are you?" asked Draco.

"I'm fine and yourself?"

"Oh, you know… 19th and all."

"Oh… yeah. How was your date with Terri last night?"

"Normal… dinner, my place and you know the story. She went home about 1am."

Amy just nodded. Even though Hermione was pretty much non-existent she still found it hard to deal with Draco dating.

"So are you going to visit her today?" asked Amy curiously.

"I don't know."

"Draco you have any other year. It's the only day in the year you see her. Look I know it's hard to see her like the way she is but I have to see her everyday. Hell Ron and Harry manage to see her at least once a week, same with Ginny and Blaise."

Draco's face went stony, "You didn't love her but did you? You don't know how hard it is for me do you?"

"I see Gavin go through it every time he sees her Draco. She is his sister incase you had a memory wipe! At night he has nightmares about her! Do you have nightmares of Hermione screaming in pain, screaming for help?"

Draco shook his head in silence.

"Than don't say I don't know what its like," snapped Amy before walking out of the elevator on her floor.


Harry and Ron both looked at their watches. It was now lunchtime and both were going to see Hermione. Harry had become an Aurour and Ron did as well. Both were single, Harry having just come out of a two-year relationship with Lavender Brown. Ron lived on his own in a flat in Hogsmeade and Harry living in a small house 12 streets away from his Aunt and Uncle.

"Ready?" asked Harry gravely, poking his head in Ron's office.

Ron looked up nodding at Harry. The two young men walked out of the office to a nearby fireplace and flooed to St Mungo's. Once arriving, Harry first, they walked to the visitors elevator and went up to Hermione's floor, floor 6, intensive care.

"Here we go," sighed Harry as the elevator came to a sudden halt.

Ron just nodded as the doors slid open with a bang. They both walked into the corridor, which had dark blue tiles and white walls with dark blue doors with names of the people inside.

"Hannah Carmen, Daniel Jacobs, Denise Periwinkle, Hermione Granger," read Ron.

Harry opened the door to a dimly lit room. In the middle was a bed with white hospital blankets. In the bed lay a still Hermione. Her hair was in a plait, it had grown a lot over the four years and it came to her elbow. Her face was pale as it had been since they found her four years ago at the destroyed Malfoy Manor, which had never been rebuilt and was made into a memorial for those lost in all the battles that had taken place in the magical world.

"Hi Hermione," said Harry softly kissing her on the forehead, "Happy 22nd Birthday."

"Happy Birthday Mione," said Ron walking around the bed and bending down to peck her on the cheek, "The big double 2."

"This gets more harder every time."

Ron nodded in agreement but said, "Works been going fine, hasn't it Harry?"

"Oh yeah. Nothing major has happened, so don't worry."

"Mum and Dad say hello and send their wishes for your birthday. Maybe when you wake up you can visit them."

"Yeah. That would be great."

Both fell into s silence, just starring at their still bestfriend.

The door opening made them jump in shock as they looked at the door. In walked Draco.


Draco opened the dark blue door and walked in. He stopped walking at the sight of Harry and Ron. It had been three years since he had seen the two. A very long time.

"Hi," said Harry, "Long time no see."

"Indeed," said Draco, "Amy told me you two came to see Hermione once a week."

Ron nodded, "What about you?"

"Once… a… year."

"Oh," said both Harry and Ron.

"Look, just so you know Hermione said her self if anything happened to her she wanted me to move on. And well. I have."

"Yeah I heard rumors you've been dating that model girl Terri Peterson," said Ron in a calm tone.

Draco said nothing and walked over to the bed. His heart was pounding as he looked down at Hermione. No matter how she looked she always looked beautiful to him. If only she would wake up.


The day passed and night fell. Amy was finishing her rounds by visiting Hermione last. As she walked quietly down the corridor Hermione's ward door opened and two people exited. Blaise and Ginny.

The two were happily engaged and living together near the Burrow, a house with plenty of space for their future children.

"Amy hi," said Ginny hugging her, "How have you been today?"

"Busy actually," replied Amy, "You two?"

"Busy," sighed Ginny, "Fudge has been running me off my feet. No wonder Percy left that job to work in America."

"I had a easy day for once," said Blaise his eyebrows raised a little, "Oh Gavin's in there too."

Amy nodded, "Do you know if Draco came at all?"

Ginny and Blaise shook their head. The three said bye and Amy entered the ward. Sure enough there was Gavin, just starring quietly at his sister as if willing her to wake up.

"Hey," said Amy quietly walking over to him and kissing him on the cheek, "How was work?"

"Fine," replied Gavin, "Yours?"


Amy walked over to Hermione and began checking her vitals, her water tube and anything else that needed to be checked. Once she finished Gavin rose to go.

"Dinner out tonight?" he asked, "In honor of Hermione's 22nd?"

Amy smiled and nodded before looking at Hermione and saying, "Happy Birthday Mione."


It was early morning and the Night Nurse was doing her Intensive Care Wards rounds. She hummed as she exited Denise's ward and pushed the trolley to Hermione's door. She opened it and walked in, coming to a crashing halt, her mouth opened.

Sitting on the bed, looking dazed and confused was Hermione Granger. She looked at the nurse her eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice raspy, "Could you tell me the date?"

"J-just stay there," replied the nurse, "I'll go and contact Dr Granger."

"What?" cried Hermione, "But I'm right here!"

"No, no Amy Granger. Just stay where you are, please."

Before a confused Hermione could say anything the nurse bolted out of the room hollering for someone.

"What's going on?" muttered Hermione.


Amy, who had started her shift at 4am was completely thrown of guard as Roxie, the MEDI nurse came tearing down the corridor screaming for her.

"Roxie!" snapped Amy, "You know the rules are no running down the corridor unless of an emergency!"

"I think Hermione waking up in an emergency," said Roxie breathless.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes! I walked in there, and there she was... sitting on the bed… she is really confused."

"No wonder, Roxie. She's been in a coma for four years."

Without another word Amy started running to the elevators. She hit the 6th floor button and the elevator zoomed straight up. It came to a shuddering halt, nearly knocking Amy off her feet. The doors slid open with the normal bang and Amy ran out and down the corridor to Hermione's partly opened door. She pushed it open and flicked her wand, turning the lights on.

"Oh dear Merlin," gasped Amy walking slowly over to Hermione who was looking at Amy with a smile.

"Hi Amy. Where is everyone? And what am I doing at St Mungo's?" said Hermione happy to see a familiar face.

"Oh Hermione!"

Amy hugged Hermione happily.

"Gavin is going to be so happy! So will all your friends!"

"What on earth are you on about? I saw Gavin yesterday, and where is Draco? He must be so worried about me after that battle and all."

The smile on Amy's face fell instantly, Hermione frowned confused again.

"Amy… what's going on?"

"Oh Hermione… I don't know if I should tell you… but… well…"

"Just tell me Amy. Whatever it is I can handle it."

"Okay… you've been in a coma for four years…just over four years."

Hermione laughed a little thinking it was a joke, but she looked at Amy's sad face and stopped, "You are serious aren't you?"

Amy nodded, "It's 2009. September 20th."

"You mean I'm not 18 anymore? I'm… 22?"

Amy nodded, "That dagger Clarissa must've had… she got you in the leg with it and although the flame should've killed you it didn't… instead it put you in a coma for four years, because you being Merlin's descendent and all… you were strong enough to not let it kill you."

"Four years?" said Hermione tears in her eyes, "Four years… I've missed four years of my life?"

Amy nodded sadly, "I should go and contact Dumbledore and Gavin. They should know about this."

Hermione nodded and pulled her knees up to her slim body and hugged them. She rested her head on her knees and cried silently.

Because of Clarissa Hermione had missed four years of her life. Her eyes scanned the room and she noticed some cards on the bedside table.

Still crying silently, she slid up on her bed and grabbed them. It was a Happy 22ND card from Harry.

Dearest Hermione,

Happy Birthday.

Missing you everyday,

Love Harry.

Hermione went through them all, hoping to find one from Draco. When she didn't sadness hit her, overwhelming her so much that she felt vomit rise in her throat. Just as she was about to spew Amy walked in followed by Gavin and Dumbledore.

"Oh dear!" cried Amy grabbing a silver container from a table near the doorway and rushing to Hermione.

Hermione threw up into it and looked up allowing Amy to wipe her face.

"Hermione… you… you really are awake," said Gavin in shock.

Hermione just nodded.

"This must be very hard and confusing for you," said Dumbledore softly walking over to the bed.

Hermione nodded, "I've missed four years of my life. I don't know what's happened or what my friends are doing with their life… or what… what…"

"Or what Draco is doing," finished Gavin sitting beside his sister and putting an arm around her.

Hermione leaned into him crying into his chest and he held her trying to soothe her.

"Would you like to be filled in?" asked Dumbledore, "Only if you feel ready… after all you have only been awake for a few hours."

"I want to know," said Hermione pulling away from Gavin, "I have to know. It's not fair and I'll be more confused if I don't know."

"Very well," said Dumbledore, "After the battle you were found by Draco and Blaise. Amy brought you here when she discovered the knife. Once I realized you were in a coma we had to tell the others, which is never an easy thing to do. Naturally everyone took it badly. Draco was by your side constantly for ten months. He only left to go to work, and then he was back. While packing away some of your belongings, Gavin found a letter. It said that if anything bad were to happen to you, you wanted Draco to move on."

"I naturally would," nodded Hermione.

"Which he has done so. Everything in life went on. Ginny got a job as Minister Fudge's assistant as Percy has moved to America, Ron, Harry and Blaise are all Aurours. Blaise and Ginny live together in a house near The Burrow. Amy and Gavin got married."

"Really?" cried Hermione happily.

Gavin and Amy nodded smiling.

"Blaise and Ginny are engaged, Harry recently broke up with Lavender. Other than that nothing interesting has happened over the four years."

"What about Draco?"

"He's seeing someone," said Amy softly, "Terri Peterson. She is a famous model."

"How often did he see me?"

"Well… umm."

"Just tell me."

"Once a year."

Hermione felt like she'd been hit with a 100 kg block of ice. She fought the tears and nodded understandingly. She'd been in a coma for four years. She couldn't expect Draco to wait for her. He had his own life to live.

"Okay… so when can I go?" said Hermione calmly, "I don't want to stay here. I want to get back into things… back to work."

Amy sighed, "Well… it's okay with me as long as you see a specialist in comas once a week. Albus?"

"I think it is a good idea to get you back to your normal life," nodded Dumbledore.

"Well then," said Amy smiling, "I'll go get the release forms. Gavin can help you pack and he'll take you back home."

Hermione nodded smiling, "It'll be good to go back home."

"Yeah, four years away must make you homesick."

"Well naturally," grinned Hermione hugging Gavin happily.


"It hasn't changed at all!" cried Hermione as she stepped out of the fireplace and into the lounge room.

Gavin arrived seconds later with Hermione's luggage, "Home sweet home."

Hermione nodded and ran up to her bedroom. It looked exactly the same, just a little bare, "Ahh Gavin… when can I have my stuff back?"

Gavin ran up the stairs and walked into her room placing her bag on the desk, "I'll go get them now. How about you go have a shower?"

"I feel like I need one badly."

Gavin smiled, "Gee Hermione four years without a decent wash. How disgusting!"

Hermione laughed and hit her brother on the arm.

Gavin pulled her into a hug, "I've missed you so much."

"We have a lot to catch up on tonight… but after I have a shower can I go to the Ministry of Magic and surprise Harry, Ron, Ginny and Blaise?"

"That would be a sight to see."

"Want to come?"

Gavin nodded.

Hermione grinned and ran out of the bedroom thinking, life was precious and she was lucky to be alive. But what was she going to do about Draco? And her secret, the fact Clarissa was still alive and most likely waiting to strike?

A/N: Wow! I really liked how this went. I naturally planned on Hermione coming too in this chapter, that way I can get the drama started. But don't think Hermione and Draco will be getting back together anytime soon. Because I have plans of turmoil and other stuff planned for them.


Love yas!

Love Coz!