If Only She Knew
A Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfiction by kurama-sweethart, featuring the lovely talents of Zelia Theb.

Focused Pairing: Yusuke x Kurama
Warning(s): Shounen-ai (boyxboy love) If you aren't mature enough to handle such things with an open mind, than please don't whine tous about it.
Rating: PG-13 for assorted content
Disclaimer: We do not own or claim to own any portion of Yu Yu Hakusho, it's characters, settings or anything related. Such is (c) Yoshihiro Togashi and a number of others. All rights reserved.

Doris Smith was an American wedding planner who came from the US to Japan in her late 30's. She weighed over 300 pounds and always seemed to have a huge, giddy smile plastered over her 3 chins. Her strawberry-blonde hair was cut in a boyish bob that bounced non-stop, and her periwinkle blue eyes were always magnified by at least 20 because of the small reading glasses always perched on the tip of her rather large nose. She had chubby yet nimble fingers and fast-moving feet. She was, however, the most organized and design-friendly person on the friggin' planet, earning her wads of cash for planning more weddings than there was numbers in pi.

"American Style?" Keiko Ukimura asked, giving an odd look to her wedding planner.

"Oh, yes dear. I've always wanted to do one since I came here. And I think you and your husband would love it!" Doris placed a thoughtful finger to her chin. "It would suit you well, I say."

Keiko and Yusuke exchanged glances.

"Considering what we're paying you, we'd better like it-Ow!" Yusuke stifled a groan as his fiancée jabbed him hard in the ribs with her elbow.

"I'm sure we'll love it."

"Marvelous! Now lets get to work on our budget, shall we?"

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Great."

The night of the wedding was just slightly less than depressing. It rained. And it rained. And it rained some more. It rained so much that one might fear they would be swept away by the rapids suddenly sweeping the sidewalks. The guests to the unique American-style gathering were soaked, if not from head to toe,up to their knees, and the limos had quite a hard time reaching the front steps of the church. A large, towering steel cross stood quietly, as if silently laughing at the poor people who were to pay for the wedding.

Not that it wasn't a good one. The church was gorgeously decorated, lavishly furnished and deliciously adorned in cakes and treats to suit any taste bud. The gowns were professionally embroidered (If not somewhat expensively), and the flowers were fresh, crisp and sweet.

"Hiei's not here." Yusuke mumbled, eyes darting around the large room. Not that he had expected the small demon to come all the way from the demon plane for his wedding- but it would have been an incredibly pleasant surprise.

"Don't expect anything from shorty, Urameshi." The taller one mentioned, straightening his tie. "He's an ungrateful jerk face."

"Sure." The former-detective said, only half meaning it. "You're just jealous that his sword is more kick-ass than yours."

"What was that!" Kuwabara hollered. The dark-haired one, however, wisely chose to say nothing, and occupied himself with adding more gel to his hair.

"Hey, where's Kurama?" Yusuke suddenly asked, whipping around. "I'd have thought he'd be here by now."

Kuwabara put a finger to his chin. "Y'know, I thought I saw him earlier. Maybe he got stuck in this weather." Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"I hope not. The Universe hates me. Off all the damn days to flood Tokyo…"

Out of pure coincidence, the door swung open, and a very wet Kurama burst in, followed by Shiori Minamino, his human mother, and her husband Hatanaka, along with Suichi. The redhead closed the umbrella, and quickly shut the door behind them.

"Shuichi! Kuwabara'n I were just talkin' about you."

The hidden fox smiled. "Congratulations, Yusuke."

Shiori approached the detective, bowing slightly before him. "You must be Yusuke," she smiled, giving a sly glance quickly to her son, smirking. "Shuichi has told me so much about you."

"Well, he's told me a lot about you, Mrs.Minamino."

She smiled, and then proceeded with her small group into the chapel. Yusuke and Kurama chuckled in unison as they heard her exclaim (rather loudly) at how nice and unusual their wedding was.

After the greetings had finished and were long gone, the three stood in the entry hallway, making small talk about the unusual weather over small plastic cups of fruit punch.

Suddenly, in a fit of giggles, Botan exploded from the backroom.

"Yusuke!" She shouted. "Get in there! It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, y'know!"

Yusuke groaned and mumbled a slur of curses before shuffling to the chapel, followed by Kurama and Kuwabara. A hush befell the crowd, and the former-detective swallowed down his fear as he stared back at the large, eager eyes looking at him.

Doris stood in the back, whispering orders and writing down a jumble of illegible things in a small notepad. Soon, (what Yusuke assumed to be wedding music) began to play. Slowly, at first, but then growing as it became more relevant that Keiko was soon to come out.

The ceremony was a blur in Yusuke's eyes- a rapid, fast moving movie with color and pictures and large, superficial smiling faces. He vaguely remembered the American styled gowns, Yukina, Botan and Shizuru marching out, little Suichi coming out with a ring and handing it to him. He knew he should have been paying attention, because the American customs were quite hard to figure out and even harder to memorize- but he couldn't keep focused. He felt his eyes crossing, making every smiling, giddy face times 3. He suddenly felt incredibly dizzy and in desperate need of a cigarette.

And then, finally,Keiko. She walked out, somewhat hesitantly, trying desperately not to trip over the ridiculously long, lacy wedding gown hanging from her shoulders. She had a translucent veil over her face, and a tiara of fresh vines (compliments of Kurama, he was sure) to crown her head. Just like in the rehearsals, she walked slowly, stepping with the soft beat of that annoying wedding music. Yusuke held his breath, and quickly glanced at his two friends a little to his right, hoping for some sort of reassurance. Kuwabara had that goofy grin over his face and winked at Yusuke, mouthing something unintelligent. Stifling the need to smack him in the face, he glanced on to Kurama.

His eyes were unusually vibrant. Although his smile claimed "I'm happy for you", his eyes screamed something…different. Yusuke, however, never big on tact, swept it away with a small (unnoticeable) shrug and averted his attention, once more, at his bride-to-be.

The priest/monk/Christian guy (Yusuke wasn't sure which) began talking very slowly in Japanese, as if afraid his English accent would completely ruin the words he was saying. He was talking some shit about love and cherishing through sickness and health and blah blah. Yusuke didn't pay much attention to this, either. He kept side glancing at the redhead.

"If there is any reason these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." the priest said, looking expectantly at the crowd. No one spoke, and Yusuke sighed a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. How could anyone disagree with the choice Yusuke and Keiko had made to marry? Not anyone he knew, for sure.

"I object."

The whole audience whipped around, jaws agape. A black figure had burst through the tall double doors and was now standing completely still at the back of the room.

"Hiei! What the fuck are you doing?" Yusuke slurred, barely able to keep his anger at the fire demon contained. Hiei walked to where the small group was gathered.

"I'm stopping you from making a big mistake, fool." he spat coldly, as if it was the most blatantly obvious thing in the world. Kurama gave him a narrow-eyed glare.

"You are out of line, Hiei." The fox whispered.

"Yeah, shorty! What's your problem?"

Murmurs echoed from the crowd, questioning the intensions of this (rather short) stranger dressed in black. Hiei gave a sly sneer at the fox, which didn't seem to change the cold look Kurama was giving him.

"He doesn't love her." Hiei said, flatly and once again, rolled his eyes as if they were all incredibly dense to miss something so obvious.

"Who the hell are you to tell me who I love!" The former-detective spat, voice rising with every syllable. Now, the people in the audience were starting to get antsy and were whispering in fast, undecipherable words.

The Jagan on Hiei's forehead glowed a sickly green color, but remained guarded by the white ward he kept veiling it.

"Now wait a minute!" came a high-pitched screech from the back of the church. "This wedding took quite a lot of planning and hard work!" Doris had emerged from the shadows, hobbling on her thick legs (held up by two puny heels). Yusuke grunted and mumbled something incoherent about how much he'd have to borrow on loan to organize ANOTHER wedding, right as Doris walked up to Hiei and poked him in the chest. "Just who do you think you are, mister? Coming in here to patronize these poor people!" she nearly bellowed, hands waving wildly to signify her frustration.

"Just take a look around you, detective." Hiei said in a low tone. "You'll thank me."

And in a flurry of cape- he was gone.

Comments? Thoughts? Constructive Critisism? All feedback is welcome and taken with heed- however, nonsense flamings are flat-out ignored.