Disclaimer: The characters etc hereby belong to the wonderful creator of Harry Potter. JK Rowling where would we be without you?

CHAPTER 1-it began with a game of chess

"Checkmate, I win again," the cocky voice of James Potter sounded through the large room.

"What am I saying? Of course I won. No one can beat James potter at wizard chess."

He looked thoughtful for a moment. "In fact," he paused for dramatic effect, "They should change the name to Potter chess and be done with it."

Lily Evans watched this display in disgust. James Potter sat in the middle of the Gryffindor common room, surrounded by almost the entire Gryffindor population. He was leaning back in a comfortable armchair, with a smirk plastered across his face, as he ruffled his dark hair. A dozen girls sat around him flirting, shamelessly while he lapped up the attention. Lily sat back and watched the spectacle from a table across the room in her favourite chair.
Potter, she thought, he thinks he's so damn great at wizard chess, I bet I could take him.

James Potter had never been beaten at Wizard chess in his life, or so he said. He made a point of parading that fact every night, for the entire six years he had been at Hogwarts.
Every single night he challenged people to play him, and never once had he been beaten.

James Harold Potter, he was quite a piece of work. He along with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew formed an infamous prankster group called The Marauders.
James had raven coloured hair which stuck up at odd angles, and never laid flat. He had gorgeous deep hazel eyes teamed with gold rimmed glasses, and an almost perfect build from being a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He was loved by almost everyone (except the Slytherins', but who cares about them) and he had a cocky, carefree attitude.

Sirius Black had almost shoulder length ebony hair, with icy blue eyes, and had a carefree, prankster manner to match James'. He played a Beater on the Quidditch team, and was known for playing girls.

Remus Lupin was the sensitive marauder, with sandy hair, amber eyes and a pale, sickly complexion. He was a werewolf, but that is only known by the marauders and teachers. Although he took part in most pranks, he, as the responsible one, always knew where to draw the line.

Peter Pettigrew was a tubby boy, with blonde hair and watery blue eyes. He tagged along with the marauders because they could protect him. He is stupid and ugly and hardly anyone likes him. The Marauders found him useful though and accepted him into the group.

"Lily," someone nudged her out of her thoughts, "Lily, I bet you could beat him, Lils, you're excellent at Wizard chess." Lily's best friend Ally Knight had been trying to talk Lily into playing James for almost 5 years but Lily would have nothing of it.

Ally had shoulder length blonde hair and shining blue eyes. She was very mischievous and cunning when she wanted to be. Ally had a knack for butting into Lily's business and causing her trouble.

"No, Ally, I already told you, if I beat Potter, I would be noticed and I like being invisible."

Ally gave an irritated sigh and turned to watch James stand on the table and conjure a crown saying 'Chess King'.

It's true, Lily Evans was almost invisible at Hogwarts. She would like to keep it that way too. Though, with her bright red hair and stunning emerald eyes it seemed impossible for her to be unnoticed. Yet, no one saw her, except Ally, not even the teachers. Most people spilled secrets right in front of her never noticing she was there. Some people walked right into her or went to sit on her not seeing her. Lily tried hard to hide her quick, fiery temper, as it only caused trouble and so far so good. Lily sighed, but I do wonder what it would like to be noticed, for once.

"I know some one who can beat you." Ally's familiar voice, snapped Lily out of her thoughts, once again.

Lily was shocked to see that Ally was not addressing her, but calling loudly to James Potter.

Every body in the common room turned to face the person, and Lily shrunk back hoping they only saw Ally.

"Ally, you're not seriously going to play Potter are you?" Lily muttered.

"No." Ally whispered.

"Phew" Lily breathed.

Ally looked at her, "You are."

Lily's eyes went wide.

"So you think you can beat me?" James asked, he had come off the table, and was looking Ally up and down, studying her every move.

"No," Ally said smugly with a brief pause. "I think she can." With that Ally whirled around to point to a red faced Lily, cowering in her seat.

"You?" James questioned, while smirking knowingly. This girl looked barely 14, sitting and trembling in her seat.

Her, beat James Potter? What a joke, he thought arrogantly.

"No…I…I…I don't think that." Lily stuttered.

"Should of known," he came closer and circled her chair, as a vulture to their prey.

"I mean you're a pathetic 4th year, not even fit to challenge The James Potter. There is NO way you could ever beat me, what a laugh!" James said cockily before, chuckling and walking off.

That sent Lily over the edge. She tried to restrain herself but her face was growing redder as her rage built up inside her. All those years of keeping it bottled up did no good. Lily Evans had finally cracked.

She stalked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and punched him square in the nose forcefully. James stumbled back and was caught by Sirius Black.

"Geroff me," James yelled. "Get lost, I can stand by myself." He shrugged Sirius off before turning back to Lily.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" James asked, fixing his bleeding nose with a wave of his wand. What did this GIRL think she was doing, punching James Potter in the nose? This had never happened before, she was a GIRL, and it sure as hell wasn't going unpunished

"I, James Potter, am Lily Maree Evans, and I AM NOT a bloody fourth year I am a SIXTH YEAR STUDENT, AND I HAVE BEEN IN YOUR CLASS SINCE YOU FIRST CAME TO THIS SCHOOL!"

Lily yelled red in the face, she was really mad this time. People were cowering back from the redhead. Her hair seemed to be crackling around her, and her emerald eyes seemed to be burning as bright green flames.

James was shocked, he had never seen this girl before, and he prided himself on knowing, and dating every girl in his year - as well as others. Yet this girl was in his year, and his house and he had never seen or heard her before. Although, now that she was standing he could see she was definitely older than 4th year.

"Furthermore, Potter," she spat, "Not only can I challenge you to a game, but I will beat you without any effort, then we will see how mighty the great Potter is."

James quickly recovered from his shock, and stood straight again.

"You honestly think you can beat me…Evarts?" He asked trying to remember her name.

"It's Evans, you self absorbed, arrogant, git." She said through gritted teeth.

Once again James was taken back, he had NEVER been talked to like this, not even by Slytherins dared to speak to a Potter in this tone. He didn't like this girl one bit. How dare she make a fool of ME! Everyone loves me, especially Gryffindor! Just who does she think she is?

"Right, you're on, EVANS, be prepared to loose."

"Thanks for your concern but don't worry Potter, I NEVER LOOSE." She smiled and walked over to Ally.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Lily whispered.

"Whoa, Lils, that was scary, I have never seen you get THAT mad, and at James Potter none the less, you just better hope you beat him."

"Coming, Evers?" James called mock-sweetly interrupting their conversation.

"Evans," Lily muttered, "It is Evans." What have I got myself into?


Damn this girl is good, James Potter thought, although he'd never admit it aloud. No one has ever gotten this far with me before, and I'm actually trying. But I won't let her win. No one can beat me, especially with all of Gryffindor watching.

The two had been playing for four hours. Each of them thinking hard, plotting each move, planning their strategy. The Atmosphere in the common room was tense. The tension was thick. Though in the muggle world this would seem overly dramatic, the wizarding world was quite a different story.

There was an occasional gasp from the entire common room whenever a particularly hard move came into play. It was getting late but none of the crowd budged.

James glanced up at this strange girl occasionally, and each time took a deep breath. How could I not notice this girl, she is beautiful, she looks like an angel. He looked up again, and took a breath, she looks better each time…Wait no time for that. FOCUS.

"Knight to E-4, Check." He said leaning back in his chair with a smirk. I have finally beaten her.

"Let's see you get your way out of that, Evetts." Everyone seemed to be holding their breath in anticipation.

"At least you tried, pity you-"

"Uh uh uh, Potter, don't count you chickens before they hatch." Lily said mimicking James by leaning back in her chair, grinning. "Queen to A-3, Checkmate."

There was another intake of breath from the entire common room.

Lily watched James closely taking note off his reaction.

His smirk slowly disappeared, and his face lost a little colour. His face gradually turned into a disbelieving stare. James gazed at the chess board for another two minutes while everyone was in silence.

"WHAT?" James leaned forward in a hurry. "That can't be," he muttered. But it was. Lily had beaten him. Lily Evans had beaten James Potter at Wizard Chess.

Now, every one was watching his reaction. Every set of eyes were glued to the pair.

Lily, who had a knowing smile, and James who was looking stunned.

"Well," Lily said standing up to stretch. "Good game, Potter, at least you tried." She said putting out her hand for him to shake.

James eyed her hand, disbelievingly. This girl, this…this…GIRL…was infuriating him to every extent. SHE was humiliating him. She had the NERVE to shake his hand after she had…BEATEN HIM. THAT'S IT, he thought, Lily Evans, this is war.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, ignoring the warm tingling sensation flowing through his arms.

"Lily Evans," he whispered in her, sending chills down her spine "you have not heard the last of James Potter, not by a long shot, I AM better than you, and I WILL prove it."

With that he threw her hand back to her and stormed upstairs, leaving a smiling Lily behind.

Oh no, Potter,she thought. This ISN'T over, I'm tired of you and your damn ego, and I WILL put a stop to it.
So much for my invisibility.

And she too walked up stairs, although a tad more gracefully.