Author's note: Sorry to all those whom were confused at the ending of the last chapter. It was kinda an inside note between me, Good Lady Grace, and Krazywithak


Thanx to all my reviewers

PillzBerryDoughFrEaK: Thanks! I'll be sure to add more detail

YokoShippo: I may be able to use some of that…

Animegoddess12345: That's so nice! I'll update ASAP!

Annoying talking animal: Thanx so much! I'm having major trouble in French myself. Verbs are confusing…

BlackStormWitch: Sorry about the ending. That was my fault.

StArChAsEr09: Luv ya too! Thanx so much!

aquaTitangirl: Thanks, I'll be adding more RaeBB and Raven isn't too evil, just a little.

Chapter 4:WaterWorks

The Titans slept soundly on the chairs against the warm fire. Starfire had earlier found comfort sharing a chair with Robin.

She was now laying on his lap drifting into a silent slumber.


The Titans jerked themselves up in surprise to the sudden surprise.

"What the hell was that?" asked a half-awake Bee

"Where's Raven? She should be up by now." BB got up and strolled over to Raven's room.

"Hey Rae? Are you awake yet?" BB asked

Raven quickly hid her camera and laptop from which she had been watching.

"I'm fine. Why?" She answered

"We just thought you were asleep all day. Something up?"

"Nothing why." Raven opened the door greeting him with a warm smile

"Just checking in. Come out whenever you want."

"I'll be out in a while." Raven closed her door and fell on her bed with a small grin.

Back in the living room:

Robin had turned a crimson red and Starfire had hurried herself into the kitchen.

"Have a nice nap." Teased Cyborg to Bee who had fallen asleep the same as Robin and Starfire

"Quite nice actually." Replied Bee with a lopsided smile

"What time is it?" asked a moody Speedy

"Oh my God! It's almost dinner time!" cried Bee

"Soooo, who wants to go in the Jacuzzi!" asked Cyborg excitedly.

"I'm gonna stay out because of my cold." Bee complained

"I'm gonna stay with my girl." Said Cyborg putting his arm around Bee

"I'm gonna run to the store to pick up some dinner and other groceries before the storm gets worse. I am not eating Speedy" BB said

"Hey what's with me!" cried Speedy

"Do you really want to know?" asked Bee in a smart tone

"Hey…" muttered Speedy

During a short silence the three Titans eyed Speedy waiting for his excuse, but Speedy was just a little slow at times.

"Hey Speedy, didn't you say earlier that you desperately wanted to do and obey everything I told you to do? Like washing my socks?" Cyborg winked hard at Speedy

"Whaaaaaat?" answered a confused Speedy

Bee gave Cyborg a nudge hard in the side.

"Oh yeah and Bee's clothes." Bee smiled and gave him a small peck on the cheek

"What? Fine." Grumbled Speedy storming out of the room.

"Why don't you two just go in?" encouraged BB

"Well…" said Robin nervously still blushing

"Ok, that's a yes. Go get changed." Ordered Bee

Cyborg pushed Robin out of the room and Bee ran and grabbed Starfire's bathing suit.

Robin had his usual color of red on his swimsuit, but with a black stripe going down the side.

Starfire had a pink bikini that tied at basically every end.

Robin turned on the Jacuzzi and waited for it to warm up. Bee and Starfire walked out only to see Robin's eyes widen.

"Is the Jacuzzi "hot" enough?" questioned Starfire


The two climbed in and sat down. The bubblers began to start making Starfire a little jumpy. Suddenly the bubbles unexpectedly stopped.

A few little bubbled popped from Starfire's seat giving the impression that she had farted. But really the Tameranian was innocent.

She turned a bright red anyway and began to get out. But before she had walked to the steps, the Jacuzzi bottom began shaking.

Two rockets sprouted from behind Robin and caught his bathing suit lifting him off into the air. Starfire rapidly grabbed on of his legs and they were both launched into the snowy sky.

Robin let go before they had gotten far, but they were still about half a mile from the cabin. Both Titans fell from the sky into a snowy mattress, both unharmed.

"Are you ok, Star?" asked Robin to Starfire who had landed on top of him.

"I am unharmed, but are you the ok?" asked Starfire helping Robin up.

"The problem is that we are in the middle of the snow in freezing weather with barely any clothes on. If you try to fly, then you'll probably get lost because of all the snow." Said Robin

"But I must fly. I can help." Pleaded Starfire

"No Star, you'll get even colder up there. I won't risk that. We need to head north. Just follow me." Robin began heading north, but soon began limping.

"Robin, what is the prob-b-blem with y-your l-l-l-leg?" asked Starfire shivering

"I'm f-f-fine Star."

"No you are not. I will assist you." Starfire put his arm over her shoulder and they headed back to the cabin.

"What idiot did that!" yelled a furious Cyborg.

"There's nothing we can do now but look. They must be freezing." Advised Bee

"Bee take north, Cyborg south, BB west, and I'll take east." Commanded Speedy

Bee continued north and found poor Starfire and Robin freezing and Starfire having frostbite on her left arm.

She hurried both of them back to the cabin and called the rest in.

"When I find out who did this they will have a very large pineapple shoved up their ass." Snapped Bee

"And it better not be you." she glared at Cyborg

"God no, baby, I would never risk that." Pleaded Cyborg

Robin and Starfire were both huddled in blankets near the fire with Robin's arm around her.

"Looks like it kinda worked out." Whispered BB

"Let's just go to sleep. It's getting late." Cyborg gave Bee a kiss on the forehead and headed back to his bedroom with BB and Speedy.

"Everything's working as planned." Bee whispered to herself.