Author's note: This is a Starfire x Robin one-shot. If you like Robin x Raven, I suggest you don't read this.

It was a tradition every year for the Titans to go on a vacation together. Every year, for the past two years, something rather special has happened.

Last year the Titans went with the Titans East to Jamaica where Cyborg asked Bee out. Since then they've been dating. The year before, Aqualad had brought his now girlfriend, Aquamarine, and they've been together as a couple ever since.

The Titans were in the main room deciding where to go this year.

"Well, we've already been to Jamaica and Ocean City in Delaware," stated Raven.

"Yea, let's go somewhere different this year," suggested BB

"Hey y'all, let's go somewhere cold. Let's go skiing!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"We've all been skiing, right?" asked Robin.

All the Titans nodded their heads in agreement, except one; Starfire.

"Am the only one who has not participated in the sport of skiing?" asked Starfire embarrassed from her lack of experience.

"Guess so, but we can teach you!" Cyborg exclaimed once again, proud of himself for his ideas.

"It'll be fine Star, I'll help you," offered Robin.

BB and Cyborg looked at each other with mischievously evil grins on their face.

"Ok, looks like we're going skiing. Yippee," said Raven sarcastically

Robin went to the phone and for the next hour was working on booking a cabin.

"Hey guys!" Robin yelled trying to get the attention.

"Cyborg suggested we go to West Virginia. I found the best ski slopes there. Our cabin is in the woods, but it the biggest one they had. It's a three bedroom," added Robin "It's also has a Jacuzzi and a four star restaurant nearby.

"We leave tomorrow, let's get packed tonight. We'll go in an airplane, and then we'll have a driver pick us up." With saying that, Robin went back to his room.

"What is an airplane, Friend Raven?" asked Starfire completely unfamiliar to the term.

"You'll find out tomorrow. Go and pack about 9 outfits. Don't forget a nice outfit, bathing for the Jacuzzi."

The Titans all packed their bags into the T-car and made sped to the airplane just in case Starfire has some fears about it.

"Robin, what is an airplane and what does it do?" asked Starfire in her usual innocent tone.

"It's kinda like the T-sub, except it flies in the air. We have seats there and it flies us to West Virginia.

"I can fly myself, why must I ride in it?" Starfire made her eyes in a curious shape

"Because even though you can fly fast, the plane can fly faster and it is a really long distance for you to fly," answered Robin.

"Thank you, Friend Robin, for considering the distance for me." Blushed Starfire

Right after she said that, the car to a halt, and Cyborg announced they were there.

The Titans got their luggage and loaded them onto the airplane. They walked over to the metal detector line and placed their items on the trays.

"Why must we do this?" asked Starfire

"I'll tell you when we get there ok?" said Robin in reply.

Cyborg walked through and the alarm was sent off. Cyborg was excused because that was the way he was. BB and Raven went through with no problem.

Robin went through, but he too was excused, but had to give his weapons to one of the guards to load onto the plane separatly.

Starfire shuffled her feet nervously towards it.

"It's fine Star, it can't do anything to you," said Robin trying to make her a little more comfortable.

Starfire then walked through and the alarm went off. She wasn't carrying any weapons, but explained on her planet, a large amount of iron is injected into their bloodstream as infants to strengthen their immune systems against the harsh conditions of Tameran.

The guards, who had a hard time believing this, gave her a suspicious glare.

This made Starfire close to tears because she thought she had done something wrong.

Robin, seeing this, went back through the metal detector, took her hand leading her through, and gave the guards a death glare.

The security backed off and the Titans headed to the ticket booth to board the plane.

"I'm sorry, but something has gone wrong with the tickets," informed the clerk with a strong New York accent.

"What? I booked these tickets in advance." Replied Robin already annoyed about what had happened earlier.

"It looks like someone changed them. I'm sorry sir. I can get you five tickets though."

BB and Cyborg grinned now knowing their plan was going exactly how they expected.

"The only seats left are a single seat, and a pair of seats in first class, and a pair of seats in second class," said the clerk twisting her stringy black hair.

"Fine," Robin mumbled.

"I am taking the one seat." Raven picked up her bags, grabbed her bags, and quickly power-walked to the plane.

"You and Starfire take the first class. She'll be more comfortable there," Smiled BB.

"Ok," replied Robin slightly turning red.

The Titans went to their seats, put their bags in and all were seated. Except BB. He turned into a small monkey and picked up a little video camera Cyborg had. Their plan was going better than ever and BB was trying to find Robin and Starfire to videotape Star's first plan ride.

"The plane will be going into liftoff in one minute." Said the plane's monotone after the passenger had watched the movie concerning plane safety.

"What does liftoff mean?" asked Starfire a little nervous.

"It means the plane will be flying in a minute," answered Robin.

The plane turned and began to speed off.

"Robin, I am now afraid," Starfire grasped his hand

"It'll be fine Star."

The plane got faster and began to lift off the ground.

"Ahh!" squealed Starfire and then she turned over and buried her frightened ace into Robin's chest.

"It'll be over soon Star." Whispered Robin stroking her hair

The plane became a much smoother ride and the two separated both faces bright red and blushing.

BB hurriedly went back to Cyborg to show him the juicy footage.

"Perfect" Raven whispered to herself. The Titans hadn't known that she was also in first class diagonal from the couple.