It was the start of summer. The date was June 23 and the time on the alarm clock read 10:06 AM. Jean and Scott weresnuggled in each others arms, not even paying attention to the time. After hitting the snooze button five times, it finally rang. They both groaned, knowing very well it was time to get up.

"Ughh," Jean yawned. "what time is it?"

"A little after ten."

"I had the most amazing dream last night."

"Care to share?"

"We were married and then honeymooned in Jamaica. Oh and I can't forget the amzing sex we had."

"How amazing?"

"I'll show you later, I promise, but right now I have to get ready."

All Scott could do was smile, knowing that without a doubt Jean would never break her promise. Meanwhile, Jean was in the closet sorting through clothes, trying to pick out the best. Jean's so-called "special day" consisted of her getting her hair done and then the real surprise would come. Jean finally found an outfit. Actually, outfits. She then stuffed them into a huge duffle bag, kissed Scott good-bye, then headed out the door, where she met upwith Storm, Kitty, Jubilee, and Rogue.