This is my very first fanfic. I hope you like it, and I probably screwed up a ton of stuff, but we'll see how it turns out. I don't know much about how to do this, so like I said, let's see how it turns out. Don't forget to write a review!

I don't own Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go, the monkeys, Chiro, or like anything I used. Don't copy anything from this without my permission. Now, onto the story!

Chiro sat in his room, playing with a couple of his action figures, when all of a sudden,Antari called him by his communicator and asked him to come to the control room. Chiro went to the main control room, meeting his monkey friends, Antari, SPRX-77, Gibson, Nova, and Otto, they all stood looking at the large screen in the middle of the Super Robot.

"What's going on?" Chiro inquired.

"We seem to have picked up a distress beacon from Ranger 7, our moon." Gibson explained.

"Another tourist trying to prove that Ranger 7 isn't uninhabited?" SPRX-77 asked jokingly.

"At this time, I'm not sure. But seeing as it's close, we may want to check it out," said Gibson.

"It'd be cool, we're running low on Robot fuel anyway" said Otto.

"Well, we'd better get going then" said Nova.

"Monkeys, Mobilize!" exclaimed Chiro.

The monkeys ran over to their tubes that quickly sucked them up and sent them to different parts of the Super Robot. Nova, the right foot, Otto, the left foot, SPRX-77, the right hand, Gibson, the left hand, Antari, the head, and Chiro, the torso.

Nova, "Foot Crusher Cruiser Six, Go!"

Otto, "Foot Crusher Cruiser Five, Go!"

Gibson, "Fist Rocket Four, Go!"

SPRX-77 "Fist Rocket Three, Go!"

Antari, "Brain Scrambler Pilot Two, Go!"

Chiro, "Torso Tank Driver One, Go!"

Chiro, "Super!"

SPRX-77, "Robot!"

Antari "Monkey!"

Nova, "Team!"

Otto, "Hyper!"

Gibson "Force!"

All "Go!"

The Super Robot flew out of Shugazoom City and towards the planet's moon. They flew silently for a while, for it only took a couple of minutes to get to the deserted moon, when they landed in an empty area, and they all walked out of the door in the super robot's foot.

Gibson looked at his handheld scanner, "According to my scanners, the distress beacon is coming from just over that hill." They began to walk.

SPRX-77 walked over to Nova. "So, Nova, how've you been doing lately?"

Nova looked at him, annoyed. "Just fine Sparks, nothing to report I guess, why?"

SPRX-77 looked at his feet "Well, see I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but I was wondering if you might want to…"

Before SPRX-77 could even finish his sentence Chiro noticed something alarming. "What is that?" Standing before them was a spaceship that was being attacked by a strange snake like creature that had the vehicle completely wrapped, and was squeezing it tightly. "Whoever's sending that distress beacon really does need our help! Hyperforce, Go!"

Otto was the first to attack. "Scritch, scratch, Doomthrower!" Otto turned his monkey hands into razors, pushed them together and energy flew out and attacked the snake. It jumped back a little bit and turned to attack the monkeys.

"Laser Criss Cross!" yelled Gibson, his hands turned into drills, lasers came out of them (criss-crossing) and the snake cried out in pain.

"Mega Monkey Paw!" Antari's hands turned into pure energy and he attacked the creature's tail and quickly cut the end off. It turned to face Antari crying loudly in pain, and lunged its mouth towards him to eat him.

"Chiro, spearo!" yelled Chiro, a lighting rod appeared in his orange gloves and he lunged it at the creature's head. It backed up and eyed the four that had attacked him.

"Gyro Roll!" cried SPRX-77, whose hands had turned into magnets, and he created a magnetic field around himself and charged the creature. It jumped back and raised its giant head to eye the four that had just attacked him. They continued to attack with various attacks, and the creature began to slow down.

"Boom, Boom…" Nova began to attack, but before she could jump high in the air and activate her giant hands, she felt a large rock hit her in the back of the head, and she immediately shut down. None of her friends noticed, because they were too busy fighting the snake creature. They also failed to notice when a small teenage boy snuck back onto the space shuttle, and it took off, carrying with it their good friend, the yellow robot monkey named Nova.

"This creature has to have a weakness!" noted Gibson.

"Perhaps we should look at this creature from a new perspective!" suggested Antari.

Suddenly, Chiro came up with an idea, "A new perspective, of course!" Chiro activated his rocket pack and flew directly towards the creature's mouth. It quickly lunged for him and swallowed him whole.

"Chiro!" yelled Otto and Gibson simultaneously. Antari simply smiled, he knew what Chiro had in mind, he used the power primate to go to Chiro, and saw him. Chiro was in the creature's stomach, which was rather unpleasant and smelled of rotten fish. Chiro swam through the liquid to the side wall, while he noticed he didn't have much time because the acid in the creature's stomach was eating through his boots. He reached the side of the stomach and quickly yelled "Thunder Punch!" and unleashed as much energy as he could muster. Just as he had planned, he tore a hole in the creature's stomach, and all the way out of the creature. He tumbled out of the ugly snake, and back to his friends. The snake keeled over, and wobbled out of sight.

"Hey, kid you're all right! We thought you were a goner for sure!" said SPRX-77.

Antari returned to his black monkey body. "Ah, Chiro, you're problem solving skills are becoming most impressive. I knew you could come up with a solution. For anything is possible with the Power Primate."

"Hey Chiro, did you see anything cool in there? I've always wanted to be swallowed by a giant snake. Did it have teeth? Cuz' I've always wondered if snakes had teeth, or if they ate things some other way," inquired Otto.

"Uh, can't really say I noticed that much Otto" answered Chiro.

"Well, I noticed the awful smell you have, kid, let's get you back to the Super Robot so you can take a shower or something" SPRX-77 suggested.

"Sure, but, where's the person we're supposed to be rescuing. In fact, where's the shuttle the snake thing was crushing?" wondered Chiro.

"It must have taken full advantage of our fight as a distraction to get away," suggested Gibson.

"Sure, why not? Let's go to the Robot," said Chiro. He looked around looking at all of the robots who had turned around to head back. "Hey, where's Nova?"

"She was right next to me a second ago! Well, before we started fighting," said SPRX-77. "So, where'd she go? She'd never walk away from a fight! Fighting and stuff is her favorite thing in the world!"

Gibson picked up the scanner he had set down before the fight. "According to my scanners, there are no other life forms anywhere on the planet besides us and the Super Robot! That means she's either on the robot, or…"

"No! She didn't get hurt in the fight! She's fine! There's no way ANYTHING could have happened to her, if something did…" his voice trailed off.

"Maintain hope, my friend. The power primate shall provide the answer to our dilemma," encouraged Antari. He then began to focus all of his energy to the power primate and contacting Nova. Antari saw her. She was sitting against a wall, unconscious, in a dark room, with only her eyes glowing. He couldn't tell where she was, and wherever she was it didn't feel familiar. He then woke up back to Chiro, Otto, SPRX-77, and Gibson. "Wherever she is, she's in trouble. However, I can't figure out where she is."

"NOTHING is going to happen to Nova, we're going to find her!" SPRX-77 yelled, "We're going to help her."

"Well we can't do anything from here, let's go back to the Super Robot" said Otto. So, the four monkeys and one fourteen-year-old boy quickly ran to the Super Robot, eager to find out what happened to Nova, and not knowing how far away she was.