My Favorite Mistake
By: aspdstra
SUMMARY: Set during senior year at Tree Hill High; If it was a mistake, it wouldn't keep happening...
DISCLAIMER: No. I wouldn't even go there. So don't you.
Nathan sat in his uncomfortable student desk, rattling his pen between his fingers and watching the clock act all smug by ticking extra slow just because he was watching it. Why did 4th period feel so friggin' long today? Oh yeah, it was probably because he had yet to see Brooke and was accordingly driving himself insane with unhealthy withdrawal behavior.
This was all a bit ridiculous.
He'd slept with the girl once. Once. Okay, in reality if you'd counted how many times they'd actually done it, it was more than once, but it was one sleeping-with event total. How did that warrant impatience and anxiety over not having seen her all day? Well I'll tell you. Among other things, Brooke was a great fuck, and unbeknownst to his wife and former lover, he'd actually enjoyed one night of sex with Brooke more than over a year of marriage and occasional sex with Haley. Did that make him feel guilty? As hell. But could he help it? Methinks not.
Finally the bell rung, and Nathan had to hold back from breaking into a run to escape the torture chamber that had been his classroom for the past forty-nine minutes. Casually strolling down the hallway, he spotted Brooke shoving her books in her locker, wearing a silky amethyst strapless top and dark blue jeans that fit in all the right places, complimented by a pair of attractive heels. If his thoughts weren't in the gutter before, they were now.
Brooke felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle with anticipation and she glanced over her shoulder just in time to see Nathan brush against her side then stand in front of her, leaning on the locker next to hers and smirking like there was no tomorrow. Damn him.
"I was beginning to think you were avoiding me," he spoke mirthfully into the silent staring contest.
Brooke rolled her eyes and grinned. "Don't give yourself too much credit, I was running late this morning."
Nathan shoved his hands in his pockets. "Really?"
She nodded. "Mhm. Why, were you hopelessly lost without me or something?" It was meant as a joke, but nothing about the look in his eyes entailed he was joking. She felt very naked all of a sudden.
"Something like that, yeah," he agreed, pinning her with his unrelenting stare. "What're you doing for lunch?"
"Eating. You?"
Nathan managed a fake smile at her dry joking and was prepared to answer when Haley came up to them and gave him an interrupting kiss on the mouth. "Hey husband, hey Brooke," she greeted cheerfully, clinging to Nathan's bicep.
Brooke tried not to blanch at the display and put on a happy face, grabbing her mini purse. "Hey tutor wife. Romantic fast food meal for two?"
Haley laughed. "Possibly. Depends what my boy toy here is doing."
Nathan looked down at Haley and gave a tight grin. "Sure babe, lunch out sounds great. Gimme a sec? Brooke wasn't here and she needs my notes from first period."
"Aw that's just precious, being all responsible and looking out for Tardy McLate," Haley snarked playfully, receiving a sour grin from Brooke.
Nathan caught eyes with Brooke and he had to swallow what he really wanted to say in response. "I try."
Haley placed a good-natured hand on Brooke's arm and headed for the door. "Alright you two. Nate, I'll be in the car — and hurry up, 'cause I'm starving."
Once Haley had left the premises, Brooke all but let out a sigh of relief. "Can we say awkward?"
Nathan's eyes shifted. "Yeah, sorry about that."
"It's fine, totally out of your control. Sort of."
They stared at each other for a minute more before Nathan spoke up again. "You do realize you're not off the hook, right?"
Brooke smirked in an attractively Grinch-like manner. "Oh I wouldn't dream of it."
"After school?"
"Cheer practice."
"After cheer practice?"
"No good — I'll be in the shower."
It was Nathan's turn to wear the Grinch-y grin. "Sounds good to me," he concluded, scanning her form in approval.
She disguised a desperate attempt at cooling off as a hair flip and shut her locker. "Have fun explaining that long period of absence to the ball-and-chain."
Nathan inched closer until he was hovering in her personal space. "Why don't you let me handle that?"
Brooke matched his promiscuous gesture by slowly licking her lips and combing her hair away from her face. "I think I will."
It took everything Nathan had in him to not maul her right there in front of all the remaining students of Tree Hill High. Nope, too risky. Words would just have to do. "I want to kiss you so bad right now."
Brooke looked down at his right front pocket and saw some folded papers sticking out. Assuming they were for her, she dug a little deeper than was needed in order to retrieve them, gaining no small amount of satisfaction from the tortured expression on Nathan's face, then tucked them away in her purse and grinned. "Later."
"That was mean," he stated with a furrowed brow.
"You'll get over it," she told him before breezing past and strutting out the back door.
Nathan made sure to take an extra long mental cold shower before getting in the car with Haley, for obvious reasons.
It could not be healthy or womanly to feel this sweaty after one cheer practice. Dragging her feet up the stairs to her room, Brooke silently thanked her Maker for the wonders of indoor plumbing before tossing her gym bag on the floor and going into instant strip mode on the way to the bathroom.
As Brooke turned the water to lukewarm, she couldn't help but grin to herself at the prospect of Nathan somehow showing up and ravaging her against the shower wall. Seriously, how romance novel/bad teen drama could you get? All the same, it was a very welcome image, which she didn't mind entertaining as she closed the glass door behind her and fell into a lull under the relaxing spray.
Meanwhile, Nathan had convinced Haley that she hadn't been seeing enough of Lucas and a full night of movies and hanging out was in order. And there was probably something dramatic about how he'd try and manage to survive added in there, he couldn't remember. Point was he had fabricated a golden opportunity to get out of the house. Things could only get better from here on out, he told himself, pulling his black Mustang into the Davis driveway and making his way up the walk and inside the conveniently unlocked door. Hey, this could be good. Maybe she was expecting him. Or maybe her family just had a problem with locking their doors. Whatever. Inconsequential blather, he was distracting himself.
Up the stairs and down the hall in a jiff, he peeked his head inside her room — empty of any Brooke-ly personages, but there was obvious evidence of her having been there already, not to mention the barely distant rush of running water. Nathan felt the smirk creep up the corner of his mouth as he made his way inside the steam-ridden bathroom and crossed his arms, leaning against the sink, parallel to the shower.
He heard her humming and occasionally singing some unknown tune, quite off-key and obviously unaware of his presence, so he decided to make her aware. "Nice pipes."
Brooke squealed and dropped her bottle of shampoo, Nathan's chuckle at her expense not lost on her, and she slid back the shower door just a crack, fixing him with a glare. "Yeah that's brilliant, Scott — give me a heart attack, complications arise, I die. Then where will you be?"
Nathan's smirk remained intact. "At a hospital, feeling really horny."
Her expression withered. "Gosh, you've just charmed the silly right outta me," she droned, sliding the door shut and returning to her cleaning ritual.
Nathan looked smug, taking off his shirt and shoes simultaneously. "Give it time."
Brooke saw his shadow disrobing and peeked her head out again. "And just what do you think you're doing?"
"Getting in," he informed matter-of-factly.
"Oh really?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Nathan loosened the drawstring on his gym shorts, grinning. "Yes really. That gonna be a problem?"
She watched as his shorts pooled around his ankles, eyeing him favorably, then disappeared behind the door. "Can't see why. As long as you're not a water hog."
Nathan snorted and made his way inside the shower. "I don't think you'll have time to be worrying about that."
"Oh? And what makes you so sure?" Brooke asked with a smirk, her back to him during a shampoo cycle.
His arms crept slowly around her waist, and she leaned into his embrace, tilting her head to the side and allowing him greater access to continue with that lovely little kiss-and-nibble activity he had going for him on her neck. "Something tells me you're gonna be very busy…"
She hummed in appreciation. "You know...I'm gonna have to agree with you on that."