- So The Story Goes -

(A/N: I'm back to update another chapter. Hehe…)

Disclaimer: Jade-Scorpio DO NOT own Inuyasha, never did and never will. But I really wish I did.

Chapter Eight: Flash Backs To The Past

" I'm finally here" Sango sighed it's an hour walk to get to the café. She wished she could at least sit on the bus, but Kaguya won't let her. Walking is her only option.

.:. Flash Back 2 Years Ago .:.

" You're now 15 years old, old enough to work at the café and in the hospital. You'll start right after you come back from school." Said Kaguya.

" Yes Kaguya, but it's really far away from the mansion, and the school, is it okay if I can take the bus?" Asked Sango.

" No, you can't. You have to walk, besides it's a good exercise." Kaguya replied.

.:. End If Flash Back .:.

' I thought it would be okay, I never knew my shift finishes at 10:00 p.m.' She said in her mind. ' First shift at the hospital.'

" Clean the floor, rooms, makes the beds… wow this is a long list." Said Sango. " I better get started."

.:. Flash Back .:.

" Done," said Sango. Then Kaguya and Kayla walked pass by with muddy boots, it has a long trail behind all the way from outside. Then Kaguya shot Sango a look.

" I get this clean in a few second," said Sango.

" It's always like this, after I finished cleaning something else comes up." She murmured to herself.

.:. End Of Flash Back .:.

" Just two more rooms to go." Said Sango. She walked into the last room, it brought back the memory the first time she met Inuyasha.

.:. Flash Back .:.

" Here's your friend's meal, I hope he is okay." Said Sango, with a tray of food.

" He is okay, he just got into a bad fight with this guy, he thought he was flirting with Ayame." Inuyasha explained.

" I see, I'm just glad he's okay," Sango said quietly.

" What's you're name?" asked Inuyasha.

" My name is Sango, what's yours?" Sango returned the question.

" Inuyasha"

.:. End Of Flash Back .:.

" I never thought I would actually talk to a popular guy before," she said to herself smiling.

" I can never forget that day… The day at school…"

.:. Flash Back .:.

This had happened during Grade 10. It started out as a normal day, getting ready to go to school. It was all good until…

-Bell Rings Lunch Time-

' There's a table at the corner that's empty.' Thought Sango. She was eating the left over from yesterday, not long Mean Queen Gang came.

" You own me," said the long, raven black hair girl.

" Yeah, remember?" said one of her friend.

Sango just remembered she own Kikyo a hot cup of coffee. On the day before she accidentally step on Kikyo's feet, because a kid pushed her out of the way. As an apology she has to buy Kikyo a cut of coffee (it's what Kikyo wanted).

" I'll get to it right away," said Sango, leaving everything behind to get Kikyo what she wanted.


" Ew! This is what she eat, that's disgusting!" Kikyo made a disgusted face, and push the plastic bag aside.

" How poor is this girl?" said one of her friend named Tina.

" Good thing I know, I'll stay away from her!" Rika added.


" I'm back Kikyo, fresh from the best coffee store…" she handed Kikyo the coffee.

Kikyo took a zip, and spitted all out. " Disgusting! You call this best coffee?"

" But I got it from…" Sango tried to explain.

" Why don't you taste it!" Kikyo shouted, she opened the lid, and splashed the coffee on to Sango's face.

Sango used her hands, and arms to cover her face, still a little bit of burning hot coffee landed on her face.

She bit her lips hard to resist the burnt hands, when she took a look at them they were tomato red.

She then did an action that no one would ever believe, which caused the biggest humiliation of her life…

Her anger took the best of her, she had never been this mad before.

She struck Kikyo across the face, before she knew Inuyasha was standing right beside them.

Sadly Inuyasha only saw the part when Sango slapped Kikyo.

Inuyasha's face filled with anger, the anger looks like he is going to do something bad, really bad! " How dare you slap my girlfriend!"

" Inuyasha, it's not what it looks…" Sango quickly said, it isn't what Inuyasha thought he only saw the last part.

" I know what it looks like!" he shouted.

" Inuyasha, she… she slapped me! I was just talking with my friends." Kikyo said with tears coming out of her eyes, it looks like it's real, but it isn't.

Inuyasha's eyes filled with flames.

" Inuyasha, I'm sorry… I didn't meant to slap Kikyo… she was… I… coffee… me…" She said try to catch her breath, watching Inuyasha walking close to her as she take a step back.

" Don't tell me you didn't slap Kikyo, I saw everything!" he shouted.

There's not point of explaining to Inuyasha, no matter what she say he won't believe her.

" You're right, you saw everything. I slapped her… no matter how I explain it, I still slapped her." She said softly, she wished just once people would believe her. She slapped Kikyo and she can't deny that, the only problem is he didn't see everything.

Outside of the cafeteria you can hear there's a loud slap sound coming from inside, you can hear kids booing.

She slides cross the floor and knock her head on the table's leg.

" BOO! How are you slapped Kikyo!" everything in the cafeteria repeated over and over again.

All you can see is a girl lying against the wall not moving; everyone in the cafeteria was throwing his or her garbage at her. Laughing, taunting.

' I guess… I got… Inuyasha really… mad, one more strike like that I think I'm going to pass… out…' she thought. ' This is my second most embarrassing moments of my life.'


Inuyasha was going to attack again; his friends all push him back, and pulled him out of the cafeteria.

" Inuyasha! What have you done! The girl didn't do anything!" said Miroku. " How could you slap a girl like that? You call yourself a man?!"

" You all saw she slapped Kikyo didn't you?" said Inuyasha. " Kikyo is my girlfriend, oh should I say 'good job, good job slapping Kikyo'?"

" That part is true-" said Koga, but he was cut off by…

" Then that's all there is to it!" said Inuyasha.

" You didn't see what happened before!" said Ayame. " I saw it, because I was there! Come on guys, we all need to talk privately."

Miroku, Koga, and Ayame dragged Inuyasha out of the cafeteria.

" Let go of me! Do you want me to hurt you too?!" Inuyasha shouted.

" Alright, but you need to come with us to have a little talk." Said Koga.


" I saw Sango got a cup of coffee for Kikyo, next thing you know Kikyo spit the coffee out, and throw the rest on to Sango's face." Said Ayame.

" You know how hot the coffee is?" said Miroku.

" Then Sango slapped Kikyo, that's when you just came in." said Koga.

" Oh," said Inuyasha.

" Oh? That's it, that's all you have to say?! Inuyasha no offence of me saying this, but I would do more than slapping Kikyo if that was me." Said Ayame, she feel like slapping Inuyasha across the face to knock some sense out of him. " I don't even know why you like that… that…"

" That what?"

" That… that…never mind. You get the point."

" Inuyasha think properly. Do you think a girl like her would just slap Kikyo? Do you think she is brave enough? The only time when you are brave enough to do something that you can't never imagine, is anger. Why do you think she get mad, it's quite obvious Kikyo is the one who started this." Said Koga.

" Oh… right…"

" Still with the 'oh'. All we're saying is you own her a big apology buddy." Said Miroku. " You hit her pretty bad, I'm sure there's a big bruise on her face. I wonder how are you doing to deal with that. You'll be lucky if she doesn't hold a grudge on you."

" Thanks guys, don't know how am I going to solve this without you guys."


Sango removed her hood, and took a look at her face in the mirror. It was all red, and with a big bruise on the left, where Inuyasha slapped her. There was a little steam of blood sliding down to from the side of her mouth. Then she looked at her hand, it was burned pretty bad. She opened the tap with cold water, and rinsed her hand for a moment.

" How can I go to work? I can't use my hand…" she said to her self, walking out of the washroom.

When she look up a gang stand in from of her. She thought it was over. Oh great, another one starts. Normal, just normal.

" No one ever slapped me before, and who ever did will suffer." She laughed evilly. " You sure got my boyfriend mad, the slap hurts does it? I will make you mad, and I will make you suffer more and more. Everyone would hate you so much in the end, that no one is on your side."

Sango leaned against wall, wishing it was just a dream, it wasn't, and it was real.

Four girls behind Kikyo walked up to her while cracking their knuckles.

Sango can feel the cold chill going through. The girls walked up to her with evil looks in their eyes. Before she knew she was on the ground getting herself beaten. It seemed like forever…

" Let's get out of here, someone's coming." They said and ran away.


" What was that?" Inuyasha said to himself, he heard some noises. As he walked he saw a girl lying on the ground, looked like she just got beaten up. It was the girl he slapped. She's bleeding he can smell the fresh blood.

" Hey, are you okay?" he went up to her and asked, while trying to help her get up.

" Inuyasha… I'm really sorry about Kikyo. I… I…didn't mean to… I guess my anger got the best of me… you can hit me if you want… I know I deserve it…" Sango said softly.

" You just got beaten didn't you? Or was it the slap I gave you." he said softly.

" No…I didn't get beaten, or get hurt from the slap you gave me. You didn't hit that hard. I just had an accident on the way to the washroom that's all. " She replied.

" Don't lie." He said. " I'm really sorry."

" For what you didn't do anything wrong." She said.

" Yes I did, I thought you slapped Kikyo. Now I know it was Kikyo who started it first." Inuyasha explained.

" No, Kikyo didn't do anything. I was just out of my mind, I started." She doesn't want to create problem between them.

" I guess you're not a bad girl at all, trying not to create problems between Kikyo and I. Usually girls would just trying to get us to break up. It's okay, look at you're hands it's all red. Come with me, to apply some medicine on those wounded spots." He said walking beside her.

She limped quickly as she can, to catch up with Inuyasha. Too bad her legs aren't cooperating with her she fell every few steps.

" You are badly injured." He said to Sango.

" It's okay, I can walk…" she replied.

" And fell every few steps? I don't think so." He said, and he carried her in a bridal style.

" Thanks you Inuyasha." She said smiling, and wrapped her arm around his neck. She is definitely forgiven Inuyasha.


" Do you mind to take off you're hood?" Inuyasha asked.

" Sure." She said. She is really shy to show her face, she knows she is really ugly right now.

' I hit her really bad.' He thought looking at her face non-stopped. ' She's pretty I wonder why does she hide under that hood.'

" I know I'm ugly, don't pity me, there's nothing good about me." She said quietly.

" It's not that you're ugly, I'm really sorry I hit so hard." He said while putting on medicine.

' She got a lot of wounded spot on her face. Her eyes… it's filled with sadness.' He thought.

" It's okay." She said while looking down.

" Can you pull you're pants up?" he asked.

There was a lot more wounded spot on her leg, than face.

" Did you just got beat up?" Inuyasha asked.

" No, why?" she asked.

" Don't lie." He demanded. " I heard the some girls saying ' let's get out of here, someone's coming' I have sharp ears.

" Well… I… I…" she said while tears coming out. " I…"

Inuyasha don't know what to do, but to wrap his arm around her try to comfort her. Sango leaned against Inuyasha's chest and cried. Then she realized…

" I'm sorry, I didn't meat to hold on to you like that." She said whipping her tears, and limped toward the door. " I have to go to my classes. Thank you so much Inuyasha, for everything."

.:. End Of Flash Back .:.

' From that day on, Inuyasha is always in my heart. He's the only one at school who is this nice to me. I just hope I won't fall in love with me. But how am I going to control this feeling… there's no way Inuyasha would like me. I'm don't have the looks, or the clothes…' Sango thought while sweeping the floor. ' It's pointless. Why can't guys these days just love someone for who they are on the inside. Instead of how they look on the outside.'

' Why is my life have to be this way? Every time when I have fun, something bad comes up. Every time I make a mistake, something really bad comes up. I would never my first most embarrassing moment. Why did that do that? I regret it ever so much.'

.:. Flash Back To Grade 8 .:.

" He likes you, trust me. I saw him always looking at you! You should tell him. It's the end of the year, come on Sango." Sango's friend said.

" Really, you think?" asked Sango while blushing. " But he's so cute and popular."

" Of course I'm sure, did I ever lie to you before?"

" You're my best friend Lily!" said Sango as she hugged her. The only friend she had was Lily - she's always by her side.


" Timmy, I…" Sango's heart was beeping out loud, really loud and fast.

" What it is Sango?"

" I… I… I… I…like you, a lot… since grade 1," she finally admit her feelings for her crush.

" Uh… sorry… I don't like ugly girls." Timmy said as he talked off.

" Ugly… girl…" water started pouring out of her eyes.

" So what happened, are you guys a couple now?" asked Lily.

" He said… he said…"

" Sango, are you okay?"

" He said ' he doesn't like ugly girls.'" Cried Sango.

" I'm sorry Sango. I didn't know, I thought the whole time he was looking at you. It's all my fault." Said Lily with a sad voice.

" It's okay Lily, everyone makes mistakes." Said Sango trying to whip away that tears.

" I won't tell anyone."

" Thanks Lily, you're always there for me."

Everything was going okay, until the next day at school.


" HAHA!!! Why would a popular guy, would like you?" the crowds of people laughed.

' What? How did this happen? How did they find out? Lily? I've got to go talk to Lily.'


" Lily, I need to talk to you." Said Sango. " Did you tell everyone about yesterday?"

" Yup, everything."

" But why… Lily I thought you were my best friend?"

" I was never your friend."

" What? All this time… everything you did it was… a lie?"

" I'm Kikyo's best friend. She paid me to get secrets out of you."

" But why? What did I do wrong?"

" Remember you accidentally spill your juice on Kikyo's favorite skirt?"

" I apologized."

" Kikyo didn't think that's enough. So she sends me."

" Why… why… why did you…"

" This is life accept it."

" Lily… I can't believe I thought…"

" Good job Lily," said Kikyo. " You sure are my best friend."

" No problem Kikyo. I never liked this girl anyway."

' Why… Why… Why…'

" HAHAHAHAHA!!! Loser! Loner! Ugly girl!" the crowds continuously laughed.

" Hey Lily," said Timmy as he went to hug her.

" Hey Timmy,"

" You and Timmy…?" asked Sango speechless.

" Oh did I forget to mention? The person Timmy kept on looking at was me."

.:. End Of Flash Back .:.

" All the time, I trusted Lily. But it was all a lie." Sango murmured to herself. " I had never felt so betrayed in my life."

" I suppose this is faith. I did something wrong? This is punishment? I can't change my life, no matter how hard I try."

The more things change, the more it'll stays the same…

(A/N: It took me this long to update, sorry I've been really busy with school. I couldn't find time to write the story. I don't think my story is that good, since not many people are reading it. I probably would stop writing the story. Review please!)