Authors Notes: I started writing this when (surprise surprise) I had a headache. Then it evolved into something more, and now it just has a life of its own. Still, the only thing I own is the plot. I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon; I just like to play around with the characters. Is that really so wrong?

Takes place during the second season of SM, while Mamoru is being a whiny little dork because of some dreams, and before Endless Waltz in GW.

I Have a Headache - Chapter 1
By: Eternal Rose

I have a headache. Did you know that? It really hurts, and I can't quite see straight. Maybe I should talk to Ami about this…

"Sailor Moon!" Oh joy. The damn communicator is going off again. Why do I always have to show up for the stupid fights? Can't they take care of themselves? They always were able to in the Silver Millennium. And another thing - why am I being so mean today? I think its safe to say that its because I have a headache.

"What'd you want?" I mumble, pulling the blankets down from over my head. I really was looking forward to getting some sleep, and maybe, just maybe, getting rid of my headache that way. Rei's face stared back at me, and for a moment I could have sworn I saw pity flash across her face.

"Usagi, we have a problem." Says she. "Get to the temple as soon as you can."

"Why?" I asked, a little dazed and confused. I really wish I didn't have this headache. I can barely make out her face on the little monitor screen, and I'm not entirely sure I actually asked that question aloud or stopped talking after I asked it.

"Just be here, it's important." Rei tells me. I slowly drag myself out of bed, and turn to go to the meeting. Luna is curiously absent from my room, and I can't help but wonder where she is. Oh well, who cares? Better still, shouldn't I be relieved that she isn't nagging me? I guess having a headache just sorta turns everything upside down.

I walk casually over towards Rei's temple, and when I finally arrive, all of them are just staring at me. Ordinarily, I would have reacted to this, maybe cried, or something like that. Really though, they were at school today. They ought to know I have a headache, and that I'm not functioning well today. After all, I was even spacier than usual. Not particularly caring, I plop down into my usual seat at the table.

They all continue staring at me.

"What!" I finally scream after this continued for ten minutes. Today is definitely not the day to get on my bad side. I'm really not of a mind to listen to anyone's nonsense. I quickly think back, at least as best as my muddled mind could recall, on what I had done recently that might have earned me such looks. Let's see, I heard my communicator, got up, and came here. Yep, that was all I'd done, and STILL they were staring at me.

"You guys are all really freaking me out!" I say, glaring back at them as best I can. Finally Makoto speaks up.

"What happened to your hair?" She asks me. Slowly, I reach my hand up and touch the spot where one of my odango usually resides. Nothing's there. I shrug non-commitally. Those things are actually pretty heavy, although no one else ever seems to figure that one out. Some brilliant scholars we have here, ne? Besides, I already have a headache and the last thing I need to do is make it worse.

They're all still staring at me.

"Rei, just tell me why you called me here so I can go home, ok? I'm really not in the mood to just sit here and have you all stare at me." I say as patiently as I can. She looks at me curiously and then nods.

"We have something for you." Minako speaks up. My head slowly turns in the direction of my fellow blonde, and she waits until it gets all the way there. Then she gets up, and opens a door. From behind it steps… Mamoru Chiba.

"What'd you want?" I ask, feeling the words slur. I really don't want to talk to him right now. Maybe I shouldn't have had all those aspirin. I mean, I did have a headache, but they say too much of that stuff can make you high. Is that what I am? High? If this is high, it really bites. My head hurts…

"Usagi, there's something I have to tell you." Mamoru said, and he smiled at me. Mmmmm, he hasn't smiled at me since we broke up. I really hope he doesn't think he can waltz in here and apologize and everything will be perfect. I'm really not feeling forgiving, and if he and the others can't see that then something is really wrong here. I stare at him, for a change.

"Usagi, I only broke up with you because I was having some rather disturbing dreams." He stares deep into my eyes. I don't react, and he continues as nervousness flickers across his face. "I kept seeing you dying because of me, and I wanted to protect you, so I decided to stay away from you."

"Needless to say, we found out about it." Ami says, giving Mamoru as close to a glare as she's ever given anyone. My eyes widened slightly, she almost looked angry! Ami is usually so calm that I have difficulty thinking of her with anger in her eyes. Ow. Thinking is not good.

"After a little… persuasion, he agreed to tell you." Makoto added. The way she smacked her hand against her fist, and the bruise on Mamoru's cheek, gave me an idea of what had gone on. I smiled slightly. Maybe having some overprotective senshi was a good thing. My dim mind was vaguely aware that someone else had started talking, and I pondered whether or not I really cared about what whomever it was had to say.

"… anyway Usagi, I was wondering if it would ever be possible for you to forgive me for what I've done, and to maybe even be friends with me, if not come back to me." Mamoru finished, looking at me hopefully. I can't believe they still haven't noticed that I'm not really aware of what's going on. Damn, my head hurts so much it feels like its going to explode.

"Usako?" He questions tentatively, reaching out and shaking my arm slightly. I shake my head slightly, trying to clear it. A minute has passed, and the others are starting to look worried because I haven't answered him yet. For that matter, I haven't reacted at all yet. Would someone please get rid of the jackhammer so I can think again?

I'm barely cognizant that my senshi are around me, Ami is scanning me, and the others are all just staring as my eyes roll into my head and I finally pass out.

Damn headache.

~* GW Dimension *~

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat. This shuttle ride was taking way to long, and I have a headache. Just to make my evening a little worse, the others decided that it would best if Duo sat next to me. Naturally, he's rambling on about nothing in particular, none of which is really penetrating my mind, but all of which is just making my head hurt more.

"Omae o korusu!" I say, clicking the safety off of my gun and aiming directly between his eyes. Honestly, you'd think he'd have caught on by now that I don't want to talk to him. I've already threatened to shoot him twenty times today! One of these times I'm really going to just break down and let myself do it.

Duo backs off, and I slowly take a deep breath. I can't kill him yet, he's a powerful ally and cosmos forbid something ever happens to the peace, I'll need him around for back up. Presuming, of course, that I'm still alive then. I'm not entirely fond of the idea, but if I have to take a bullet for Relena Peacecraft to preserve the peace, then I'll do it.

"Can I get you gentlemen something to drink?" The flight attendant asked. Under ordinary circumstances, we'd have taken one of Quatre's private shuttles, but he didn't feel like piloting, and neither did any of the rest of us, so we took a commercial flight.

"Sure gorgeous!" Says my comrade. "I'll have a root beer, and Mr. Silent will have the same thing."

I glare at him, but nod at the server nevertheless as she hands me my drink. I'm half-tempted to ask her for an aspirin, but then the others will just start bothering me about it, Duo teasing and Quatre hovering like a mother hen. I shake my head slightly (which by the way still really hurts) and turn to stare out the window.

The Earth looks so beautiful from space. It's beautiful no matter where you see it from, really, but there's something special and tranquil about the way it looks from space. You'd never guess by looking at it that a tremendous war had just been completed in which Earth played a pivotal role. I reached up and rubbed my right temple. I'm really thinking too hard for someone whose head is being attacked.

"Heero, you ok man?" Duo asks, and for a moment I could almost swear I saw concern flicker across his face. Note to self - Never show even the slightest hint of a problem in his presence again. Duo's as bad as Quatre in his own way. Yep, he's already badgering me. "Awww c'mon Heero, you can tell me what's the matter. Pleeeeeaaaasseeee!!! I won't tell anyone, honest."

"Shut up, Duo." I glare again. Will he never get the point? I don't want to have to hear his voice anymore. I swear, if he says five more words I'm going to shot someone. Thankfully, Wufei intervenes.

"Duo, it is unjust that the entire plane has to put up with your pathetic rambling. I was taught that it was scientifically impossible for one person to annoy everyone else on the planet, but it seems you've proved my teachers incorrect." The scholar declares. While we're on the subject, his ramblings about justice really makes my head hurt.

Trowa's head pops into view over the seat in front of us, and he looks at me. There's a barely perceptible sympathy and joy in his eyes. Sympathy that I'm stuck with Duo, and joy that he isn't. The shuttle is descending now, heading for its final destination. I'm grateful that I won't be stuck next to this baka for much longer, but I have a sneaky suspicion that my luck will be similar during the car ride to Quatre's mansion.

The pressure change makes my head hurt even worse, and as we touch down, I can feel myself slide into unconsciousness. For a split second I catch Duo's eyes going wide as mine fall shut.

Damn headache.

~* End Chapter 1 *~

Ah yes, it's another stupid idea that won't require finishing unless readers want more!!! Let me know, ne?? REVIEW!!!
