Disclamer: As much as I wish this was mine… Phantom of the Opera is NOT mine, nor is the Song "Somewhere Out There" really the only thing that is mine is Charlotte and Christopher… and they are
I had to introduce them… I hope you enjoy!
Charlotte's New Life
The Opera Populaire was holding auditions for new singers, in hopes that they would find a new leading Soprano. Their old Prima Donna, "La Carlotta", had (finally) retired after 23 years as the Lead Soprano. She had retired in Hopes that her daughter Cadenza would precede her.
"Why Thank You Cadenza, that will be quite enough" said the Young theatre Patron. He said, knowing exactly what every one else was thinking 'Make her Shut Up!'
"Next is Charlotte Gabrielle?" asked the now elderly Ballet instructor, Madam Giry.
"Gabriels" said the beautiful young singer. She was a small girl in her mid to late teens. She had straight black hair and light blue eyes. She looked at the Viscomte through curious eyes 'it can't be' she thought to herself.
The girl nodded to the accompanist for him to start. The music began. Christopher, the Vicomte de Chagny, should see the girl inhale deeply, he smiled at the fact that she was uncomfortable. This was not some thing to smile about, but if you knew the girl as well as he did, you wouldn't think the same way.
Somewhere out there
the pale moonlight
thinking of me
loving me tonight
out there
saying' a prayer
we'll find one another
that big somewhere out there
even though I know
very far apart we are
helps to think we might be wishing
the same bright star
when the night wind
to sing a lonesome lullaby
helps to think we're sleeping
the same big sky
out there
love can see us through
we'll be together
out there
where dreams come true
even though I know
very far apart we are
helps to think we might be wishing
the same bright star
when the night wind
to sing a lonesome lullaby
helps to think we're sleeping
the same big sky
out there
love can see us through
we'll be together
out there
where dreams come true...
All of there mouths dropped open in awe. What a voice on such a small girl. "Do you have any experience?" asked the madam.
"Yes" she said in a meek voice. "Singing on the London Circuit for 5 years, and 4 years with the Russian ballet" she finished.
"That's a lot of experience for a young singer" said Firmin, who was, also, elderly. She nodded and smiled a wide smile, but remained silent.
The Chandelier rattled slightly at that moment. Then a booming ghostly voice was heard above all other commotion in the theatre. "Bravo, Bravo, Bravisimo" which shook every one in the Opera House, even those not on stage.
"Aparently we are not the only ones who would approve of you as the new Prima Donna" said the Vicomte.
She smiled and said "Thank You" breathlessly. She may not have sounded all to excited, but in her head, she was jumping up and down. She was dying with excitement, she held her heart, and thought to herself 'thank you Mon Ange.'
"Madam, could you show Mademoiselle Gabriels to her room?" asked André of the Madam. She nodded and beckoned Charlotte to follow her as she did.
They walked through the long corridors of the Opera House, and finally, they came to the wooden double doors, the doors of the Prima Donna Room. Madam Giry unlocked the door and said "Welcome to the family."
"Thank You very much Madam" she said timidly. Knowing this was a new chapter in her life scared her a little, but was a welcome change, to her life of solitude at her parents mansion, where she would have been forced to marry a wealthy man whom she would not have loved… now she was free. Or so she thought.
She swallowed hard, and turned the handle of the large double doors. She walked in and gasped. It was a large room full of comfortable looking furniture and long-stemmed-roses.
The walls had paintings of the past Divas, which was rather intimidating, all of them starring at her. Under each, the name, written elegantly. Bianca, Amalea, Cira, Ysabel, Adela, Jule, La Carlotta, and of course Christine Daaé.
Her luggage had been brought up, promptly before her, and were sitting near her dressing table. She sat down at the dressing table and looked into the mirror reflecting… the Vicomte, she thought, he was familiar some how, some how I know him.
She heard a Knock at her door. She moved to the door quickly.
Her small pale hand turned the knob slowly. The door opened, and a highly gloved hand slipped over her mouth. The eighteen year old tried to scream, but the hand muffled her cries. A voice tried to Comfort her "hush my little angel."