Remember When

Draco silently closed his car door, and headed towards the towns graveyard. Before he went in he peered up into the sky, it was cloudy but a single ray of light shown through. Right then and there he knew it was his Hermione.

He walked over to his destination. He kneeled down and placed a single rose on her grave. He traced the delicate lettering.

Hermione Malfoy

Loveing wife and mother

He softly began to speak,

"Remember when Hermione, the first year we met? Remember when I called you mudblood? I didn't mean it I felt so mean. I never really though of you that way. I didn't know it then, but I wish I did. We wasted to much time on our hate and prejuding. I I loved you, from the day I met you."

He blinked back the tears threating to spill.

"Remember our second year, when you, Ron, and Harry thought I let out the horrible monster? It really wasn't me. I know you know that, but remember when you got petrefied? Right then and there, I knew I loved you. I hated Ron and Harry for letting that happen to you. I was worried, true fully I was."

He traced the lettering on the stone once more.

"Remember our third year? I hated Ron, so much, for being that mean to you. But, remember that day you slapped me? For that moment my heart shattered, then and there, I promised I would tell you how I feel."

A tear escaped his eyes.

"Remember our forth year? When we had the Yule Ball? When I saw you with Krum, it broke me, oh Hermione, every time I saw you that year I fell in love all over again, I wish you would've known."

He tried to hold the rest of his tears back, but he couldn't.

"Remember our sixth year, when I told you how I felt? I told you how deep I'd fallen, it was the best day of my life. You told me what I'd been waiting to hear for years, but you said we'd have to go slow, I told you I'd wait I life time for you, and I did. I still wait for you every moment, to have you back in my arms."

Everything he held back, came pouring out.

"Remember our seventh year, when we came back as a couple? When we told Ron and Harry and how they didn't like it, I wanted to hit them, I resisted. I resisted for you, they eventully got use to it, were still friends, thanks to you. Thank you Hermione, you've made my life here so much better."

He tried to control his tears, but they kept coming.

"Remember when we had Emma? I still remember the look in your eyes when you saw her for the first time, filled with so much love. Emma looks so much like you now, with the same loving brown eyes, and the same curly hair. Emma's six now, Hermione, it's been a year since we told her you had cancer. She cries every night for you, she wishes you were still here, we all do."

He wiped away the tears, and stood up.

"Remember when I told you I loved you for the first time."

He paused, the tears wouldn't stop.

"Hermione, I love you more each day."

This is the re-wrtitten version. I just added a few sentances. Hopefully it's still good : ) Please, please,review once read. I'll give you a virtual cookie.