
This part always takes a long time, and this happens to be the story of mine that has received the most reviews ever for me. This story surprisingly topped 'The Titan Massacre', which kind of shocks me. It averaged over twenty reviews a chapter. So, thanks a bunch to all of you. I never expected this story to get so many reviews. I found it to be boring in some spots, but I'm glad you all thought not. Now since I always do this, here come my individual thank yous.

But first, some general feedback. If any of you want, I'd love a reply to some of these questions. What was your favorite chapter? Your least favorite? Anything that bothered you about the story? Perhaps how I wrote a certain character? Did you enjoy the ending? Or did it possibly make you hate my story? I'd love some answers to those, so if you want to you can respond to it. Moving on…


I'm only giving longer thank yous to those who did it numerous times, so right now I'd like to say thank you to all those that only reviewed once, it still means a lot to me that you even bothered.

RedStar- You're seriously my best anonymous reviewer. You've stuck around for a long time, so thank you for reviewing for all this time.

Cygnus de hielo- Thanks a lot for the reviews you gave me on this.

moo- Thanks for the couple of reviews that you gave me.

Mirumo- You gave me some really good reviews, so thanks a lot for that.

Thai R&R- Thanks for saying anything at all in the reviews. I'm sorry that I didn't let you translate it, just kind of a paranoia thing. Thanks anyways though.

ravenrocs4eva- I'm glad that you agreed earlier that the characters were in character. Thanks for the reviews.

Mysfit Chyld- Thanks for the single review. You get on here because we used to be good friends.

Strixvaria- Your reviews were always pretty short, but they were pretty positive. Thanks for all of them.

NevermoretheRaven- Thanks for the reviews that you gave me, I appreciate it.

Febreese- Thanks for the review, I totally like the fact that you read this. Stay safe.

TinkerbellDreams- Kayleigh, you're awesome. Thanks for reviewing.

Chica De Los Ojos Café- You had some really good reviews that I enjoyed reading, so thank you.

Karaniya-broken- Thanks for your review, especially the random odd one at the start. And thanks again for alerting me and what not.

The Wings of a Raven- You called me a genius, which is crazy to do, but thanks for that and for all the reviews.

Raspy- You gave me a lot of good, and sometimes lengthy, reviews. Thanks for much.

Syaoronsangel- Thanks a bunch for your generally pretty positive reviews.

YoukaiTenshi- Your short reviews showed me that you seemed to enjoy my story. Thanks for them.

Raven of the Night676- Thanks for the several reviews you have my story. I appreciate it.

The Foolish Immortal- I really liked the review that you gave me, it made me feel really good. Thanks a bunch.

Cherry Jade- Thanks for the reviews you have and all.

lolopixie- I think that your reviews were among the ones that I enjoyed the most. They were always great to see. Thanks a lot.

Emberwings- You gave me a random bunch of reviews back under the anonymous name kio, and I really liked them. Thanks a lot for reviewing, glad you got an account.

The Dark Enigma- The line about gasoline is from a song by 'The Weakend'. They write some good tunes. Anyways, thank you for the reviews.

Absolutely pointless- I'm not sure if you read this anymore, but you did review in the start, and I really appreciate it. Hope we'll really stick as friends this time. Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad that you even bothered to do it.

TheSilverChakra- I'm sorry about how distant I've been with you as of late. I'm not ignoring you, I've just been gone or busy. Hope you can forgive me. Anyways, thanks for all the reviews you gave me, I enjoyed them. Friends, and good ones from now on, okay?

Lost Inside- You gave me some cool reviews that I always liked to read. I'm glad that we got to be friends. Thanks for reviewing, you're great. Love you.

Quick little thanks to people like qtpi and SugarDevil, who have just recently reviewed. You seem like the type of people who would have done it for the entire story if you had found it, so thanks. Sorry to anyone who reviewed that I missed thanking, it gets hard to include everyone.

Super Special Thanks

A couple of people who reviewed for the entire story that provide some inspiration.

Tawreh- Sophie, you are so awesome. You've written some great stuff and always reviewed everything that I've written. You even point out some mistakes that help me improve, which I really appreciate. Thanks for all of the reviews, love you.

KrazyRobin- You seriously are the best. You gave me my first review, and you have always told me how great this story is. I'm glad that you really enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I worked on it really hard, just for you. Anyways, seeing as it is your birthday as I write this, Happy Birthday. Libby, I love you.

Upcoming Stories

If any of you want to, you can tell me what you think of these ideas.

"All Alone"- One Shot. Planet Earth is no longer the place it once was. The world is ruined, and the only person left alive on it is Raven. The goth Titan spends her final moments alive thinking of everything went wrong. A twist on how the world ended.

"Last Hope"- An attack on the Justice League leaves all but Batman trapped inside the watch tower. The dark knight informs the Titans of the first half of a file being stolen from the League, and it's up to the Titans to protect the other half. The Titans now are the last hope of keeping all superhero identities a secret from the villains of the world. Can they do it?

"Illegal Lives"- AU. The Titans are all normal people, living out their dark lives. Robin and Cyborg are thugs working under Bruce Wayne. Beast Boy is an informant, dishing out the dirt for cash. Starfire is a polite hooker, and Raven is a moody alcoholic. This is the story of their lives gone wrong.

Finals Words

Well, it's finally over, and I can say that I'm very pleased with the results of this story. As much as it seemed like I thought my story sucked, all the positive reviews made me change my mind. Thanks so much to you all for reading and reviewing, it really made writing this story worth while. Anyways, time for my traditional end of story song. Enjoy.

Relient K

"I Am Understood"

Sometimes it's embarrassing to talk to you
To hold a conversation with the only one who sees right through
This version of myself I try to hide behind
I'll bury my face, because my disgrace will leave me terrified

And sometimes I'm so thankful for your loyalty
Your love regardless of the mistakes I make will spoil me
My confidence is, in a sense, a gift you've given me
And I'm satisfied to realize you're all I'll ever need

You looked into my life and never stopped
And you're thinking all my thoughts are so simple
But so beautiful
And you recite my words right back to me
Before I even speak you let me know
I am understood

And sometimes I spend my time just trying to escape
I work so hard so desperately, in an attempt to create space
Cause I want distance from the utmost important thing I know
I see your love, then turn my back, and beg for you to go

You looked into my life and never stopped
And you're thinking all my thoughts are so simple
But so beautiful
And you recite my words right back to me
Before I even speak you let me know
I am understood

You're the only one who understands…
You're the only one knows me yet still loves…

And sometimes the place I'm at is at a loss for words
If I think of something worthy, I know that its already yours
And through the times I've faded and you've outlined me again
You've just patiently waited, to bring me back and then

You looked into my life and never stopped
And you're thinking all my thoughts are so simple
But so beautiful
And you recite my words right back to me
Before I even speak you let me know
I am understood

The noise has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!
Your voice has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!

The noise has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!
Your voice has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!

The noise has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!
Your voice has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!

The noise has broken my defense
Let me embrace salvation!

Let me embrace
Let me embrace salvation!
